Barrier of Light

Chapter 1139 Snow in the Fort

When the sun rose over the East China Sea and the first ray of dawn fell on the tundra, the Gu family's night watchmen, who had been awake all night, left the base one after another and stood in the wind and snow wrapped in their big robes.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The black and silver base roared violently during the countdown to ignition.

Seventeen Skysheath missiles soared into the sky, setting off majestic sound waves and snowflakes, turning into sharp swords that soared into the sky, and fell far away towards the Fort... The Tricontinental Alliance canceled the original Skysheath attack plan in the last three minutes. With the support of the data provided by Gu Shen, they decided to carry out a "targeted attack" on the fort to smooth out the impact of this storm on the human world.

Seventeen Skysheath missiles accurately landed at the gate of the Gubao Fortress!

Under the influence of [Roshan], the source of energy storm that was supposed to spread to the interior of Beizhou was dragged down. With the release of the sky sheath fragments, the entire Gubao Fortress was drowned by the deafening sound of explosions.

The violent torrent that destroyed the Gubao Fortress suddenly disappeared under the heavy blow of the Sky Sheath.

But this noisy world has not become quiet.

The source of matter vortex above the Gubao Fortress expanded dozens of times in an instant. Seventeen Skysheath missiles struck at the same point, and the diffusion effect formed was superimposed. Only in this way can this source of matter storm be stopped at the throat. Dissipate and prevent it from spreading deeply... And the price of this attack is the permanent loss of an important fortress in the northern border of Beizhou.

This prominent spot on the territory, the most suitable border platform for defense, was destroyed by human hands.

"Absurd! Really absurd!"

The atmosphere in Beizhou's conference room was solemn. Osmond stared at the destroyed Gubao Fortress, his lips trembling with anger.

Three minutes ago, these missiles were planned to be sent to Central Continent.

But now, it hit him.

"If you want me to see it, I'll fight Zhongzhou directly..."

A radical general expressed his attitude directly. He wiped the blade of his knife in the conference room and said coldly: "The Gu family still has eighty-six Skysheath missiles, all of them hitting the upper city! Fuck you hard!"


Fisher remained calm at this moment. He shook his head and said: "If this storm is caused by the [Deep Sea], then the entire northern border will be subject to similar threats... Once the Sky Sheath is thrown into Central Continent, So what do we do to counter the threat on the northern frontier?”

"That's nice to say!"

The radical general had veins bulging on his forehead and shouted angrily in a low voice: "Are we just in a stalemate? If [Deep Sea] can control a storm of this level, why should we fight? We can just surrender! Three consecutive battles for the Gubao Fortress It hasn’t lasted more than a minute, and now it’s completely turned into powder!”


Osmond has calmed down at this moment. As the oldest and senior person in the conference room, he became the temporary leader of the Third Army after General White Lizard "death".

"Our the deep sea."

Osmond took a deep breath.

"If Deep Sea really has the confidence to destroy the entire northern border in one breath, then the loss we just faced is not just the fortress."

All Beizhou garrisoners calmed down at this moment.

They realize this too.


The war in the deep sea has officially begun, and it will not show any mercy... If it has the ability to destroy the entire northern border, it will not just destroy the fortress.

"That storm of origin came from the [Portal]."

Fisher calmly analyzed: "According to careful reasoning, the deep sea is likely to control the power of the traveler group, but even so, it cannot control the source of the storm so easily..."

The Sefiran Storm is a collection of chaos in the world.

Theoretically speaking, this thing can neither be predicted nor controlled, and all "order" will be destroyed wherever it passes.

Achieving precise strikes through [Portal] is essentially a paradox.

If a door is opened, the seismic storm can be dragged to a designated location... Then the traveler group does not need to go to great lengths to find the "Five Continents Civilization". With their ability to survive in the void, they can just find a piece of broken land. You can make a home, and you can take refuge by opening the door when in danger.

"To pull a storm of origin, there must be a price to pay."

Live Fish said seriously: "It's just that we don't know the price paid by [Deep Sea]."

Both sides of this war stand in the fog.

[Deep Sea] It is unclear how many Sky Sheath weapons the Tricontinental Alliance has.

And the same.

The Three Continents Alliance does not know what kind of trump card [Deep Sea] holds.

"Then what should we do?" the radical general asked calmly.

"Follow the instructions of Grand Duke Zhuxue..."

"After the Church of Storms withdrew... Nanzhou has now become a land of no one."

Osmond stretched out his palm and slowly advanced on the projection map of the long table, finally stopping at the southernmost point.

"It's important for us to get this land."

In the game between the five continents, the strong are the players, the weak are the pawns, and the even weaker...will be reduced to the chessboard.

Nanzhou is a chessboard, always has been.

After the Storm God left on the starship, the nature of the chessboard changed.

At first, the "middle-level leaders" in the Holy City did not notice anything strange. They were just curious about where the higher-level leaders had gone... The hierarchical order within the church was extremely strict, and they had no right to interfere with the plans of the higher-ups, and they were happy to be "free" , but soon they realized something was wrong. None of the saints could be contacted, and Yuanting Island was even empty.

They started communicating with each other.

Some time ago, several saints' subordinates took away the "core elites" from various cities in Nanzhou. This kind of thing is actually very common and nothing serious.

But now.

These "core elites" have also disappeared!

Reminiscent of the magnificent blazing light that rose from the sea of ​​ice to the sky a few days ago, these middle-level church leaders finally guessed the truth of this matter.

The Church of Storms left South Continent with "valuable" fire.

That blazing light reaching into the sky was proof that Lord God and the Saint had left.

In other words.

They have been abandoned.

What does it mean to be abandoned? In fact, it is not difficult to guess... Now the Three Continent Alliance has declared war on Central Continent, but the first battle has not started yet. It is obvious that both Central Continent and the "Allied Forces" are thinking about how to start.

And now...the best battlefield has appeared.

Three days later, a small airship slowly sailed into the area where the Gubao Fortress was located, and the sky was filled with snow and silvery white.

The airship hovers.

Lin Lin looked at the fortress that had been reduced to ruins.

Due to the attack of the Sky Sheath weapons, the entire ten-mile radius of the Gubao Fortress was isolated by a cordon. This throat area was painfully cut off, and the bones of the heroic spirits sacrificed in the storm of origin were also burned to death by the high temperature. In addition, [ A total of eighteen Skysheath missiles, including Roshan, completely burned the Gubao Fortress into purgatory, but the fire had been extinguished at this moment.

But the snow that floated in front of Lin Lin seemed to be stained with scalding temperature.

Lin Lin stood silently in front of the ruins cordon.

He was in a daze, looking at the snow-white ruins in front of him, hoping to see a "living" figure, but after standing for a long time, there was only heavy snow swirling in front of him...

Only ten days after leaving the fortress, his former comrades-in-arms were already reduced to ashes.

War is so cruel.

There was another person on the airship. The woman in a large cloak slowly opened the hatch and came to Lin Lin's side.

The commander of the Purple Rain Army accompanied Lin Lin and stood in silence.

"The elite of the Third Army have officially landed in Nanzhou."

She said softly: "The cloud ship from the upper city has also arrived in the western part of Nanzhou... The Church of Storms is currently divided into three major factions. One party surrendered to us unconditionally, so the third legion's northern landing last night was extremely smooth."

"One faction advocates ceding the western region and compromising with the Tower of Source. With the help of this faction, Shangcheng has established a strong information barrier in the western part of Nanzhou."

Among the three major factions, there is another faction that advocates resistance.

They are extreme believers of the Church of Storms. They believe that the throne of God will not abandon them and that the church is the true master of the Southern Continent. Therefore, they refuse any compromise. They neither bow to the Tower of Source nor surrender to the Three Continents Alliance... they have to It is said that this faction has a lot of backbone, but this behavior is very stupid.

Currently, Nanzhou is relatively peaceful, but war will soon break out in the interior.

Both the Three Continents Alliance and the Tower of Source automatically ignored this faction that advocated tenacious resistance.

Because before this grand war of unprecedented scale, the resistance faction was just an ant. They had already made their own choice. Since they chose to actively get caught in the gaps of this war, there was no need to deliberately target them.

If you resist, you will be crushed to death.

"On the premise of testing the trump cards, this war in Southern Continent can be fought."

Ziyu said slowly: "But in this battle... we have a great chance of winning."

Due to the successful deployment of Lion Wake technology, the long-term strategy of the Three Continents Alliance is to delay the war until the later stages.

They need time to transform the local extraordinary beings...

Cut off the [Deep Sea], avoid spiritual invasion, and wait for the growth of a new generation of extraordinary beings.

This will take at least ten years.

Now that there is the Southern Continent War as a "buffer zone", it is not difficult to delay it until a new generation of extraordinary people grow up. Relying on the numerical advantage to gain the upper hand in the war, the technological monopoly will also be broken by then, and the three continents will have a clean territory. Even if the spiritual network is not as advanced as [Deep Sea], it is at least usable.

At this time, the Three Continents Alliance can launch the final attack on Central Continent.

Lin Lin listened silently.

He squatted down.

"This battle will take many years..."

The hoarse voice drifted in the wind.

The commander of the Purple Rain Army was just silent.

This battle will probably take many years. If a "God Throne" can be born in the Three Continent Alliance, then the progress of this war can be greatly accelerated, but the birth of the God Throne... is not that easy.

Meng Xizhou gave the estimated time for smelting fire.

At the fastest, it will take five years.

It's just the fastest.

If she wants to intervene in the divine battle at the top of the Tower of Source and have an effect... Meng Xizhou needs to smelt the light fire to an extremely high level. Obviously [Deep Sea] will not give her such an opportunity. She can participate in the war in five years. This is already the most ideal state.

Lin Lin picked up a handful of sand mixed with snow dust and asked gently: "If we released the 'Heaven Sheath' one day earlier, would the outcome be different?"

At the very beginning of the meeting, many people were worried that releasing the Sky Sheath would harm innocent people.

But now...the war is being dragged on.

After ten years of fighting, how many people will die?

How many people will live a life worse than death?

To be kind to your enemies is to be cruel to yourself.

Ziyu couldn't answer this question.

But the next moment, a childish sighing sound came from the snow and dust of Gubao Fortress.

"Not really."

Lin Lin was stunned.

He raised his head in disbelief. After standing in front of the ruins of the Gubao Fortress for so long, he did not sense a single breath of living people, let alone any remaining spiritual thoughts. The sky sheath fragments had completely enveloped this area... But Now, a thin figure slowly walked out of the flying snow. The figure was only as high as Lin Lin's knees and was wrapped in a torn black robe.

This is a child who looks to be only three or four years old, but his eyebrows are extremely smart, and there is a bright flame burning between his eyebrows.

A child stands in the snow.

The snow flying behind him seemed different from the original one in Gubao... Those snowflakes seemed to bring some warmth, making people feel no longer so cold.

Ziyu subconsciously stopped in front of Lin Lin.

She felt extremely strange. The child in front of her looked very young, but his spiritual power was as vast as the sea. Even she could not sense the depth.

It’s just this spiritual aura…

Why is it so familiar?

The next moment, Lin Lin's voice of surprise made her understand the reason.

"Gu Shen?!"

Lin Lin stood up, clapped his hands to shake off the snow dust in his palms, and asked in surprise: "Why didn't you say anything when you came back?"

"There is no need to inform you about such a small matter."

Gu Shen shook his head and said softly: "Now that Gubao has been completely destroyed, a new spiritual network has been built in Beizhou. Apart from me, few people can step into the area covered by the fragments of the sky sheath... This place is very important to me. It’s a safe zone.”

Today, the environment of Gubao Fortress is even worse than in the [Old World].

Gu Shen himself can resist the fragments of the sky sheath, so he has nothing to fear. He is not worried about any special measures [Deep Sea] will take...

After the Gubao Fortress was broken, Gu Shen came here.

A total of 3,700 people in the fortress garrison were all killed in the attack of the seismic storm. When Gu Shen arrived here, the corpses of these people had been completely annihilated, but some spiritual will remained.

He couldn't bear to see the defenders of the Gubao Fortress "die" like this.

So... he used the authority of Hades.

Gu Shen raised his palm.

Now that his mental power is limited, he can only hold the Pure Land open for a moment.


With a loud noise, a towering tree burst out of the ground behind Gu Shen, and the warm snowflakes also tilted and rolled.

Lin Lin stood there blankly.

The pure land summoned by Gu Shen was shaken by countless heavy snows. In the heavy snow, densely packed familiar figures stood...

He saw the "old people" at Kubao Fortress.

The defenders of Gubao Fortress exist in the form of souls, swaying in the wind and snow.

Zou Hai, wearing a brimmed hat and holding a heavy big dog, stood under the hanging tree.

Because Gu Shen's spirit is restricted, the "soul" in the pure land at this moment cannot see the scene outside.

Most of the garrisoners of Gubao Fortress were average in strength during their lifetime. After being "revived", many of them lost consciousness. Even if they were summoned out, they would just drift unconsciously...

But Zou Hai was different from them.

Gu Shen tried his best to let Zou Hai retain part of his consciousness during his lifetime.

The sound of the wind was violent, like weeping and complaining.

Standing under the hanging tree, Zou Hai seemed to sense something. He slowly raised a hand and straightened his brimmed hat. Then, following the guidance of the strong wind, he looked back towards the end of the wind and snow.

That was exactly the direction Lin Lin was heading.

Zou Hai hugged the big dog and smiled gently at Feng Xue.

it is more than words.

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