Barrier of Light

Chapter 179 Apostle

The circular curtain slowly opened, and the soft light of the auditorium and concert hall fell from the heads of every audience. This landmark building, built a hundred years ago, has a long history. Many years ago, the five continents were not so peaceful.

The metropolitan area has experienced many wars.

The Liberty Auditorium was named because after the end of the last war, a certain leader gave the metropolitan area complete liberation and "freedom." Over the past hundred years, the auditorium has experienced layers of washing, and the exterior stone walls have been renovated several times. times, but the spiritual core has never changed.


"I can understand your speech at the candidate ceremony..."

"It's also understandable that you chose to stay away from me in Lion Alley..."

The old man sitting next to Lu Nanzhi was only wearing a simple suit today. Because of his age, his mental outlook was not good, like a weak flame that was flickering and might be extinguished at any time.

The old man looked at the center of the ring-shaped stage, and his voice was calm and calm: "I can understand everything you have done, just as I understand the meaning of the existence of this auditorium. Countless people have fought bloody battles in Dadu for freedom. Now you choose to come forward for freedom."

Lu Nanzhi didn't refute, she just listened quietly.

The relationship between her and Zhao Xilai has been very simple over the years. Teacher and student, one teaches and the other listens. This is not the first time such a conversation has occurred, but... the conversation in the free auditorium is the first time.

"I'm very pleased that you didn't continue to hide behind the wooden door of Lion Lane, but chose to attend the ball and talk to me again..." The old man said softly: "My child, you have always had freedom. It will become your restraint, and it will only become your wings, allowing you to fly higher. This is the foundation and support that many people dream of, so why destroy it with your own hands?"

"Opposing the bill...does not mean destroying the flag."

Lu Nanzhi shook his head.

"Do you know... what's the situation in Dongzhou now?" The old man smiled and looked at Lu Nanzhi. In recent years, the "Madam" in Dadu District has become famous, but in fact, he has put in a lot of hard work in obscurity behind the scenes.

Every time he saw this woman growing up, he felt both gratified and helpless... because a dark premonition told him that Lu Nanzhi would one day stand on his opposite side.

Teach students to become stronger.

The day when we turn against each other will be even more difficult.

"There is no harmony among the five continents because the opinions at the highest level are divided..."

"The awakening speed of the black spots is getting faster and faster. If it is allowed to spread like this... it is only a matter of time before the five continents are invaded by disorder. Maybe I won't be able to see that day, but what about the people behind? They How much time is left?"

The old man's voice slowly and sadly said: "So... those who hold the fire have decided to follow the advice of the Deep Sea and try to promote the Awakening Act in a certain area."

Lu Nanzhi's pupils contracted.


"They are gods who hold fire and control the unrivaled 'supreme power'." Zhao Xilai's voice was very soft, "And the only man Dongzhou can rely on... fell into a long sleep. We are lambs to be slaughtered. , there is no choice in this matter.”

"How can we agree to such a decision when we treat Dongzhou as a chessboard..." Lu Nanzhi said coldly: "We should oppose it!"

But when she saw Zhao Xilai's face that was neither sad nor happy, but only numb, all the anger slowly ebbed away...

This is a feeling of powerlessness.

No wonder, no wonder Nagano City chose to remain silent on this matter... They should have refused, but Gu Changzhi was sleeping. Who in Nagano City could bear the price of refusal?

"If the majority of the votes are against, according to the rules, the bill will be rejected... But no one knows what will happen next." Zhao Xilai said slowly: "The Awakening Bill is just a trial. Compared with whether the bill can be implemented, Those at the highest seats, as well as other members of the five continents, want to see if the man in Nagano Castle is really dead."

"Huazhi found two allies, Guangming City in Xizhou, and the 'Lin Family' in the northern fortress. These two gave some guarantees after the implementation of the bill." Zhao Xilai said slowly: "If the Awakening Act can indeed absorb the extraordinary source quality and alleviate the emergence of black spots... Then Dongzhou will also become the biggest beneficiary. With no one in charge, we can only choose to gamble. And the man from Guangming City and the Lin family are willing to make the decision for Dongzhou , to ensure fairness.”


Lu Nanzhi couldn't help but laugh.

What she saw was that Dongzhou was being used as a chessboard by the highest seat. How could there be any fairness at all?

"So... back to the original question, you said you opposed the bill earlier, which does not mean you ruined Huazhi..."

"you are wrong."

"There is no retreat for Huazhi. Once the implementation of the bill fails, Guangming City and the Lin family will no longer perform their auxiliary duties of regulating fairness. And what Dongzhou will face by then is an unprecedented storm." The old man's voice gradually faded. Xu, finally said: "Do you understand the weight of this final vote?"

Lu Nanzhi fell into a long silence.

"Who would believe that there are "godlike" creatures in this world if they haven't seen it with their own eyes? Zhao Xilai smiled in a low voice, "My life would have become more brilliant if I had not seen them." "

Project one of humanity's highest-level secrets.

And those who are recognized by the fire and fully develop their power have gone beyond the realm of transcendent understanding.

From a material level, it is more appropriate to use such words to describe them as perfect people, saints...or gods.

"The social order that believes in materialism is destined to be broken by the extraordinary, and the logical bottom line of scientists' understanding of the laws of the material world is also destined to be shattered by fire... When the balance of the five continents slowly changes, we must accept and adapt. "

Zhao Xilai spoke slowly and said: "Now the new leaders who have inherited the fire are no longer as great and selfless as they were at the beginning. Of course they will go to the fortress to eliminate the 'black spots', but instead of going out, they will look more slowly. Move slowly towards the mainland."

"Dongzhou is being targeted?" Lu Nanzhi said coldly: "We oppose the bill, do they still want to 'enforce justice' across continents?"

The scary thing is that Zhao Xilai didn't speak.

He sat quietly, and that seemed to be an answer.

After a long time, he revealed another news:

"A certain fire master in Central Continent was the first to do such a thing... He gave away a ray of his spiritual power to help the extraordinary people who believed in him absolutely loyally improve their strength, and gave it to them to wipe out the 'black spots' The person who receives the gift becomes an 'apostle of God'."

"From a rule perspective, this is absolutely not allowed."

"But...there are more black spots now. The appearance of the apostle is a good thing for mankind."

"But here comes the problem. Only God can defeat God——"

"And the apostles who have inherited a ray of spiritual power from God...even if this ray of spiritual power is very weak to God, it is definitely not something that normal people can carry and defeat."

"So...the other fire holders, in order to maintain this balance, all chose their own apostles. When the rules are broken, everyone has to adapt to the new rules, but Dongzhou has nothing."

Zhao Xilai said: "In a recent phone call, Guangming City told me that an apostle from Central Continent will come to East Continent recently... We don't know when he will arrive. In this incident, he may be just a bystander, or he may become a An enforcer.”

Lu Nanzhi felt horrified when she heard this.

"You see... there is no need to play so many conspiracies. All tactics are in vain in the face of absolute power. The apostles only need to visit one by one and convey the will of 'God', so there are only twenty seats in Dongzhou. , there are always people who are afraid to shrink back, after all, the seat is dead, but the person is alive.”

Zhao Xilai's body sank into the seat, and he advised tiredly: "This is why I want to have a deep talk with you... Give up this battle, you can't win."

Lu Nanzhi opened her mouth.

She had nothing to say.

"You should read what I asked Zhao Qi to bring you. After I die, Huazhi will be yours. These are not compensation, but what you deserve." The old man exhaled a long and depressed breath, " Or, you can think of it as a compromise in this war. If we continue to fight, there will be no winner. You will lose, I will lose, and Dongzhou will lose."

"Is there no better way besides accepting...?"

"Yes, I have."

Zhao Xilai suddenly smiled, a little cheerfully, like a child, "If that man wakes up, I will be the first to vote against it with my hands and feet raised, and then use the loudspeaker to tell those bastards in the highest seat to go away." Some, never make any crooked ideas about Dongzhou."


"He's still asleep, isn't he?"

The old man's voice suddenly sounded like fallen leaves in late autumn, "So we have to accept reality... and prepare for the worst."

Lu Nanzhi said slowly: "What if...I still refuse?"


The old man fell into deep thought.

"I have no idea."

Zhao Xilai shook his head and said seriously: "Under the general trend, there is no way out. I cannot accept the failure of the implementation of the Awakening Act. I have never truly lost a battle in my life, so if you refuse, there is a high probability that there is only one possibility."

"You will become ashes rolled over by the rollers of history..."

The thin, old man with no energy, at this moment, his aura was restrained, like a thin blade.

Those cloudy eyes suddenly became clear, and a sharp cold light bloomed.

He spoke slowly: "There will no longer be a so-called 'madam' in most cities."

Lu Nanzhi looked calm and looked at Zhao Xilai. She seemed to be looking into each other's eyes, as if looking directly into the blazing sun.

But there was no holding back.

(Today is just one chapter, and tomorrow will be the climax. Additional updates will be made, which will be counted as supplementary updates.)

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