Barbarian Throne

Chapter 2 Lord of the Abyss

It was another early morning, and the loud voice of Rock Wildhammer rang out in the silent village on time.

"Aman, wake up!"


Zhang Debiao responded, washed up briefly, opened the door, stood in front of the door and stretched.

The rock wild hammer appeared behind him like a ghost, and kicked him out of habit. Unexpectedly, Zhang Debiao seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, and lightly dodged to the left. The kick that he usually hit unexpectedly missed!

Rock Wildhammer was slightly startled, with an imperceptible smile on his lips, and nodded: "This time the reaction was not bad."

Zhang Debiao scratched his head and chuckled.

A few days ago, he finally decided to use the barbaric energy according to the knowledge about the meridians in the dream, and successfully opened a meridian, the Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian. After this Dou Qi channel was opened, Zhang Debiao guided the barbaric energy for every week, and he could feel the barbaric energy in his body getting stronger.

Moreover, as the number of barbaric Jin runs increased, he could clearly feel that his physical fitness was improving rapidly, and his body's reaction speed was getting faster and faster.

Normally, he couldn't dodge his father's kick and couldn't even detect it, but now he could clearly hear the wind and dodge easily.

"It seems that the eight extraordinary meridians and the twelve regular meridians can indeed be used as fighting qi channels, and there are no side effects. Could it be that the wizard really told me that he was right? During my serious illness, I was favored by the goddess of life, and my soul went to another place. A world?"

Zhang Manzi looked extremely pious and an incomparable sage at this moment.

"Praise the Goddess of Life!"

"Huh? Brother I seems to have struck a little faster and a little harder than usual today!"

In the square, several adult barbarian warriors finished training their children and stood aside to watch the battle between Rock Wildhammer and Zhang Debiao. After watching for a moment, a barbarian warrior finally noticed the clue and couldn't help but said: "What's even more rare is that Ahman actually persisted in his hands for such a long time!"

Another barbarian warrior also noticed this, with a solemn look on his face: "Ayi, when you become a first-level barbarian warrior, how long can you sustain an attack as strong as Big Brother I's?"

Ayi thought for a while and said: "It should be able to last for more than an hour." He suddenly woke up and showed an unbelievable look: "Could it be that Aman's innate skills have been awakened and he is a first-level barbarian warrior?"

The barbarian warrior nodded and said, "That must be the case, otherwise my eldest brother would not intensify his training. Hehe, he awakened his innate skills at the age of six and became a barbarian warrior. It seems that our Wildhammer Village will have another genius!"

The next morning, Rock Wildhammer woke up Zhang Debiao as usual. When he saw Little Manzi stretching in front of the door, he kicked him again. However, Zhang Debiao failed to dodge this time and was kicked firmly on the butt. He flew up with a roar and the word "big" was stuck on the opposite wall.

Rock Wildhammer shrugged his shoulders and walked to the square as if nothing happened. He muttered in a low voice: "I didn't hit the kick yesterday. I was feeling uncomfortable all day. I finally feel good today..."

Zhang Debiao followed his father dejectedly, feeling very annoyed. He heard the sound of his father's kick, and wanted to dodge, but the Rock Hammer's kick was too fast, giving him no chance to react.

From then on, the father and son seemed to be in love. After Zhang Debiao's training every day, he devoted himself to crazy practice. On the one hand, he attacked the meridians and turned them into Dou Qi channels. On the other hand, he warmed up the barbaric energy in the Dou Qi channels and strengthened himself.

There was a secret competition between the father and son. If Rock Wildhammer failed to kick Zhang Debiao's ass on the first day, he would surely hit it on the second day, but on the third day, he would definitely miss it.

Zhang Debiao's strength improved rapidly in this disguised competition, and other barbarian warriors in the village gradually discovered that during early morning training, the speed of the rock barbarian hammer was always getting faster and faster day by day, and the stick in his hand was getting heavier day by day.

What surprised them even more was that Zhang Debiao managed to hold on time and time again. Although he was always exhausted after each training session, this terrifying rate of progress was enough to shock everyone beyond measure!

Winter turned to spring, and two years passed in a flash. The morning in Wildhammer Village remained unchanged. The only difference was that the young people in the past had grown a lot taller. After the early morning training, people did not disperse, but gathered together in twos and threes, nervously watching the battle in the field.

There is only one thing that worries them so much, and that is: "How long can that boy Aman last this time?"

In the center of the square, two figures came and went like lightning. The iron birch sticks made sharp whistling sounds in their hands. Every time they collided, the sound was even louder, like two big iron hammers hitting each other hard, terrifying. pole!

"It's really amazing! Brother I has used the strength of a third-level barbarian warrior, right?" Dihu Manhammer said in surprise: "The strength of a third-level barbarian warrior is almost equal to mine!"

"It's not the strength of a level three barbarian warrior." Lame Lang Tu appeared at the edge of the square at some unknown time and sneered: "It's the strength of a level four barbarian! Only by using the strength of a level four barbarian warrior can that bastard Shi Yan suppress Ah. Pretty awesome!”

The villagers couldn't help but be horrified. Although the lame man was mean-mouthed, this guy was the most knowledgeable person in Wildhammer Village and had a ruthless vision. If he said it was level four, he would be right.

Ayi murmured: "Aman is only eight years old, and he is close to the strength of a fourth-level barbarian warrior. God, this guy's qualifications are too good..."

The villagers all felt the same and nodded in agreement. The lame man sneered: "A bunch of frogs in a well! You only envy Aman's talent, but you don't see his efforts! This little guy is willing to sacrifice his life in practice. You lazy people, who had such energy back then?"

The villagers glared at the lame man one after another. Although the old guy said something good, his tone of voice really didn't deserve a beating!

The fight between the two in the field became more and more intense, and everyone's eyes lit up. Di Hu chuckled and said, "Aman is going to be beaten to the ground by my eldest brother again this time!"

Before he finished speaking, two roars suddenly came from the venue!

"Savage strength!"

"Savage blast!"

There was a loud bang, and dust and smoke filled the center of the square. A smaller figure was knocked away by the huge force. He turned a somersault deftly in the air and landed firmly. His legs were firmly nailed to the stone slab, as straight as a gun. . The hard stone slabs in the square were cracked by the young man's steps, like two spider webs. This shows how shocking the impact of his fall was!

This young man is Zhang Debiao. Although he is only eight years old, two years of training have made him as tall as a twelve or thirteen year old boy, and his slightly immature face shows a bit of bravery. His chest was heaving violently after the fierce battle, and his bronzed skin was covered with sweat.

"Abba's strength is too strong. I opened up six of the twelve meridians, which are symmetrical on the left and right. There are a total of twelve Dou Qi channels, but I still can't force him to use all his strength!"

In the center of the square, the rocky Wildhammer slowly walked out of the dust and smoke. This rock-like man actually showed a rare smile on his face: "Aman, you can withstand an attack of 20% of my strength without falling. Look. Come on, you have become a qualified barbarian warrior. Tomorrow, you can go hunting with us."

Zhang Debiao was overjoyed. He had long wanted to go to the village to have a look, but monsters were everywhere in the Sunset Forest. A group of monster wolves often roamed outside the village, waiting for opportunities to snatch away livestock and children, and even attacked the village during drought. Therefore, there is an unwritten rule in the tribe that minors are strictly prohibited from leaving the village. Only those who become barbarian warriors are allowed to leave the village for hunting.

Rock Wildhammer tightened his face again and snorted: "Don't be complacent. Your current strength is the last in the village. You are still far from it. You will have to continue training in the future!"

Hearing this, the villagers were all depressed. Di Humanhammer stroked his beard and murmured: "I don't know where I am in the last place in the eyes of my eldest brother..."

The lame man sneered: "Aman is ranked last, of course you will be even less ranked!"

Di Hu was furious: "Don't stop me, I have to kill this damn cripple!" Everyone quickly moved away from him, and Di Hu was dumbfounded: "Grandma, why didn't you stop me?"

Everyone rolled their eyes, and Ayi smiled and said, "Didn't you tell us not to stop you?"

Di Hu was even more depressed. Although Langtu was lame on one leg, he was still second in strength in the village. Rock Wildhammer once said bluntly: "If Langtu wasn't lame, I might not be his opponent." This shows the lame man's strength. .

After several hunts with Rock Wildhammer, Zhang Debiao soon became the youngest hunter in Wildhammer Village and could own his own iron spear and short knife. The long spear is used for mid-range attacks, while the short sword is used to guard against the close proximity of monsters.

Zhang Debiao discovered during the hunt that the father-son training that the Southern Xinjiang people had every morning was not actually a stick technique, but a simple spear technique, simple and ruthless. In hunting activities, this kind of marksmanship is put to full use, and it is almost fatal to deal with low-level monsters with one shot!

However, Zhang Debiao hunted alone for the first time, but he didn't get much. He only picked up a little black dog from outside and took it home. For this, he was laughed at by his uncles in the village for a long time. At that time, he went hunting alone in Knowlton Mountain, twenty miles away, and found a group of demonic wolves surrounding a palm-sized black dog, staring eagerly, ready to tear the little thing apart at any time.

The little black dog was among the wolves and was trembling with fear. When he saw Zhang Debiao coming, he stared with dark eyes, wagging his tail and whined and begged.

Zhang Debiao was kindhearted and drove away the wolves. Unexpectedly, the little black dog seemed to recognize him and was unwilling to leave, and followed him step by step. In desperation, Zhang Debiao had to take it back to Wildhammer Village.

Not long after he adopted the little black dog, a riot broke out on the edge of the Sunset Forest, and a human city was massacred. According to the merchants who were doing business in the barbarian villages, the culprit of this tragedy was a powerful monster from the Abyss Demonic Realm, a three-headed hellhound.

The three-headed Cerberus is a legendary monster of the Abyss Lord level. Even if you are as proud as a giant dragon, you have to lower your head and take a detour in front of such a tyrannical existence. Fortunately, Cerberus likes to settle in the Abyss Demonic Realm and does not come often. Human world travel.

And this female hellhound broke out of the abyss for some unknown reason and wandered around the edge of the Sunset Forest, seemingly looking for something. A group of hot-headed mercenaries actually launched an attack on it, trying to gain a louder honor than the dragon-slaying hero, and finally angered the abyss lord. After killing all these idiots, they razed Litan City to the ground in a rage. Finally, under the desperate attack of two sword masters, three holy magisters and a red archbishop, the three-headed hell dog had to stop its plan to continue destroying human cities and retreat into the abyss.

Afterwards, the investigation committee that studied this tragedy, based on the successive performances of the three hellhounds, unanimously believed that the abyss lord might be a mother, and the cub was lost for some reason, and the place where it was lost was probably near the Sunset Forest. , so he ran out of the abyss to find the child at all costs, and then came into conflict with humans.

"Could it be that my little Hei is the cub of a three-headed hell dog?"

Zhang Debiao immediately rejected the idea.

The three-headed Cerberus, as the name suggests, has three heads, symbolizing cruelty, killing and loyalty respectively, while Xiao Hei only has one head, which is obviously very different from the Cerberus.

Rock Wildhammer also became interested in Xiao Hei and asked: "Male or female?"

Xiao Hei seemed to understand what he said, and clasped his hind legs shyly. Rock Wildhammer fiddled with it twice, and the puppy immediately became furious, opened its mouth and bit his finger, unwilling to let go.

The rock wild hammer swung twice, but the little thing was still hanging on his fingers.

The first warrior of the Mengzhuan tribe said expressionlessly: "It's a male. The snout is wide and big, and the teeth are very sharp. It should be a cross between a wolf and a dog. Keep it, he might be able to hunt when he grows up. good helper."

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