Barrier of Light

Chapter 1191 Return home successfully

The ghostly fire swirled into a sea and burned all the nutritional capsules left behind by the Storm God's Throne to ashes!

This is the last hope left by the God of Storms for himself!

Gu Shen is not worried about the Storm God Seat using the red dragon as a "threat". He knows the Storm God Seat too well. This is a conservative antique who is willing to abandon the centuries-old foundation of the church in order to "survive".

The red dragon is his only hope of living.

Once this last hope is lost... then he really has nothing.

Of course he could use the red dragon to blackmail Gu Shen.

But Tu Qiong saw that once this last trump card was revealed, there would be no way out for him.

The God of Storms could not bear the consequences of Gu Shen abandoning the "red dragon".

He is an extremely selfish person, so from the bottom of his heart, he does not believe that someone who has practiced to Gu Shen's level would let go of an enemy at the level of a god for the sake of a so-called "friend".

So...he could only hope that the red dragon would survive and become a god in a few years.

From this point of view.

From the moment Gu Shen boarded the starship, the fate of the Storm God Seat was no longer his own.


Gu Shen never makes a stupid mistake of "omission".

Gu Shen inspected the entire nutritional cabin of the alloy base with blazing fire... He did not give the Storm God's throne the slightest chance.

All the extraordinary lives that have been stored in the Divine Mind of Storm.

Gu Shen "obliterated" them all.

Six hundred miles away.

The red dragon, who was trapped in the tidal water cage, was suddenly shocked.

He felt that the "shackles" in his heart were suddenly opened——

This shackles trapped him for four whole years!

For four years, he felt the pressure from the Storm God's Throne all the time. That person gave him a "new life" and also gave him endless mental torture.

It's a terrible feeling to give up your soul.

If you ask the Red Dragon Queen whether he regrets it, his answer is that he does.

But if he was asked to choose again——

He will still choose this way.

In his heart, there are many things that are higher than his own life, such as the ancient literature society, such as faith, and those comrades who have entrusted their lives to his own hands. The weight of these things makes him willing to give everything to protect them, even if they are thrown away His own soul is also spared.


[Tide] The water cage burst, leaving only a thin layer of flames wrapping the red dragon!

When the God of Storms died, the soul contract signed between the two people naturally disappeared with it——

Red Dragon felt that his heavy shoulders suddenly became lighter! The depression in the chest was instantly cleared away!

He couldn't help but want to scream loudly!

After the soul contract was broken, the extremely familiar feeling returned to the body.

He feels...

At this moment, his soul was as light as the wind.

It turns out that the taste of "freedom" is so sweet. He can go anywhere, he doesn't have to look at other people's faces, and he can live alone.


The long and short sword held by the red dragon was roaring at this moment!

He will draw his sword immediately and join the battle between Rusty Bones and Chunli...

But it's a pity.

General Rusty Bones did not give Red Dragon a chance to intervene on the battlefield. The God of Storms died and disappeared. As the "winner", Saint Chunli naturally noticed it immediately. The "Gift of Storm Fire" he accepted was in a It became extremely weak in an instant... The death of the throne had a huge impact on the apostle.

At this moment, Saint Chunli was in a state of panic.

The throne of the storm god has fallen!

This exact news was like a heavy hammer hitting his heart!

In a duel between top experts, a moment of distraction... is enough to decide the outcome.

Moreover, in this origin battle, General Rusty Bones firmly had the upper hand, and Saint Chunli could only passively take the beating and keep parrying.

The distraction at this moment directly led to the end of the duel!


A bone-deep crunching sound!

The bronze long sword pierced the shoulder of Saint Chunli. The source of destruction of General Rusty Bone extended along the tip of the sword, like a poisonous snake, and penetrated into the body of Saint Chunli... Without hesitation, Rusty Bone turned the hilt of the sword and inserted it into his body. All the sources of destruction that have been accumulated for a long time are sent into the body of Saint Chunli!

"no no!!!"

Saint Chunli's eyes instantly turned red.

He let out a sharp and hoarse roar, grasped the bronze sword with both hands, and tried to pull it out.

But it was too late.

When the origin of destruction enters the body... there is only one ending for him, and that is destruction.


The body of the Saint of Spring Plow burst open inch by inch and finally exploded, and an extremely sad flower of flesh and blood exploded in the dark void of the [Old World].

General Rusty Bones took back the bronze sword.


In the void, a wisp of blazing fire gathered the scattered flowers of flesh and blood.

I don't know when, Gu Shen has returned here.

He put his hands behind his back, his Shenyin robe rustling, looking at the scene of Chunli falling, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Rusty Bones, how do you feel about this battle?"

"It feels...good."

Xiugu took out a deep breath.

As early as in Wuzhou, he wanted to have a fight with Chunli. He had been in seclusion in the Time Dojo for so long. If he didn't move around, his body bones would really get rusty!

"This guy is weaker than I thought..."

"So beating him is no big deal."

Rusty Bones smiled, his eyes full of disdain.

In his opinion, Saint Chunli relied on the gift of fire from the throne to comprehend this "original power"... and he comprehended it on his own. No matter what, he should win this fight!

As a general of Beizhou, Xiugu has his own pride in his heart!

After spending so many resources and practicing hard against the Fire of Hunting in the Time Dojo for four years, he was able to kill Chunli in this battle. This was what he should do!

If he loses, he won't be able to see Gu Shen.

" the former Divine Envoy of the Tower of Origin, Red Dragon, right?"

Rusty Bones turned around and looked at the red dragon trapped in the Hellfire Prison.

During the days of training at the Time Dojo, Gu Shen had already told Xi Gu about the "Ancient Literary Society".

When the red dragon was taken away from the ice sea, it had always been a regret in Gu Shen's heart, but today... with the arrangement of fate, this regret has been filled.

Gu Shen waved his sleeves to disperse the hell fire.

"It''s me."

The red dragon looked at Gu Shen, the tip of his nose feeling sour.

He never thought that the two would meet again in this way. Thousands of words were all blocked in his chest for a while.

At this moment the soul contract is destroyed.

The soul of "Mr. Yan" deep in his spiritual sea, as well as the memories destroyed by divination, all resurfaced in his heart.

Every time the red dragon performs spiritual summons, it will destroy the memory in his mind.

But "Mr. Yan"...will save every conversation for him.

What Mr. Yan is waiting for is the day when the red dragon contract is broken and the memory is unsealed!

"Following my intuition...that's what it meant."

Red Dragon was in a daze. A few days ago, he had a very fierce confrontation with Saint Chunli and saved many believers of the Church of Storms.

Without his "confrontation".

Thousands of believers on the starship may die!

Now, the Storm has encountered Gu Shen, and the divine war has ended... The Storm God's Throne has been killed, and those believers have become the most precious "treasure". The Red Dragon knows that Gu Shen has such a thing as the [Holy Book], even if he does not have the [Holy Book]. Holy Book] It doesn’t matter!

The God of Storms was killed, and the Saint of Spring Plow fell!

Now the believers on an entire starship all have his red dragon as their leader!

Gu Shen took the two of them back to the Storm.

The tens of thousands of believers brought out of South Continent by the Church of Storms were all kneeling on the ground at this moment. Gu Shen's divine domain took over the starship. No matter they were civilians, believers or bishops, no one was exempted.

There were even two saints kneeling down and worshiping.

"Jadi... Haitong."

The red dragon looked at the kneeling crowd and spoke softly.

Saint Hai Tong was shivering all over, and his back was covered in cold sweat...

Today's killing game was not complicated in his opinion.

Saint Chunli was ordered to kill the red dragon, and he and several other saints were ordered to work for Lord God.

But now...

Lord God is dead!

He had to suspect that all of this was a game set by the Red Dragon. Whether it was Chunli or the Divine Throne, they were all pawns in the "Red Dragon's" game.

And for him, the title of Saint sounds very majestic.

In fact, he is nothing.

If Gu Shen wanted to kill him, one thought would be enough.

"Except for the storm, I almost didn't kill anyone." Gu Shen looked at the red dragon and said slowly: "The people on this starship are left to you to deal with."

Red Dragon looked at Haitong and Jiadi who were kneeling before everyone.

After the soul contract is terminated, the memories of the past four years are still there——

Haitong is the title of the Chunli Saint camp. He has always been against him at every turn. Today's six hundred miles siege is the space portal that this person is responsible for selecting.

As for Jia Di, although this young man believed in the Storm God Seat, he joined his own army early.

For the past four years, I have been alone, with only Jadi as my companion.

"This person cannot be kept."

Red Dragon stretched out two fingers and tapped Haitong. The latter looked horrified and suddenly raised his head. A touch of madness suddenly appeared on his originally humble face.

But that's not until the madness continues to brew.

There was a "pop" sound.

Gu Shen lightly snapped his fingers.

The body of Saint Haitong was instantly cut open by the Hell Fire Slash——

No one even saw clearly how Gu Shen took action!

A ray of jet-black fire cut the Saint of Sea Eyes in half at the waist!


Jiadi, who was kneeling next to Saint Haitong, had his pupils shrunk and cold sweat broke out all over his body.

If a person is banned, he will be killed if he says so!

"Keep this."

The red dragon pointed at Jiadi again, and he said softly: "I have no one to kill. You can use the [Holy Book] now. To ensure safety, I suggest you baptize all the extraordinary people here." "

When these words came to light, they caused an uproar within the Storm!

Including Jiadi, the believers lying on the ground raised their heads.

They couldn't believe that Red Dragon, the most loyal member of the Church of Storms, would say such a thing!

But after a few minutes.

Inside the Storm, which returned to silence, there was no more noise of whispers, and no one looked angrily at the red dragon. The entire starship was surrounded by a slowly spreading golden light, and an aura of peace and tranquility.

Everyone was still kneeling, but in their eyes when they looked at Gu Shen Honglong, there was no resentment, no forbearance, and no hatred.

What they see in their eyes -

There is only peace, adoration, and praise.

"Is this the power of the [Holy Book]?"

General Rusty Bones couldn't help but sigh. This was the first time he had seen the [Holy Book] work with his own eyes!

An entire starship and nearly ten thousand extraordinary beings have all changed their beliefs!

A few minutes ago, they were still the devotees who "surrounded to the death" the Storm God's Throne, but now they began to sing praises to Gu Shen and praise Blazing Fire.

No wonder Gu Shen and the Storm God were fighting fiercely, but they were not willing to destroy this starship!

The precious objects left behind by the Storm God's Throne, apart from the fire, are these loyal believers...the placement of these people has been carefully selected by the Holy City. Most of them have their own uses. Tens of thousands of extraordinary cults Together, we can carry out an orderly division of labor within the starship to ensure this big thing. You can sail smoothly through the channels of the [Old World]!

"This yours from now on."

Gu Shen stretched out his palm and took out the most precious object.

In front of all the believers, he sent the storm fire to the red dragon.

"Gu Shen...what are you doing?"

The red dragon was startled.

He waved his hand quickly and backed away to refuse.


What was in front of him... was a naked fire! How many people in this world fight to death for a piece of fire, and how many people are willing to throw away their lives?

Gu Shen shook his head, stretched out his palm, grasped the fire, and placed it forcefully in front of the red dragon.

"You deserve this, and I owe you this."

Gu Shen's tone was very firm.


The red dragon thought again and again, but still shook his head: "This thing is too valuable, I can't accept it."


The Rusty Bone General standing aside chuckled lightly at this moment.

The red dragon was a little confused.

He looked at General Rustybone's slightly joking expression, a little confused.

"Indeed, fire is the most precious thing in the world... After searching the [Old World], there should only be twelve."

Rusty Bones General Youyou said: "But the guy standing in front of you holds five in his hand. No, with this 'Storm Fire', Gu Shen has almost half of the fire in the world in his hand!"


The red dragon was stunned.

Gu Shen had no choice but to wave his sleeves and summon a spiritual scene. It was a scene in the Time Dojo.

The fire of hunting, the fire of grain, the fire of molten iron! These three fires correspond from a distance, like three big stars!

In addition, his own "fire of hell" and Chu Ling's "fire of love" are also reflected in the spiritual picture!

Plus the storm fire... there are really six!

The red dragon looked stunned and didn't know what to say.

"Fire is very precious, but not that precious..." Gu Shen said softly: "Don't worry about smelting it. We will return to the Five Continents next. The sooner you start to blend with the fire. What will happen after we arrive at the Five Continents? It will be easier.”

"Return to Wuzhou?"

The red dragon's expression became solemn, and he realized something was wrong.

The red dragon didn't know that the five continents were already at war.

After he sold his soul to the Storm Throne... he left on a starship.


Gu Shen briefly recounted the situation that year, and he spoke solemnly: "Now that the Storm God is dead, this lost starship has also been conquered. Next, we need to follow the path that the Church of Storms has taken over the years, set off in reverse, and speed up Speed ​​up and return to Wuzhou as soon as possible."

General Rusty Bones' expression was not solemn.

Six fire seeds!

Coupled with Gu Shen's powerful combat power to break through the main domain of the Storm God Seat...

Once this starship fleet returns to the Five Continents, it will end this protracted war!

"Is this considered a successful return home?"

Holding the rusty bones of the bronze sword with both hands, he looked sighing with emotion and murmured softly.

"I don't know...whether the divine war in the Tower of Source is over." (End of this chapter)

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