Barrier of Light

Chapter 344 Understanding Ancient Prose

Gu Shen: "I have understood it."

Tomb guard: "???"

Does such a person really exist in this world?

Although he had known for a long time that... Gu Shen had received an S-level rating because of his "dream interpretation ability", but when he actually saw this magical ability, even Master Qianye couldn't help but be shocked.

The eyes under the tabby cat mask became weird.

It took him an hour to figure out the key points of the ancient drawings... Gu Shen only took three minutes to figure it out?

"I saw boundless mist... and a huge statue. The base of the statue was carved with hexagonal patterns."

As Gu Shen spoke, he slowly stretched out his hand and outlined the formation route he saw in his dream.

That is a very complicated formation pattern——


all right.

The tombkeeper's voice was a little complicated and he said, "How did you do it?"

"Ah..." Gu Shen scratched his head, thought for a moment, and said, "It doesn't seem difficult, because the formation pattern lines are right there... I looked over and saw it."


There are differences between people.

For some extremely talented monsters, no matter how complicated the dream is, they can be solved with just one glance.

Gu Shen glanced at the time and asked cautiously: "Am I... very fast?"

Because it involves deciphering [ancient texts], he has no relevant concepts.

This is somewhat similar to my previous dream interpretations, but also somewhat different.

The "Ancient Illusion" condensed by Master Qianye was not to trap him or attack him... So in that fantasy dream, Gu Shen could only act as a clue finder.

After finding what he thought was the "correct answer", he could only choose to exit the dream.

If he is the only one, then whether it is correct or not will require a long experiment.

Now that Master Qianye is here, we can save a lot of time!

"The not too slow."

The guardian of the mausoleum looked normal, suppressing Gu Shen's expectations and said: "I can only say that... the talent is acceptable. There are 2,650 extraordinary formations here, and there are as many as tens of thousands of ancient drawings that you need to learn. … It’s going to take a long, long time.”

Gu Shen did a simple calculation.

If I could comprehend each formation pattern blueprint, I would have done it in three minutes just like before...

That doesn't seem to take too long?

Master Qianye could tell Gu Shen's thoughts at a glance.

She sighed softly: "Well... you are indeed a unique genius in the spiritual system. I have never seen anyone who can interpret dreams as quickly as you. It's just that you can comprehend [ancient prose]. It’s not as simple as you think.”

Gu Shen held his breath and listened carefully.

"Being able to read [ancient texts] is only the first step."

The guardian of the tomb said slowly: "For each formation, you need to disassemble its direction of operation and combine it together... and then there will be complex changes. This requires huge computing power, and behind the computing power is you The time it takes.”

"...I understand." Gu Shen was a little confused.

Understanding is only the first step.

Disassembly, operation, assembly...this is the second step with no shortcuts.

From this point of view, the time required to learn Qingzuka ancient prose will be greatly increased.

"But anyway... you have a good foundation and can save a lot of time."

Master Qianye said seriously: "Even if I intend to teach the great formation of Qingzhong... those guys with mediocre talents will still need ten or dozens of years to complete the first step of enlightenment."

The [ancient texts] on these drawings will not actively attract people to read.

Therefore, the spiritual guidance of the tomb keeper is also very important.

Without these guidelines, Gu Shen would probably have to spend some effort to enter the ancient dreamland.

Gu Shen took a deep breath and said, "Then...shall I continue to study the next drawing?"

“Bite off more than you can chew.”

"If you want to learn ancient Chinese, you can't just stay in the inner mausoleum and study the drawings. Talking about war on paper is useless." Master Qianye said: "Bring 'Purple Silver' and 'Snow Frozen Earth' to the study place and take a look. Is there something wrong with the formation lines there? If there is some damage, then redraw the lines according to the memory in your comprehension."

Gu Shen carried the box and came to the ruins of the Colossus.

It's foggy here.

He could hardly see anything...but following Master Qianye's wishes, he did not lose his way, but came to the place where the previous formation was.

Standing under a giant statue, Gu Shen once again felt "insignificant" in his heart.

I originally thought that this was the shock the Colossus brought to my soul.

Now that I think about it carefully, it may also be related to the formation pattern carved by Qingzhong.

Master Qianye is in the inner mausoleum, but he knows all the troubles outside the mausoleum.

If you understand these formation patterns in Qingzuka... you may be able to achieve a similar level.

Gu Shen released his own blazing fire and examined the dim lines on the base of the colossus. It was indeed due to the passage of time that the base was somewhat worn and some of the outlines of the lines had disappeared.

He opened the box, took out the gloves, and then, wrapped in blazing fire, took out the purple silver and frozen soil...

After a while.

Gu Shen completed the drawing according to his memory.

The voice of the tomb keeper did not sound during this time.

The ruins of the Colossus are so quiet that you can hear a pin drop.

So he raised his head and asked the sky.

" this the formation repair completed?"

"I've been watching... You don't need to ask the sky." Master Qianye's voice was a little helpless.

Gu Shen smiled awkwardly.

He did not feel any power like "spiritual power" appearing around him.

I didn’t feel the strange feeling of “being stared at”.

But Master Qianye has already completed the review: "This formation pattern... still has a few minor problems. It needs to be modified. You can proofread it according to the pattern I provided."

A ray of spiritual power surged out from the inner tomb.

In Gu Shen's mind, the "correct pattern" of the base of the colossus appeared. His expression became serious and he began to proofread it bit by bit...while sorting out his mistakes when drawing the line.

time flies……

Gu Shen began to concentrate on repairing the formation patterns on the base of the colossus. He completely forgot about time and was immersed in the comprehension of "ancient texts" and the dismantling of the formation patterns. In his mind, there were endless changes in words and formation reorganization.

It wasn't until the tomb guard reminded him that Gu Shen realized that the formation pattern had been repaired and he could go to the next location.

Looked up.

Gu Shen saw a full moon.

"It's already night?" He was a little surprised.

"You meditated for three hours."

The tombkeeper smiled and said: "Now you's not that easy to understand these formation patterns, right?"

Gu Shen sighed with emotion: "Time fast."

"Don't worry, this is your first time coming into contact with 'ancient literature', and your comprehension speed will only get faster and faster in the future." The tombkeeper comforted: "It's just that no matter how fast... it will take at least a year."

One year?

This time... is not long.

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes.

I don't know if it was his own misunderstanding. After understanding the formation pattern of this colossus, he always felt that the fog around the square became thinner? What I can see is a little clearer than before?

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