Barrier of Light

Chapter 123 Blockade


The night wind howled.

Gu Shen landed in an alley on the long street opposite the Nanwan Building. He withdrew the Ruler of Truth and his face was slightly pale. This was a sign of a large consumption of mental energy. However, as he practiced the Jingzhe Breathing Technique, his spiritual sea became more and more intense. Full, the use of the ruler of truth becomes more and more proficient.

This operation should be regarded as a near miss.

The top priority is to contact Chu Ling.

Gu Shen quickly left the alley, walked into a convenience store, and bought a pair of headphones and a pair of smart glasses.

When I went out, the whole long street was very lively. Even a street away, I could hear the commotion of the Nanwan Building in the distance. It seemed that the movement just now attracted many people to gather.

Gu Shen did not stop and quickly evacuated in the direction he came from.

"Now is not the time to celebrate...things are not looking good."

Chu Ling's voice came from the earphones. She mobilized the surveillance of several blocks around the Nanwan Building and transmitted the images to Gu Shen's glasses. A pair of dynamic pictures of the blocks updated in real time came into view. These dynamic pictures of the blocks came into view. , there are blurry white dots and bold black dots. The most noteworthy are the specially marked eye-catching red dots. Several red dots appear in Gu Shen's surroundings, and they move towards the surroundings at extremely fast speeds. Spreading, vaguely showing the trend of blockade.

Gu Shen recognized these marks. The white dots were ordinary people, and the black dots were the security personnel of Nanwan Building in this incident.

And the red dot... is an extraordinary person.

"Bad news, the supernatural beings from South Bay Tower are out, and they are blocking these blocks."

Chu Ling said: "The good news is that Chen Wei is still in the building."

As long as Chen didn't chase him out, that would be fine.

Gu Shen breathed a sigh of relief and pressed his hat. He walked very fast, going against the crowd, and entered the alley again... On the dynamic map updated in real time, seven extraordinary people appeared. This number will obviously continue to increase, but they formed The blockade network is not yet fully formed.


A guard spotted a suspicious figure.

Everyone is moving towards the South Bay Building, but he is the only one who is unique.

"Tianyuan Street South, Tianyuan Street South, there is a suspicious person."

The guard reported the location to the communicator, and then quickly chased after him. The other party's pace suddenly accelerated, and he turned directly into the alley. He took out his baton and followed closely.

The next moment, a bolt of lightning burst out in the alley.

"Zi la."

With an expressionless expression, Gu Shen helped the guard who was shocked by the baton slowly fall down and placed him in the darkness of the alley.

He picked up the communicator and coughed lightly.

Thinking back to the guard's voice just now.

The soft light of the Ruler of Truth lingered around his throat. Gu Shen pressed the communication switch, and his voice became rough and hoarse, with a hint of seriousness.

"The suspect left Tianyuan Street South and was heading towards Gaomu Street. He is a middle-aged male, wearing red clothes and tall."

After saying this, he hung up the communicator.

The real-time dynamic map was updated, and the black spots that kept appearing began to gather densely on both sides of Gaomu Street.

"Guards and security personnel were attracted..."

Chu Ling whispered: "But those extraordinary beings will not be led by such wrong messages... They should be carrying sealed objects and searching for nearby extraordinary aura fluctuations."


Gu Shen is accustomed to preparing for the worst in everything.

The number of red dots has increased to eleven. If you walk too fast, you will be exposed. If you walk too slow, you will be completely blocked... Now there are fewer and fewer routes left for you.

If that doesn't work, the only option is to try to break through by force.

"Wait...Chen didn't leave the building!"

Chu Ling's voice became very serious, "He seemed to be aware of your presence...he rushed directly towards Tianyuan Street."

Gu Shen's pupils contracted.

"How can it be?"

Once again, something happened that Gu Shen couldn't understand.

When he took up residence on the 19th floor of the Nanwan Building, Chen Wei failed to chase him, which meant that he had lost his clue.

The first time he left the building, Chen Mei did not pursue him.

"How did he get my information?"

Gu Shen had an ominous feeling in his heart, and his intuition told him that it was probably related to the "woman" on the nineteenth floor.

"I saw a woman on the nineteenth floor..."

Gu Shen quickly recounted the matter of disconnecting the link. Chu Ling was silent for a while and then responded.

"Extraordinary events often cannot be explained by common sense. The events on the 19th floor of the Nanwan Building cannot be traced back to their origins based on the existing information. They can only be attributed to a category that cannot be explained by common sense."

Gu Shen took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "What if my location continues to be exposed?"


Chu Ling's tone was decisive: "Escape as far away as possible. Use the fastest transportation to escape to the safest place..."

The fastest transportation vehicle.

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and stared at a marked point on the real-time map.


"There is a heavy motorcycle turning right at the exit. It requires electronic information verification to start, but I can help you get it. It takes about five seconds." Chu Ling said: "The only thing you need to pay attention to is that there is a transcendent not far away. It may happen. Encounter, I will send you the file——"

"Wu Yan, third level of the deep sea, natural system..."

Gu Shen took three seconds to read the file, then turned and left the alley. He saw a young man not far away, with his back to him, as if he was searching for something.

Sure enough, are you using extraordinary sealed objects to sense mental fluctuations?

His own blazing fire is extremely good at hiding it and should not be discovered.

The man's position corresponds to the red dot on the real-time map.

Wu Yan.

Gu Shen's expression was calm. He sat on the target vehicle's heavy-duty motorcycle very naturally. He held down the handle with both hands and was ready to turn the accelerator and leave at any time. All his movements were smooth and seamless. No matter who looked at it, he was the one on this vehicle. Motorcycle owner.

It only takes five seconds.

Once the electronic verification information is completed, you can start leaving.

All this is really impeccable and perfect——

If the owner of this motorcycle is not Wu Yan.

The man who was searching for something not far away frowned. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a guy leaving the alley. With just a daze, the guy got on his motorcycle, and his headlights turned on.

"I'll wipe it..."

Wu Yan was startled, and his head felt short-circuited for a moment.

How could there be such a bold person, and how did this guy... get access to his electronic information for verification?

Wait a minute, how could someone appear in a place like this at this moment?

"Stop for me!"

Wu Yan roared angrily.

The moment he spoke, his hands were wrapped in white flames, and he ran in the direction of the headlights.

"Buzz buzz!"

was discovered.

But...why does this guy look so ferocious? Have you done anything outrageous?

Gu Shen frowned slightly, a little confused, but at this moment the electronic verification information had been released.

He took a deep breath and turned the handle all the way. The heavy motorcycle roared out in the night. This feeling was not unfamiliar. The last time Crow's motorcycle was even more ferocious, ferocious, and majestic than this one. .

One person and one car, roaring and running towards each other!

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