Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 192: Guardian of love

Xiao San's domineering words made Luo Xiaohua's heart full of emotions. This man is not good, who else is good?

"Xiao San, thank you!"

She has been planted in his hands all her life, and every time she has an accident, she will be seen by him and rescued by him.

Is this really fate?

"Whoever you are with me is too much to say thank you. If you don't blame me for not protecting you, you are the most tolerant of me."

If it is said that two people can go further, he should really thank Liu Jianmin. If it were not for him, the little daughter-in-law would not take the initiative to hug him and take the initiative to hold her hand.

When a girl takes the initiative to hold a man's hand, it proves that this man is the one she trusts most.

Therefore, for her trust, in this life, he will doubly treat her well.

"How can you complain? If it weren't for you, I would..."

Luo Xiaohua's nose is sour again. If he doesn't come back in time, can she really stop Liu Jianmin?

She thinks it impossible?

No one dared to open the door just now.

Thinking of this, she also thought of one thing when she was in middle school.

One morning in the morning, I heard a classmate say that when they came from Caojiezi, they saw a large pool of blood.

Then, when the get out of class was over, I heard everyone talking about it. It seemed that someone was killed there early in the morning, and there were still several people around him. He also called for help, but no one was willing to help him at all, so he could only fall into a pool of blood.

There were houses on both sides of that street, and she didn't believe that no one saw it. It must be someone else who is dragging the knife and looks too cruel, so they dare not go, otherwise, it is not to help, but to contribute their lives.

She didn't know what to say about this matter.

"Okay, it's okay, let's go back first!"

Let Wang Rui and the others take the people away first because they were afraid that Liu Jianmin would know where he lived. It was not that he was afraid of him, but that she would live in the house in the future. For her safety, she had to be more careful.

"I can!"

Seeing her body suddenly squatting down, Luo Xiaohua looked dazed, what is this man doing?

"Come on, I'll carry you down, don't tear the wound."


After hearing Xiao San's explanation, Luo Xiaohua suddenly realized that it was...

No, when did she have an injury on her foot?

Why didn't she feel the pain?

As a result, when she lowered her head, there was really dried blood on her exposed calf.

"Oh what, come up quickly, I will carry you down to treat the wound."

Xiao San said impatiently, then stepped forward and put her directly on his back with both hands.

This is the first time, no, this should be regarded as the second close contact. The first time because she was in a coma, she didn’t feel much. With that vigorous body, Luo Xiaohua's heart is full of satisfaction.

"If I am old and can't walk anymore, will you still carry me?"

The feeling of being protected is really good, no wonder women like to look for tall and mighty men who love her.

"Certainly not……"

Just when Luo Xiaohua didn't know what to say, Xiao San spoke again.

"But, I will push you, because I was also old then, certainly not better than now!"

These words are not forever, but more about guarding.

Luo Xiaohua wrapped his arms around his arms with both hands, and the whole head was tightly leaned against his shoulders, absorbing the warmth that belonged to him.

~\\(≧▽≦)/~ la la la

She was so happy that she couldn't wait to scream.

"Open the door!"

When he reached the door, Xiao San turned to his side and let Luo Xiaohua open the door.

"I have no keys!"

"Where is the key I gave you?"

"When I ran away for my life, I didn't know where it was. Or I will look for it. It seems to have fallen in the trash can at the door!"

"I have the key in my pocket. Take it out and open it first!"

"All right!"

Luo Xiaohua didn't think much, she stretched out her hand to get the key in his trouser pocket, and then when her hand came out, she accidentally fell in love with you and met something that shouldn't have been touched, causing her to make a big face, wishing to find a hole to get in. , Xiao San didn't react at all to this, and didn't know if he didn't react or didn't embarrass her.

ヾ(°?°ヾ)^? Huh?

It was Luo Xiaohua herself, a little embarrassed.

Xiao San was her feet, she was her hand, opened the door and turned on the light.

After entering, Luo Xiaohua was put on the sofa by Xiao San, and after lifting her trouser legs, she couldn't help frowning when she saw the hideous wound on it. How big is this girl's heart? , Can still run the sixth floor?

"Do you have a hand to show me?"

It was a fall, so Xiao San immediately thought of her hand.


Luo Xiaohua hid her two hands tighter. If she just touched the wound on her hand while holding the key, she wouldn't have done such an embarrassing thing?


"Show me, or I'll take you to the hospital?"

In the past, when training, all the injuries suffered were handled by himself, so he can still help deal with the injuries from falls and abrasions.

"All right……"

Luo Xiaohua obediently stretched out like a little daughter-in-law, and then both hands were exposed in front of Xiao San, followed by Xiao San's angry eyes.

"The few fists just now, I think they are really cheaper for him. The fifth child should be locked up for a lifetime and never let him out!"

Indeed, Luo Xiaohua's palm, anyone who sees it will feel distressed.

Because she ran too fast, when she passed the trash can, she might have stepped on something, and she threw herself directly down, and then, due to inertia, she slid forward.

Because of this, her hands and legs were rubbed.

"Don't be angry, I was too careless today, and this will never happen again in the future."


Really are

Luo Xiaohua was like a little daughter-in-law obediently and cleverly stretched out, and then both hands were exposed in front of Xiao San, followed by Xiao San's angry eyes.

"The few fists just now, I think they are really cheaper for him. The fifth child should be locked up for a lifetime and never let him out!"

Indeed, Luo Xiaohua's palm, anyone who sees it will feel distressed.

Because she ran too fast, when she passed the trash can, she might have stepped on something, and she threw herself directly down, and then, due to inertia, she slid forward.

Because of this, her hands and legs were rubbed.

"Don't be angry, I was too careless today, and this will never happen again in the future."


Really are


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