Barrier of Light

Chapter 161 The Dead, Xiao

Chen didn't open his eyes.

The world was spinning in front of him, his vision gradually became clear from blur, and he saw three familiar faces.

Zhou Ji was born in Nanjin and Gu Shen.

The expressions on the faces of the three people are a little subtle, but they are generally the same, with three parts concern and three parts compassion...

Gu Shen spoke.

"You finally woke up?"

The memory still lingers on the moment when countless flames engulfed him.

Chen Wei seemed to have experienced a nightmare. He suddenly raised his hands, only to find that he was still bound by the "Holy Wood". With this struggle, he lost his center of gravity and almost fell to the ground. He didn't realize it until this moment. When I arrived, I was still in the interrogation room.

The incandescent lamp overhead has never broken, and the floor is very stable... The glass outside the interrogation room is coated with a layer of light-proof red silver, and everything here remains unchanged from beginning to end.

"This is……"

Chen Mo looked stunned.

He could even hear his violent heartbeat when he was about to die. If he remembered correctly, the final explosion shook him hundreds of meters away... and then, this was the scene he saw when he woke up.

Is this all a dream?

He couldn't understand it all.

He was very sure that the white shadow and the explosion that shattered the deserted building were all real... He could still clearly feel the side effects of using "Time Slow", as if his bones were being torn apart.

But there was no pain from the explosion.

Chen did not stare at Zhou Jiren. He could only understand all this as a trick of this bad old man.

Mr. Shu held a cigar in his mouth and crossed his legs. His face was shrouded in mist, and the specific expression could not be seen clearly. Only the raised corners of his mouth could be vaguely seen.

it is more than words.

"About joining the Special Investigation Team..."

Zhou Jiren asked politely: "How are you thinking about it?"

Chen Wei gritted his teeth and frowned... He still couldn't understand. Was the explosion he just experienced a dream or reality?

Was he moved to a brand new interrogation room, or had he never changed?

The memory is completely affected.

In this interrogation room, he lost time and reference... He even began to suspect that everything was false.

If all of this is a dream and the "ability" of that white shadow...then it can only be said that that guy's ability is too powerful and he can't understand it at all.

In the last memory.

The shadow asked itself——

"Do you want to survive?"

Maybe... what he meant by surviving was not the explosion.

"If I join the Special Investigations Unit...will I be free?"

Chen did not hesitate for a moment and said, "What do I need to do?"

"The answer is no." Zhou Jiren said calmly: "You don't need to do anything, you just need to stay in the interrogation room."

Chen Mei was furious, with veins bulging on his forehead.

"Are you playing with me?"

Join the Special Investigations Team and get locked in the interrogation room.

If you don't join the special investigation team, you'll still be locked in the interrogation room.

What is the difference between these two options?


Zhou Jiren shook his head, "This is not a cage, but a barrier. Where else is safer than staying here?"

"I don't think so."

Chen did not sneer.

He hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice: "I can join the special investigation team, but the premise is that I want to be free. I don't want to stay here anymore..."

"Now I can identify Xiao. I have seen his true face in the spiritual link. He is the person in the photo you showed earlier."

"Zhou Yu?"

Gu Shen was a little surprised. What had this guy experienced? His current attitude was completely different from before.

Mr. Shu looked calm and was not surprised at all by Chen Mei's confession.

"very good."

He stretched out a hand and said calmly: "Congratulations, Chen Mei, you have officially become a member of the special investigation team. Everything we do has only one purpose... to kill Xiao Xiao."

Leave the interrogation room.

"You guys are a little late. Chen did not experience a nightmare just before."

Mr. Shu explained Chen Mei’s confession: “In fact, he had already confessed once in his dream... That’s why he confessed so neatly this time.”

I see……

Gu Shen nodded, feeling something was wrong.

If I remember correctly, the teacher should have gone to Huazhi Building today?

The senior sister was always with him in the ward.

The location here is very secluded.

Except for the three of them, no one else knows... Even if there is, who else but the teacher has the ability to hypnotize Chen?

What's more, the teacher is not a spiritual extraordinary person.

He immediately thought of the "dream" he had experienced... Chu Ling has not returned to the link until now.

The image of him driving out of Dadu to trade in no man's land was still vivid in his mind, but when he turned around and woke up, he found that it was all just a dream.

This... seems to be an extraordinary event.

He looked at Zhou Jiren very suspiciously.

The latter calmly flicked the ashes of his cigarette, "Deep Sea has linked to the Wuzhou database, revised the survival status of 'Zhou Yu', and included him in the list of S-class fugitives... In fact, there are still many files on 'Xiao' There are doubts. I don’t think Chen Mo’s identification is reasonable. Zhou Yu has no reason to defect to the tribunal. He passed the rigorous assessment of the review team back then and is a young man with a good sense of morality and justice.”

"Like it's me?"

"Well... Just like you, you have a good foundation, but you are a bit poor." Zhou Jiren said with a smile: "If Zhou Yu needs to control the Long-term Foundation, then feigning death is not a good way to escape... He can completely retain the Judgment Office As an adjudicator, he manipulates the foundation behind the scenes and organizes extreme activities, which will make it more convenient."

"That's right..." Gu Shen nodded and said, "If I were Zhou Yu, I would not choose to fake death."

"Deep Sea has provided an analysis. It believes that 'Xiao' can be 'Zhou Yu', but 'Zhou Yu' is not equal to 'Xiao'."

Nan Jin frowned.

"What does this mean... Xiao, maybe there is more than one person?"


"Deep Sea believes that Xiao may not be just a person, but more likely... not a living person."

"A few years ago, a special-type extraordinary person appeared in Central Continent. His ability is called 'Fire Stealer'. As long as certain conditions are met, he can steal extraordinary sources of different levels..." Mr. Shu murmured: " I agree with Shen Hai’s analysis. Xiao is most likely a special-type transcendent, and the power he awakens does not belong to the three types. He can probably steal the body or something like that.”

Gu Shen's heart trembled.

"You mentioned before that when you saw Zhou Yu's daughter in her dream, his face was missing... I guess this may be a reflection of Xiao's shortcomings." Zhou Jiren grinned and said, "Of course, these are all It's just my guess. I don't believe that there is perfect ability in this world. All extraordinary people are not gods. According to my judgment, he can escape the pursuit of the deep sea for so many years... There is only one possibility - "

"He's a dead man."

(It was a feint, but I don’t know how many people got hit by it. All in all... I’ll update the second chapter.)

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