Barrier of Light

Chapter 1192 General attack!

"Do you know when the divine war in the Tower of Origin will end?"

"Except the three people in the tower, who knows the answer to this question?"

"Since you don't know the answer, why don't you order an attack... Once Qinglong wins, the current balanced situation will be broken."

In the small courtyard in Nagano, in front of the man-made lake, Gu Nanfeng sat quietly fishing with the old man. He could see that the old man did not want to retreat from the front line.

In the past when fishing, the old man was very quiet.

But today, just one hour has passed, and the old man can't sit still.

Gu Qilin has been chatting with Gu Nanfeng about the "Battle of Central Continent".

"Nanfeng, you should also know that the war currently going on in the interior of South Continent... is actually meaningless. No matter how fierce we fight, it is nothing more than bringing the land left by the Storm God's Seat under our control. Central Continent's The "High Wall of Source" has been built on several levels, and [Deep Sea] obviously wants to build a real copper and iron wall in Central Continent."

Gu Qilin coughed softly and said quietly: "[Deep Sea] is using the clear fire to develop the Dead Sea area to the maximum extent. As long as the new titles of the Tower of Source can carry the power of fire authority, then he can continue to do so. To create a strong man of the level of 'Lie Renault'."

The Three Continents Alliance is stalling for time, and [Deep Sea] is also stalling for time.

Nearly five years have passed.

The extraordinary beings of the Three Continents Alliance have already ushered in the first wave of outbreaks.

The situation in the inland war has begun to change. The number of transcendent reserves in the Three East Continent Institutes has increased several times, and the Beizhou Legion has continued to expand——

Calculated based on current year.

If it keeps dragging on, the quality of the extraordinary beings from the Three Continents Alliance will get higher and higher!

This war will become easier and easier!

But [Deep Sea] doesn't seem to care... It doesn't care about the Three Continent Alliance's actions to delay time, and even took the initiative to build a high wall to isolate Central Continent from the outside world!

Gu Nanfeng pretended not to understand what Mr. Gu said.

He sighed softly: "So what do you mean?"

"let's hit."

Gu Qilin smiled and said softly: "Meng Xizhou has initially mastered the fire. In five years, the strength of the Allied forces has far exceeded that of the past. Even if it is not the final moment to attack Central Continent, it is still time to let the inland war in South Continent, It’s over.”

Gu Nanfeng's expression was a little shaken.

Of course he knew what Mr. Gu wanted to say.


As the most determined militant five years ago, why didn't he want to launch an attack... But standing at the top of the alliance, every move and a will can really affect the lives of countless people.

Today, he, Gu Nanfeng, stood up and made his position clear, and he wanted to launch a massive attack!

Then the entire Dongzhou will come under pressure!

The tribunal, prison, command post, Nagano, Dato, and the nine major districts will all use their all! Together with the four major legions of Beizhou, as well as the entire Temple of Light!

After truly standing at the top, Gu Nanfeng became hesitant.

He wanted to fight, but he wanted to wait.

"There is one thing that I still don't understand...the reason why [Deep Sea] is willing to accompany the alliance to delay."

Gu Nanfeng rubbed his brows and said bitterly: "More than one meeting was held at the highest level. This matter has confused everyone. We all don't understand [Deep Sea]'s purpose of doing this."

Sometimes, knowing the identity of the player on the other side of the chessboard... may not be a good thing.

In the war with [Deep Sea], the top leaders of the alliance are facing great pressure. For large and small battles, the top leaders have to hold meetings to discuss and make detailed layouts and deployments.

And [Deep Sea] has only one purpose.

Everything it does is leading to the final "victory".

Sometimes, losing a few battles is nothing to [Deep Sea]——

In the very beginning of the Southern Continent War, the Tower of Source invested extremely powerful forces. The three major armies of Beizhou were forced to send their elites to the inland battlefield. As a result, they encountered a sneak attack from the Kubao Fortress... After attracting firepower, the Tower of Source The deployment was temporarily withdrawn and a small half of the Nanzhou territory was strategically abandoned.

Where have these people gone?

Due to the monopoly of the spiritual network... the top leaders of the Alliance have never known the answer.

Not long after, the high wall in Central Continent was erected!

At that moment, the top management realized that the so-called Southern Continent War was just a cover... The most important thing in the eyes of [Deep Sea] was not to control the Southern Continent, but to build a sufficiently effective defense on the periphery of Central Continent. fortifications.

Therefore, after the high wall was built, the top leaders of the Alliance became extremely cautious!

Carrying the lives of hundreds of millions of extraordinary beings, every high-level executive did not dare to make random decisions. They tried their best to figure out the deep meaning of the layout of the [Deep Sea].

The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy means you will be victorious in every battle.

Because they "can't understand", they dare not act rashly.

In the final analysis, hard power is still not enough. If the Alliance is confident enough to end the War of Gods, then the clarion call for the final battle has already been sounded!

"You...really don't know the reason why [Deep Sea] was dragged down?"

Mr. Gu sat on the chair and smiled softly.

"Let me tell you why there is that high wall. Because [Deep Sea] believes that there is no suspense in the divine battle between Bai Shu Linlei and Qinglong. No matter how long this divine battle lasts, Qinglong will win in the end... So it builds that high wall, and it only needs to delay it until the end of the God War, and then everything will be over. What it is betting on is that you don’t have the courage to fight through."

Gu Nanfeng fell silent.

Of course they know this.

But you know, you know...

Now Meng Xizhou is the only fire controller within the alliance. If Meng Xizhou is not sure to intervene in the divine war, then they will not be able to launch a general attack rashly!

"We still have a fire, don't we?"

Mr. Gu stretched out a hand and gently held Gu Nanfeng's palm.

He said softly: "I have been dreaming these past few days. I dreamed about that boy Gu Changzhi, and I also dreamed about the scene of participating in the war in Beizhou a long time ago... When the war was raging, the faces of the old friends who had passed away in the past appeared one after another. Zhang's appearance appeared in my mind like a revolving lantern. They told me that in the final battle of life, never leave any regrets."

Gu Nanfeng was stunned.

"Sometimes I have the illusion that I am dead. The picture in my dream is the favor of the goddess of luck before she dies."

Gu Qilin smiled leisurely and said: "It is indeed difficult for a wicked person like me to have a happy ending."

In his youth, he participated in many battles. In the era when Beizhou's thermal weapons were initially taking shape, he shot down three energy boats alone... countless extraordinary people died in the hands of Gu Qilin.

The resentment of these people turned into evil spirits and haunted him.

The old man gently threw the fishing rod out.


There was a crisp sound on the lake surface, and the [Infinite Scale] domain instantly expanded.

Gu Nanfeng looked complicated.

He looked at the old guy who was riddled with countless dark resentments.

Gu Qilin has an extremely tough and wild life.

He was bathed in blood along the way, hated by countless people, and respected by countless people, and lived happily and leisurely until his seventies.

But the extraordinary people he killed were all recorded by "destiny". The deaths of these people were as light as feathers, but together they were as heavy as Mount Tai. Countless dark auras piled together and turned into a strong ominousness. These "ominous" Waiting for the moment when he truly becomes old and feeble.

The old man's back was straight, even though the gloomy atmosphere of disaster had filled his shoulders.


Gu Qilin turned his head, his old face showing off with wrinkles in laughter, showing off to Gu Nanfeng like a child.

"These are the people I killed."

"They all want to kill me..."

"Then I killed them all."

"Now, they're here again."

Although Gu Qilin's eyes were a little cloudy, there was no fear at all.

If you look carefully, you will find that when he said these words, there was a deep disdain in the depths of his pupils!

What will happen if someone who has been killed once appears again?

Ominous, disaster.

He has never been afraid of such a thing in his life!

"No matter how many times they come, it doesn't matter to's just that I am old after all."

Gu Qilin smiled and said: "When I was twenty years old, I dared to greet black and silver artillery shells, and I still dare to do so now, but I think I won't survive after receiving this shelling. A tough old guy can't bow his head. I refuse to admit defeat, but there is no way to guarantee that I will not be knocked to the ground... I think fate will not give me a chance to get up this time."

It had been a long time since he had stood up from his wheelchair.

Not pretending to be powerless.


He is really old.

Gu Nanfeng's eyes were in a trance, and his memory suddenly returned to the "day of separation" more than 20 years ago. At that time, although the "old man" had gray hair on his temples, his eyes were as powerful as a lion. When he sent me to Beizhou, he told himself to be cautious. Although the Gu family was in internal strife, little people like Gu Lushen The fox is not his opponent yet.

But the old man today is no longer what he was then.

It lasted for three generations.

This old man's "life" is like a candle that has burned out.

So...this is the reason why he is unwilling to leave the Beizhou battlefield.

This was also the reason why he insisted on talking to himself about the war in Central Continent today.

An old man who has been fighting all his life hopes that the last "end" of his life will also be spent fighting.

If you can't personally participate in the war, then at least you can see... the most spectacular battle!

Mr. Gu turned his wheelchair and faced Gu Nanfeng. He smiled gently and said, "I hope I can see the Tower of Source fall before I die, or at least see the high wall fall."

Gu Nanfeng took a deep breath.

He was about to say something.

"I hope the Allies can win the final victory and not miss the opportunity because of hesitation. After all, I dreamed about Gu Changzhi. That guy told me... Don't delay this battle, fight it as soon as possible!"

Gu Qilin raised his eyebrows and said, "Gu Changzhi, this kid, has never lost in a fight or a war. I think I should listen to him and advise you."

Gu Nanfeng smiled bitterly.

what is this?

Did Mr. Gu Changzhi have a dream?

Of course, it was impossible for him to order Dongzhou to launch a general attack for this outrageous reason.

"You have the right to think that what I said today is just a willful venting of dissatisfaction. What I said before about 'starting the fight as soon as possible'... This is just a beautiful vision that exists in my dream."

Mr. Gu patted Gu Nanfeng on the shoulder, he grinned, and finally said softly: "I know that this battle requires a lot of consideration, a lot... I will work hard until the 'day of victory' arrives, and work hard Try your best to survive.”

After Gu Nanfeng left Gu's ancestral hall, he stood alone in front of the alley for a long time.

Since the start of the inland war, Nagano has lost its previous prosperity.

More than 90% of the extraordinary members of the Gu family were sent away from Nagano... The Snow Forbidden City under the extraordinary era had become desolate and lonely. He stood in front of the Ning River and thought about it all night.

Finally, Gu Nanfeng went to Xiyin City.

He chose to meet Meng Xizhou in person.

He did not turn a deaf ear to the last words the old man said...

The old guy, who was senile and disfigured, could only lie in a wheelchair. Gu Nanfeng was partly out of respect for him, and partly because what Mr. Gu said had aroused his alarm.

He also believed that this battle could not wait any longer.

Over the years, Gu Nanfeng has avoided meeting Meng Xizhou in private because of their sensitive identities. In today's all-out war, there are only a few top leaders.

On Beizhou's side are two brothers, Lin Lin and Lin Silk.

Dongzhou is Gu Nanfeng and Lu Nanzhi.

As for Xizhou, Meng Xizhou has sole power.

Their every move, word and deed will determine the direction of the entire battlefield, so Gu Nanfeng needs to ensure that he is in a rational and sober state at all times, so he has been deliberately avoiding Meng Xizhou over the years. The meeting... The two happened to be in charge of two different battlefields, and there were very few opportunities to meet in recent years.

Like today, it was the first time that Gu Nanfeng took the initiative to ask for a meeting.

Su Ye stood respectfully in front of the Temple of Light like a stone statue. He had already taken a kneeling posture, which was obviously the goddess's instruction.

The entire Xiyin City is shrouded in the divine domain of Mengxizhou.

The moment Gu Nanfeng stepped in.

Meng Xizhou knew.

"I thought... you would never come to see me."

On the throne, a misty voice sounded.

Perhaps because of the smelting of fire, this voice sounded majestic and sacred.


The end of this sentence had a slightly resentful tone.

"It's not that I don't want to, but..."

Gu Nanfeng wanted to explain, but when the words reached his lips, he stopped speaking.

"But I don't dare."

Meng Xizhou gave him the excuse.

Gu Nanfeng did not deny it.

In the current crisis, thousands of lives depend on his thoughts.

How dare he slack off, and how dare he consider his "private relationship with his children"?

Presumably... Meng Xizhou thought so too.

Otherwise, how could he really avoid success in these years.

Gu Nanfeng took a deep breath and said, "I came to see the goddess today to discuss a major matter."

"Crunt against Central Continent and launch a general attack."

Meng Xizhou spoke again and said these words for Gu Nanfeng.


Gu Nanfeng's eyes became firm: "I think... this battle should not be delayed any longer."

(It’s almost the end. I hope you can forgive me for the slow update. I just hope I can finish writing TAT smoothly.)

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