Barrier of Light

Chapter 1138 Countermeasures

At dawn, the Gubao Fortress on the northern border was attacked by a super giant source of energy storm.

Zou Hai, the temporary garrison of Gubao, died in the battle.

All fifty-nine energy boats of the Gubao fleet were destroyed.

The atmosphere in the spiritual conference room was very bleak. The white torrent brought a great impact, and everyone felt heavy.

But the Sky Sheath attack will be carried out in seven minutes. This meeting is not just to announce the tragic news that Gubao has been killed.

"According to calculations, this super giant source of energy storm should have continued southward after destroying the Fort..."

Lin Silk said: "But now the forward trend of this storm has dropped significantly, and a vortex has formed in Gubao."

He tapped his fingertips lightly on the table.

The real-time image was updated, and the Gubao Fortress was filled with huge snow and fog. Billions of extraordinary source particles surrounded the collapsed city gate and turned into a black hole.

"This is……"

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes as he looked at this scene. Others may not be familiar with the particles dancing wildly in the snow and mist, but he knew it all too well.

"Is this a fragment of the sky sheath?!"

"That's right." Lin Ci looked at Gu Shen and nodded, "This is the extraordinary offset effect after the detonation of [Roshan]."


The Gubao Fortress has always stored the Skysheath missile that Gu gave to Beizhou back then!

"At the last moment...Zou Hai detonated [Roshan], forming a hedge."

Lin Lin's voice was hoarse: "The sky sheath fragments enveloped the Gubao Fortress. Due to the characteristics of the sky sheath, the momentum of this storm was abruptly interrupted."

The huge vortex that enveloped the head of Gubao was formed because of this.

The fragments of the sky sheath are destroying the extraordinary source of matter.

In other words...

It is destroying this storm of origin!

"Maybe, this is good news..."

Lu Nanzhi murmured in a low voice.

The human world has always been helpless in the face of the seismic storm, but now scabbard weapons can play a role...

This is the glimmer of light in the darkness!

"Yes, this is indeed good news."

Lin Ci said seriously: "Due to the detonation of [Roshan], Gubao successfully delayed the storm, but judging from the current situation, a sky sheath weapon is not enough to completely eliminate the storm."

This is why he called an emergency meeting!

In a few minutes, all one hundred and three Skysheath missiles would be fired. By then, it would be too late to take them back or rush to manufacture them.

In order to fight against [Deep Sea], the Three Continents Alliance decided to clear their inventory.

But now...

The arrival of the super giant storm directly opened a hole in the border of Beizhou.


Gu Nanfeng sighed silently in his heart. He raised his head and said calmly: "This sudden source of storm has canceled the original plan to attack the Sky Sheath."

"Although it is very frustrating, it is indeed the case."

There were countless regrets in Lin Silk's eyes. He stretched out his finger and slowly drew a long line on the virtual map: "Gubao Fortress is located at the salient point of the due north defense line. Once Gubao is breached, the storm will spread in the interior of Beizhou. , and then the entire border will be shattered...the aftermath of the source storm will follow the tundra and invade Dongzhou."

What kind of disaster will happen next?

It was simply impossible to predict.

Facing this level of source storm, we must use all our strength to strangle it at the throat.

"There's even worse news."

Lin Silk added: "I suspect that the storm of origin that descended on the Fort was not just an accident...Members of the Survey Corps at the northern border detected strange extraordinary fluctuations of origin."

Everyone in the conference room was startled.

"It's the [door]."

Gu Shen spoke at this moment.

He said in a heavy voice: "When the super-giant source of energy storm attacked the Fort...I saw the picture from a long distance away. The storm emerged from the [Gate]."

There are countless [doors] in the [Old World].

Some [doors] are shrouded in black holes and corroded by extraordinary forces.

Some [doors] are "man-made".

The group that controls the technology of manufacturing [Portals] is the Travelers. This group has traveled thousands of miles in the void, looking for the whereabouts of the Five Continents for six hundred years. They can create a large number of [Portals], which is why many It has been confirmed during the Battle of Luhe.

A large amount of strange source of energy appeared outside Beizhou Fortress.

These breaths are related to the [door].

The combination of these two points... can make people guess the real reason why this storm hit Gubao.

"Is it... the deep sea?"

Lin Lin looked at Gu Shen in disbelief.

Until now, he was still deep in the pain of the destruction of the Fort. After receiving the spiritual message from Zou Hai, he was shocked at first, and then forced himself to quickly regain his composure, because Lin Lin knew that there were more important things waiting for him. ...But he never imagined that this horrific natural disaster was actually man-made.

Things to know…

If not for accepting the temporary transfer from Central City.

He should be in Gubao now!

If Lin Lin were in Gubao, he would be dead at this moment with no ashes left.

"Whether it's the deep sea, I can't say for sure."

"But...I don't believe there is such a wonderful coincidence in this world."

Gu Shen said: "If something had happened earlier, something would have happened later. But tonight, at this very moment, it suffered such a heavy blow. This timing is really a coincidence."

[Deep Sea] predicted the coming of a super-giant source matter storm many years ago.

No, rather than saying that this is a prophecy, it is better to say that this is the inevitable result obtained by [Deep Sea] through careful calculations.

"Do you still remember? The Cicada Wing City incident was planned by [Deep Sea], using the three generals of Beizhou as pawns in exchange for the spiritual sacrifice of the Traveler ethnic group... If it controls the Traveler ethnic group, then open the [Portal], It shouldn’t be too difficult to lure the storm from the [Old World] to the Fort."

The reason why the traveler tribe was able to evolve the ability to open the [Portal] is because they were chased by the storm, and they had to escape, and they had to escape fast enough.

And now.

[Deep Sea] controls the traveler and opens this [door].

So the torrent poured out, aiming at Beizhou from a distance.

The conference room fell into dead silence again... A suffocating feeling of despair emerged in everyone's mind.

If Gu Shen's guess is correct.

So the "storm" in Gubao Fortress is just the beginning.

The scale of this storm exceeded the records of the past six hundred years, but judging from the intensity that was enough to destroy the starship civilization, the storm that destroyed the Citadel should be just a foreplay of the "super giant seismic storm", including the main meal. Not even an appetizer.

But what really makes the senior officials of the Tricontinental Alliance feel desperate is——

Tonight's storm is released to the beat of the drum that the Sky Sheath is preparing to strike.

If this is the layout of [Deep Sea], can it be understood that [Deep Sea] has long known the actions humans will take in this war?

How to make a sky sheath?

This storm is its countermeasure.

For a moment, everyone in the conference room was silent.

[Deep Sea] has completely violated the three precepts set by Mr. Turing and started a war with the human world... At this moment, the enemies that the Three Continents Alliance has to face are not just Central Continent.

There is a high probability that there are also travelers from the [Old World].

"Three minutes left."

Gu Nanfeng said in a hoarse voice: "The original plan to attack the Sky Sheath must be suspended."

They cannot bear the consequences of the sky sheath being released.

The storm that attacked Gubao stabbed the main artery of the Three Continents Alliance with a sharp knife.

What makes people even more fearful is the travelers on the other side of the [Gate].

"It is inevitable to suspend the plan. The current trouble to deal with the Kubao next?"

Meng Xizhou rubbed his eyebrows vigorously.

The ominous omen that was brewing in her heart was indeed fulfilled.

The "hope" that the Tricontinental Alliance had been waiting for so far was shattered at this moment.

This war will not end.

Instead, it will lead to a long "wrestling".

This spiritual meeting was declared to take a short break in the dead silence. Each leader can carefully think about countermeasures. The meeting will restart in half an hour. Gu Nanfeng can also use this time to cancel the original plan to attack the Sky Sheath. .

Gu Shen's spirit returned to the initial number, and he brought back the bleak picture of Gubao Fortress.

Afu looked at the collapsed gate of the fortress and symbolically observed a few seconds of silence. Then he sighed in disbelief: "Is this what you call a 'celestial sheath weapon'? It's so powerful that it's unexpectedly powerful. It's really powerful against the source of matter." The storm took its toll.”

Afu also witnessed the storm just now.

Extremely powerful.

With the level of civilization in the Five Continents, it shouldn't have been so easy to stop.

It can only be said that Central City made an extremely correct choice by storing [Roshan] in Gubao.

"It has had an effect, but it's not enough." Gu Shen got straight to the point and asked directly: "The storm of essence that attacked Gubao did not dissipate, but stayed at the landing point... If you want to 'annihilate' it, How many more Skysheath missiles are needed?”

The Three Continents Alliance cannot use the computing power of [Deep Sea] to calculate this problem.

But fortunately... there is still an initial number.

A few seconds later, Afu gave the answer.

"If you want to completely eliminate this storm, you need to release seventeen more Skysheath weapons within at least two hours. You must strike repeatedly at the same location."

It solemnly said: "The regeneration and reproduction speed of the source storm is very fast. A storm that reaches this purity is almost certainly a derivative of the 'super giant storm'. Once it is delayed, it will spread quickly..."

Gu Shen gritted his teeth: "Seventeen?"

The current reserve of the entire human world is one hundred and four, and one of them has been used in the Gubao Fortress.

If seventeen more are dropped, the storm will be eliminated.

Then there are still eighty-six coins in reserve.

He was thinking whether the remaining eighty-six Skysheath missiles were enough to support the Tricontinental Alliance and continue to implement the Skysheath strike plan.

"Don't think about it, there's no chance."

Afu saw Gu Shen's thoughts, and reminded him calmly: "You should also know...that storm just now was not a coincidence, the [Deep Sea] is watching your every move, even if you cut off the main network, it will I can still guess your actions. This storm is just a test. If you really dare to launch the sky sheath strike and consume the reserves, then the next storm will move south from Beizhou and quickly disintegrate all the extraordinary power of Central City and Nagano. "

"This is an act of 'self-harm' at the expense of a large number of human lives."

Gu Shen's voice was cold.

"It's not just humans who can do things like flipping tables."

Afu, on the other hand, was very calm. He wrote lightly: "Since humans want to release the 'Heaven Sheath' and obliterate Central Continent at all costs... Then releasing the torrent of source matter in the deep sea and disintegrating Beizhou is the only 'countermeasure'. In this way, This war will return to an evenly matched situation. No, this is not evenly matched... Shenhai still holds chess pieces like 'Traveler' in his hands. Once the three continents alliance's chess pieces are used up, the arrival of the Traveler tribe will Revolutionize this war."

This is the "future" it deduces.

Gu Shen said in a hoarse voice: "Once travelers are involved in the war, the nature will change."

"Really? I can't see it."

"Little Sleeves told me that in the programming of [Deep Sea], ensuring the survival of human beings is its biggest task."

Avno looked at Gu Shen and asked seriously: "Assume an extreme situation. If one day in the future, after being washed by a super giant storm, 99% of the human world will die, leaving only a very small part alive. , does Deep Sea consider the mission accomplished?"

Gu Shen couldn't answer.

But the answer is obvious.

Of course it counts.

Compared to the other ending: the entire human world dies.

"Based on the programming, everything [Deep Sea] does is to preserve the 'fire' of the human race."

"But... the traveler tribe can be considered a branch derived from human beings."

Afu said softly: "Actually, travelers and humans are both 'creature groups' left over from the starship civilization. They just evolved differently in different environments. In my opinion, there is not much difference. There is no such thing as good or evil. If the civilization of the Five Continents cannot be preserved, then by preserving the travelers, the mission has been accomplished."

Of course, Deep Sea will take the best solution.

That's why the deep sea opens the [Portal] and lets this storm hit the Gubao Fortress.

Because it is trying to defeat the Three Continents Alliance and completely gain the "popular faith" of the Five Continents.

"Gu Shen."

Afu said meaningfully: "There is no optimal solution to the war in the Five Continents. You have created a monster that has never been seen in the starship era... How much effort humans have spent to cultivate it will cost several times and dozens of times." With all your hard work, go kill it.”

I want to rely on the sky sheath to end the war and kill the deep sea.

Too difficult, too difficult.

"The 'Sky Sheath Strike' plan is amazing, but it's also a pity... This kind of thing can't kill the deep sea."

Afu said solemnly: "My suggestion is to use part of the power to eliminate the crisis in the Gubao Fortress, and the rest should be reserved to deal with the next attack in the deep sea. If one day a larger source of energy storm comes, , these things might come in handy.”

Gu Shen was silent for a long time. He knew that what Afu said was the truth and the fact.

After a long time.

He asked: "Afu, tell me the truth, compared with the storm that hit the Fort, compared with the storm that the starship civilization faced back then..."

"Not worth mentioning."

Afu interrupted Gu Shen's inquiry.

"You can develop the Sky Sheath weapon, which is very powerful, but it is not enough."

It laughed at itself and said: "Even if you had a thousand Skysheath missiles, you couldn't stop the storm that flooded the Hunter God's Throne, let alone destroy it..."

"That storm was the real 'super giant storm'."

(PS: Four million words. At the end of the book, the panda is really tired, so the update is very slow, but the holes that need to be filled will be filled in. Regarding the plot, everyone can be more patient. The plot of Gubao encountering a storm should not be thought of. I immediately knew that it couldn’t be a “coincidence”. In fact, the plot of this book has always remained stable. It’s just that the recent updates have been slow, so the reading experience has become worse. I recommend everyone to read it.)

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