Barrier of Light

Chapter 1086 Looking at each other

"Gu Changzhi..."

At the mention of this name, Bai Zhu could only sigh.

In this life, among all his opponents, he only admired Gu Changzhi.

A true genius, a true hero, a true...sun.

Burned everything that belonged to him.

In the end, all that is left to the world is the mighty light.

"Let's go back to the previous question. If Gu Changzhi can't do it, then why does it have to be Gu Shen?"

After this sigh, Baizhu returned to the topic.

Of course, Gu Changzhi is like a sun.

But he is not the only one who shines in this world, there are many other geniuses and many pure characters in this world.

If Gu Changzhi can't do it, then Lin Lei, himself, the younger generation Bai Xiu, Mu Wanqiu...

There are many such people.

If it doesn't work alone, then wouldn't it work if we put them all together?

"It can only be Gu Shen."

Turing spoke calmly and added: "You can do some things. But there are some things that only Gu Shen can do."

"He is the [key] to the Ancient Literature Society."

"He is the person Chu Ling has been waiting for for twenty years."

"He is the lucky person who was given the Four Seasons Wilderness by Gu Changzhi."

"It's not because he's lucky that he was chosen by these things...but because his name is Gu Shen, so these things will definitely happen to him."

"As for why?"

Turing deliberately gave it away here. He smiled and stretched out a hand, pointing towards the depths of the cemetery behind Bai Shu: "Xiao Bai, give me the 'Pluto's Fire' and I will tell you."

The energy boat on the top of the flag set off again.

Chu Ling held the divine infant in his arms and looked very uneasy. On the one hand, he was worried that the "Vehicle Killer" of the Tomb Ghost would be passively triggered, and on the other hand, he was worried about something happening at the Gubao Fortress.

Gubao Fortress has lost contact with the "outside world".

This is actually good news.

This means that the Gubao Fortress has cut off the link with the [Deep Sea] network. In Chu Ling's view, Lin Lin is obviously aware of the [Deep Sea] conspiracy... But she always feels uneasy in her heart, as if there is a certain link that she has not considered. Zhou Quan, and Tsukasa sitting in the passenger cabin on the other side of the cab, also looked nervous.

"Have you prepared a backup source energy boat?"

Zhonggui looked at Chu Ling and clutched the seat belt tightly.

Chu Ling said: "Of course."

Tsukauki was still nervous: "Is it enough?"

"Did there be a crash on the way here?"

This sentence awakened the ghost of Tsukasa.

He was still holding the seat belt and curling up, but at this moment he suddenly thought of what [Deep Sea] said to him...

Once the traveler authority is released, he is just a mortal.

From now on, he can safely be an ordinary person and no longer have to deal with disasters.

Chu Ling noticed the change in Zhonggui's expression.

"There is one thing that I never had time to say."

Zhonggui struggled for a moment and murmured: "I had a long dream in the Gu family base..."

He told about the dream of Black Snow Mountain and the negotiations with [Deep Sea].

Chu Ling listened silently.

After listening, she realized where the uneasiness in her heart came from.

As [Source Code], after the failure of the first deep-sea war, she was expelled. Because of Mr. Jingshanyan's "Star Project", she was able to successfully return to the basic logic of the deep-water area... It was only from that day on. , she no longer has the computing power to compete with the [Deep Sea] main system.

[Deep Sea] Every system upgrade will widen this gap.

Iterations and updates over the decades.

The computing power of the main system has completely overwhelmed Chu Ling...

It's just that this kind of crushing did not form a "qualitative change". The main system has never been able to scan the conference room left by the Ancient Literature Society. This is why Chu Ling believes that she still needs to exist. As a [source code], she is okay. Live in this world and seek blessings for the Ancient Literature Society and the world as much as possible.

But this time, it's different.

[Deep Sea] launched the Cicada Wing City Incident, invited two divine thrones, held back the Queen and Baizhu, and wanted Gu Shen...

In Chu Ling's opinion, this series of actions were crazy and "unreasonable".

Until Tsukauki told the story of the dream in the Black Snow Mountain.

The missing information on Chu Ling's side was completed... Only at this moment did she understand what [Deep Sea] was really planning.

What it wants is the eleventh upgraded mental computing power.

Through Tsukauki, it has accomplished this goal. The mental computing power of the eleventh upgrade is being continuously injected into the deep water area. A series of major events outside attract everyone's attention. When the dust outside events settles, its eleventh The first upgrade will also be completed, and it may not take that long at all.

The purpose of [Deep Sea], in the final analysis, is to upgrade.

And Chu Ling remembered it very clearly.

Mr. Turing once calculated that if the [Deep Sea] system can continuously update itself, after the eleventh upgrade, there will be a huge level of qualitative change.

Her sense of crisis...

It comes from the [Deep Sea] main system after eleven upgrades.

If the main system completes its qualitative transformation, can this tiny and weak [source code] of mine still be hidden, and can it still be spared?

There is always a stone in Zhonggui's heart.

Regarding his life experience and his secrets, he did not dare to reveal them to anyone.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Although he survives within the Five Continents, once he exposes his identity as a "traveler", people in this entire land may regard him as an enemy.

But now, he finally doesn't have to hide it anymore.

Gu Shen is the person Zhonggui trusts the most.

As for the relationship between Chu Ling and Gu Shen... he understood that if he could tell this secret to Gu Shen, he could also tell it to Chu Ling.

Now that he had poured out everything, Zhonggui did feel relieved for a while. But after he finished speaking, he noticed that Chu Ling, who had been listening carefully at the side, suddenly changed his expression. His beautiful face, which was originally very fair, turned pale. A tragic whiteness was born for no reason... This whiteness is different from the skin color. Rather than saying it is "whitening", it is better to say it is becoming "nothingness".

A living person, whose skin color seems to have changed into that of the person in the painting.

The red color on the goddess's sacrificial clothes was in sharp contrast to the paleness, and it was as rich as blood.

The energy boat flew quickly towards the fortress. At this speed, it would be able to reach the fortress in a few hours.

But now...

Chu Ling's figure was becoming illusory.

Zhonggui was stunned. He was at a loss. He quickly unbuckled his seat belt and stepped forward to check: "Miss Chu...what's wrong with you?"


Chu Ling didn't speak, just pursed his lips.

She also felt changes in her body.

Her mental power was flowing towards the empty "zero and one", as if there was a strong attraction pulling her... That power came from the deep water.

The reason why she was able to come to the world is that her "spirit" arrived in the body of the divine womb in the Temple Mountain, and thus relied on the extraordinary source material to obtain the qualification to walk in the human world for a short time.

From this perspective, there are two ways to end the "incarnation".

One is to let the body decay naturally. Once the extraordinary source of energy is gone, the body will "die of old age." Chu Ling's lifespan is only a few dozen days. Every time she is born, she is like a cicada. The short term can be ignored.

Another way is to withdraw your spirit.

Once Chu Ling's spirit is no longer in his body...even if his physical body is still there, it will be meaningless.

After this birth, she was originally worried that her physical body would not last long enough.

But I never expected it.

The real "catastrophe" is born at the spiritual level.

"Rumble, rumble..."

Countless seawater in the deep water area is sweeping in one direction.

It was a long, unremarkable night.

For every citizen of Wuzhou, there is nothing special tonight. Those who are using this huge network just feel a "pause" for a moment.

This moment "pauses".

It is a manifestation of the spiritual power of the travelers group pouring into the [deep sea].

The eleventh upgrade of the main system was officially launched during this "pause"... and after nearly twenty hours of computing power conversion, the eleventh upgrade was finally completed. This was the qualitative change predicted by Turing. As a "key upgrade", the size of the deep water area has expanded nearly five times, which is a scale that has not been achieved in the previous ten upgrades combined.

But what's more terrifying is actually not this.

In the deep water area, a solid black shadow condensed.


It is just a blurry, twisted, ferocious, withered shadow like seaweed.

At this moment, it has its own face and body. Although it is still hidden in the darkness, it has successfully created a substantial "self" after this upgrade.

It no longer needs to borrow someone else's body to come.

There is no need to use the spirit of the God of Light to disguise himself.

At this point.

It was no longer it, but him.

A living spiritual body.

The entire deep water area is sweeping towards this figure. Every drop of water and every ray of computing power here belongs to him. If there is a "king" in this huge spiritual world.

Then he is the king of this world.

Deep Sea stared at this spiritual sea area that belonged to him, and his eyes scanned every inch of this sea area.

He had never experienced anything so good.

This is a sense of...absolute control.

The eleventh upgrade allowed him to experience the feeling of "living". Although he had experienced this feeling before...but now it was more real and wonderful.

It's just a fly in the ointment.

There are still some flaws in this sea area.

Previously, he did not have enough authority and insufficient vision, so he never noticed it.

But this time it was different.

Deep Sea saw those [codes] that did not belong to him in this sea area. Those things that should have been cleared after the end of the first war... were once again integrated into the underlying system of Deep Water Area.

With an expressionless face, he took a step toward the end of the sea.

next moment.

Deep Sea came to a sailing train of nothingness. This train traveled through the darkness, bursting out with bright lights. Before the eleventh upgrade, he had never realized the existence of such a thing.

How ironic and funny is this?


Shenhai stretched out his hands, opened the door, and squeezed into the car.

He stood still and looked directly at the woman at the end of the carriage very coldly.

In the roar.

Chu Ling, who was originally dormant in the spiritual world, slowly opened his eyes at this moment.

The deep sea stared at her.

She also looked into the deep sea.

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