Barrier of Light

Chapter 124 The Long Night (1)


Mud splashed everywhere.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

Although the man holding the pale flame roared loudly, he still gave up at the last moment. He rolled on the spot to avoid the big wheel of the car in front, and fell heavily into the muddy water.

No one knows the horsepower of his heavy motorcycle better than him. If it is hit by a real hit... today next year will be his death anniversary.

"Find the target, find the target..."

Wu Yan quickly turned over, grabbed the communicator, and prepared to report the location immediately, but then two dazzling blazing lights converged and occupied his entire field of vision.

That madman... did not escape after seizing the car, but turned around and returned.

crazy? !


The blazing light rendered the entire field of vision white. The young man driving the heavy motorcycle had a fire more blazing than the headlights between his brows. He calmly looked directly at the man, even though the other man's field of vision was already a complete failure and he could not see his own. appearance.

It's like a king looking down on his subjects.

The emperor looked down at the grassroots people.

Just for a moment.

Fiery invasion.

It’s not a quality-level power confrontation at all——

The natural-type extraordinary person on the third level of the deep sea was unable to fight back when Gu Shen's spirit was immersed in him. He couldn't even block it for a second, and he immediately lost consciousness.

Heavy motorcycles were speeding along the road along the river.

The young man leaned down, the strong wind howling beside his ears, and the real-time map in his glasses was still updating. All the red dots were left behind him, but there was only one big cross, which carried the oppressive feeling of death.

Chen was not chasing him.

This is really a ridiculous thing... From before to now, Chen Wei didn't even see his appearance, but what was outrageous was that this man was like a tarsal maggot, biting him.

"It's November 25th, 10:14 pm... there's still one hour and 42 minutes left."

Chu Ling sighed softly.

"Why are you sighing?" Gu Shen drove intently. Under the blessing of the blazing fire, the turbine engine of the heavy motorcycle remained fully loaded, reaching a speed of up to 400 kilometers per hour.

"Although the distance has not been shortened... but judging from this trend, it will be difficult for you to get rid of Chen Mo." Chu Ling was a little worried and said: "Do you want to go around Dadu? This will last ten thousand years. I can’t get rid of him.”

"You said before, use the fastest vehicle to escape to the safest place."

Gu Shen looked calm, "I'm going to that safe place now."

In fact, after searching all over Dadu, there are not many places that can be called safe, especially since I have the title of a suspect who invaded the Nanwan Building. If Chen is not caught, there is a high probability that he will be beaten three times, five times five times two. Lose.

Madam Cui Zhongcheng, they are all people living in the light of the world.

And Chen Mo, a top thug who lives in the night, is actually exactly the same as a crow... On many occasions, they can ignore the rules, just like Song Ci punched Chen San's nephew before and couldn't take care of himself, and now he is still lying in bed On the critical ward bed.

If Chen is not caught, he will not be able to use his identity.

When Chen Mei couldn't get rid of him... there was only one place that could be called "safe".

Chu Ling was a little confused.

So there was a brief silence on the headset.

"During the days when you disconnected, I met a friend who was very good at fighting." Gu Shen whispered: "I sincerely agree, Song Ci."

During the few seconds of pause, Chu Ling should be searching for information.

"The crow... is your friend." Chu Ling's voice was a little surprised.


Gu Shen raised his head and looked at the group of crows rising from the river in the distance in the night fog.

The quiet night became noisy, and Gu Shen's expression became a little emotional.

"He should be fighting on the river beach now, but those guys are not the opponents he wants."

"I don't know if the guy I'm going to bring it a shock or a surprise?"

Gu Shen laughed to himself and murmured: "Whether the river beach is safe tonight depends on whether Crow's fist is stronger or Chen Mo's fist is stronger."

The sky shrouded almost half of the river.

The river stretched and exploded, throwing countless water droplets. The water droplets within the canopy condensed into beads, while the water droplets outside the canopy were thrown on the cold river and turned into large tracts of pale mist.

There is a strange scene on the river at this moment.

If you don't awaken your extraordinary abilities and can't use your spiritual power to discern abnormalities, then you won't be able to see them.

Dozens of motorcycles came one after another, driving in the raging river tide. Their tires hit the river water. Within the canopy area, the water droplets seemed to have become extremely solid substances. Under the high temperature burning, part of the water droplets thrown out It was incinerated into gaseous mist, and the other part defied convention and condensed into ice, carrying the convoy's progress.

The river tide rises and falls.

Ice crystals shatter.

The person rushing at the front was a man walking with a knife. His posture when holding the knife was very strange, his breath was restrained, and his shoulders were retracted. He looked like a woman. He was very delicate. He took fast and short steps, but he was extremely fast. Quickly, the headlights in front could only illuminate a corner of his clothes.

Even so, he still couldn't catch up with the figure at the forefront of Jiang Chao, who might escape from the sky at any time.

Wu Yong suddenly stopped.

He frowned.

Because the man who could escape from the sky at any time no longer escaped.

The river was undulating, and there was someone standing on the river, with his feet pressed against the surface of the river, like a solitary boat. The man was bare-handed and wearing a thin shirt, standing majestically in the mist, and he was like a towering mountain.

"Aren't you going to run away?"

Wu Yong sneered.

There was also a sound of laughter coming from the distant river.

"Not running away, but waiting for someone."

The crow spoke softly, and his voice penetrated the river fog and echoed leisurely, saying: "The river bank goes straight down, and soon we will reach Nanwan."

"South Bay……"

Wu Yong frowned, this is where his group started.

"I have a friend. This point should be near South Bay." Crow said calmly: "If he gets into trouble... he should come to me. This place will be easy to find."

"Are you still in the mood to take care of other people's troubles?" Wu Yong slowly grasped the handle of the knife.

"You don't understand. His trouble... is my trouble." Crow smiled and shook his head. He raised his head, looked at the blue sky, and sighed, "There is another consideration when choosing here. … There are few people here, so if you start a fight, you don’t have to worry about being seen.”

Wu Yong's eyelids twitched, but he hadn't reacted yet——

next moment!

Crow raised one hand and pointed it at the fluorescent canopy surrounding him.


One punch!

Just one punch!

The azure arc sky was bent and bulged by this punch, almost bursting into pieces!

(There will be another chapter later)

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