Barrier of Light

Chapter 1193 The darkness behind the curtain of fate

"This battle should not be delayed any longer."

Gu Nanfeng's voice echoed in the hall, Meng Xizhou stood up from the throne and came to Gu Nanfeng.

"This do you think it should be fought?"

Her reaction was beyond Gu Nanfeng's expectation.

Gu Nanfeng knew that Baixiu had brought Gu Xiaoman to Xiyin City not long ago. After the little guy returned to the Beizhou sideline, he felt uncontrollably disappointed.


Meng Xizhou gave sufficient reasons for "avoiding war".

Gu Nanfeng thought that he would also be "rejected"...but he didn't expect that Meng Xizhou asked himself how he wanted to fight.

"The Tundra now has a total of three hundred and nineteen Skysheath weapons."

Gu Nanfeng looked directly into Meng Xizhou's eyes: "This number has more than doubled compared to back then!"

Meng Xizhou frowned and said: "But today's Central Continent is much stronger than it was back then. Towering 'Source Walls' have been built along the coast of Central Continent, and the walls of these walls are all made of high-quality mithril."

The senior officials of the Three Continent Alliance are very convinced that the high wall of the Source was built to resist the attack of the "Sky Sheath Weapon"!

After the advent of the extraordinary era.

The production efficiency of the Tundra Base has been greatly improved. In less than five years, more than 200 Skysheath weapons were produced. Since the battlefield situation in Nanzhou is excellent, the Sky Sheath weapons have been kept in the secret base. This is the "final blow" left to the Tower of Origin by the Allied forces. Everyone knows when to launch a general attack and when to use the Sky Sheath to strike. !

"Zhongzhou has built a high wall, so let's break down the high wall first."

Gu Nanfeng summoned his own mental picture.

The personnel distribution of the Nagano Gu family, the night watchmen, and the three high-level extraordinary people, a huge, dense network of extraordinary connections, emerged in front of the Temple of Light.

After the war with [Deep Sea], Sanzhou's senior officials disabled the local spiritual network.

these years.

The spiritual network that can replace the [Deep Sea] has not appeared...

The communications and links among the top management of Sanzhou, which require the use of spiritual network productivity, have all regressed to the level of twenty years ago.

But the only lucky thing is.

This level of productivity regression does not hinder the advancement of the war.

The connection between human beings cannot be severed. Even if there is no spiritual network... an extremely strong network can still be established between people. What Gu Nanfeng showed Meng Xizhou at this moment was such a big net.

"This is my planned 'combat deployment'."

Everyone on this big network is a chess piece.

From the day the High Wall of Source was built.

Gu Nanfeng was thinking about what he should do on the day when the "general attack" came... Without the assistance of his spiritual network, the only person he could rely on was himself.

This combat deployment has been done for a long, long time.

Every time a newcomer with outstanding performance appears in the Snow Forbidden City, every time a new adjudicator is promoted in the Jiangbei region, there will be one more candidate in the detailed plan of the general offensive deployment.

Gu Nanfeng is looking forward to the arrival of the "final battle" more than anyone else.

But he was also more restrained than anyone else.

Because what he wants is not "end", but "victory".

The conversation in the Temple of Light lasted for a long time.

Gu Nanfeng and Meng Xizhou hadn't had such a "chat" for many years.

The last time was more than ten years ago, when the two of them were still "serving" in Beizhou.

After being stationed in the camp, Gu Nanfeng and Meng Xizhou often talked all night long to formulate battle plans and make predictions about the enemy.

Many people are curious.

How did the relationship between Gu Nanfeng and Meng Xizhou evolve to this point?

These two people don't look like "lovers."

In fact, they started out as rivals.

The strong are always lonely, and it is difficult to find equally matched opponents. The stronger the opponent, the easier it is to win the "appreciation" of the enemy.

The relationship between Gu Nanfeng and Meng Xizhou has always been simple and pure.

"It must be admitted that this combat deployment is very detailed, big and small, everything is considered carefully."


"I still want to say that although the general offensive is imminent, we still have to wait."

In the past, after long nights of talking, the two would often reach an agreement.

But this time.

Meng Xizhou approved Gu Nanfeng's battle plan, but brought the topic back to the original starting point.

"We still have to wait..."

Gu Nanfeng was stunned for a second, and anger flashed in his eyes.

Since Meng Xizhou didn't think this war should be launched from the beginning, why did he need to ask himself in the first place?

However, she did not express her support directly.

"Don't worry."

Meng Xizhou stretched out his hand and gently placed it on Gu Nanfeng's shoulder.

Countless lights bloomed, outlining a portal in the hall.

Gu Nanfeng subconsciously wanted to hide, but at this moment reason overcame instinct. He did not resist and silently accepted Meng Xizhou's "touch", and this detail... was also seen by Meng Xizhou.

"Rumble, rumble—"

The howling wind echoed in the hall.

The brightly outlined portal disappeared, and the two of them disappeared with it.

With light as a guide, it only takes tens of seconds to go from Xiyin City to Xizhou... This kind of "divine presence" miracle Gu Nanfeng once saw on the God of Light once, and now the miracle has reappeared, with waterfalls all over the ground. The scattered light aura was stronger and richer than the scene he had seen back then.

From this point of view, after five years of smelting fire, Meng Xizhou's strength should now be stronger than the puppet holding the hand of [Deep Sea]!

"This is... Red Lake?"

Gu Nanfeng looked at the lake in front of him, his eyes a little dazed for a moment.

"It used to be the 'Lake of the Rising Sun,' but now many people are willing to call it the 'Lake of the Setting Sun.'"

Meng Xizhou stood with Gu Nanfeng by the lake with his hands behind his back.

Xizhou pressed all the power of the temple to fight with the extraordinary legion dispatched by the Tower of Source in Nanzhou... She herself also attended the scene as the supervising commander. Guangming City lost the throne of God, and the scene of the replacement of the sun that lasted for nearly a hundred years naturally also Cease to exist.

At first, the believers in the City of Light were proud of this. Many people said that the sun at night gave them a second life.

But one day I lost the so-called night sun.

They didn't just "die" either.

Human beings are creatures with strong habituation ability and can adapt to all environments.

They can kneel or stand.

It depends on who is on the throne, whether they are kneeling or standing.

In her final speech on smelting fire, Meng Xizhou once told all believers not to kneel again... From that day on, she considered canceling the "New Sun" miracle.

Without the second sun, Illuminati believers can still live well.

Because the real light is not in the sky, but in the hearts of people.

Today's Red Lake, the lake is wide open, and countless strong winds are howling and flying, revealing the library in the center of the lake!

Gu Nanfeng was no stranger to this library.

Back then, he rescued Meng Xizhou, accepted the gift of the "Throne of Light", and went to the [Forbidden Library] to have a glimpse of his destiny.

It was also that spying.

He and Meng Xizhou had perfect coordination and successfully backstabbed Deep Sea in the [Old World].

"Logically speaking, the number of times a person can enter the limited."

Meng Xizhou said: "To be more precise, the number of times a person can gain something by entering the library is limited."

"If you can see something like fate once, you are extremely lucky."

"The 'lucky ones' who have seen their future destiny will most likely not see anything when they enter the library again... The fate of all living beings is not static, and the threads of cause and effect are changing all the time. In life, there are many things that are not grasped at the time. There will never be a second chance.”

Meng Xizhou said meaningfully: "But Bai Xiu... entered the Forbidden Library for the second time and still gained something."

Gu Nanfeng was stunned.

"He has been in the [Library] for half a month. I have never seen a guy who has been meditating for such a long time."

Meng Xizhou sighed with emotion: "What a huge destiny it is that it can keep his eye on it for so long... I think what he saw must be very important."

"So...what you are waiting for is Baixiu?"

Gu Nanfeng murmured.

That makes sense.

Xiaoxiu's level of strength has surpassed the five continents. Except for Gu Xiaoman and a few core members of the Bai clan, he barely cares about anyone else, so Baixiu has been elusive all these years.

The senior officials of the Three Continents Alliance never knew of his whereabouts.

In the past half month, Baixiu had been disappearing. Gu Nanfeng didn't take it to heart. He saw Gu Xiaoman quietly retreating in the Initial Dojo, so he didn't think much about it.

turn out to be……

Baixiu entered the forbidden library!

"What I'm waiting for is not White Sleeves, but the hope of humankind's victory."

Meng Xizhou said softly.

"Among the thousands of threads of fate, I saw the scene with the greatest winning rate."

"The long conversation all night just made me clear one thing. That is that you have made complete arrangements a long time ago. Dongzhou can launch the clarion call for a general offensive at any day... But if the alliance's 'trump card' is not enough, then I Even if he died in the Tower of Origin, the more than 300 sky-sheath weapons that Gu had accumulated over the years would not play a decisive role."

Gu Nanfeng held his breath.

"You saw the scene with the highest winning rate..."

Gu Nanfeng didn't ask what that scene looked like.

He knew that things like fate could not be revealed.

But he knew it.

There must be a reason for Meng Xizhou to choose to wait for Bai Xiu so firmly.


In her opinion, in the final battle with the Tower of Source, the role of the White Sleeves was more important than the more than 300 Sky Sheath weapons!

"I know that today's alliance is ready for a decisive battle. Dongzhou can provide amazingly powerful sky sheath weapons, and Beizhou can provide a huge number of energy battleships. But these are not the key to our victory. '."

Meng Xizhou said softly: "If you want to win, you have to wait."


Vast heavy snow is floating on the tundra.

A lonely shadow walked in the tundra, and every footprint he stepped on was extremely clear on the snowfield.

The solitary footprints formed a long line, starting from nowhere.

I don't know where it will end.

Bai Xiu has been walking alone for a long, long time.

No matter how raging the snow was and how biting the wind was, he never looked back.


Bai Xiu stood still and stepped on the snow, making a crisp sound.

He looked at the boundless whiteness in front of him and had no intention of stopping here... This was what he saw when he stepped into the [Forbidden Library] for the second time. In fact, the goddess of fate did not favor him. The second time he stepped here, he saw nothing but a silvery white.

This is also a kind of luck.

In a sense, a piece of silvery white is already a "revealing reminder" given by fate.

Baixiu, who wanted to find a glimmer of hope to break through the situation, did not leave just yet.

He didn't want to continue guessing like this.

Now that he is here, he will forcefully lift the curtain of fate to see what is hidden in his fate.

So he chose to move forward...

The end of the silvery white is still silvery white.

The wind and snow are getting heavier and heavier.

The chill is getting worse.

But his pace is getting faster and faster, even more determined.

Baixiu knew very well that if there was really nothing in this world, the wind and snow would not get bigger. He continued to walk towards the end of the silvery white, and finally he succeeded in seeing colors other than white.

It was a touch of black.

That black outline appeared in the silvery white of heaven and earth.

The heavy snow in the tundra cannot hide the strangeness of this black outline. Viewed from a long distance, you will feel that it is like a tower, more like a sword.

A pitch-black sword that is slightly curved but can reach the sky.

Baixiu was stunned for a moment. After seeing the black shadow in the distance, he quickened his pace and started running.

This is the imaginary world of nothingness in [Forbidden Library].

He does not have a [Thunder Realm Walker], nor does he have a domain.

But he ran very fast.

The heavy snow was left behind, the silvery snowfield, the whimpering wind——

Everything was thrown away by him.

The moment Baixiu stopped.

The whole world became silent, the wind no longer existed, the snow no longer existed, and only the ultimate black and white remained. He could clearly see the appearance of the sky-reaching shadow. It was indeed something very much like a sword.

Sky scabbard.

Curved sky sheaths extend from the ground, casting long shadows.

Baixiu was standing on this slender shadow at the moment.

Besides him, there was actually another person standing on top of this shadow.

"Who are you……"

Bai Xiu finally got his wish and saw the "turning point of destiny" he had been looking for.

The crucial taboo man was very thin, looked sickly, and had no energy. He stood alone in the shadow of the sky sheath, with his back to Bai Xiu.

But his posture looked very happy.

The man was alone, looking up to admire the towering black sword. Perhaps because he was standing under the shadow, or perhaps because the reminder of fate was invisible, the man's whole body was shrouded in a dark shadow. middle.

Bai Xiu's voice spread in the silver world.

After hearing the sound, the man slowly turned around.

Two eyes looked at each other in a world of black and white.

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