Barrier of Light

Chapter 1101 The Lion Awakens

"Is a new era coming?"

Turing was sitting in the central control room of the Gubao airship, looking calmly at the projections of various places in Central Continent reflected on the screen.

Theoretically speaking, after disconnecting from the [Deep Sea], the entire Citadel fell into a short-term "isolated" state. The main system wanted to implement the Awakening Act in the Central Continent region, and of course it would not forget to shield this northern choke point... because Deep Sea also knew very well that his opponent was Turing.

But...if the opponent is Turing.

This level of "isolation" makes no sense.

The picture at this moment did not come directly from the Central Continent [Sky Eye], but went through a layer of transformation...

Thousands of miles away.

In the void of the [Old World], there is another person who is also watching the promotion of the extraordinary awakening in Central Continent.

"A new era is coming."

Chu Ling looked solemn.

Her spirit merged into the [Deep Water Zone] again through the array box, but this time she did not return to zero, nor did she rebuild the conference room. As long as she did not speak or leave any traces, then she would be the one in this world. The most simple drop of water in the sea, even if Deep Sea has completed eleven upgrades, it is still unable to realize the existence of this drop of water in advance, which is "threatening".


If Chu Ling acts against Shenhai's will again...

Her existence will be exposed.

The array box sent the image of [Deep Sea] into Turing's central control room. The two were thousands of miles apart and established a weak but strong spiritual link.

Seeing the awakening of Middle-earth...

Turing knew.

Lin Lei and Bai Shu's plan to assassinate [Deep Sea] has failed.

But his expression didn't change much.

"Mr. Turing...the Awakening Act has been implemented."

Chu Ling's voice came from the spiritual link. Her voice was a little anxious: "What should we do now?"

In her opinion, Turing is the master who created Deep Sea, and is Deep Sea's father who designed [Deep Sea] and his own existence... He should have extremely powerful control over everything that happens in the Five Continents.

Turing is supposed to decide everything.

"The Awakening Act has been implemented..."

Turing lowered his eyes and smiled, and said: "Let's just watch. This kind of thing cannot be stopped."

But in fact.

Turing is also just a "person".

Even if he is as powerful as a god, he is still a "human". Turing has not smelted fire, so he is just a mortal.

Chu Ling couldn't do something like the main system, and Turing certainly couldn't do it.

There are billions of residents in the five continents. What these people say and do will form a "resonance". Under the superimposed effect of "resonance" at different levels, the entire society will evolve and fission... No one can accurately predict it. What will happen in the future, even divination and the deep sea of ​​eleven evolutions cannot do this.

But one thing is beyond doubt.

That is the "Awakening Era" and it will come sooner or later.


Chu Ling was confused for a while, "Why don't we try to stop him?"

Turing shook his head.

He said calmly: "The new era cannot be stopped."

He pressed the start button in the control room.


Accompanied by a low roaring sound, the main boat slowly started.

The extraordinary beings under the huge wall of the castle all cast their gazes in the direction of the main boat. Except for Lin Lin and Gu Nanfeng, no one knew that the famous "Alan Turing" was sitting in the main boat at this moment. .

"You two, Pavilion and Qingzhong... there will be no more news during this period."

Turing sent a spiritual message to Lin Lin and Gu Nanfeng.

Both of them looked startled, and soon understood what Turing meant.

If Mr. Turing exists, someone knows about it.

Then the one who is most qualified to know.

It's the Queen and Bai Zhu.

"Has the divine war... begun?"

Lin Lin's waist was straight and his expression was solemn.

"That's right."

Turing said solemnly: "This war between gods will last for a long I have one thing to ask of you."

After the Queen and Bai Shu left, the important task of taking charge of Central City and Qingzhong fell on the shoulders of the younger generation.

It is definitely not enough for Central City to rely on Lin Silk alone.

Lin Lin took a deep breath and said nothing... But in fact, he had thought about this kind of thing a long time ago. If the day comes when Central City needs him, then he will definitely go back. Now all three generals of Beizhou are Disappearing outside the Great Wall of the [Old World], the three major legions in the borderlands all belong to the chaotic stage of "leaderless".

If a total war breaks out across the five continents next.

Then he had to travel back and forth between the border and the imperial city.

He is not only a member of the Lin royal family, but also the youngest practical general in the border. From the perspective of the northern border alone, there is no more prestige garrison than him.

"As long as I can help, you can just say it."

Gu Nanfeng spoke in a low voice.

In fact, his situation is very similar to that of Lin Lin... As the successor of the Gu family, he basically controls the lifeblood of Nagano, the largest city in East China.

Turing pushed the awakening memory that was happening in Zhongzhou into the spiritual sea of ​​the two.

This is no secret.

It's just that [Deep Sea] temporarily blocked the information reception of Gubao Fortress... so the message of "all members awakening" has not yet reached Lin Lin and Gu Nanfeng's ears.

After this scene was released.

Both people's expressions changed suddenly.

Lin Lin and Gu Nanfeng looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes. They thought that a war might break out, but they didn't expect that Shenhai and Qinglong would be so crazy!

This news... is so explosive!

"Zhongzhou, directly implement the Awakening Act?"

"Deep Sea has put the choice of awakening in the hands of the people?"

What this means, Gu Nanfeng and Lin Lin both know very well... Soon, the entire Central Continent will achieve the transformation of all people into extraordinary beings. A large number of extraordinary people will appear, and the number of people who have given up on awakening can be almost ignored. As a gift from heaven, In the face of the power, no one will choose to refuse.

The computing power in the deep water area will be further improved. In addition, the number of extraordinary dojos will expand geometrically.

The priesthood system in Middle-earth will redefine the social hierarchy.

The balance of this war begins to tilt from this moment on.

East Continent, Beizhou, and West Continent... will all be in trouble because of Central Continent's "transcendence". Once the war actually breaks out, Central Continent will have more reserves of extraordinary beings than the three continents combined!

In this case, how to fight?

"I'm going to have a meeting."

"Here in Beizhou, please mobilize the power of Central City and summon high-level garrison guards with real power in all the cities in the three major border areas."

Turing said to Lin Lin and Gu Nanfeng: "In addition...the members of the two major regions of Jiangbei and Jiangnan will also participate in this meeting. The two continents have merged to this extent, and there should be no problem in holding a joint meeting."

"Of course there's no problem with that."

Lin Lin was confused and said: "It's just that our opponent is Deep Sea..."

Should such a meeting be held online?

"Everyone, go to Dadu."

Turing said: "This meeting... will be chaired by Lu Nanzhi."

After leaving these words, he drove the airship and sailed out of the Umbrella Defense Line of the Gubao Fortress.

In the vast void, a solitary miniature boat wandered outside.

Due to his health, Gu Shen can only stay in his "infancy" and is held in Chu Ling's arms.

But his spirit has completed synchronization and coordination with Chu Ling...

Now there is quite a feeling that he and Chu Ling have exchanged identities.

Back then, Chu Ling used his eyes to see the world, but now it's the other way around.

What Chu Ling "saw" was what Gu Shen saw.

"Mr. Turing... is coming."

Chu Ling's mood was very uneasy.

Especially after her spirit returned to the deep sea, she could see the rapid transformation that was taking place in the Central Continent.

The war is about to begin.

Central Continent has entered the era of awakening... If this problem cannot be solved, the three-continent alliance will not be able to solve it at all. And there is another very worrying thing, that is, after the conflict between the five continents completely broke out, the attitude of Nanzhou has not been announced yet. The God of Storms stabbed Baizhu in the back, escaped back to his fief, and then lost contact with him.

Once Nanzhou also joins the Central Continent camp, the hostile power will increase again.

Because I stand high, I can see far.

This is the source of Chu Ling's "anxiety".

So far, she sees no hope in this war...

If they want to conquer Central Continent, they also need to enter the "Awakening Era", but in this case, the war will lose its meaning.

Once [Deep Sea] is allowed to control the spiritual sea of ​​the people on three continents, this battle will be impossible to win.

"You don't seem... in a hurry?"

Chu Ling paced in the airship.

She noticed that the infant Gu Shen looked very calm.

"The Age of inevitable."

In fact, Gu Shen noticed this a long time ago.

The average power of the people of the previous generation of civilization was simply too powerful.

The remaining red shadow robots on the original "Initial" were enough to sweep away the existing extraordinary forces in the Five Continents... The only thing that the Five Continents Homeland could use was the seven thrones. Once a full-scale war broke out, all the major forces would be destroyed. The number of extraordinary beings that can be taken out is actually "poorly few".

The so-called war, in the eyes of starship civilization, is probably just a fight between children.

If Wuzhou wants to cross.

Then... we must enter the era of full awakening.

So thirty years ago, someone was working on this.

Lu Nanzhi's father, Mr. Lu Cheng, once developed an almost perfect "awakening technology".

Of course, because of [Deep Sea]'s massacre against the Ancient Literature Society, Mr. Lu Cheng died in Lion Alley. He tried to preserve the Lion Awakening Technology through "suicide", but unfortunately, through "psychoanalysis", Apostle Qin Ye finally Taking away the crystallization of wisdom belonging to Lu Cheng...

This part of the wisdom crystallized directly promoted the process of the "Awakening Act".

after a long time.

The Tower of Source discovered this piece of wisdom crystal only after it was decomposed.

Just relying on the stolen part is not enough to support a perfect "awakening".

So there was a second comeback, that is, the destruction of Lu Nanzhi.

Only that time, Gu Shen destroyed the "Lion Awakening Technology" in the bronze box in front of Qin Ye. From that day on, the Tower of Source gave up plundering and began to rely on its own strong strength to summon the elite and geniuses in the academy. , make every effort to conquer... With the powerful computing power brought by the self-evolution of [Deep Sea], this technology has finally achieved "reproduction".


[Deep Sea] Even if Lu Cheng's research results are reproduced, is it a perfect awakening?

Gu Shen didn't think so.

When he was dealing with the "Lion Awakening Case" and interrogating Qin Ye, the apostle was extremely tough. Senior Sister Nan Jin interrogated him for three days and three nights, but Qin Ye didn't utter a single word. In the end, he chose to commit suicide.

The Sky God's handling was very decisive and decisive.

But it was precisely because of such "harsh" treatment that it aroused Gu Shen's attention and vigilance.

If there was no deeper inside story about the "Lion Awakening Case", then why did Qin Ye need to commit suicide?

So after accepting Tie Wu... Gu Shen heard some secrets of the Lion Alley from Tie Wu's mouth.

According to Qin Ye, Lu Cheng took the initiative to commit suicide at that time.

He committed suicide to preserve the Lion Awakening Technology.

But Lu Cheng left a sentence before he died. This sentence made Qin Ye unable to forget it and he couldn't help but think about it.

So during a certain mission, Qin Ye told Tie Wu personally the secret he had hidden in his heart for a long time.

Lu Cheng said.

"Humanity has gone down a completely wrong path."

As an apostle, Qin Ye only needs to follow the orders of the throne.

But these words that Lu Chengran said before he died made him begin to doubt himself, the Tower of Source, and whether his Lord God had really seen the future wrong...

Maybe the awakening of lions is not necessarily a good thing?

Unfortunately, until his death, Qin Ye did not suspect the correct target.

Awakening is not the wrong path.

Awakening under the guidance of the [Deep Sea] is the wrong path.

Humanity should enter the extraordinary era on its own.

The reason why Lu Cheng did not hand over the bronze box was because he did not want to deliver this era-changing technology to the hands of [Deep Sea] who killed the Ancient Wen Society.

Lu Nanzhi received a call.

A call from Cui Zhongcheng.

After Huazhi's accident, Cui Zhongcheng's phone couldn't be reached. She gave this guy a holiday, but he seemed to evaporate from the world...suddenly disappeared without a trace, and Huazhi took control of the entire house. Lu Nanzhi mobilized the "Supervisory Power" in the Jiangnan area, but to no avail. Liu Yi activated [Spiritual Eyes] to search, but there was also no response.

It's as if Cui Zhongcheng was suddenly wiped from this world...


After the communication was connected, Lu Nanzhi felt slightly relieved, but the worry hanging in her heart did not dissipate.

Her intuition told herself secretly.

Cui Zhongcheng's phone call was not as simple as a daily greeting.

"It's me, Cui Zhongcheng."

The voice on the other end of the phone was very calm, and it didn't sound any different from before. Mr. Xiao Cui was Hua Zhi's iron arm. He was the kind of person who made people feel at ease and at ease when hearing his voice.

Over the years, Huazhi has become more orderly because of his presence.

Lu Nanzhi asked immediately: "Where are you?"

"A place... far away."

The person on the phone paused, smiled, and said, "Maybe I won't come back."

This is actually a very absurd statement.

A "butler" who had been guarding Huazhi for thirty years suddenly took a day off and disappeared from the world. He called back and said that he might not come back.

Anyone who listens to these words will find it absurd.

But Lu Nanzhi didn't.

She was surprisingly calm in her heart, and she vaguely guessed something. At this moment, she just lowered her eyebrows and said slowly: "If you are not coming back, why do you need to make this call?"

"In these few days, the top leaders of the five major families will go to Dadu, and the famous generals on the border of Central City will also go south."

The voice on the phone was as steady as ever.

"They will gather at Huazhi to hold a meeting, and you need to chair this meeting."

Lu Nanzhi took a deep breath.

She listened quietly.

"In Lion Lane, next to the mansion left by Old Lu, there is a quiet house. The password is your birthday. Dig twenty-five meters deep under the banyan tree... and there is a second bronze box."

The voice on the phone laughed and said: "Do you still remember the tunnel that Lao Lu opened? He is a thorough person and has taken full precautions. In order to protect the 'Lion Awakening Technology', he always has a backup plan. That is for Take good care of your last belongings and don’t lose them again.”

Hear this.

Lu Nanzhi's eyes suddenly became moist.

She said in a hoarse voice: "So you are not Mr. Xiao Cui?"


There was silence on the other side of the phone for a moment.

"I am. Why am I not?"

Turing's voice was filled with laughter.

But his face was full of fatigue, because when he closed his eyes at this moment, countless scenes flashed by.

His life is too long.

He was the traveler who walked through the Temple of Hades.

He was also the dead person who was sleeping and resurrected in the tundra snow.

He was never "a guy."

He is many people.

But the name that is most remembered is Turing.

In the past thirty years, he was very happy that someone called him "Cui Zhongcheng", and he was also happy to be "Cui Zhongcheng"... It is a pity that the young man in the real world has died in blood, and he This period of acting life is coming to an end.

"This call of ours is 'encrypted', just like your [Red Door]."

Say this.

The identity of "Cui Zhongcheng" has actually been revealed.

Lu Nanzhi gritted her teeth. Her mind was blank at the moment. She obviously had a lot to say, but she couldn't say a single word.

I could only listen silently to the gentle voice coming from the communicator.

I have been at Huazhi for so many years.

She has grown from an ignorant girl to where she is now...

Cui Zhongcheng contributed a lot.

The two went from "enemies" who were wary of each other to close "comrades", step by step, with such coincidence and subtlety.

It's not so much fate.

rather say.

There is someone else controlling all this.

Cui Zhongcheng witnessed her growth.

"When you go to the house next door, remember to pack a [lantern]. After you get the bronze box, be sure to open it in a place where no one is around. You know what I mean. Regarding the contents of the box, wait until those people in Jiangbei and Central City When you come to Huazhi, you can demonstrate again, remember... awakening is never a wrong thing, and the Ancient Literature Society is not a remnant of the [old world]."

The voice on the phone smiled happily: "That's all I have to explain. Do you remember them all?"

After finishing speaking, there was no echo from the communicator.

Just a rustling sound of electricity.

After a long time, a very weak and trembling nasal sound could be heard.


Turing thought of how this woman had just joined the ancient literature society. Time flies so fast, thirty years have passed.

He raised the drink in his hand and clinked the glasses across the void.

He chuckled and said, "Then, see you in the 'new era'." (End of Chapter)

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