Barrier of Light

Chapter 1141 Door

The collapsed Gubao Fortress, with pieces of snow flying.

The air was filled with a coke-like smell, and the snowflakes were also stained with some black.

"Aunt Wen..."

Lin Lin frowned and looked beyond the collapsed city gate in the distance. The original Gubao Fortress with many towers had been razed to the ground at this moment, and the field of vision was extremely empty. The giant wall was also carved out by the mass storm. Through the gap, you can vaguely see the blurry scene of the umbrella defense line.

"Did you feel that something was not right?"

Ziyu, who was wearing a big cloak, already had a serious expression on his face.

Her realm is higher than Lin Lin's, and her mental power is also stronger.

Now the extraordinary person closest to the origin in Beizhou is her. When she arrived at Gubao Fortress, Ziyu's spiritual power was released, covering the entire fortress ruins.

"The remaining extraordinary aura here...has begun to flow regularly..."

Ziyu narrowed her eyes and put a hand on Lin Lin's shoulder. She held the latter down to stop him from wanting to step forward to investigate.

Just staring at the "Ku Castle" made her feel uneasy.

meet as planned.

The two will wait at the gate of Gubao Fortress, waiting for the gift resources from the initial number.

And now...

The sound of wind coming from the Gubao Fortress became faintly sharp. It was the sound coming from outside the cave in the giant wall. It seemed like thousands of sharp swords were pouring out with the cold wind, and a cold "killing force" was rising outside the fortress. .

This icy cold current made Ziyu and Lin Lin feel bad.

It wasn't just the two people waiting at Gubao Fortress who felt the cold wave.

Gu Shen and Bai Xiu, who were preparing to leave on the initial ship, also sensed something was wrong.

At this moment, the ten red figures have completed the activation process. They put on large bamboo hats to cover their faces, with their heads and hands hanging down.

As Gu Shen Baixiu and Gu Xiaoman's spiritual power were poured into them, their eyes suddenly lit up with a red light, and the palms of their hands were also pressed on the black silver knife handle, as if they woke up from the sleeping mode in an instant and became Extremely alert, the bionic skin on the Bamboo Armor Man's body began to "flow". They were originally dead objects, but they were given "life" by the Lord of Molten Iron.

Afu compressed the black silver, loaded it in a cylinder, and then placed it in a secret box.

These ten red figures can physically cross the void.

Send resources to Gubao.

"Gu Shen, do you feel something is wrong?"

After Xiaoxiu's spiritual power entered the red shadow's body, he moved his head and looked at the child beside him.


Gu Shen said in a deep voice: "I suddenly felt a strong sense of danger..."

"I feel it too."

Even Gu Xiaoman spoke solemnly, and the little guy clenched his fists uneasily. It was her first time trying to mentally control a foreign object, and the red figure in front of her also clenched the handle of the knife uneasily.

"Just now, the void of the old world outside Beizhou Umbrella's defense line began to tremble at a high frequency."

Av's voice became serious.

Although it is not a transcendent and does not have such a thing as "mental warning", the initial number's monitoring capabilities can completely cover it.

When the Lord of Molten Iron built the initial ship for the starship civilization, in order to avoid danger, he allowed it to conduct extraordinary particle exploration in the void ahead of it from a distance of hundreds of miles.

"High-frequency tremors in the void?"

Gu Xiaoman's face was startled.

"Not long ago, this high-frequency tremor occurred once." Afu said solemnly.

"The last time was the time in Gubao?"

Xiaoxiu's pupils shrank and he muttered.

"That's right..."

Afu said: "After the Initiator detected the high-frequency tremor that time, the source of storm bombardment suddenly came. But this time's 'high-frequency tremor' is obviously different."

After that high-frequency tremor, disaster struck too quickly.

It didn't even have time to react!

But this time... the tremors were not as severe as last time, and the duration was much longer than last time.

"It's the [door]."

Gu Shen was very calm. He controlled a red shadow body and turned over to the outside of the Initiation. He stood on the roof of the huge starship and looked into the dark void in the distance... At the same time, he stretched out his palm and saw the particles in the void. It was indeed trembling, and the frequency was extremely high. Bai Xiu and Gu Xiaoman had never touched the [Gate] with their own hands. Although Afu controlled the initial number, he had been submersing in the East China Sea for so many years.

But he had contact.

The characteristic of the [Door] is that when it is opened, it will bring out a large number of extraordinary particles.

And the tremors were so high-frequency that even the initial number felt strange...

"And it's more than just one [door]."

So many [doors] opened at the same time.

There is only one possibility.

The traveler group has successfully locked the coordinates of the five continents civilization, and they are ready to "arrive".

The pitch-black void outside the northern border is always dark.

But at this moment, among the dense trembling frequencies, something suddenly broke.

A moment.

The flat void was like a broken mirror, instantly blooming with countless streams of light!


Thousands of doors!

As the void shattered, the portal opened, and sharp roars shot out like sharp swords. Low-level traveler creatures filed out, and dense black shadows drowned the fleeting light. They seemed to be locked on the bloody The hunting dog with the breath just ran straight towards the broken border that was emitting light.

Rumble, rumble!

The red shadow on the initial number gave a panoramic view of this scene.

"Essence storm... is just the beginning..."

The little sleeves look complicated.

He suddenly understood the true intention of [Deep Sea] to control the storm of essence to attack the Citadel.

Not just to suppress the Sky Sheath.

Once the Kubao Fortress is lost and the throat of mankind is shattered, the arrival of the traveler tribe will become an extremely terrifying thing.

Travelers have been entrenched in the [Old World] all year round. Although they only have one fire leader, due to the harsh environment of the [Old World], this group is extremely large and reproduces extremely fast. It only requires an idea from a high-ranking person. The living being will die without hesitation...

For starship civilization and the God Throne with dimensionality reduction strike power, the traveler group is not an enemy worthy of attention.

But for Wuzhou today.

The traveler tribe is a deadly sword.

The giant wall collapses, and the traveler group's descending blow can pass through this broken throat and penetrate directly into the heart of Beizhou's border.

Want to deal with this murderous intention from the old world.

The four armies of North Continent must go all out. Osmond, who just led his men to South Continent for the war, and many famous generals of North Continent will be forced to return. In addition, both East Continent and West Continent need to separate parts. strength to help Beizhou Frontier cope with the pressure from travelers.

After the release of the Lion Awakening code, Zhongzhou built a high information barrier.

Gu Shen did not meet with [Deep Sea] again.

But this time, across the boundless void, Gu Shen felt the power of the "chess player" on the other side of the chessboard.

Hidden in darkness, clothed in sea water.

Gu Shen didn't know how many chess pieces [Deep Sea] held in its hands, but at this moment he could be sure... the Tricontinental Alliance's "Sky Sheath Strike" plan had been within [Deep Sea]'s calculations from beginning to end.

Rumble, rumble!

A dull loud noise exploded outside the Gubao Fortress, and Lin Lin Ziyu saw the flash of brilliance and the dense black shadows.

A scalp-numbing scream came through the sky.

Lin Lin recalled the bloody battle at Dolu River.


The legion commander's cloak flew, and she took a step forward, stood in front of Lin Lin, and shouted angrily.

In an instant, biting cold winds surged up in the Gubao Fortress, and the chill that reached the hearts of people was burned and shattered by [Dragon Annihilation]. The cloak turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the long hair of the legion commander also turned into raging flames. She used her own power to Stopping in front of the Gubao Fortress, he pointed his palm up at the collapsed city gate, and a majestic wave of air was instantly struck out——

Today's Gubao Fortress has been completely shattered after seventeen repeated attacks, and the entire fortress area is shrouded in dense sky sheath fragments.

Logically speaking, this is a "forbidden area of ​​life" that extraordinary beings are strictly prohibited from entering.

But those low-level travelers didn't have the slightest fear. They flew out of the portal and hit them like meteors without hesitation!

They don't care about their own "death".

Their lives are shorter than meteors.


The sea of ​​​​fire erupted with violent explosions, and the [Dragon Annihilation] domain spread for thousands of meters and turned into a fire door reaching the sky. Ziyu stretched out his hands and stood in front of the Gubao Fortress with a stern expression.

Thirty years.

Ziyu's official position is the commander of the Survey Corps, but everyone knows that she is stationed in the attic, guarding the last door for the Queen.

Without her permission.

No one can enter the attic.

Now that all the three generals of Beizhou have "left", Central City has been cut off. In times of crisis, only the legion commander is left to take the lead. What she does is still "guarding the gate", but this time she is guarding more than Then it's just the door in front of the Queen's loft.

But the gate of Beizhou, the gate of Wuzhou!

Lin Lin reacted within tenths of a second. He did not hesitate at all and immediately rushed to where the airship was. During the Dolu River War, he had fought with the "Traveler Clan" and wanted to deal with it. These low-level creatures can either rely on the bombardment of large-scale weapons or fight against them with the power of legions.

Or, the God Throne would take action and directly kill without distinction.

Sitting in the main pilot's seat of the airship, Lin Lin immediately connected to Beizhou's internal network and transmitted the emergency reinforcement signal from Gubao Fortress to the internal spiritual network of the due north border...

In ten minutes, maybe less, the defenders from the adjacent fortress will come to help!

The traveler's attack was too sudden.

In order to deal with the battle of Nanzhou in the interior, the Beizhou Legion dispatched a considerable number of elite extraordinary and high-level generals to the battlefield of Nanzhou. Today's borderland is considered to be the weakest period in the past thirty years. Obviously [Deep Sea] He just spotted this opportunity and launched one attack after another.

The storm of origin and the coming of travelers are all steps in the [Deep Sea] plan!

Facing the declaration of war by the Three Continents Alliance, this AI has resorted to any means and just wants to achieve the final victory!

"leave here!"

Ziyu stood in front of Gubao without looking back.

But her voice reached Lin Lin's heart, and her attitude was extremely tough.

"As the commander of the legion, I order you to leave here, now, immediately, immediately!"

Lin Lin is the orthodox descendant of the Lin royal family...

He is also the important person she protects for half her life!

No matter what, Lin Lin must not have any accidents!


Lin Lin, who was sitting in the driver's seat, did not reply to Ziyu. He just took a deep breath.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment.

He recalled the scene he had seen in the Pure Land through layers of wind and snow.

Zou Hai, who was holding the big dog, smiled at himself.

The comrades who fought side by side in the past turned to look at him one by one.

Without Gu Shen, there would be no Pure Land.

Then the destruction of Gubao Fortress will become an irreparable pain and regret in his life.

Now... fate has once again pointed the dial towards me.

"Central City needs you!"

Ziyu's urging voice continued, and she shouted angrily: "Don't forget, Central City needs you!"

"Compared to Central City, Gubao needs me more now."

Lin Lin exhaled this turbid breath.

He did not choose to leave, but looked with cold eyes at the darkness behind the sea of ​​fire, the collapsed Gubao Fortress, and the broken garrison.

A long-suppressed anger ignited in the chest and rose...

This is your own place.

He is the master of Gubao!

There are always some things in life that are more important than life.

"The support from the northern border will take another ten minutes."

He quickly pushed the joystick, and the airship climbed up in the air, spraying out blue flames. The combustion efficiency of the source energy core began to break through the limit, 120%, 140%...

The engine roared.

Lin Lin's calm response reached Legion Commander Xinhu.

"I will accompany you through these most difficult ten minutes."

Ziyu was stunned.

The thick sea of ​​fire shrouded the Dragon Annihilation Domain, and a sharp and roaring black shadow emerged.

The black shadow had no time to reach the legion commander, and was shattered by a hail of bullets until it collapsed...

With the killing power of Long Yan, these low-level creatures cannot bear it at all. If one can break through, it means that there are tens of millions of creatures behind it who have paid the price of their lives to absorb the heat of Long Yan. As expected, the next moment is shocking. Screaming sounds that numbed the scalp were heard intensively, and thousands of dark figures emerged from behind the huge door Ziyu opened.

Bang bang bang bang!

What responded to their screams was the airship bombardment whose source energy core combustion efficiency soared to 200%!

Lin Lin canceled the autopilot and used his mental power to search for the enemy. This airship was a special model customized by Archduke Zhuxue for his younger brother. It was equipped with an extremely large amount of firepower equipment, "just in case."

Now Zhuxue's preparations came in handy.

The giant gate built by the dragon drowned in the sea of ​​fire burst into waves, and Lin Lin was suspended high above the head of the legion commander.

Ziyu's eyes were a little dazed.

Lin Lin's firm voice came from her heart.

"Lord Legion Commander... As the garrison of Gubao Fortress and the successor of the Lin royal family, I now want to issue an order to you."

"Guard the Gubao Fortress with me."

Lin Lin's voice was a little hoarse.

"Let those guys know that the proud throat of the due north not broken."

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