Barrier of Light

Chapter 160 The flag-stealing thief

"Lu Nanzhi's speech during the parliamentary campaign had a very serious impact on the advancement of the Awakening Act..."

"Xizhou Guangming City wants to withdraw Huazhi's capital injection from the Awakening Act."

"The Lin family from Northern Fortress also called the office."

Luoying Trail.

One old and one young.

Cui Zhongcheng pushed the wheelchair and said softly: "The phone numbers on the top floor of Huazhi have been buzzing. What they want to express is similar. They all want to withdraw from the cooperation with the 'New World', and they are seriously not optimistic about the competition of the bill."

"As much as you hate to hear this, I have to say... the situation today is very unfavorable for us."

Zhao Xilai seemed to be asleep, just sitting in the wheelchair and listening silently.

"Looking at it now, the meeting at the Liberty Auditorium was a pretense... Lu Nanzhi hid it from me and you. Until she took the stage, everyone thought that the three alternative members of South Bay gave up their candidacy as a compromise. .”

Mr. Xiao Cui said: "Retreat and gather your strength. This is a clean and fatal blow."

have to say.

The shot was beautiful. hurts!

After the election process for members, the Electoral College of the Dongzhou Assembly will give the results of a unified vote... In fact, the results of this election no longer require a unified vote, and there is only one person, Lu Nanzhi.

Time is running out for supporters of the bill.

Once Lu Nanzhi takes office, the final vote to overwhelm the bill will be cast...

"It will take a week to get the results of the Electoral College. It will take a week for Lu Nanzhi to officially take over the parliamentary seat. If we give it all, we still have two weeks." Cui Zhongcheng said slowly: "If we can persuade her to change her vote in these two weeks, type, then the bill can still pass."

"Temporary defection is nothing."

Zhao Xilai stretched out a hand to signal Cui Zhongcheng to stop pushing.

The two of them stood in the path of fallen leaves.

The old man watched a dead leaf fall slowly, "In the past struggles... being deceived and betrayed is commonplace, and I have long been used to it. There is no need to be nervous when this happens, because there must be something to talk about, it's nothing more than Give up as much benefit as you want. As long as you give enough benefit, the other party will be willing to submit and obey again."

"But this's different..."

Zhao Xilai caught the dead leaves with his palm and said with a smile: "Who else can give more to Lu Nanzhi than me?"

Cui Zhongcheng opened his mouth but stopped talking.


"Give Hua Zhi all of her future——"

Zhao Xilai's voice gradually became softer and he said: "Maybe it's because when my life is about to come to an end, I always inadvertently recall the past, and my mood tends to become sentimental... I have always regarded her as my daughter... ...I have been looking forward to her taking over this huge industry..."

"The young bird spreads its wings and flies high."

"Now, she has grown up and become the 'Mrs.' of Dadu."

Zhao Xilai smiled happily and said: "But at the last moment of 'inheritance', something like this happened..."

"Xiao Cui, do you think I haven't treated her well enough?"


Cui Zhongcheng was silent for a long time.

He is a man who cannot lie.

"Mr. Congressman, you regard her as your own... everyone can see this." Mr. Cui said slowly: "But her father is Lu Cheng."

Zhao Xilai was in a daze.

He slowly closed his hands, and the dead leaf was crushed into his palms, making a crisp, dry cracking sound.

"Lu... Cheng..."

Zhao Xilai lowered his head and laughed at himself: "I haven't heard this name for a long time... This is obviously my best old friend, but now even hearing the name feels strange..."

"So you want to remind me that Huazhi should have been hers..."

There was no anger in the old man's tone, just a slight sense of sadness.


Zhao Xilai smiled, "If she has buried her hatred deep in her heart these years, then every time she sees me, it should be like seeing a thief. I stole Lu Cheng's property, dreams, and everything."

"Those bionic cabins, genetic laboratories, countless design manuscripts under Huazhi, those lofty, magnificent, and shocking concepts and ideas, those inventions and creations that made Huazhi famous across the five continents... are all... I stole it."

"Every time people are shocked and proud of Hua Zhi, the one who enjoys all the praise is not her father, but a thief like me."

The old man murmured.

"Lu Cheng died, with no name, and was buried on a hillside in the old city. Over the years, I have been pretending not to know where the cemetery is, pretending to have forgotten everything about this old friend."

"Do you know why?"

Cui Zhongcheng looked at the old man mumbling to himself as if in his sleep and shook his head.

"Because...for the name Lu Cheng...there is no better ending than dying in obscurity."

The old man raised his head and released his palms, letting the rustling pieces of dead leaves fall down.

"It is a luxury to expect that a lunatic who wants to subvert the world order can die with dignity and leave a clean reputation."

Cui Zhongcheng frowned.

"Lu Nanjin has also returned to Dadu. Obviously...she came to me for revenge." Zhao Xilai said softly: "Actually, I had expected such a day, but I didn't expect it to be so soon..."

Ten years passed by in a flash.

"What happened in the Lion Alley case back then?" Cui Zhongcheng asked slowly.

He got no answer.

"Does it matter what happened in Lion Alley back then? The result has long been settled. Lu Cheng died in that alley."

Zhao Xilai said lightly: "If they think that I was responsible for the Lion Lane case, then... just think so..."

Cui Zhongcheng knows.

After Lu Cheng's death, Huazhi suffered a major reshuffle.

At that time, he left Dateng Public School, joined the Zhao family, and experienced battle after battle... Cleansing the old department and re-cultivating his confidants, Zhao Xilai spent several years completely destroying Lu Cheng's hard work and rebuilding .

Everything in this land is new except the flag which is old.

"You just said...two more weeks?"

"Two weeks is enough." The old man closed his eyes, and the faint feeling of sadness and aging disappeared from his brows. He held his breath and said coldly: "Tell Guangming City and the Lin family about the implementation of the Awakening Act. The banner will definitely be taken."


Cui Zhongcheng looked at the old lion, which was old and weak.

There are only two weeks left...Is this going to start the final war?

"Take me to meet Nan Zhi." Zhao Xilai slowly opened his eyes, and the cold aura slowly dissipated as he opened his eyes.

He said softly: "I don't want to start a war... This matter should be solved in a softer way. If we meet, then everything still needs to be discussed."

(Only one chapter tonight.)

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