Barrier of Light

Chapter 131 Identity

Qi Zhu, who pulled the trigger and clearly felt the recoil, but did not wait for the gunshot, looked a little confused.

Just before pulling the trigger, Qi Zhu had already foreseen that the second shot would be met with a mental counterattack by the opponent... In fact, he didn't care about the damage to his mental power. He turned on Eagle Eye several times in a row, and his own His mental energy had long been exhausted, and he only hoped that his last purple-silver bullet could successfully penetrate the boy's head.

But the reality is.

He fired the shot very smoothly.

The other party didn't seize this last chance...but strangely, the gun misfired.

From his perspective, he could already see the flames of the purple and silver bullet blooming into a coquettish flower in the air.

At this moment, the purple fireworks slowly disappeared.

The enchanting flowers remain at the muzzle of the gun.

This was a real purple flower, blooming on top of the purple and silver bullet. When Qi Zhu realized this, it was already too late.

The vines covered the barrel of the gun and his whole body, making it very difficult for him to even move his head.

After moving the angle of view with great difficulty... Qi Zhu was shocked to find that not only himself, but also all the members of the Chengxin Society along the river were covered with vines.

When did this... start?

When did it end?

"You were smart enough not to continue."

Chen was sweating profusely when he heard a soft voice of admiration behind him.

It's just that there is no real appreciation in the voice of the person admiring.

"If you throw a left punch, I'll break your fist."

"If you try to crush them, I'll break your legs."

"If you want to pull out the hunting knife at your waist..."

"Then I'm afraid you will be disappointed, because the hunting knife is in my hand."

The old man who was playing with the hunting knife stood quietly about three meters behind Chen Mei. This was a very dangerous distance, but also a very safe distance. He gently tapped the blade and listened to the clear shock sound. , and at the same time casually looked at the curly-haired young man in front of him who was young but extremely talented. Most of the extraordinary people who had met Chen Mi were amazed by the extraordinary talents of Mr. Chen.

Only he didn't.

"Five years ago, your father came to me and hoped that I could teach you physical skills."

The old man said slowly: "But I rejected him, not because I didn't want to teach, but because... I had nothing to teach. At that time, many people thought that you were good on the outside but failed on the outside, but they didn't know. In fact, you have found a teacher who is powerful enough, and your attainments in physical skills have surpassed most of your peers in Dongzhou, but you have not yet made a mark."

Chen did not say anything.

A long time ago, Chen Wei, as the son of Senator Chen San, was already well-known in most cities.

But what really made everyone fear, remember, and regard Chen Mo as an independent person... It was only in the past few years that he conquered every transcendent in the Chengxin Hui Nantang with his fists, and used crows and Exactly the same way.

I have to say, this method is very effective.

He had his own title, and those people started calling him Chen Mei instead of Mr. Chen.

"I don't understand..."

Chen Wei spoke softly and said: "The battle tonight is certainly not small, but it won't... alarm you, right?"

The old man lowered his eyebrows and slowly inserted the hunting knife back into the scabbard on the young man's waist.

"I don't believe that the only Grand Adjudicator in the entire East Continent happened to be walking in Dadu and happened to come to the river beach." Chen Mei said slowly: "Then he stopped such a farce out of his warm-heartedness and regardless of the indiscretion... ...Even if it’s a side pull, it’s not like you can pull it.”

There was a roar from the distant river bank, a helicopter flew over from the sky, and vehicles quickly drove up on the highway. The silence of the river beach was finally broken at this moment.

Someone quickly ran to the river bank and saw the figures entangled in the vines. They couldn't help but exclaimed.

The South Bay vehicle eventually came to a stop.

Where the spotlights converged, a middle-aged man in a black woolen coat slowly got out of the car. Wherever he went, countless eyes were filled with awe and humility. An inconspicuous old man in simple and old clothes also got out of the car. Follow the man silently.

"Sir, Congressman."

"Mr. Chen."

Amidst the calls one after another, the man walked quickly towards the river bank.

Immediately afterwards, another woman with skin as white as snow also got out of the car. She quickly caught up with the man. There was a slight difference in their positions. The woman kept whispering something.

Finally, the two of them came to the river bank and walked on the water, making the waves ripple.

There was no sign of any otherworldly aura.

But Jiang Mian firmly supported the two of them.

From the moment the vehicle stopped, Wu Yao narrowed his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man with some fear. What he was afraid of was not Chen San, but the inconspicuous old man.

As we all know, Chen San is an ordinary person who has not awakened to the extraordinary.

But beside him, there is a loyal and titled servant. No one knows what kind of agreement and considerations these two people have... A super strong man who has accepted the official title of the parliament is willing to be a shadow. An old dog.

Chen San just glanced at the crow, his expression not changing at all. It was rumored that he was once furious with Song Ci for hurting his nephew, but now when he really saw it, there was no anger on this man's face. He looked at Song Ci like he was looking at the air, just a glance Then skip it again.

This reaction was somewhat unexpected to Crow.

The moment he saw Chen San appear on the scene with his titled old servant, he had already prepared the means to deal with the "skin-picking", and in the worst case, he would have another fight.

But in fact...the storm never came.

And the scene was surprisingly calm.

On the other side of the river, there were also several figures slowly approaching.

The madam was holding an umbrella on the left, and Cui Zhongcheng was pushing the wheelchair on the right. An old man with a peaceful expression was sitting in the wheelchair. Seeing the madam and Mr. Cui appear, Song Ci felt a little numb, but unexpectedly, the madam looked at There was no blame in his eyes.

What happened today?

Song Ci stood on the river, muttering to himself.

For a moment, he was a little at a loss, trying hard to figure out what was going on at this moment, but the more his brain thought about it, the more it shut down.

From the moment Chen did not open the realm of time and slowness.

Song Ci felt that the development of this incident was starting to go out of control and was beyond his control... And if we really want to trace the origin of this feeling of being out of control, it should be when Gu Shen rejected his retreat plan. It started at a moment.

Gu Shen said something at that time.

"We've known each other for so long, and you still don't seem to know my identity."

And Crow remembered that he just thought it was funny.

So I subconsciously replied: "Is your identity important?"

Now it seems that... the situation seems to be completely different from what I imagined, because Chen San, who brought Ye Ningqiu and his old servant, as well as Mr. Xiao Cui and his wife Zhao Xilai, these people who stood at the highest point of the capital, all walked towards the center of the river. go.

They approached someone.

Gu Shen.

"Always help people."

Chen San stopped and said calmly: "What kind of wind is blowing tonight? It's so noisy that it can blow you here."

Mr. Shu looked back at Chen San and just smiled.

Ye Ningqiu's voice sounded.

"The Nanwan Building has been invaded. Someone broke into the building..."

She glanced at the young man lying on the ice floe and asked: "We are chasing the trespassing suspect, shouldn't we be violating Dongzhou's laws?"

"Pursuing the suspect certainly did not violate the law."

Mr. Shu withdrew his gaze and looked at the other side of the river. Cui Zhongcheng and his party had just stepped onto the river, and the sound of their conversation had not spread yet.

"In that the Grand Adjudicator of Dongzhou, why do you interfere in this pursuit?"

Chen didn't speak immediately.

Mr. Shu still didn't answer, but looked calmly at the other side of the river, waiting patiently.

"The power outage in the Nanwan Building has traces of man-made faults, and evidence of fuses remaining in the elevators and shafts..."

Chen Mei still didn't get a response. He was eager to defend himself, so his voice became deeper and more urgent, and he said: "The mutilated figure in the surveillance video basically matches his physical characteristics..."

Gu Shen climbed up from the ice floe wetly. After seeing his appearance clearly, everyone present remained silent.

Chen San didn't notice that his father Chen San stopped talking.

Ye Ningqiu stopped talking.

Finally, Mr. Cui, pushing a wheelchair, arrived at the center of the river.

Cui Zhongcheng's expression didn't change at all, he just reminded him with "kindness".

"Mr. Chen, these evidences can only prove that someone 'intruded' into the Nanwan Building, but they cannot prove that he was the one who invaded the Nanwan Building... You need to produce more direct evidence, such as actual surveillance pictures of the building."

Chen was not stunned.

None of the surveillance cameras directly showed Gu Shen.

This guy is like a ghost.

What puzzled him even more than this was...the attitudes of these people, including his father and Ye Ningqiu.

"Now that everyone is here, let me make a formal introduction."

Zhou Jiren finally spoke.

He pulled Gu Shen to stand up, "This is my close disciple, the new S-class of the Judgment Office, Gu Shen."

Close disciple, these four words are said very seriously.

It is rumored that Zhou Jiren has decided to resign as the Grand Adjudicator of the Adjudication Institute. Many people are watching him with eager eyes, and each of his disciples is an extraordinary person with outstanding talents. They have even personally cultivated a powerful person with a title of "Tian Tong" level. By.

The conferment of the Towering Tree is actually the parliament's recognition of him.

Towering trees provide shade at the back.

And what kind of important genius must be the being who was accepted as a closed disciple by the "Towering Tree"?

S-level, an extremely simple but powerful word, is enough to prove the importance of Gu Shen... In fact, his files have always been sealed, but the pardon issue alarmed the parliament once, so Chen San recognized it This boy.

In the eyes of "big shots", nothing in this world is a coincidence.

Zhou Jiren's appearance on the river bank cannot be a coincidence.

Then the S-class suspected of sneaking into the Nanwan Building cannot be a coincidence...

Chen San and Ye Ningqiu both know very well that this era is more about technique and results than evidence.

"I'm here today for an old case. This case was originally sealed, but just a few days ago, it was reopened and an additional 'S'-level case file was added -"

Zhou Jiren continued to speak.

Along with the words, vines wrapped around Chen Mei's legs.

"The death of Yinghai Adjudicator Zhou Yu was deemed to be merged with the cases of 'Sumu Stone Sculpture' and 'Yuandan Street Fog'... These cases were all handled by the Jiujiu Foundation, and the Adjudication Office is doing its best to arrest the suspects."

"Chen Mei, pursuing power without asking the source is a very stupid thing..."

Mr. Shu spoke slowly, "Now that you are suspected of this case, where did your physical skills and the teacher who taught them come from? I hope you will tell me honestly."

This chapter was difficult to write.

There are many characters and a large amount of information. It has been revised for a long time to ensure the smooth reading of a single chapter, and may be revised again in the future.

Everyone has been waiting.

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