Barrier of Light

Chapter 180 The Dream of Displacement (First Update)

Above the Liberty Auditorium, a melodious and ethereal bell rang.

The Liberty Auditorium, built a hundred years ago because of the victory in the war, still retains an ancient tower covered with ivy. There is nothing on the tower, it is empty... only an old bell.

For a hundred years, the old clock has chimed the hour regardless of rain or shine. People passing by the auditorium always feel at ease when they hear the bell.

The bells are still ringing.

This is a symbol of peace and a manifestation of freedom——

"It's nine o'clock."

Gu Shen heard the faint and majestic bells through the wall. The dance had been going on for two hours unknowingly...and it wasn't until the bells rang that he realized that the atmosphere in the concert hall was too neat and quiet.

Came to the auditorium last time.

Although it is not a formal occasion... the "appreciators" sitting in the audience are whispering while listening to the symphony. In the auditorium where the formal performance is held, the sound of whispers can be ignored.

But there is no way to escape the induction of the extraordinary.

But at this moment...the source of the sound is very simple.

Only the fluttering, magnificent music was left, echoing on the four walls of the entire auditorium. The amplification equipment and related instruments were turned off at some point... so the sound of this performance sounded particularly real.

Gu Shen's expression suddenly became serious. He noticed the rows of seats in front of him. The "young aristocrats" who were listening to the music and who were whispering to each other now were leaning on each other's shoulders and looked extremely intimate. However, those who were sitting separately were sitting alone. His head was numb and he seemed to be asleep.

"...senior sister."

Gu Shen subconsciously spoke, looked at Lu Nanjin, and then his pupils shrank slightly.

He... got no response.

Lu Nanjin was leaning in the rear corner of the auditorium, with his arms folded, nestled in the shadows, but his eyes were closed and his breathing was gentle...

"They were asleep."

In the last row, Zhou Jiren's voice sounded faintly.

The old guy stretched lazily and opened his eyes. His eyes were calm and as deep as the sea. He crossed the rows of seats in the auditorium and locked directly on the orchestra directly above the stage of the performance hall.

"There are many ways to spread spiritual power... Sound is one of them. Theoretically, a top-notch spiritual super can spread through sound and hypnotize an entire city."

Mr. Shu said expressionlessly: "Do you still remember the third level trial of the deep sea, which is the stage you are currently at? The method of leading many people into dreams is called 'Great Hypnosis'. In this case, if the dreamer is forcibly awakened, , then it is very likely to cause indelible damage to the brain of the dreamer."

Gu Shen's eyes were fixed on the first three rows.

Madam and Zhao Xilai, Chen San and Cui Zhongcheng... are still talking.

These four big shots all have top-notch "defensive sealed objects" on their bodies.

"Don't try to remind them...these four are not asleep yet, but it is only a matter of time. Look carefully, the space in the first three rows is 'isolated'."

A ray of fire appeared between Gu Shen's brows.

Without the blessing of blazing fire, the auditorium was just a little quieter.

After using the blazing fire to enhance his vision, Gu Shen saw a horrifying scene that made him feel suffocated... The extraordinary source of matter floating in the air was several times richer than that of Yuandan Street, and the thick mist was almost condensed into a solid substance. water droplets.

The auditorium is like a suspended pool that supports extraordinary source matter.

And a pitch-black invisible barrier stretched across the first three rows, stacked up in squares, covering the four highest-ranking people in the dance, forming a distinct boundary.

That's where the sound of the orchestra's performance hits first. The farther back, the weaker the impact of the spread of spiritual power.

This behavior... is like releasing a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide in a locked room.

When the people in the room noticed something strange, the oxygen had been exhausted.

Even if those four people have top-notch spiritual defenses and are trapped in the barrier... it's only a matter of time before they fall into a dream.

Zhou Jiren praised coldly with a smile on his face: "It's really an amazing method. I sat in the auditorium and concert hall for so long...until the performance started, I didn't notice anything strange."

Gu Shen looked towards the center of the stage.

Pierre Haitink, who was swinging the conductor's baton, was immersed in the waves of the majestic music. A bloody fire mist that was so rich that it could not be dispersed appeared between his eyebrows, and every musician in the orchestra was So true.

"That's the owl's extraordinary mark... blood and fire!"

Extraordinary people of the spiritual system are able to perform great hypnosis.

But...the burning between these people's brows is different from the symptoms of "hypnosis".

"Do you still remember the conclusion you came to when you interrogated Chen Mei last time?"

Zhou Jiren stood up slowly, "Xiao is probably not a person... His ability should be to seize the target's will by manipulating the spirit and make it his own puppet."

This planner, whose abilities were unknown and only revealed his major characteristics of the spiritual system, revealed a part of his true identity during the grand performance of the free dance.

Although they both belong to the spiritual system, their abilities are very different.

Pulling others into one's dreams and releasing one's dreams are completely different concepts. As for manipulating the minds of so many people, this is an "extraordinary manifestation" that goes beyond what is recorded on the federal genealogy chart.

"Has the Lucerne Orchestra been completely controlled..."

Cold sweat broke out on Gu Shen's forehead.

The security force of the Liberty Ball is actually not weak. There are law enforcers from the three offices on the three inner and outer floors. The title that Councilor Chen San carries with him, as well as the strongest combat force of Chengxinhui Beitang, are all near the auditorium at this moment.

He clenched his fists.

In the final analysis, I still failed to find the target person during my own review.

"Don't blame yourself."

Mr. Shu saw Gu Shen's thoughts and said calmly: "With such ability, he can enter any occasion at will... He does not need any disguise, nor does he need to be afraid of any guard. He only needs to capture the will of the invitees. In Before this exposure, we were unable to mount an effective response."

"It's not that bad...I didn't fall asleep after all."

Zhou Jiren straightened his white suit and said calmly: "I think even a titled extraordinary person can easily resist this level of 'Great Hypnosis'... The original estimate of Xiao was that he could cause Zhou Yu's death. It is possible that he possesses extremely dangerous title-level strength. Looking at it now, his strength may not be as strong as imagined."

Great hypnosis, large range, but small power.

It only works on people whose mental strength is much lower than your own.

"I didn't fall asleep either..." Gu Shen looked down at his hands and frowned.

"Don't think too much, you didn't fall asleep... This is purely an 'accident'."

Mr. Shu looked at the center of the auditorium and said calmly: "Don't think that because of your special abilities, you can escape this level of hypnosis... The reason you didn't fall asleep is because he didn't want you to fall asleep."

"Look at that compass in your arms."

The bronze compass was constantly trembling.

Just like Yuandan Street envelopes the host and will not be lost in the heavy fog... At this moment, it is also protecting Gu Shen and will not be pulled into a dream by this grand soul sound.

Gu Shen silently took back the compass.

At this moment, his mind once again flashed back to the provocation that Xiao Xiao said to him at the end of the long fog-colored street.

["Do you dare to accept this compass... the future savior of Dadu, a great hero.\

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