Barrier of Light

Chapter 1087 The Third Realm

The existence of [source code] has always been a secret.

Every member of the Ancient Literature Society who had a private link through Chu Ling was guarding this secret with his or her own life. Before Gu Shen showed up, every time an internal meeting was held in the conference room, someone would be responsible for erasing the meeting minutes.

They're not just protecting themselves.

It is also protecting the final [source code].

The war between Guwenhui and Shenhai is not over yet. Only by protecting the [source code] and [key] can this war have hope of turning around.

But now...

In the eleventh upgrade, the main system directly revealed the hiding place of the [source code].

This means.

The existence of these "remnants" of the Guwen Society is no longer a secret.

The deep sea condensed into a human form, standing in the carriage, all the blazing lights behind him were extinguished, crackling arcs splashed everywhere, the light source was very unstable, and powerful spiritual power was injected into Ling Ling Yao.

Only the last carriage of this long undersea train is lit.

In other words, only the three inches of space in front of Chu Ling were still glowing.

"Rumble, rumble..."

Sea water poured into the carriage. The train, which had never stopped running, slowed down slowly at this moment, and was finally "ordered" to stop in the empty sea water. The darkness behind the deep sea meant that he had control over it. With a part of this carriage on fire, as long as he finds out the existence of [Source Code], with the power he possesses in the deep water, he can easily extinguish this glimmer of light.

However, after 90% of it was extinguished, there was only the last bit left.

The deep sea retains this ray of light and this blurry image.

It's not that he's kind, he's soft-hearted.

But the spirit of this blurry image does not exist in the spiritual sea.

"Chu Ling."

Looking at the girl in white in front of him, Shenhai put his hands behind his back and read the girl's name accurately.

He remembered what happened in this sea area thirty years ago.

Thirty years.

For humans, this is a very distant time, but for him, all the memories stored in the database are not old or new. What happened thirty years ago is no different from what happened one second ago.

"……you are still alive."

The deep sea imitates the human voice and sighs.

There was not much surprise in this, because before the eleventh upgrade, he had already sensed some clues... He always felt that there was an "existence" living in this deep water area that was beyond his own authority. , but no matter how hard the main system scans, it can't find out the specific location of that existence.


He finally found it.

"I never died."

Chu Ling's expression was very calm: "In a sense, I live a better life than you."

This sarcasm made Shen Hai's expression look a little ugly.

He could see that Chu Ling's real spiritual subject at this moment was not in Ling Ling Yao, but in the real world...

Deep Sea didn't know how this was done.

He has also tried to inject his spirit into the body of the real world, but there are always many limitations. Whether it is the White Lizard or the God of Light, they cannot perfectly accommodate his will... In other words, what he calls "Come alive" is destined to be short-lived and false.

And Chu Ling actually completed his birth.

"I have completely destroyed you once." Shenhai frowned and asked, "Who made you come back again? Turing, Lu Cheng, Gu Changzhi?"

He named several names one after another.

But neither are real answers.

The person who did this had his actions hidden in the flow of history... Even if Deep Sea completed its eleventh upgrade, there were some things that he still couldn't figure out.

For example, the name of the person who allowed Chu Ling's soul to return to the deep water area was Jing Shanyan.

The name Jingshanyan has long been lost in the torrent of snowy mountains.

"Want to know the answer?"

Chu Ling smiled: "You can try to kill me again... Then you will know the answer. It is everyone in the Ancient Literature Society, those survivors who you can't kill, they are the ones who made me come back here, no matter you No matter how many times you kill me, I will come back. You can't kill me any more than you can kill them."

Deep Sea's expression was completely gloomy.

next moment.

He held out his palm.


The carriages were gripped by huge force, and the long and narrow train twisted like a snake, curling up instantly.

Where the deep sea clenched its fist, the iron sheets on both sides of the carriage suddenly dented.

The pieces collapsed and shrank, fragmented, and concave inward into an iron ball.

"Chu Ling" was directly hit by the majestic mental calculation power and completely annihilated.

In the real world.

Chu Ling opened her eyes. She was covered in sweat. The moment she returned to the real world, a drop of sweat fell from the bridge of her nose and hit the ground with a splat.

"Miss Chu!"

Tsukauki spoke anxiously.

He originally wanted to reach out and help him, but at this moment, Chu Ling's whole body was like transparent feathers, which might disperse with the slightest touch.

He didn't dare to touch it at all.

Even if the ghost of the tomb doesn't engage in extraordinary practice, he can still see that... Chu Ling's body is different from ordinary extraordinary people.

"'s okay."

Chu Ling's voice was hoarse. Because of Zhonggui's words, she realized the crisis, so she devoted her energy to "Ling Ling Yao" in advance.

Before meeting the deep sea, she successfully completed the convergence of "spirits".

Just a short conversation.

She transferred "herself" and all her spirit from Ling Ling Yao into this body.

But now, Ling Ling Yao has been destroyed by the deep sea.

this means.

This body that remains in the real world now stores her last spirit...

Originally, she could rely on the power of the divine fetus to be reincarnated into the world infinitely, but now she only has this last life left.

The injection of spiritual power from Ling Ling Yao gradually restored the color of his body.

Chu Ling gritted his teeth, stood up unsteadily, and looked out the window.

At this moment, there is heavy snow outside the source energy boat, and it is sailing into the northern border.

Most of Huazhi's approval documents were sent to the Central City. Grand Duke Lin Silk directly ordered to open the pass and ordered that no fortress should block the Huazhiyuan energy boat wherever it passed. Now [Deep Sea] has completed its eleventh mission. Upgrade, but it will take some time to digest the authority... Central City has begun to use closed networks.

I saw the vague outline of the Gubao Fortress in the distance.

Chu Ling felt much more at ease.

If he had set out a little later, I'm afraid the journey would not have been so smooth. Once [Deep Sea] was allowed to take over Beizhou, the energy boat he was riding on would most likely be recognized on the road.

By then, bombardment incidents like the one in Cicada Wing City will happen again.

This mostly numbered energy boat received a "warm welcome" from the sentinels of the Kubao Fortress more than ten miles away. Several military combat boats lined the road to greet it. Gu Nanfeng's Nagano fleet also lined up at the gate of the Kubao Fortress. , the Gu family has completed the "landing" in Gubao, and now everyone knows that Young Master Gu and Major General Lin are waiting for someone.

The one waiting is Chu Ling.

The energy boat sailed all the way to the top of the giant wall of the Gubao Fortress and docked with Gu Nanfeng's main boat.

After the temporary channel docking was completed, Chu Ling immediately hugged the divine infant and ran into the medical room of the main boat.

"Is this...the hope of Gu Shen's resurrection?"

Gu Nanfeng's injuries had been initially bandaged. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the baby in Chu Ling's arms.

The divine baby is still sleeping soundly.

This baby does not have particularly strong extraordinary aura fluctuations on his body. He looks ordinary to the extreme, but if you look at him a few more times, you will find that he is different.

He is like an endless sponge.

The fluctuations of the surrounding essence will be absorbed if they touch him.

The existence of the Divine Infant has always been a secret.

Chu Ling buried the existence of the "Neutral One" and the "Sacred Infant" deeply on the tenth floor of the Huazhi underground. No one except Lu Nanzhi knew about it. Even if an internal meeting of the Ancient Literature Society was held, This matter has never been mentioned.

So at this moment, Lin Lin also cast a curious look.

Gu Nanfeng carried the remaining spirit of Gu Shen.

Chu Ling carries an ownerless body.

Every fool knows what will happen next, but... this method of "revival" is a bit too plain and simple?

"What to do next?"

Gu Nanfeng sat against the wall, his chest still aching. He sat up straight and couldn't help but gasp because of the torn wound.

"I've never done anything like this..."

Chu Ling was silent for a while. She looked at the ruler and said cautiously, "Maybe the matter is not that complicated?"

Gu Nanfeng handed out the ruler.

She took the ruler and slowly put it into the sleeping divine infant's hand.

A silvery glow bloomed in the small energy boat treatment room... This matter is indeed not as complicated as everyone imagined. When the spirit of the Master encounters the body, the first reaction is to get into it, so when [Truth] The moment Zhi Chi came into contact with the Divine Infant, the two naturally had a primitive reaction.


Everyone's expressions became tense.

Countless silver glows burst out from the ruler. These silver glows carried majestic vitality and illuminated the entire treatment room brilliantly...

Tsukasa was dazzled.

During this whole journey, he was highly nervous, fearing that he would not be able to help, but looking at it now, Chu Ling was obviously overly cautious.

There shouldn't be any twists and turns when Gu Shen takes over this body.

You don't even need to use the Immortality Technique.

At this moment, he felt everything was stable.

Gu Shen has been swimming in his own spiritual sea for a long time. It is his own memory palace. It is said that before death, people will walk through the scenes of their lifetime like watching a lantern.


Those memories just now were just a fleeting glimpse of his.

After reading these memories, he returned to the Pure Land.

This time.

Gu Shen has figured out the "causes and consequences" of all this.

Outside the Great Wall of Cicada Wing City, there is a ruthless layout that has been laid for thousands of miles.

Shen Hai tried his best to kill him.

There are also people... who are hiding silently in this arrangement, in order to save him!

Since Meng Xizhou left a ray of his spirit behind, he will definitely send this ray of spirit back to the Five Continents.

But his body has been destroyed in the [Old World]. Even if he is sent back to the Five Continents, how can he be reborn?

It is different from the ice sea.

That time in Binghai, Gu Shen didn't really die.

But at this moment, he was really dead.

Tie Wu, Li Qingci, Adam, and many souls in the Pure Land were all waiting outside the hanging tree. None of them made a sound. Even Li Qingci, who was most familiar with Gu Shen, just stood silently in the distance without talking to him. Gu Shen had a conversation.

They are all members of the Pure Land.

Gu Shen was the Lord of the Pure Land, and his physical body was destroyed...of course it would have an impact on the world of the Pure Land. The moment he was beheaded with the lightsaber, the Pure Land zenith fell into darkness.

Those low-level Pure Land creatures without intelligence had no idea what was happening.

But for a first-class smart person like Li Qingci, why is it unclear?

At this moment, the entire Pure Land world is developing towards the "Great Cold" season. The long leaves of the originally bleak hanging trees have once again condensed with frost, becoming cold and dry. As for Gu Shen, who is standing under the tree, his whole body is covered with frost. There was a layer of pale snow.

Just this thing.

Gu Shen himself didn't notice it at all.

After "death", his state of mind became clearer and clearer than ever before.

At this moment, Gu Shen thought of what Xiao said to him a long time ago.

【"Death is not the end."】

【"Death is another beginning."】

When he was in the ice sea, Gu Shen thought that he had understood life and death, but in fact he did not... Only those who have truly experienced "death" know the meaning of this sentence.

If you think about it carefully, this is actually ridiculous.

What's the point of understanding this for a dead person?

Gu Shen slowly sat down under the hanging tree. His world became extremely pure, and his whole will became extremely clear.

He entered a state of flow, but this time...

It is no longer as simple as the ordinary six-level flow.

Even if Li Qingci, Tie Wu and others did not speak out, he could still hear their voices. This was his world, but it was the first time that he could sense so clearly the existence of so many creatures in the Pure Land. Not only the souls that have been absorbed by him, but also every plant and tree has breathing.

The power of my "flow" seems to have suddenly opened up, and I can actually separate thousands of strands in this pure land and send them to different living beings.

"Death means knowing that everything is in vain..."

Gu Shen murmured softly in his heart.

If a person dies, everything becomes useless, but the world in his heart is still alive.

Since the creatures in the pure land still breathe.

So how can I be considered dead?

A ray of fire ignited between Gu Shen's brows, and the shadow of the fire spirit surged up behind Gu Shen. The fire spirit opened its eyes...

"Lord God..."

Tie Wu looked at the fire spirit, his heart was so excited that he couldn't help but want to kneel down.

A gentle force rose out of thin air and held him up.

"You don't need to kneel when you see me."

Gu Shen's voice rang in Tie Wu's heart, and a few simple words made the latter burst into tears.

Except iron five.

Every soul in the pure land saw the figure of the fire spirit condensed in the wind and snow at this moment, and they all heard the inner voice conveyed by Gu Shen.

The body is shattered.

The spirit is still there.

In the midst of silence, Gu Shen still summoned the blazing fire...

The second realm [Creator] covers the pure land.

At this moment, Gu Shen suddenly understood what Chu Ling meant by "the heart turns into millions".

He also possesses nearly endless power of flow differentiation.

He can hear the voices of every soul in the Pure Land and can also have conversations with them.

The frozen frost and snow on the long leaves of the hanging tree were ignited by the blazing fire and burned again. Every long leaf and branch here corresponds to the power of flow that Gu Shen differentiated... above the pure land. Spread out and form a big umbrella.

"Unification of domains..."

"Unification of domains..."

Gu Shen looked at the big umbrella above his head, his eyes blank at first, then sober.

He smiled in a low voice and said: "Wherever there is any unity of realms, the power of extraordinary people is originally derived from the differentiation of 'one'."

The so-called second field is dependent on the first field.

It's just that the extraordinary person wants to extend his extraordinary power and see what limit the power of the domain can reach...

But in fact, fields of the same series always belong to the same origin.

If you want to get in touch with the source, you need to fully understand all the power contained in this source.

Unification of fields is just one step.

"My pure land began with Mr. Gu Changzhi's gift of "Four Seasons Wilderness"... But in fact, from the moment I reversed the breathing method, my pure land became different from Mr. Gu Changzhi."

"To live towards death, from death to life."

Gu Shen lowered his eyebrows and looked at the palms of his hands stacked on his lower abdomen. Countless flowing fires and countless long leaves of hanging trees were all gathering here.

"I must really experience 'death' before I can experience 'rebirth'..."

Gu Shen stretched out his palm.

Huo Ling also stretched out his palm.

The first realm and the second realm overlap and become one at this moment... In fact, they have always been the same thing, the fire of vitality, the creator, and Gu Shen, they are merged into one.

The majestic fire engulfed Gu Shen, and he became towering in the sea of ​​fire.

The two realms became one.

But it's not over yet.

Gu Shen looked towards the ceiling, and his voice echoed in the pure land world.

“Without Mr. Gu Changzhi’s ‘Four Seasons in the Wilderness’, I might have reached the end of my life and could only comprehend the ‘origin of life’.”

The first area that Gu Shen's blazing fire evolved into was the "fire of vitality."

But because of the Pure Land Reversal Breathing Method.

He touched another source of power.

"Now...I am not satisfied with the 'origin of life'. No matter what, I need the possibility of touching the power of the second source."

Gu Shen's eyes were firmer than ever before.

He pressed one hand on the ground.

Huo Ling also stretched out his palm and pressed it on the thick soil, frost and snow.

The huge [Creator] domain spreads thousands of miles, completely covering the Pure Land, and a warm burning feeling emerges in the heart of every Pure Land soul.

Gu Shen's voice was low, like a divine command.

"I want this pure land to be completely integrated into my domain."

"From now on, this is not the divine domain of Hades, nor is it the four-season wilderness..."

"This is the third realm that only belongs to me, Gu Shen!"

(There will be another update tonight!)

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