Barrier of Light

Chapter 1137 Broken Throat

"After tonight, the Sky Sheath weapons will officially launch a strike."

The Initium is drifting in the void.

Gu Shen lay in front of the porthole, staring at the darkness in front of him with complicated emotions.

He is still a "baby" now, and his height cannot reach the lowest height of the porthole. But after all, he has grown up in the turbulence of time and space and is able to use part of his mental power. This part of his mental power lifts his body and supports him to float. stand up……

The Sky Sheath Strike Plan was the final plan proposed by Gu Nanfeng.

This plan sounds very "ruthless".

But on the contrary, it is the most effective method for all mankind and the fastest method for war.

Gu Shen did not participate in that meeting. If he had participated... maybe the person who suggested the sky sheath strike was not Gu Nanfeng, but him.

He cares less about his reputation than Gu Nanfeng.

He is already Pluto, a traitor to the Ancient Literature Society, and a wanted fugitive with unforgivable crimes.

All the negative impacts caused by the Sky Sheath's strike...are nothing to Gu Shen. As long as the war with [Deep Sea] can be ended, then everything will be worth it.

Is it just the end after the Sky Sheath attack?

Gu Shen didn't think so.

He originally relied on the ability of the "Traveler" to relieve the negative effects of the Sky Sheath fragments.

If [Deep Sea] could also do such a thing.

Then...this blow is just the beginning of the war.

The Sky Sheath Strike can only bring certain advantages to the Three Continents Alliance, but it is not enough to directly end it all.

Gu Shen didn't know what kind of relationship [Deep Sea] currently had with the traveler group. The whereabouts of General Silver Fox were still unknown, but according to his previous guess, [Deep Sea] could complete the eleventh time under Qingwu's restrictions. Upgrading must rely on the spiritual power from outside the Five Continents.

This power can only come from the traveler community.

"You humans are really crazy when you fight."

Afu floated next to Gu Shen and sighed: "Even back then, the sheath weapon was a very terrifying attack method..."

Starship civilization is very united and very powerful.

But the corrosive nature of the fragments of the sky sheath against extraordinary power is unprecedented.

If you want to resist the sky sheath weapon, you must be at least level four and have a complete external field to ensure that the physical body is not hit.

Faced with such harsh defense conditions, starship civilization will also have a big headache.

Afu smiled: "I have to say... the guy who came up with this thing is really a genius."

"Zuka Ghost... is indeed a genius."

Gu Shen lowered his eyebrows and smiled.

After the last incident in Cicada Wing City, Tsukauki was sent to the tundra to rest. His spirit was greatly traumatized, and he was often in a state of drowsiness and dreams.

While Gu Shen and Afu were talking.

A slight tremor rippled through the cabin.


Gu Shen was stunned for a second... For a giant ship of the size of the Initiate, sailing in the [Old World] was like walking on plain ground. Even if it encountered some small source storms, there would be no setbacks, but at this moment, a ship An obvious shock wave swept over and made a dull sound on the silver skin of the miracle.

"This is?"

He looked at the distant void outside the porthole window, and suddenly a flash of white lit up.

That white streak, like snow, tore open the dark void, like tearing open a door...


What it tore open was a portal.

[Old World] There are a large number of portals in the void. Through one door, one can teleport across thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles, or even further.

This pale color was like a shooting star, streaking across the sky and speeding towards the northern border.

In an instant, it exploded and burned, exploding like fireworks, expanding hundreds or thousands of times per second.

"This is...the source of energy storm! It's a super giant source of energy storm!"

Afu's tone became sharp at this moment, and it instantly opened the defense system of the Initiate, even though the snow-white meteor was not directed at the Initiate at all, and was separated by an extremely long distance... But at this moment it Still made the highest standard of defense!


A huge shield of source material enveloped the Initiate.

Nearly a thousand miles away, the meteor flashed away, as if it had hit something. The dark void was illuminated extremely brightly at this moment, and thousands of streams of light shot out in all directions. The "aftershock" arrived a few seconds later. The initial number was caught in violent turbulence!

Gu Shen still clung to the porthole.

He stared intently at the location where the meteor hit.

In the moment when countless white lights bloomed brilliantly, he saw the scene there clearly...

It is the most prominent fortress on the northern border.

It is the throat of human destiny.

It was also the place where he carried out his first mission outside the fortress.


One minute before the super giant source of storm comes.

In Gubao Fortress, the long night is coming to an end, dawn has not yet risen, and the cold wind is as biting as a knife.

Zou Hai was alone, walking on the snow, one foot deep and one foot shallow.

He was holding an electronic chain in his hand, which was stretched straight at the moment. The Labrador retriever was "sprinting" on the snow with a stern face, but because Zou Hai was holding on to the chain, he walked very slowly.

"I know you miss Mr. Lin Lin very much, but he has gone to Central City."

Zou Hai comforted him softly: "It may take a long time before he comes back."

He held a small ring seal in his hand, which was the "spiritual link item" left by Lin Lin before he left. The "array box technology" of the Ancient Literature Society was borrowed here, and it was equipped with a small spiritual link network. , can be used to transmit messages. If placed a year ago, this ring would be useless, because there is no more convenient and convenient transmission tool than [Deep Sea].

But now, this ring is the most precious thing in Zou Hai.

Beizhou is now in a period of withdrawal from the information jam of [Deep Sea].

This ring can ensure that his spiritual messages can be sent to Master Lin Lin as soon as possible no matter how far apart they are.

The war has begun.

Master Lin Lin has been stationed at Gubao for nearly twenty years. As Lin Lin's adjutant, Zou Hai has always hoped that Lin Lin could return to Central City.

Lin Lin is the soul of Gubao Fortress.

But in comparison, Beizhou today needs more help from adults.

This time Lin Lin returned to Central City, Zou Hai felt a little bit regretful, but more importantly, he was happy.

As royal orthodoxy.

Master Lin Lin should be sitting in the center right now.


The vicious Labrador dog let out a low growl. Lin Lin left in a hurry this time. He didn't even have time to pack up the luggage in Gubao Fortress, so he left without taking anything away.

Zou Hai originally thought that Labrador was complaining to him about his master's "leaving without saying goodbye".

But at the next moment, the voice of his heart that sounded in his mental fantasy made him look solemn.

"Giant wall! Direction of giant wall!"

Niu Niu has already "awakened", and it uses its spiritual power to convey its meaning!

At this moment, the Labrador dog was kicking on the ground with all four limbs, its hair standing on end, as if facing a formidable enemy, staring in the direction of the giant wall!


Zou Hai was startled for a second. Due to the declaration of war on [Deep Sea], Gubao Fortress has now switched to a closed spiritual network. Not only Gubao is a fortress, but also the critical defense line of the entire Beizhou border. It has been switched to closed spiritual network. The spiritual network can prevent information monitoring in the [deep sea].

But the corresponding flaw is that the defense strength of the "Umbrella Line of Defense" has dropped by several levels.

Even though Beizhou Border dispatched a large number of "artificial" surveillance by extraordinary beings, the patrol accuracy of extraordinary beings cannot be compared with [Deep Sea].

"The direction of the giant wall..."

An ominous sign appeared in Zou Hai's heart. He released the electronic chain, and the Labrador dog instantly turned into a phantom and climbed directly up the giant wall.


The tail wing of Yuan Jia spits out flames, and Zou Hai rises from the ground.

A few seconds later, one person and one dog arrived at the giant wall at the same time.

"Ouch! Ouch!"

Niuniu roared at the umbrella defense line outside the giant wall!

Zou Hai tried to call the "patrol sentries" sent out by Gubao Fortress, but the communicator at this moment completely failed. No matter how he called, there was only the sound of broken electricity!

Rumble, rumble——

A dull loud noise trembled outside the giant wall.

The long night was not over yet, and dawn was about to dawn. A pale white suddenly appeared on the dim ceiling of the Gubao Fortress.

That is not the dawn of light and a new day...

on the contrary.

That pale white color carried a desperate wind pressure and swept in like a blizzard. The umbrella defense line that had been firmly protecting the Gubao Fortress for decades was as fragile as a piece of paper at this moment.

Zou Hai knew why the communicator was not responding.

The extraordinary beings sent out on patrol have been killed.

Before their shouts could even be heard back, they were drowned by the snow-white storm containing a large amount of source matter.

In this case...submergence is equivalent to annihilation.

"Everyone! Be on alert! Be on alert!"

This originally silent night was suddenly torn apart by a storm.

The airships of Gubao Fortress were all activated and entered a state of preparation for war. All the elites simultaneously entered the closed spiritual network, and then witnessed with their own eyes the scene of the "Umbrella Line of Defense" being torn apart... It took humans five full years to build this line of defense. , a lot of energy is invested in repairs every year, but now it only resists for five seconds in the face of the source of energy storm.

The storm that destroyed the heaven and earth advanced in a destructive manner.

The energy boat suspended in the air above the Gubao Fortress fell into extreme silence at this moment.


The snow-white torrent crashed in, and the gorgeous brilliance rushed like a waterfall, spreading to a radius of nearly a hundred miles...

At this moment, there are only two words in everyone's mind.


Central City, candlelight flickering in the attic.

Lin Lin leaned against the wall of the dark study room. He looked at his brother who was writing furiously opposite him. The sky outside the window was already slightly white... It was a sleepless night.

"There are still nineteen minutes left, and the Sky Sheath strike plan will be implemented."

Lin Silk held the quill, took a deep breath, and looked up at the clock on the wall.

This is the number of times I have raised my head tonight.

He seemed to be concentrating, but in fact his heart was in an unprecedented state of chaos, and he could only vent and calm down by writing random things.

The Sky Sheath Strike Plan is the most critical "plan" in this war!

If it can be successfully implemented, the subsequent war will not encounter any major resistance...

Even if the implementation of the plan did not go as smoothly as expected, the 103 missiles stored in Tundra, plus the [Roshan] in Gubao, a total of 104 Skysheath missiles, even if only half of them detonated, would still be lost. It's enough to seal the victory.

Tonight's plan is related to the survival of billions of creatures!

How could he be calm? How can one enter concentration?

As for Lin Lin, let alone, he made a special trip to his brother's attic that night just to face it together...

Tonight went very smoothly.

Through the emergency private network, news of preparations for the loading of Skysheath weapons continued to come from the other side of the tundra.

All is well.

And it's better than expected.

But the more "calm" and "smooth" it was, the more uneasy Lin Lin felt in his heart.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.

The attic was silent, and as the two brothers looked at each other, the smoothly running clock seemed to have stopped for a second.


The ring Lin Lin wore on his little finger suddenly trembled... A large amount of mental messages came in, and his expression changed instantly. He was no longer calm, but became shocked, heartbroken, and unbelievable.

There are still seven minutes until the Sky Sheath weapon is officially launched.

The highest level of the Three Continents Alliance, after their last meeting, immediately used the "Light Fire" as the source to build a closed network that could carry out spiritual connections without relying on the [Deep Sea].

At this moment, the conference room in this enclosed sea area turned from dark to bright.

One after another, figures entered the meeting with spiritual ideologies.

It was the same people who had previously held the decision-making meeting in Dadu.

One more person to be added.

Gu Shen, who uses the "Initial Number" as the base station, also entered this meeting. Regardless of his status or strength, Gu Shen is qualified to participate in this meeting.

Every participant who entered the meeting looked very solemn.

They know.

At this juncture, there is only one possibility to convene a spiritual meeting...that is, there has been an extremely major change that will affect the attack of the Sky Sheath.

The atmosphere in the closed sea conference room was filled with solemn silence.

Except for Gu Shen, almost every attendee turned their attention to the initiator of this meeting.

Beizhou, Central City, Lin Lin.

"There are still seven minutes until the official launch of the Sky Sheath weapon. I'm sorry to call you here..."

Lin Lin's voice was trembling.

He clenched his fists hard, calming his emotions so that the next mental picture could be smoothly projected in front of everyone in the conference room.

Gu Nanfeng and Meng Xizhou held their breaths.

Lu Nanzhi's eyes were blank.

Gu Shen silently lowered his eyelids. He probably guessed what Lin Lin was going to show, but the next scene still shocked him.

["Everyone! Be on guard! Be on guard!\

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