Barrier of Light

Chapter 130 The person behind the scenes


In the sight of "Eagle Eye", the river water and the fog whirlpooled into a storm. Although the vision was blurry, it could be seen that there was a pool of blood splashing out in the river fog in the distance. It was obvious that the red and silver bullet had hit the target——

But Qi Zhu didn't show any joy.

He didn't feel the relief of killing the target, but instead there was an uneasy feeling spreading in his heart.

When a red-silver bullet hits the target, it shouldn't spread such a huge blood mist... Once the strong logic material hits the human body, the extraordinary person's power will directly lose control. A truly effective shot should be silent and not so... Big noise.

That boy will look like a crushed beetle.

Die quietly.

But now, that's obviously not the case.

What happened to this shot?

Qi Zhu gathered all his mental power and forcibly condensed his eagle's vision, further magnifying the blurry scene in the distance.

Until you can see the clear picture of ice floes in the distance——

The trajectory of the red and silver bullets and the faint blood that escaped were slowly blown away by the wind.

A richer bright red color burned in the river mist... From a distance, it looked like blood mist, but in fact it was like a blazing fire mist, spreading and overflowing, and finally suspended in the middle of the young man's eyebrows. Location.

The moment he turned his eagle eye to its maximum magnification, Qi Palm heard a "thump" in his heart.

A spike-like force suddenly rushed in from the wisp of fire mist, as if it were a spiritual blade that could be transmitted through the eyes.

Just look straight at it and it pierces your heart.


Qi Zhu's mental strength, which was already on the verge of overdraft, was damaged again at this moment. His consciousness became uncontrollably chaotic, accompanied by a muffled groan, and a trickle of blood flowed from the corner of his lips...

This young man is a spiritual extraordinary person, and his ability is extremely special, and he seems to be able to transmit it through the gaze.

In a sense, "Eagle Eye" helped Blaze expand its lethality.

But it was this confrontation that convinced Qi Zhu that this young man was not very strong. If it were a spiritual powerhouse of the same level as himself, the winner would have been determined by the confrontation just now.

Very good... I figured out the details.

He swallowed the sweet and fishy taste in his throat, suppressed the discomfort in his heart, and set up his big sniper again rather bravely.

This time he was no longer loading red and silver bullets.

But purple silver.

The moment Chu Ling opened his mouth, Gu Shen realized the crisis.

His blazing fire was faster than Chu Ling's reminder.

Obeying the warning in his heart, he turned his head, and the next moment a long blood-red line ran through the river, grazing his forehead. The red and silver bullet scratched the flesh, and did not cause any substantial damage. It just took out A touch of blood.

But the blazing fire roared out.

Warheads made of strong logic materials are extremely lethal to extraordinary beings, because the extremely powerful "order" within them will suppress the disordered power of extraordinary beings themselves.

But something happened that amazed Gu Shen.

The scratched wound on his forehead, because the speed of the bullet was too fast at the time of contact, the blood that escaped from the scratch took the shape of tiny blood droplets, and exploded on its own the next moment, turning into a spreading mist. shaped crystal.

Only a very small amount of blood exploded into a rather fluffy bloody mist.

"This is a normal reaction of red and silver materials to the blood of extraordinary beings."

Chu Ling said softly: "This kind of bullet is extremely poisonous to ordinary extraordinary people, but its effect on you... is very limited."

The blazing fire spread and enveloped Gu Shen's blood.

The blood stained with red silver encountered a more powerful "order", and it was gathered again at this moment. It no longer expanded and spread, but was absorbed into the fire mist.

"Your power is not 'disorder', but 'order'... and Red Silver's order is not as powerful as yours."

Chu Ling said: "Of course... this just shows that strong logic materials have a limited corrosive effect on you. If you are hit by a bullet head-on, it will be another matter."

Is that so... Gu Shen touched the wound and found that there was no pain at all.


His own blazing ability is to re-establish the order of matter to a certain extent. The red and silver bullets that also try to establish order cannot reverse the blazing fire at all. On the contrary, their own blazing fire will uproot their own order.

It is speculated that the strong logical material bullet will have very little corrosive effect on itself... Then what needs to be considered is the penetrating lethality of the frontal attack.

"Then, I just need to dodge the bullets..."

Gu Shen looked into the distance and took a deep breath.

Blazing fire lingered between his brows, and his mental power was exposed like a barrier.

Qi Ju's file shows that his ability is "Eagle Eye", which makes him almost a born high-quality sniper. Eagle Eye has excellent dynamic vision. Unless he can be as fast as Song Ci, it will be difficult to avoid it. Eyes locked.

Gu Shen barely moved his position.

He knew very well... that his speed was far from enough to avoid the pursuit of "Eagle Eye". It was almost impossible to make Qi Ju's sniper mistake by dodging.

There is no difference between moving and not moving.

"The moment the eagle eyes stares at me, I can stab him with mental power... or even hypnotize him." Gu Shen murmured softly: "It's a pity that my mental power is not enough, these are just harassment methods."

Before Qi Zhu condensed his eagle eyes, Gu Shen had already launched a mental thrust.

It's just that the strength gap between the two sides is quite disparate.

This blow was blocked. For Qi Zhu, although it was a burden, it was still bearable.

"But... if you want to deflect the bullet, harassment is enough."

"The next time Hawkeye locks on, I will gather all my mental power to launch an attack. The victory or defeat will only be in a split second."

Gu Shen knew that if he wanted to avoid the sniper attack, this should be the only chance he could seize.

In the previous decisive battle with Song Ci, Qi Ju should have activated his eagle eye more than once. His mental power was on the verge of losing control. How many more shots could he fire?

As long as Qi Zhi's eagle eye is distorted, and the environment on the river is so bad...if he throws another shot, his mentality will be completely different from before.

"bring it on."

Gu Shen challenged his spirit and concentrated all his attention.

He waited for the second gaze of the hawk's eye.

When the first red and silver bullet penetrated the river surface, smashing through the water droplets along the way, and swept out a long scarlet blood line.

Song Ci and Chen Mei were in a fierce battle.

The sound of the gunshot was very slight... but for extraordinary beings of their level, no movement could escape their perception. Chen Mo's expression remained unchanged and he took the initiative to grab Song Ci's wrists, causing the scene to fall into a wrestling match.

"Asshole! Fire a hidden gun..."

Song Ci's pupils shrank. If there were no restrictions, he would have been able to catch the bullet in time, but he couldn't use the action of twisting the bullet at all. He was pulled into this long-term wrestling by Chen Mo, and he could only watch helplessly. A bullet flew across the river.


Gu Shen's abilities are somewhat special.

Then the bullet didn't hurt him after all.

With a gloomy expression, he stared at Qi Zhu in the distance.

"Are you worried about that kid?" Chen Mo said softly, "It's better to think about how to deal with me."

Crow whispered: "Tonight is a battle between you and me..."

"I'm not interested in fighting with you. I have only one target... and that's him."

Chen Mo looked at Gu Shen. The blazing red fire in the distance made him involuntarily squint his eyes.

Chen did not focus on Song Ci again and said calmly: "As for whether he is alive or dead, it actually doesn't matter."

This sentence is just for crows to hear.

He could tell that Crow cared about the life and death of this young man.

In fact, he also cares about... This young man successfully invaded the Nanwan Building tonight and escaped.

He had to find out the truth behind this matter.

If possible, Chen Mei did not want to kill Gu Shen directly.

"Qi Zhu's 'Eagle Eye' is 100% guaranteed to hit, and the next bullet loaded in the sniper rifle will be a purple-silver bullet." Chen Wei reminded: "The only one who can stop this bullet is you. .”

"What do you want to say?" Veins bulged on Crow's forehead.

"I want to say... there is not much time left for you."

Chen did not speak slowly, "Really, not much more."

The moment the words fell.

Chen Mei glanced back slightly. At this glance, the flow of time in the entire world seemed to slow down.

On the other side of the river, Qi Zhi was standing quietly with his gun in hand. His standing posture, as solemn as a stone sculpture, was shaken for a moment. His facial muscles were all ferocious and spasmodic. In fact, it was the recoil force of the sniper rifle that was transmitted at the moment of shooting. lead to.

The flames of the purple and silver bullets fully bloomed in the slowed flow of time, like a blooming flower from the other side, strange and deadly.

Song Ci focused all his attention on the bullet. In a world where the flow of time was slowed down, his blurry figure returned to normal. The moment he turned his head, there was a look of surprise flowing from the bottom of his eyes. .

He stared at Chen Mei in disbelief.

The only person who was not affected by the flow of time was Chen Mei.

Chen Mo instantly broke free from the stalemate.

Kneel, bow, tread water.

The whole movement was extremely smooth. In the slowing world, his speed was even faster than the purple silver bullet, and the entire river fell into an eerie silence.

An invisible realm blossoms.

This domain comes from Chen Mi. His eyebrows bloom with a terrifying silver light. Time moves slowly, but he is not affected. There is no record of Chen Mi's ability in the files of the Chengxin Society.

Because most of them have no opponents, it is worthwhile for him to open this domain.

In this duel, his goal was always clear, not to defeat the Crow, but to take away Gu Shen, so he was always waiting for an opportunity... an opportunity where the Crow could not take both ends into account.

Purple Silver Bullet, and himself.

Now, the time has come.

When the realm was withdrawn, only 0.5 seconds passed in the real world.

Maybe, for a second.

When the realm is removed——

Chen Mei was already standing in front of Gu Shen.

He didn't take action.

Just stood there quietly.

The second gunshot in the distance did not sound either.

The entire river was quiet and soundless, as if all sounds had been suppressed.

Sweat broke out on Chen Mei's forehead.

He didn't make any move...because he felt...

Someone is standing behind you.

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