Barrier of Light

Chapter 1142 Taking over the battlefield!

The dragon annihilated the sea of ​​fire and built a giant gate in front of the collapsed city of Gubao Fortress.

The legion commander's cloak danced wildly in the fire and wind.

She blocked the junction between the Gubao Fortress and the interior of Beizhou, and the territory was wide open!

The legion commander's murderous intent overflowed, and he wrapped his whole body with elements. At this moment, every hair flying in the wind was as bright as flowing fire. The low-level creatures of the Traveler clan who crashed into the boundary of Gubao were killed by Long Yan. They collided wildly in the sea of ​​​​fire, and 99% of them were burned to ashes!


There are so many of them.

Even if the success rate of this breakout is only 1%, there are still many "survivors" who can break out of the Dragon Annihilation Realm!

"Bang bang bang!"

Lin Lin controlled the airship and poured out all the bullets. He had completely given up the idea of ​​retreat.

Or, stop the travelers here with Ziyu.

Or... die in Gubao!

Several fortresses near the Gubao Fortress have begun to urgently mobilize energy boats for reinforcements. According to Lin Lin's calculations, the two of them need to hold on here for ten minutes.

Ten minutes, this time seems very short!

But in fact……

What they have to face is the pressure brought by the entire traveler group!

Just a few seconds.

The number of low-level travelers who broke out of the Dragon Annihilation Realm has increased from a dozen to more than a hundred, and the number is still increasing.

The elemental legion commander looked a little pale.

Her mental power and source of energy reserves were rapidly depleted.

There is no other reason——

The Dragon Annihilation Realm is undergoing a massacre, and those low-level creatures are crashing into the sea of ​​fire. They are fragile and fragile, but crazy enough.

With Ziyu's strength, killing a low-level creature from the Traveler Tribe is equivalent to crushing an ant.

Her field [Dragon Annihilation] happens to be a large-scale group attack.

Theoretically, she can defeat these travelers.

But now the situation is exactly the opposite.

Trampling an ant to death, no matter how small it is, still requires energy.

This consumption is certainly small.

But if you want to trample a thousand ants to death...doesn't the amount of effort required be considered small?

At this moment, the group of travelers dispatched to "send away the dead" were far more than a thousand or ten thousand, but tens of millions!

This is exactly the reason why an elephant will be killed if there are too many ants.

Ziyu's extraordinary source of energy is being consumed at an extremely fast rate. If it were normal, she could still make adjustments by closing the field... But now she has no choice. Once the low-level creatures of the traveler group rush through the gap in the fortress, Once you enter the interior of Beizhou, it will be very difficult to carry out a comprehensive "blockade".

Beizhou is so vast and vast, they can hide, reproduce, give birth to children, and then like unkillable maggots, reproduce and spread wildly in the interior of Beizhou.

From zero to one to thousands.

It only takes a few months, or even less!

Therefore, she must not retreat, let alone reduce her territory. The size of the gap in the Gubao Fortress must be covered by her [Dragon Annihilation]!

"Hold on! Hold on!"

Lin Lin's roar sounded in the air.

There are more and more black shadows breaking through the realm of [Dragon Annihilation], which means that the legion commander's power is gradually declining.

Lin Lin saw all this scene...

He tried to use his voice to cheer up Ziyu.

But the sea of ​​fire under the domain gradually became thinner, and Ziyu's breathing became rapid.

The extraordinary strength of the title is certainly powerful.

But they are just "human beings", they have not touched the origin, and they have not achieved the ultimate life transition.

Expanding [Dragon Annihilation] to cover the area of ​​Gu Fortress and maintaining full firepower... For Ziyu, this is already an "overdraft" behavior.

She keeps squeezing out the spirit, but sometimes the manpower is exhausted.

Judging from the increasing frequency of attacks by the Travelers, the flourishing [Dragon Annihilation] field can last for at most three minutes, and there is little hope of sustaining it until reinforcements arrive.

"Reduce the scope and leave the fish that slip through the net to me."

Lin Lin is actually doing the same thing as the legion commander - extreme overdraft.

At this moment, his spirit was more focused than ever.

Although Zhuxue has improved the equipment inventory of this small energy boat, facing Traveler's fierce human sea tactics, if you want to survive this hellish ten minutes of death, you need to hit every blow accurately. Target.

"Can you cope with reducing the field?"

Ziyu is not a pushy character. After listening to Lin Lin's suggestion, she only hesitated for a second and immediately asked.

If you can reduce the area, adjust your breathing.

It doesn't take long, just ten seconds...her [Dragon Annihilation] can be released for the second time in its full glory!

"Don't worry, Aunt Wen... I'm not a reckless person."

Lin Lin smiled and said, "Leave it to me."

This time, he didn't call her regiment commander.

Instead, he called Aunt Wen.

The legion commander was silent for a few seconds, and then made a choice: She slowly raised two fingers and aimed at the sea of ​​​​fire in front of her to cut. The field of [Dragon Annihilation] began to shrink, and in an instant, dense black shadows broke through the gate of the castle. Hundreds of blood flowers bloomed as they rushed over. Lin Lin maintained fast and accurate fire suppression, crushing every traveler creature that rushed out of the gate of the castle to pieces!

Ziyu didn't know that Lin Lin, who was sitting in the airship at this moment, had blood starting to flow from his eyes and nose.

This is a manifestation of mental overdraft.

Don’t talk about Purple Rain.

Even Lin Lin didn't know at this moment that his seven orifices were bleeding.

He continued to pour firepower at the collapsed city gate in front of him, venting his anger. His whole person was in an extremely excited state. Tiredness and pain were far away from this body at this moment. He hit the invaders of the [Old World] with all his strength. , I wish I could beat the bones of every traveler creature to pieces!


Ten seconds later, the [Dragon Annihilation] domain was released for the second time, and the sea of ​​​​fire once again enveloped the gate of Gubao Fortress.

The number of travelers who broke out of the fire curtain dropped sharply!

But the "suppression" in front of them is only temporary, and only half of the calculated "ten minutes" countdown has passed... At this moment, Ziyu and Lin Lin have both reached the "critical value". If they continue like this, let alone support When the border reinforcements arrive, I am afraid that their own spirits will collapse first.


A slight tearing sound sounded in the sea of ​​fire.

Ziyu, who was in charge of [Dragon Annihilation] and burned the entire castle, suddenly felt a familiar spiritual aura, and a ray of light suddenly flashed in her gray eyes!

In her telepathy.

A strong and slender figure swept into the Gubao Fortress from the umbrella line of defense. The figure was wrapped in a bamboo hat, and its steps were thin and sharp. He drew his sword and slashed left and right in the surging tide of travelers. A straight road emerged.

The sword skills displayed by that extraordinary being were extremely exquisite, and every sword was not redundant——

It’s killing to “move forward”!

Every time the sword is struck, it can ensure that it can advance a certain distance quickly... and the end point of its advance is the main entrance of Gubao Fortress.

Ziyu had never seen such a weird life before, and she should have been more vigilant, but there was an extremely weak flame burning on the bamboo hat of the extraordinary life, and that flame gave Ziyu an unprecedented sense of security.

The wisp of fire burning between the brows of this extraordinary being is very similar to Gu Shen's "blazing" aura!

Ziyu immediately guessed the identity of the visitor.

This is what Gu Shen said, the "red shadow" cast by the Lord of Molten Iron himself!

The bamboo-armored extraordinary life in front of him, both in terms of combat skills and path of travel, perfectly matched Gu Shen's description... The arrival of the traveler group was too sudden. Ziyu, who was forced to fight the enemy at the Gubao Fortress, suddenly For a moment, he forgot that there was a starship parked outside the Gubao Fortress at this moment.

Gu Shen and Bai Xiu would never sit idly by and watch!


Real reinforcements arrive in less than ten minutes!

They come from the [Old World], they are Gu Shen and Bai Xiu!


The sound of continuous explosions of swords came, and more than one red shadow cut into the battlefield brazenly, and their purpose was the same, to cut into the battlefield, and arrived at the main gate of Gubao to have a meeting with Ziyu and Lin Lin——

After confirming the identity of the friendly forces, Ziyu immediately released the suppression of the [Dragon Annihilation] field!

A total of nine red shadows advanced rapidly, cutting all the way, breaking through the fire curtain, and arrived in front of Ziyu Linlin.

The reason why there are nine red shadows is because Xiao Xiu has condensed a ray of heart flow power to ensure that the initial number will not be attacked. He only controls a body.

As soon as the red shadow appeared, the pressure in the [Dragon Annihilation] field was greatly reduced, and the number of low-level travelers who broke through the fire curtain also dropped sharply. Lin Lin, who was piloting the airship, was in a state of high mental exhaustion just a few seconds ago, and now all of a sudden Returning to the embarrassing situation of "invincible and killable", the [Dragon Annihilation] realm became extremely quiet. Ninety percent of the travelers who crashed into the castle were burned to death, and the rest were slaughtered by the red shadow. , today's Gubao Fortress temporarily formed a "vacuum zone".

Bang bang bang——

After arriving at the Fort and completing the meeting, several alloy boxes were thrown by them.

Lin Lin quickly opened the cabin door of the energy boat and caught the boxes.

"These are the resources on the initial number. They have been compressed. Keep them."

The leading red figure wiped the long knife, raised his head and spoke.


Lin Lin's expression was complicated, his throat surged, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Thank you very much."

"Between you and me, there is no need to talk."

Hongying nodded slightly and said nothing more.

In order to escort the initial resources to arrive smoothly, Gu Shen devoted all his flow power to the red shadows. At this moment, there were seven red shadows under his control on the battlefield.

Now was not the time for small talk, Lin Lin accepted these precious resources and said nothing more.

Gu Shen asked in a low voice: "The number of travelers outside is still increasing. Has Beizhou called for reinforcements?"

"Call for reinforcements as soon as possible."

"There are still...five minutes left."

Lin Lin lowered his head and glanced at the time. He said in a deep voice with red eyes: "The nearest support will take another five minutes to arrive..."

Beizhou reinforcements will take time.

It also takes time for travelers to open the door.

This time the attack on Gubao was one wave after another.

The impact just now was just a prelude.

Gu Shen guessed that with Lin Lin Ziyu's character, he would definitely not retreat... They would defend the Broken Gate of Gubao to the death and prevent travelers from entering Beizhou, but he did not expect that these two people would have such a strong record. , who had just walked all the way through mountains of corpses and seas of blood, Gu Shen made a rough calculation and found that in just five minutes, the number of travelers killed by [Dragon Annihilation] and the bombardment of strong logical shells was close to 30,000!

The attack the travelers took after opening the door was not without its fierceness.

This sneak attack should have been very successful.

But they happened to encounter Zi Yu and Lin Lin, whose "defensive defense" made great achievements.

They dragged the battle until Gu Shen Baixiu joined.


Gu Shen manipulated Hong Ying to pull out the long knife.

The seven long knives were unsheathed at the same time, and the sounds of wind and thunder they struck were the same.

Now, he can only intervene in the battlefield in this way... This is both unfortunate and lucky.

At least he can still contribute his own strength.

The other two red figures also drew their swords together, but there was one red figure who drew the sword a little slowly and looked very unskilled. It was the one controlled by Gu Xiaoman.

"You have almost reached your limit..."

Gu Shen said softly: "Leave the remaining five minutes to us."

Lin Lin and Zi Yu were stunned and were about to speak.

Nine red shadows flashed out instantly.

Gu Shen focused on seven things, and the seven red shadows he controlled instantly turned into seven streams of light. After completing the handover of resources, the red shadows were left with the task of "slaughter", and this kind of machine was developed to fight positional warfare. , Cage battle, there is no terrain more suitable for performance than today's Gubao battlefield!

The arrival of the second group of traveler creatures has been completed, and they have begun a new round of killing!

This time, the number of low-level creatures is greater than before, and this time, among the traveler creatures coming through the [Portal], there are also intelligent leaders!

Visible in the distance, at the end of the umbrella defense line, there is a thin and tall gray-winged creature suspended, with cold eyes and aloof look.


The nine red figures swung their swords and ran against the low-level creatures of the Traveler tribe. The seven red figures controlled by Gu Shen took the lead. Bai Xiu barely followed, and Gu Xiaoman fell behind... But no matter which one it was. Hong Ying, against the low-level creatures of the Traveler Tribe, the battle was one-sided.

This is not a level of combat power at all!

The sword equipped by Hongying was like chopping melons and vegetables, chopping down these low-level creatures, and even made a crisp sound like tearing paper——

Muscles, bones, flesh and blood were all chopped into pieces with one knife!

And for some miserable people, even their souls... are not spared!

Gu Shen had extremely subtle "blazing fire" attached to the eyebrows of the seven red figures he controlled, which contained the authority of Pluto!

He has absolutely no mercy when it comes to foreigners.

All the souls of the travelers killed by Gu Shen will not be left behind!

It's just that... these low-level creatures really have no useable value. Gu Shen doesn't even want to give them a chance to "reincarnate in the Pure Land", so their souls are directly thrown under the Suxuan Tree to serve as nourishment, which can be regarded as maintaining the operation of the Pure Land God Realm!

Ziyu looked at the scene in front of her with a shocked expression.

With [Dragon Annihilation], he could barely suppress the battlefield that required a lot of effort. Only nine red shadows were able to crush it all the way!


This battle has nothing to do with Gu Xiaoman and Bai Xiu. They are trying "spiritual control" for the first time and are not yet proficient.

It was the seven red shadows controlled by Gu Shen that completely took over the battlefield!

(PS: 1. Thank you to the leader Lucky_gua for the reward, thank you boss! 2. There will be another update before noon tomorrow!)

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