Barrier of Light

Chapter 181 Night Owl (Second update)

Take back the compass.

Gu Shen's thinking once again fell into a strange state of extreme calmness and slowness.

When something happens——

What needs to be thought about most is often not the cause of all this.

Just like a bomb exploding, it only takes a moment, simple and short.

Similarly, when the symphony in the auditorium started to surge... hypnotizing 90% of the senior figures in the Eastern Federal Metropolitan Area, such a seemingly impossible thing has been accomplished by Xiao Xiao.

The completion of all this looks freehand and relaxed...but the important thing is the three words "look".

This is the effect that the person behind all this plans wants to create——

What does the defense of the Union count for?

What about high-level supervision?

You have power in your hands... and the extraordinary power in my hands is a power more powerful than order.

The two "accidents" of tonight's free dance were answered from another perspective at this moment... The first time the deep sea lost control, Xiao Xiao seconded the authority of the auditorium, and the second time the power was cut off, he completed the layout of it all.

"Fanatics with a morbid fascination with old times often resort to extreme measures to solve problems."

Zhou Jiren looked at Gu Shen, half inspired, half asking: "Can you guess what will happen next?"

Gu Shen quickly whispered: "Judging from the Jiujiu Foundation's operating style, they will never care about the life and death of the target group. Once there is a chance to create chaos, it will be an indiscriminate massacre... If Xiao has the ability to kill these people' Those in power', then the auditorium is now a river of blood. Obviously, creating this 'big hypnosis' is the maximum manifestation of the owl's ability."


Zhou Jiren spoke softly.

"The purpose of hypnotizing the entire auditorium can only be to cause paralysis... In this auditorium, there are gathered important people who control the economic lifeline and decision-making power of the metropolitan area. When they fell asleep, the top management of the metropolitan area was paralyzed." Gu Shen paused for a moment. , "If Xiao really seconded the authority of the deep sea, then he knows very well how tightly guarded the Freedom Auditorium is tonight, and soon the extraordinary beings from the three schools will take action..."

"This dream cannot be forcibly awakened, which means that... during the time when the auditorium is paralyzed, truly effective orders cannot be conveyed to the outside world." Gu Shen said meaningfully: "Then... Xiao's goal tonight is not a free dance. of these high-ranking people.”

Dust lingered in the corridors.

Lights flickered against the night sky.

The Liberty Auditorium echoed with passionate music.

The music gradually became powerful, then penetrated the glass, shattered the dust, and together with the fragmented flashing lights, radiated further into the distance——

If someone really likes symphonies...then they can hear that this is the famous "Eroica Symphony". With the help of countless loudspeakers, the majestic melody echoes in the blocks adjacent to the Liberty Auditorium, and the passersby pass by. They all stopped and looked at the same place.

They looked at the splendid auditorium, which was as brightly lit as an ancient palace. They could not help but picture a grand scene of galloping cavalry in their minds. The ancient tunes took on another kind of vitality under the neon lights of the new era. It was like An unforgettable dream.

The eyes of these people gradually blurred.

The full moon hangs high.

Above the tower covered with ivy, a figure wearing an old windbreaker and linen robe sat squatting. The figure was not tall, and his face was hidden under the black robe. He seemed to be listening with his eyes closed, silently enjoying the ancient tunes. Float, spread.

in this unprecedented concert.

He is both the chief conductor and performer.

And the only audience.

And just as the music was floating and reverberating, the mottled and worn-out walls of the old tower changed. The ivy climbing all over the walls formed layers of pale snow and frost from the inside out.

The snow and frost spread extremely quickly and made an extremely weird sound.

"Swish swish."

The sound of the frost spreading was like... a snake spitting a message.

If you look at it from the night, this is actually a terrifying sight.

The crumbling old-fashioned tower is wrapped and entangled by countless snow-white sea snakes, like a lonely cliff.

And those sea snakes quickly spread and climbed along the cliffs——

Just when they are about to reach the end.

The man in black robe sitting on the tower under the big moon suddenly opened his eyes.

He could have been immersed in sweet dreams with the homeless people on the streets, enjoying this ancient and solemn music.

Tiny noises can be mixed in with the majestic drum beats.

Let this dream be shattered!

So he woke up from what he was listening to and looked at the old man with his hands behind his back in the open space in the distance with angry and cold eyes.

Between his brows, a wisp of blood-colored fire ignited.

next moment.

On the surface of the tower, endless cracking and cracking sounds erupted one after another——

The ice slag was shattered by the shock!

Bloody flames shot out from the sea snake's belly, like a sharp sword. Withered white vines fell off the wall. The sound of ice and snow exploding was like the painful scream of the snake spirit before it died.

The man in black robe slowly stood up.

Under the moonlight, the broad linen robe fluttered in the wind, making hunting noises and burning with blood and fire, like a bright and solemn waving flag.

His face was also exposed in the moonlight.

To be precise... what was exposed in the moonlight was not the face.

It is a smiling V-shaped mask.

"Gu Zhi, received the title of 'Shuangchuan' from the federal government ten years ago in the northern fortress, and now works as a bodyguard behind Chen San." The young man's joking voice floated out from under the V-shaped mask, "After hard work, you have trained so hard. Over the years, I have finally fully digested my extraordinary power... Why do I need to be a lackey for the federal government?"

Gu Zhi's expression didn't change at all. He just stared at the sarcastic V-shaped mask seriously, trying to see through the mask what this notorious S-class wanted criminal looked like.

That mask was shrouded in a layer of spiritual power, like a veil that couldn't be seen through.

next moment.

The old man gave up observing, stretched out a palm, and raised his five fingers.


Hundreds of frost and snow sea snakes fell off in the air. They straightened up in an instant, and the snowflakes splashed. They whittled themselves into small long swords and shot towards the top of the tower——

Xiao Xiao chuckled.

He suddenly tapped the ground with his toes, suddenly rushed out, and started running. A phantom instantly escaped from the tower and flew to the vault of the auditorium.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

A series of explosive sounds sounded.

A small flying sword of frost and snow pursued him mercilessly. The black-robed figure flew like a sparrow. Behind him were exploding snow and frost and broken lights. In the end, all the swords were shot empty.

After going around and around, Xiao Xiao floated back to the tower again.

"Why...didn't you eat?"

"Or do you dare not use force... are you afraid of disturbing the dreams of the 'masters' in the auditorium?"

The man in black robe lifted up his robe calmly, sat calmly and elegantly on the corner of the square eaves of the tower, and asked with a smile: "I'm really curious... Under the influence of the Federation's ideas, a strong man like you, Are you willing to give up your dignity? You clearly have the power to crush those idiots, but you are willing to bend down and become their slaves."

Gu Zhi narrowed his eyes... During this free dance, he was in charge of guarding the outfield. When the sound of music came from the loudspeaker in the auditorium, he realized something was wrong.

This is a hypnotic song infused with majestic spirit.

If it spreads like this, at least thousands of people in the entire Liberty Hall block will fall into a dream.

The owl-hunting plan has caused a stir in the Eastern Continent Parliament, and this dance is considered to be an "invitation to the urn" situation.

As expected, the other party came as expected——

What's worse is that the mental power of this S-class wanted criminal is stronger and fuller than Deep Sea expected.

The attack just now was just a test.

After a fight, Gu Zhi was very sure that this was an extraordinary strongman from the 12th level of the deep sea. If he were to fight one on one to the death, even if he could win, he would still have to pay a very heavy price.

His eyes were very vaguely cast towards the auditorium not far away.

Gu Zhi's expression didn't change, but he was actually a little anxious in his heart. The old guy in charge of the entire plan was in the auditorium. Why hasn't he come out yet?

But...since the other party wants to talk to me.

Then we might as well keep talking.

"Not a slave, just a friend." Gu Zhi said calmly, "How can you understand my friendship with Mr. Chen?"

"Is it?"

"Let me think about what it says in the file..."

Xiao Xiao held his chin with one hand and muttered to himself: "During an outing in the northern fortress, the title 'Shuangchuan' was seriously injured. The extraordinary source of essence was seriously leaked, and his strength was once reduced... Chen San chose to rescue and spent a lot of time. It took a lot of financial resources to allow this titled extraordinary person to slowly recover. Although his strength was not back to its peak, he was able to keep his title in the end."

"So Shuangchuan chose to follow him in order to repay this kindness."

He spoke very slowly, but every word spoke to Gu Zhi's heart.

In order to make sure there were no mistakes, Xiao asked with a smile after finishing speaking: "Well... I remember correctly, right? Is that right?"

Gu Zhi felt his back was cold.

Banned-level files... are strictly controlled in the deep sea, and only a handful of people have the ability to access them.

How could this guy know?

"You seem surprised..."

Xiao Xiao smiled with satisfaction and murmured without saying anything: "But... I'm sorry. The facts are in front of me, I just know it. You see, in fact, the deep sea may not be that reliable. Since it will be hidden from the public, then it will also To hide it from you... In a sense, there is no difference between the extraordinary and the masses in its eyes."

"Do you still remember that outing? You were injured because you chose the wrong trekking route. This seems to be an unfortunate disaster..."

"But if I tell you, the person who planned that outing was none other than Chen San. He provided a complete plan and travel map, but he did not participate in that outing because he had something to do." Xiao Xiao said with a smile: "Now Think about it all this just an accident?"

Gu Zhi was in a daze.

Just when Xiao Xiao wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, he spoke again.

Suddenly, a very fast and violent explosive sound came from his ears!


There was no time to turn around.

A powerful and heavy whip kick struck the owl's mask at a speed that broke the sound barrier.

In the distant night sky, a flock of crows screamed and spread their wings, flying past the big moon.

Song Ci's cold voice sounded from above the tower.

"If you want to fight, just fight... How can there be so much nonsense?"

(There are still more tonight, if you can’t wait, you can go to bed first~)

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