Barbarian Throne

Chapter 4 Troubled Boy

The fat man said angrily: "It was this dog that caused me to be chased by a group of rhinos..." Before he finished speaking, he saw Zhang Manzi suddenly turned over and sat on the back of the giant dog. Kidd couldn't help but froze, and quickly said with a flattering smile: " What a handsome mount! Brother De, Brother Biao, can you give me a ride?”

"This fat man is really shameless!"

Zhang Debiao reached out and grabbed Kidd's collar, carried the fat man and shouted: "Xiao Hei, let's go!"

The mountain guarding dog shot out an arrow and flew away. At this moment, the giant horned rhinoceros came to life, puffed out smoke from its nostrils, and raised its four hooves to pursue them. Unexpectedly, it pursued them farther and farther until they could no longer be seen. , the rhino herd gradually stopped.

Zhang Debiao rushed out of the Yulang Canyon, asked Xiao Hei to slow down, stopped under a big tree, dropped the fat man, and patted the giant dog's forehead affectionately. The mountain guarding dog swept its tail around excitedly. By chance, the frightened fat man was standing behind its butt. He was lightly swept by the iron broom-like tail. The unlucky guy immediately flew up with a roar and hit his head against a big tree. .

"Today is really unlucky..." The fat man muttered and passed out.

This giant dog was the little black dog that Zhang Debiao picked up from the Knowlton Valley. It was only the size of a palm at the time, but it had eaten an astonishing amount of food since it was a child. It would eat more than ten kilograms of meat in one meal, which was even bigger than its size. I really don’t know where it was installed. This little thing grows fast no matter how much it eats. In four years it has grown as big as an iron-backed bull, and it continues to grow. I don't know when it will reach adulthood.

In Manhammer Village, Zhang Debiao's family was relatively well-off. His father, Yan Yan, was the village chief and the first warrior of the Mengzhuan tribe. The father and son saved a lot of money from hunting all year round, but after a few years, they were suddenly killed by this giant dog. The family is exhausted. Every time Rock Wildhammer sees this black dog, his eyes turn red, and he looks like he wants to kill him.

But later, Xiao Hei showed great skills in hunting, and could even fight the Yun Sheng Leopard without losing. Finally, he completely changed Rock Wildhammer's view and decided to keep this loyal, hard-working and capable mountain guard dog.

You must know that Yunsheng Leopard is a level five monster, and it can come and go as fast as lightning. Ordinary barbarian warriors are no match for it. Even the Rock Wild Hammer himself will have a headache when encountering this kind of monster.

Moreover, the Yunsheng leopard's fur is extremely valuable, and merchants are willing to spend a lot of money to buy it. In one quarter, the money earned from selling the Yunsheng leopard's fur is enough to restore Zhang Debiao's family to its previous appearance.

Zhang Debiao came to Yulang Canyon to practice this time, and Xiao Hei also followed him, but he didn't expect that this guy was not restless at all, and actually ran deep into the canyon and caused such a big noise.

After Kidd woke up, he shook his groggy head and saw that the barbarian from Southern Xinjiang was communicating silently with his vicious dog. The giant dog stared at the fat man and drooled, then looked at the Nanjiang barbarian inquiringly. The Nanjiang barbarian shook his head slightly. The giant dog seemed to be extremely annoyed, lowered his head and sulked.

Fat Kidd asked suspiciously: "What are you talking about with your eyebrows?"

Zhang Debiao said honestly: "Just now Xiao Hei said that you look delicious, can you eat it? I said no."

The fat man shuddered and thought to himself: "These two masters and servants look honest and can be bullied, but in fact they are not good birds. They almost killed me before we met. If I stay with them for a while longer, He’s probably going to die without a burial place, so it’s better to run away as soon as possible!”

The fat man stood up and walked deep into the forest, only to hear the barbarian boy behind him shout: "Brother Kidd, please stay!" Upon hearing this, the fat man's butt was on fire, and he ran away, leaving a cruel message: " De Biaomanhammer, I remember you, the green mountains will not change and the green water will always flow, we will see you again in the future..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Hei pounced from behind, bit Kidd's legs, and dragged him away. The fat man quickly hugged a willow tree with a thick arm, but the giant dog uprooted the tree with the man and the tree. He cried and shouted: "Help, De Biao Manhammer's dog is going to eat people!"

After crying for a long time, the scene in Fatty's imagination still did not appear. This forest was deserted. Where could a righteous passing warrior rescue him from the evil barbarian devil? Even if there were, when seeing Wildhammer II and his vicious dogs, anyone with a little bit of brains would first think about whether their small body was no match for them.

Zhang Debiao smiled and said: "Brother Kidd, the land with a radius of fifty miles around here is the hunting ground assigned to the Mengzhuan tribe by His Majesty the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty. The hunting ground of the Mad Wolf tribe is on the edge of the forest. Brother Kidd went to Mengzhuan tribe. Hunting for the Wild Wolf tribe in the tribe’s territory has broken the rules of the forest. Do the Kidd brothers just want to leave like this?”

After Emperor Taizong of the Great Zhou Empire founded the country, he enfeoffed the lords. In order to appease the barbarians who had made great achievements and prevent them from causing trouble in human cities, he granted the vast land of Sunset Forest to various barbarian kings. The barbarians have five main cities, thirty-three tribes, and one hundred and fifty-seven natural villages. Among them, the fiefdom of the Mengzhuan tribe is here, including the resource-rich Yulang Canyon.

Kidd came to Yulang Canyon to hunt for the Fangfeng Villagers of the Crazy Wolf Tribe, which indeed broke the rules of the forest. It was indeed understandable that Zhang Debiao used this incident to accuse him, but the southern Xinjiang barbarian's next words immediately made the fat man furious.

"According to the customs of the Mengzhuan tribe, you have two choices, either fight me alone, or be my slave, you choose one!"

Fat Kidd blushed and said angrily: "The mercenaries of Xinlitan City are free mercenaries. You can't ask a free mercenary to give up the rights given to him by the benevolent Lord and work for a southern Xinjiang man." slave!"

Zhang Debiao raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "You can also choose to challenge me one on one. If you defeat me, you will still be a free mercenary."

The fat man was furious. The giant horned rhinoceros leader, who had an infinite gravity of more than ten tons, was shot to death by the bastard in front of him. Only an idiot would challenge this humanoid tyrannosaurus to a duel!

"You are neither willing to be my slave nor willing to challenge me, which makes me very embarrassed!" Zhang Debiao frowned and said helplessly: "You know, we barbarians are all reasonable, only we can't. I only use my fists when there are others. I really don’t want to embarrass you, but you can’t break the rules of the forest in my hands..."

"Isn't it still unreasonable to use fists if you can't talk..."

At this moment, Kidd felt that the mountain dog's big bad wolf tail should grow behind Zhang Debiao's butt to fit his image. He only heard the honest barbarian boy continue: "Why don't you reject the commission from the Mad Wolf Tribe and come to us? In Wildhammer Village, we will catch a giant horned rhinoceros cub for each family. As for the commission, it will be a lot according to the price of the Mad Wolf Tribe. What do Brother Kidd think?"

The fat man blinked his shrewd eyes and finally understood Zhang Debiao's plan. The Sunset Forest has not been peaceful in recent years. The barbarian tribes often attack each other and rob each other's property and women. I heard that the Mad Wolf Tribe attacked the Mengzhuan Tribe half a year ago, and the two sides had a melee at Wulipo. However, instead of taking advantage of the Mad Wolf Tribe in that battle, a surprise troop from the Mengzhuan Tribe attacked their lair and robbed them. Take away many women and precious animal skins.

The Mad Wolf Tribe entrusted him with hunting giant horned rhinoceros cubs this time, probably to train a cavalry and take revenge on Meng Zhuan. And the reason why the young man in front of him asked him to capture the giant horned rhinoceros cub was probably because he had the same intention.

A cavalry composed of brave and skilled southern Xinjiang and giant horned rhinoceros, its terrifying fighting power makes people shudder to fight just thinking about it!

Thinking of this, the fat man suddenly became arrogant: "Barbarian, your dog almost killed me today, but because you saved my life, Uncle Kidd will not pursue it, but you must solemnly apologize to me!"

Zhang Debiao was silent, and the fat man was horrified to find that the giant mountain guard dog was staring at him and drooling, and then looked at its owner inquiringly. Zhang Debiao hesitated and nodded slightly.

The fat man jumped up quickly, grabbed Zhang Debiao's hand, and laughed loudly: "Brother De, Brother Biao, look how anxious you are! I was joking just now, aren't our good brothers who share the same adversity just a few giant-horned rhinoceros cubs? Easy to say, easy to say... By the way, brother, can you keep your dog away from me..."

Zhang Debiao brought Kidd back to Wildhammer Village. When the damsels in the village heard that Fatty was willing to capture giant horned rhinoceros cubs for their children, they suddenly burst out with great enthusiasm and sent fresh dried meat and fruit plates. The men in the village were also very happy, holding the wine barrel and getting the fat man drunk, until he vomited into a mess.

If the giant horned rhino helps during hunting, the fighting power of the people in southern Xinjiang will be doubled. How can we not make them happy?

In less than half a year, Kidd had captured more than sixty giant horned rhinoceros cubs for Wildhammer Village. It has to be said that this almost bloated thief has unparalleled stealth skills. He has been in and out of dangerous places like Yulang Canyon hundreds of times without getting hurt.

After spending half a year with these simple southern Xinjiang people, Kidd couldn't help but fall in love with this rugged and charming village. He stayed for more than three months to help the villagers tame the giant horned rhinoceros cubs, and then brought him the wealth he deserved , reluctantly left.

"Wildhammer II!"

At the entrance of the village, Kidd rode on a horse, carrying precious furs of monsters on both sides. The fat man took off his hat, saluted Zhang Debiao on horseback, and said with a smile: "In the future, you will definitely become a warrior who shocks the forest. Don't forget that in the not far away Xinlitan City, you have your loyal friends, Kuai Legs Kidd!”

Zhang Debiao quickly returned the gift. After six months of getting along, the two of them had cleared up their past feud and became close friends. He said with a smile: "After the coming-of-age ceremony, I will definitely go to Xinli Tantalum City to find you."

Kidd galloped away on horseback and laughed loudly: "I heard from the first generation that after your coming-of-age ceremony, I will introduce you to a woman to get married! Second generation, remember to inform me when you get married!"

"Getting married..." Zhang Debiao's mind went blank. The living environment in southern Xinjiang was harsh, and the average life span of the barbarians was only fifty years. Therefore, he was an adult after passing the coming-of-age ceremony at the age of twelve, and he could start a family, marry a wife and have children. This is a great joy for all the young people in southern Xinjiang, but Zhang Debiao is not happy at all.

The strange dream he had when he was seriously ill as a child unknowingly distorted his aesthetic sense. According to the aesthetic concepts of southern Xinjiang people, a beautiful woman should be big and thick, with a strong back and strong waist, with arms weighing hundreds of kilograms, and capable of eating meat and drinking wine.

In Zhang Debiao's dream, such a woman should be a creature called a dinosaur.

In comparison, what he likes more is a woman with a thin and soft waist, a perky and elastic butt, a firm breast that can be grasped, a soft voice, and a woman who is gentle and considerate to him.

He never dared to tell the villagers about this idea. If it was known that he liked this kind of woman, the villagers would definitely suspect whether he was a psychopath.

"Perhaps I should talk to the wizard, but the wizard's open mouth will definitely spread the news everywhere. By then, I will be a problem boy in everyone's eyes..."

The troubled boy was extremely distressed and slowly walked back to the village. Rock Wildhammer was leading a black charcoal horse out, muttering in his mouth: "Tie a bridle to the runaway wild horse, and then take it out to breed. It will be ready for spring next year." When the time comes, many strong foals will be born..."

Zhang Debiao said suspiciously: "Abba, what are you talking about?"

"Ah? It's nothing. I plan to take the horse to the next village for breeding tomorrow..." Rock Wildhammer tied the black horse to the horse post and glanced at Zhang Debiao. The gaze was full of strangeness, as if he was not looking at his own son, but at an animal that was about to be named the "Wildhammer Grand Stallion."


Thank you all book friends for your support. A certain pig with bad character would like to apologize...

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