Barbarian Throne

Chapter 3 Fat Kidd

Four years later, Yulang Canyon.

In the early morning, the Yulang Canyon is shrouded in mist. The cliffs on both sides are like knives. A large waterfall more than two miles wide rushes down from the left bank. The Milky Way hangs upside down in the air, crashing into the Sanggan River in the center of the canyon, all the way to Rushing eastward.

Along the Sanggan River, there are many herds of big-horned deer and nine-tailed antelopes, and there are many giant-toothed crocodiles living in the water, with pairs of soap-like eyes exposed on the river surface, waiting for opportunities to sneak attack on the monsters drinking water.

Near the grass and woods, there were several young Yunsheng leopards playing there. Occasionally they raised their heads, their bloodshot eyes staring closely at the fat buttocks of the nine-tailed antelope, and their scarlet tongues licked the saliva from their mouths. As for the adult Yun Sheng leopard, they hide in the canopy of trees and pay close attention to the surrounding movements.

This is a paradise for hunting. The fur of the Yunsheng leopard, the antlers of the big-horned deer, the down of the nine-tailed antelope and the skin of the giant crocodile are all goods that traders traveling to Sunset Forest are willing to buy at high prices. However, the people of Southern Xinjiang do not like hunting here, because the people living in Yulang Canyon are either flying monsters or overlords in the water. With the strong physique of the people of Southern Xinjiang, it is difficult to make big gains.

At this time, on the bank of the Sanggan River, several nine-tailed antelopes tilted their heads and looked curiously towards the middle of the river. There were also several giant-toothed crocodiles near the river bank. However, this ferocious beast did not pounce on its prey, but turned around. , looking at the river blankly.

The surface of the Sanggan River was like a pot of boiling water. The water waves were like silver-white giant pythons churning endlessly, making loud noises like thunder waves. The sound was extremely terrifying, as if there was a giant beast making waves under the water. A giant toothed crocodile couldn't help but be curious, and swam over with its tail swaying. As soon as it reached the middle of the river, it was suddenly pulled under the water by something unknown, and then a few wisps of blood appeared on the water.

After a while, the carcass of the giant toothed crocodile surfaced, and the extremely tough crocodile skin became riddled with holes, as if it had been bitten by a giant beast. Seeing what happened to their companions, the other Megalodon crocodiles quickly climbed ashore one by one and hid with the nine-tailed antelope, staring at the river and shivering.

After half a quarter of an hour, the water surface gradually returned to calm, and Zhang Debiao slowly walked out of the water with an iron gun on his back.

The big commotion in Sanggan River just now was precisely because he was practicing his spear underwater.

Four years of training have made this barbarian boy tall and burly, without a trace of fat on his body. Due to the high-intensity training underwater, the barbaric energy in his body is still circulating in the Dou Qi channel. Every time the barbaric energy flows through a meridian, the acupuncture points on the meridian will vibrate endlessly, like little frogs hiding under the skin, causing the river water to squeak slightly and create circles of water ripples.

The giant crocodile blinked, not understanding how the movement in the water was so loud, but a weak human being came out. A giant crocodile couldn't hold it any longer and opened its huge mouth to pounce on the boy.

Zhang Debiao didn't even look at it, he punched it down, and with a thud, the giant toothed crocodile's brain exploded, and its snow-white belly flipped out of the water, motionless.

The fourth-level monster was actually beaten to death by him with one punch. Seeing this, the other giant crocodiles dared to provoke him and quickly dived into the water. The nine-tailed antelope also fled away.

"I have now fully opened up the twelve main meridians, and the twenty-four Dou Qi channels form a Zhoutian. I can practice with twice the result with half the effort, and my barbaric strength is extremely strong, reaching the level of a seventh-level barbarian warrior. However, it is still too reluctant to practice spear skills underwater. some."

Zhang Debiao put on his animal skin coat and thought to himself.

Four years have passed, and the boy's strength has been improving by leaps and bounds, becoming a seventh-level barbarian warrior, ranking third in strength in Wildhammer Village, second only to his father Rock Wildhammer and Cripple Langtu. After becoming a seventh-level barbarian warrior, his training speed gradually slowed down. In order to seek a breakthrough, Zhang Debiao came to Yulang Canyon to hone his spear skills.

Practicing a gun underwater is easy to say but difficult to put into practice. The water flow on the surface of the Sanggan River is gentle, but the undercurrent is surging with great momentum. It is very difficult to stand steadily in the water, let alone use spear skills.

Now Zhang Debiao's arms also have the strength of a thousand pounds, and his inner breath is long. He can dive into the water for half an hour in one breath, but if he uses spear skills at the same time, he can only last for half a quarter of an hour. After half a quarter of an hour, all his internal breath was exhausted, and his physical strength dropped so much that he had to get out of the water to rest for a while.

"Although my Dou Qi channel is perfect, it's a pity that the Dou Qi Guidance Technique is still based on the low-level Dou Qi Heart Technique that Ershu Langtu gave me. If I had an advanced Guidance Technique, I'm afraid my current strength would have been It’s reached the level of my father!”

Dou Qi Heart Technique is also called Dou Qi Guidance Technique, which is a technique for guiding Dou Qi in the body to move along the channel. The more advanced the Guidance Technique is, the faster the Dou Qi circulates, and the faster the cultivation will naturally grow.

Although Zhang Debiao's Dou Qi channel has reached the most perfect state, the guidance technique is too low-level and does not matter much at the beginning of practice. However, as the cultivation level becomes higher and higher, the disadvantages of low-level guidance technique become more and more obvious.

Now he is a seventh-level barbarian warrior, and the barbaric energy in his body is so powerful that it runs like a rushing river. Low-level guidance techniques can no longer fully mobilize these barbaric forces.

After a short rest, Zhang Debiao was about to dive into the water to practice again when suddenly the ground beneath his feet trembled, like thousands of troops crossing the border, and then a rumbling sound came from the depths of the canyon.

The young man quickly jumped to the rocks on the shore and looked around, and he couldn't help being surprised. I saw smoke rising from three to five miles away, and hundreds of giant horned rhinoceros running rampant along the river bank, rushing towards this side!

The giant horned rhinoceros has a huge body, weighing more than ten tons, and is so powerful that an adult southern Xinjiang person standing in front of it is like a small wooden stake. If you step on it, it can be crushed into the soil.

This kind of monster lives in groups, with thick skin and rough flesh. There are not many creatures in the Sunset Forest that dare to provoke them. At this moment, the swarm explodes for unknown reasons. It is really unstoppable and invincible. Even the huge boulder weighing several tons on the bank of Sanggan River can't be beaten. Knocked away by these beasts!

"How could the giant horned rhinoceros explode in a group? It's really strange. Could something have provoked them? I can handle one or two giant horned rhinoceros, but confronting hundreds of giant horned rhinoceros head-on is definitely an act of seeking death!"

The boy was about to jump off the rock and leave before the rhino herd arrived, when he suddenly saw a fat figure running fast in front of the rhino herd.

A majestic male giant horned rhinoceros lowered his head and scurried away fiercely. He raised the single horn on his forehead hard, and the fat man screamed and flew into the air, then fell to the ground with a chirp. Hundreds of rhinos rumbled over him. Zhang Debiao thought that this guy would definitely die, but in the blink of an eye, he saw the fat man jumping out alive again, jumping up and down between the pillar-like thighs of the giant horned rhinoceros. Incomparable.

The fat man also saw the young man on the rock and couldn't help crying with joy, shouting: "Brothers from the barbarians in front, help!"

Zhang Debiao jumped off the rock and ran away without saying a word.

Although the young man has inherited the bravery of the barbarians, it does not mean that he is stupid. Hundreds of giant horned rhinoceros are charging towards him. It is difficult to protect himself, let alone save others. Even if the rock wild hammer comes, he can only watch and sigh. .

The fat man was stunned. Based on his past experience, as long as he asked for help from the people in southern Xinjiang, these simple barbarians would risk their lives to help him. Unexpectedly, the barbarian in front of him ran even smoother than him!

"Does it mean that this trick is no longer easy to use?"

A white light flashed under the fat man's feet, and his speed suddenly doubled. He rushed to Zhang Debiao, pulled out a dagger and stabbed him in the back. He said with a cruel smile: "Brother, please be aggrieved and block it for me!"

Zhang Debiao sneered, his shoulders shrugged slightly, and the iron gun behind him quietly moved a little. There was only a ding sound, and the dagger pierced the gun body. At the same time, his left foot silently kicked the fat man's shin.

"This barbarian reacts so quickly!"

The fat man was startled, jumped away quickly, and then rushed forward like a whirlwind. Zhang Debiao drew out the short knife from his waist and faced them. The two of them fought and ran at high speed, each wanting to inflict some wounds on the other before the rhino group caught up, leaving the other to fend off the giant horned rhinoceros.

"No fight!" After a few moves, the fat man took back the dagger and said angrily: "Today is really unlucky. Not only did the giant horned rhinoceros blow up the group, but even those who want to take a backstop can encounter masters!"

The fat man was indescribably nimble. He accelerated his feet again and rushed in front of Zhang Debiao. He turned around and smiled strangely: "Brother, master, I am a thief. What I am best at is short-range acceleration. I don't have to outrun the giant horned rhinoceros. I just need to outrun the rhinoceros." Just run fast!"

Zhang Debiao tapped his toes on a pebble, and the stone flew out, knocking the fat man over. He strode past him and nodded, "You're right!"

The fat man almost vomited blood. When he looked back, he saw that the rhino herd was approaching again. He quickly got up and ran away risking his life again. But this time, he deliberately distanced himself from Zhang Debiao and never dared to run in front of him again.

"My name is Kidd. I am a seventh-level mercenary from the Thieves Guild in Xinlitan City. I am the fastest thief. Others call me Quick-Legged Kidd!" The fat man's little eyes rolled around and he said with a smile: "Brothers, masters. ,what is your name?"

"De Biao Wild Hammer!"

Zhang Debiao looked at him for a few times and saw that this guy had a big belly. He really couldn't tell that he was actually the fastest leg in Xinli Tantalum City. Moreover, this fat man was extremely skilled with his hands. fell into his hands.

"Fat man, how did you provoke these giant horned rhinos?"

"Ashamed to say it!"

Fatty Kidd was furious when he mentioned this, and said: "I was entrusted by the Crazy Wolf Tribe to capture the giant horned rhinoceros cubs and train them into mounts. In the past, I always lurked in the giant horned rhino's lair and took advantage of the dawn to do it. , when I am lucky, I can also catch one or two young giant horned rhinoceros. Fortunately, my luck has always been very good, but this time, when I was about to take action, a big black dog jumped out of nowhere and grabbed it without any explanation. He picked up a cub and left immediately, barking at me twice before leaving..."

"Black dog? Could it be..."

An unpleasant feeling arose in Zhang Debiao's heart, and he heard Fatty Kidd continue: "Hey, darling, that black dog is really huge. I have never seen such a strange species. It's not much smaller than the Tiebei Barbarian Bull, but it just can't walk." Silently and extremely fast, the black dog disappeared without a trace, leaving me alone to bear the wrath of the giant horned rhinoceros..."

While the two of them were talking, the rhino herd got closer, and you could almost hear the sound of air spurting from the nostrils of these animals. Although Zhang Debiao's running speed is fast, it is still inferior to that of the giant horned rhinoceros. Fatty Kidd has strong short-range explosive power, but his endurance is not outstanding. After running for so long, he is wheezing like a broken bellows.

The fat man's little eyes flashed, and he shrank his hands into his sleeves, thinking whether to give Zhang Debiao another hard blow before he lost his strength.

"Forget it, even if I can hurt him, I can't escape. I can't run anymore..."

Kidd gave up the idea of ​​a sneak attack, but was startled when he saw the barbarian beside him sucking air into his chest.

The boy took a long breath, and the two of them rushed forward several hundred meters, but he still wasn't finished.

I saw that his chest was like a big rubber ball, gradually bulging, and the muscles in his upper body were beating non-stop, and the veins and blood vessels were emerging and beating wildly.

The fat man couldn't help but be horrified: "This guy has such a big lung capacity! But what is he going to do?"

The herd of rhinos was getting closer. The giant horned rhinoceros at the front suddenly accelerated forward with its small eyes flashing fiercely. Kidd quickly summoned up the last bit of strength, rushed forward a few steps, and came to Zhang Debiao's side. However, his strength could only go so far. His legs felt like lead, making it difficult to move.

"That's all, since I can't run anymore, I'll just do a good deed before I die. I hope this barbarian can escape..." The fat man stopped, flipped his wrist slightly, and the dagger appeared in his hand, and turned to face the Vietnamese. The group of rhinos that were getting closer and closer said silently in their hearts: "I pray to the Lord to forgive me for the sins I have committed in this life..."

But at this moment, Zhang Debiao had stopped breathing, turned around suddenly, jumped up, swung his iron spear and hit the giant horned rhinoceros at the head!

A thunderous voice burst out from his mouth, and the sound wave even caused all living creatures within three miles around to go blank for an instant!

"How brutal!"

Following this loud shout, a jaw-dropping scene suddenly appeared in the field. Zhang Debiao's iron gun finally collided with the hard head of the giant horned rhinoceros!

This is a competition of pure brute force, a naked confrontation between the power that the barbarians are proud of and the powerful momentum of the giant horned rhinoceros!

Amidst the loud noise, Kidd was so surprised that his jaw almost dropped. The huge head of the giant horned rhinoceros was almost smashed into the ground by the barbarian's shot, but the powerful inertia still could not be restrained. The butt of the giant horned rhinoceros weighing more than ten tons rushed forward into the air and turned over a dozen times in the air. He somersaulted and landed dozens of meters away. The extremely hard horn broke and his body remained motionless. He was obviously shot to death by this barbarian boy!

"Praise the Lord! Is this barbarian boy a humanoid tyrannosaurus? This is the leader of the giant horned rhinoceros, and he knocked him down with one blow!" The fat man was surprised and happy, and said quickly: "Brother De, Brother Biao, take advantage of the opportunity This group of rhinos has been stunned. Come on a few more times and kill them all!"

"How many more times? How about you give it a try?" Zhang Debiao took a few deep breaths and threw away the iron gun in his hand that was bent by the huge force. He was not able to breathe well.

At this moment, he felt a splitting pain in his right arm. Not only were the muscles in his arm strained, but there were even slight cracks in the bones.

However, what surprised him was that the barbaric energy in his body grew a little stronger after the full-strength blow just now, and he actually succeeded in breaking through and became an eighth-level barbarian warrior!

But after the breakthrough, the barbaric energy became stronger, and the stagnation caused by the low-level Dou Qi mental method became more intense. The barbarian energy was almost difficult to move in the Dou Qi channel.

"If I can escape successfully this time, I must find an advanced guidance technique!"

Just as he was thinking about it, a giant bull-sized dog suddenly emerged from the thorn, rushed to Zhang Debiao's side, and barked twice.

This giant dog is completely black, without a trace of hair. Its snout is like that of a jackal, and its eyes are flashing fiercely. You can tell it is extremely ferocious at a glance.

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