Barrier of Light

Chapter 1102 Dead Sea Scrolls

After hanging up the communicator, Turing silently put down the can of drink. He looked out the window at the increasingly dark sky, and the main ship was sailing into the [Old World].

The arrival of a new era is inevitable for mankind.

If you want to soar, you must first learn to walk steadily.

If the civilization of the Five Continents wants to reach the level of a "starship"... it is inevitable for all people to become extraordinary.

The research on lion awakening technology is of course well intentioned.

It's just that when and how this important weapon that can change the destiny of mankind should be released is always a question worthy of careful consideration.

If [Deep Sea] had not launched that massacre.


Humanity has entered the extraordinary era thirty years ago.

It is a coincidence and irony to say that the "National Awakening" that [Deep Sea] tried its best to achieve is actually what the Ancient Literature Society has been trying to promote. It killed the Ancient Literature Society, and it seemed that it was closer to the end. But the actual effect is quite the opposite.

The main boat sailed into the [Old World] and docked with the lonely microboat.

Chu Ling carried Gu Shen and came to the main control room.

After Chu Ling's consciousness was immersed in the array box.

Turing maintains a close spiritual link with [Source Code], so Chu Ling heard every word of the conversation just now very clearly.

Chu Ling heard it very clearly, which meant that Gu Shen also heard it very clearly.

"So the complete 'Lion Awakening Technology' has always been in your hands?"

Gu Shen used his young fingers to write this paragraph on the glass.

Turing laughed.

"The complete 'Lion Awakening Technology'..."

He shook his head and said with a smile: "You think highly of me, and you also think highly of Lao Lu. This kind of thing has not been developed so far, whether it is the share obtained from the Tower of Source or the bronze box of Lion Alley The one in it cannot be called 'complete'. Of course, the latter's technology is better than the former. After Lao Lu stopped the research, I continued silently... The 'Lion Awakening Technology' in the second bronze box, In fact, it contains the results of my research over the years.”

He didn't say a word to Lu Nanzhi about these words.

Turing has worn too many crowns.

The lion awakening technology was left behind by Lu Cheng... After the Lion Alley murder case that year, Turing has always felt guilty.

The second bronze box can be regarded as compensation for his old friend.

He is already a dead person, and dead people no longer need "fame". If the lion awakening technology can save the world from fire and water, then he hopes that the world will remember the name "Lu Cheng".

That's what Lao Lu deserves.

"So... those extraordinary remains in the starship civilization?"

"They are all lucky people."

Turing said softly: "Even in the age of starship civilization, not everyone can become extraordinary... The awakening of the lion means 'getting', and in things in the world, there are gains and losses. You want to get 'extraordinary' "Power' is destined to lose something. The 'Awakening Act' has already been promulgated once in the last civilization, so I know that some old paths cannot be followed again."

Gu Shen frowned slightly.

He got some unknown information from Turing's words.

Turing seems to know a lot about starship civilization.

To be precise, Turing is no longer limited to the "understanding" stage.

It was more like he had personally experienced starship civilization.

“With the [Deep Sea] link, how are you going to implement ‘Lion Awakening’?”

Gu Shen continued to write questions in handwriting.

The eleventh upgrade of [Deep Sea] has completely enveloped the five continents... Now the main system has absolute monopoly control. In this situation, Gu Shen really can't think of anything good to promote Lion Awakening technology. method.

"Don't forget, I am Turing."

The man in front of him smiled and said: "I am the one who created [Deep Sea]. Before I create a super AI that may control the world, I will definitely be prepared..."


He snapped his fingers.

The small iron box on Chu Ling's body suddenly made a clear and trembling sound.

The array box was guided by powerful spiritual power and instantly released a circle of ripples, enveloping the three people.

The scene before my eyes changes.

Countless water patterns spread.

Gu Shen was very familiar with this scene... A few seconds later, he was floating in the spiritual sea of ​​the array box. What was gratifying was that he was no longer in the form of a baby and could only curl up in his swaddling clothes, unable to stretch out.

Gu Shen in the spiritual world.

Still himself.

He maintains the full spirit of his youth, and every thought is as hot as flowing fire. The spiritual sea of ​​the array box is slightly cold and dead, but because of his presence, the entire sea is a third of the gorgeous red color.

On the other side, Chu Ling and Turing are all condensed in this sea of ​​array boxes in the form of spiritual bodies.

Chu Ling is also that Chu Ling.

She was wearing a snow-white dress, her waist-length hair was not swaying in the wind, and her whole person was as holy as snow.

But Mr. Turing...

After coming to the spiritual world, he no longer looked like "Cui Zhongcheng".

But a blurry shadow.

This phantom... was quite similar to the "deep sea" that Gu Shen saw earlier. In Mr. Turing's mental body, Gu Shen saw more than one face.

Turing's cheeks are made up of countless garbled characters.

He is not alone.

It is like a life composed of millions of people gathered together.

Gu Shen tried to look intently. He wanted to see Turing's true face clearly through millions of faces... But he failed. Behind the millions of faces, there were still millions of faces.

He couldn't see through Turing.

On the contrary, after focusing for a few seconds, his spirit became tired and sour.

"Don't look at me."

Turing smiled and said: "Although your mental power is now very strong, it is still not enough to look directly at my soul... Of course, even if you have enough mental power, don't look directly at my soul. This It’s not a pretty thing, I don’t have a pretty skin or a pretty soul.”

Of course Gu Shen would not take such self-deprecation seriously.

He withdrew his gaze and no longer looked at Turing, but instead looked around the spiritual space inside this small iron box.

This sea area is unexpectedly "huge".

Endless as far as the eye can see.

No boundaries can be seen at all!

"This is the independent sea area that I deliberately opened up before creating the [Deep Sea]."

Turing explained softly: "Facing a super AI like [Deep Sea], any creator will keep a cautious eye..."

Gu Shen said: "For example, [source code]?"


Turing smiled and said: "Another example is the array box."

Of course it is impossible for a person like him to have only one mind.

It is obvious that once a super AI like [Deep Sea] is created, it will develop rapidly, and its momentum is basically impossible to stop.

So Turing was prepared for the worst from the beginning... and this sea of ​​array boxes was one of his back-ups.

"This independent sea area can be connected to the [deep water area] at any time."

Turing said slowly: "You can understand it as a 'virus'. The spirit in this sea area will spread and spread... This is the biggest driving force for the 'Lion Awakening Technology' to be promoted. I will allow the array box to access the sea area." [Deep Water Area] Middle.”


Gu Shen was silent for a moment and asked: "Can this array box sea area resist the [Deep Sea] that has been upgraded eleven times?"

"This array box sea area is prepared for the deep sea after eleven upgrades..."

Turing lowered his eyes and smiled.

He raised his hand.

In this virtual spiritual world, all "objects" are false.

A wrapped ancient parchment scroll appeared in Turing's palm.

This ancient book is false.

But even the projection... made Gu Shen feel depressed.

"What's this?"

Gu Shen stared at the ancient scroll in front of him, and he felt a familiar atmosphere from the virtual projection of the ancient book.

"Aren't you always curious about where extraordinary power comes from?"

Turing calmly said: "The extraordinary power comes from the 'Gospel Box'... During the migration of the starship civilization, the Gospel Box shattered and a second-level fire was born. The person in charge of the fire is called the 'leader'. In today's era, it is called the 'God's Throne'. Leaders and God's Thrones control the authority that points directly to the source of extraordinary power."

He paused: "And this ancient book is the 'authority' itself, symbolizing the most extreme extraordinary rules. Many years ago... it was called the 'Dead Sea Scrolls'."


The expressions on Gu Shen and Chu Ling's faces were very wonderful.

Dead Sea Scrolls... This thin ancient book actually symbolizes the most extreme extraordinary rules? !

"After you smelt fire, you will know... [The deep sea] is actually divided into three major areas."

"Shallow water, deep water, and...the Dead Sea."

Gu Shen knows both shallow water and deep water.

But the Dead Sea area.

The first time he heard this name...

Before he became famous, Gu Shen vaguely heard that there was a spiritual sea area exclusive to the highest seat, which no one else could enter except the divine seat.

So is that the "Dead Sea Area"?

Dead Sea Area, Dead Sea Scrolls... Judging from the naming, there must be a close connection between the two.

"I heard that the development of [Deep Sea] encountered difficulties..."

Gu Shen stared at the projection of the ancient book in Turing's hand.

When the Ancient Prose Society was creating [Deep Sea], the project was blocked and could not move forward.

But then one day.

【Deep Sea】is suddenly born!

The world doesn't know the reason, but Gu Shen can guess one or two... "Xiao" was a "member" in the laboratory back then, but he was not a researcher, but an object being studied. The reason why the laboratory cultivated " A spiritual body like "Xiao" is just to allow [Deep Sea] to come into being smoothly.

I want a creation in the scientific field to be able to promote the advancement of the extraordinary era.

Then, "extraordinary objects" must be added to it.

"You guessed it right."

Turing smiled to himself.

“I integrated the ‘Dead Sea Scrolls’ with the main system… and this is how [Deep Sea] came into being.”

His voice was very heavy.

This is the most proud thing he has done in these years, and the most guilty thing.

"After the spirit of the Dead Sea Scrolls was integrated into the [Deep Sea], this super brain was born. It expanded the spiritual sea area at an extremely fast speed and began to evolve... My original intention was to let the [Deep Sea] push mankind forward. You saw what happened next.”

Turing murmured: "This great experiment, which has been praised by countless people, in my opinion, is actually a failure."

If human beings go to extinction because of the [deep sea].

Then almost all the blame should be borne by him.

At this moment, Gu Shen suddenly remembered why the projection of this ancient book seemed familiar.

His voice trembled: "Is this... a holy book?"

The Temple of Light has a small number of pages that can tamper with faith!

"Yes...the holy book is part of the Dead Sea Scrolls."

Turing was no stranger to the title read by Gu Shen.

Gu Shen was startled.

"Do you know the 'Holy Book'?"

Soon he realized that his question was actually stupid.

In these years, Turing has lived as "Cui Zhongcheng", not only escaping the supervision of [Deep Sea], but also being able to monitor Wuzhou.

He must have seen everything that happened in Wuzhou.

"Actually, the 'Holy Books' of Guangming City...were all captured under my guidance."

Turing smiled and said, "It's just that this name was given by Meng Xizhou."

Only then did Gu Shen remember.

Meng Xizhou and Turing have long established an "alliance" relationship...

Looking back carefully, the time when the holy book appeared happened to be after Turing began to trust Meng Xizhou.

"A long, long time ago, the Dead Sea Scrolls were actually complete, containing extremely complete order and power... But then the Dead Sea Scrolls fragmented, and the order also broke down. The black spots you see in Wuzhou today ', 'black hole' actually comes from the collapse of order."

"The essence of the collapse of order actually comes from the Dead Sea Scrolls."

"The bits and pieces of extraordinary rules were scattered around the world with the fragmentation of the Dead Sea Scrolls... In fact, the initial 'escape' of the starship civilization was not just 'escape'. They were running around for more than just finding." Oasis' is also to be able to collect the Dead Sea Scrolls and restore order to integrity."

Turing's face gradually became serious and he said: "But once things like rules are broken, they cannot be reunited. The desire to complete the Dead Sea Scrolls is even more unrealistic than finding an oasis."

"Mr. Turing, I don't understand..."

Gu Shen rubbed his eyebrows: "What is the relationship between the Gospel box and the Dead Sea Scrolls?"

The Dead Sea Scrolls shattered, and so did the Gospel box.

Both represent the ultimate in "supernatural power."

If it is said that the power of all things in the world exists in a scale, then does the other side of the "power of fire" used by the human god's throne mean the "storm of source matter" caused by disorder?

The more extraordinary power is used.

The more it will cause a black hole.

That's why Starship Civilization wants to complete the Dead Sea Scrolls. If "order" can be re-organized and put into that small box, then all the ruins can be avoided.

"The relationship between the Gospel Box and the Dead Sea Scrolls..."

Turing cast his gaze into the distant void.

Accompanied by a sigh.

He said bitterly: "I am also very curious about this question. It's just that I have been traveling in this world for so many years and I still haven't found the answer."

"Back to the topic."

Turing said in a deep voice: "A few years ago, I discovered the spiritual power contained in the Dead Sea Scrolls, which can be integrated with dead objects such as code systems, and can cause qualitative changes... At that time, I made a bold move In an attempt, I put the 'Dead Sea Scrolls' into the [Deep Sea] host."

Then there is [Deep Sea].

To be precise, the Dead Sea Scrolls created Chu Ling and the main system.

This is indeed a power that only "gods" can control. After being integrated with the code, it actually cultivates a "living" will.

"When the butcher's knife fell thirty years ago."

"I realized that I had made a big mistake, but it might not be irreversible, so I started a long plan..."

"Over the years, the main system of [Deep Sea] has been evolving. After the failure of the first code war, [Source Code] could only hide and endure."

"But... patience and waiting are for the final counterattack."

Turing took a deep breath.

Speaking of which.

Gu Shen had already guessed Turing's countermeasure——

Since the power of order of the Dead Sea Scrolls can create the first [Deep Sea], then as long as a sufficient number of remaining pages of the Dead Sea Scrolls are collected and put into the array box sea area, the second [Deep Sea] can be created. deep sea】!

"[Deep Sea] has evolved eleven times..."

Gu Shen whispered: "Even if we create a second [Deep Sea], it will be difficult for us to win."

"Yes, this was destined to be a long and difficult war from the beginning."

Turing lowered his eyebrows and smiled and said: "Actually, compared to 'iteration', collecting the Dead Sea Scrolls is the biggest problem... With the help of the prophecy of the Forbidden Library, the entire City of Light has only collected a few pages in so many years. ?”

"So I don't want to take action. I want to wait and wait..."

"Once the array box is activated, the extraordinary era will come and extraordinary war will break out."

Turing sighed solemnly: "This homeland has just experienced six hundred years of peace. Once an extraordinary war breaks out, I can't imagine what it will be like..."

"About the 'Supernatural War' thing."

Gu Shen was silent for a moment and said, "Are you thinking too pessimistically?"


Turing frowned.

He looked at Gu Shen slightly confused.

"Is this... the East China Sea?"

The black and silver airship crashed into the sea, splashing thousands of piles of frost and snow, ice shards flying everywhere, and snow waves flying across the sky.

From the void outside the Cicada Wing City Fortress, it traveled all the way east, bypassing the Gubao Fortress, bypassing the northern border, and almost making a huge circle around Beizhou and Dongzhou... Finally, the airship arrived at the vast East China Sea. In this area, under the destruction of the strong air current, Black Silver was almost reduced to scrap metal.

second half.

This airship completed its voyage while being lifted up by the [Thunder World Walker].

Fortunately, someone was already used to this kind of operation... Baixiu kept the airship at the lowest energy consumption. He wanted to ensure that the radar landmarks Gu Shen gave him could be updated in real time.

The East China Sea is huge.

What he is looking for is just a small "dot".

Fortunately, this small "dot" is not as difficult to find as Baixiu imagined.

[Thunder Walker] held up the black and silver airship, and finally hovered above a certain cloud in the East China Sea. Baixiu "manually" controlled the black and silver airship to land slowly.


A dull sound accompanied by the rolling tide.

The airship fell into the sea, then sank, and then sank again.

The coordinates are here.

Bai Xiu did not hesitate, and controlled the airship to submerge into the sea. After the entire field of vision became dark... he saw the huge shadow in the deep sea, which was a steel island as wide as a whale's back.

That is……

A huge ship with white sleeves so long that you can't see the boundary at a glance.

A beam of red light glanced from the dark giant ship.

"My surname is Bai, and my name is Baixiu."

After the red light came, Bai Xiu felt a strong crisis in his heart!

He quickly followed the method Gu Shen taught him and announced his home address very quickly, "I am Gu Shen's friend and Gu Xiaoman's teacher!"

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