Barrier of Light

Chapter 345 Crazy Woman

Comprehending ancient Chinese literature is a very labor-intensive task.

As Master Qianye said.

Seeing "ancient texts" is only the first step.

If you want to dismantle, calculate, and reassemble the pattern pattern, you need to consume a lot of computing power... In this matter, Gu Shen is not Chu Ling. His computing power is already very strong among his peers, but after all, he is "people".

After unpacking a drawing, he felt obviously tired.

"If... we fully comprehend and dismantle one formation, it will take four hours. If I do nothing for a day... I can probably comprehend five formations."

Not every formation pattern in Qingzuka needs to be repaired.

Calculating it this way... the repair work indeed only takes one year to complete, but if I want to learn all the "ancient Chinese" on the drawings, it will take more than 500 days. This is even if I invest 20 hours a day. .

"All beginnings are hard."

The guardian of the tomb said leisurely: "If you concentrate on practicing in the Qing Tomb, you will become more and more proficient, and it won't take that long to master all the formations here."


Gu Shen rubbed his eyebrows.

Fortunately, I have practiced the complete Breath of Spring.

His mental strength is very full, and his recovery speed is extremely fast...even if he doesn't sleep, it is enough to maintain his mental strength in daily life.


Under normal circumstances, Gu Shen would take two to three hours of deep breathing every day and enter dreamland.

The breath of spring can quickly restore your energy.

After taking a deep breath, Gu Shen raised his head: "Then... let's continue."

In fact, before setting off for Nagano, he had already made preparations... If he could reach Qingzhong and meet the tombkeepers or Gu Changzhi, he would definitely seize the opportunity and "learn" something from behind.

If you can't learn divination, then learn ancient Chinese.

If you dismantle the drawings, you can gain knowledge...that would be so lucky and happy.

Just spend time and you will definitely get something.

How can this be considered suffering?

Gu Shen has plenty of time and energy.

He secretly thought in his heart: "As long as you can't learn to die... then learn to die!"

Gujiashu District.

It's another sunny morning.

In front of Chunyu Guan, there were still people challenging them, but...the number was far smaller than at the beginning.

Shen Li knocked down all the challengers with three strikes, five strikes, and two strikes.

He glanced at the closed iron door of Chunyuguan behind him, and resisted the urge to smash the door with a slap. Gu Shen had not even appeared in the past two days. The door was closed tightly and there was no sound. This was because he wanted to "throw away his hands" Shopkeeper"?

Do you really think of yourself as a "part-time job"?

Shen Li came to Qianlong Temple "very politely".

He knocked on the iron door three times.

If the door is not opened, he is ready to "walk" in.

He knew that every day he fought, there would be spectators next door.


On the third knock, the iron door opened in response, giving Shen Li no chance to "break in". Luo Yu was sitting in the courtyard drinking tea, smiling and pointing to the empty seat next to him, indicating that Shen Li could. sit down.

"The young master is not here today, it's just me. Do you want some tea?"

Shen Li frowned.

He stood at the door and did not go in.

He didn't want to drink tea, let alone waste time.

So he just said one sentence: "Where is Gu Shenren?"

Luo Yu smiled awkwardly... After Gu Shen was picked up by Li Qingsui two days ago, there was no news and disappeared directly from [Feng Tong]'s perception. It was obvious that Li had used his privileges.

Two days of evaporation from the world.

The five families were very curious about Gu Shen's movements... After a search, the five families located Gu Shen's last "appearance point" at Qingzhong.

"In dealing with the extraordinary beings who come to our door to fight in the past few days... Gu Shen has gained fame, and the Gu family has gained profit."

Shen Li said slowly: "But I can't even see anyone now. Isn't this inappropriate?"

Fatty Luo quickly apologized and said, "Inappropriate, inappropriate."

"If Gu Shen wasn't at Chunyu Temple, then I wouldn't be here either!"

Shen Li said coldly: "I fight for him, not work for him!"

Luo Yu smiled bitterly and said: "The whole of Nagano is looking for Brother Gu..."

Shen Li frowned, feeling a little strange.

He is a martial arts fanatic and usually does not care about the worldly affairs of Nagano.

He doesn't hear what's going on outside the window, and he only focuses on fighting iron fists.

He wouldn't know what happened outside unless others told him.

"The whole of Nagano is looking for him. Where is he now?"

"I heard it was at the Qing Tomb." Luo Yu sighed, glanced at Feng Laiguan next door, and said, "Who knows? Brother Gu, the dragon has never been seen before... If you don't show up again, you shouldn't have to Come, maybe those suitors will run outside the Qing Tomb and wait."


Shen Li murmured: "Why did you go to Qing Tomb?"

The crisp click of high heels could be heard outside the door.

"I heard that the master of the tomb guard summoned him again."

Bai Lu, who was wearing a black-feathered cloak, also arrived at Gujiashu District at some unknown time... She crossed her arms, gently tapped her arms with her slender fingers, glanced at the suitors who fell to the ground one by one behind her, and said with a smile. : "Iron-eater, it looks like you've made some progress in the past few days?"

In the Snow Forbidden City, the people Shen Li least wanted to see... one of them was Bai Lu.

This woman talks so strangely.

Twists and turns, twists and turns.

He didn't quite understand and didn't want to understand.

"I have a name, not Iron Eater, but Shen Li." Shen Li frowned and tried hard to sound less cold.

The last time something happened in the gym... Bai Chu came out to help him. He still remembered this incident.

Bai Chen rescued himself overnight.

Not just because of the teacher...but also because of the Grand Inquisitor.

All in all, it was a favor.

"Okay... Iron-eating Shen Li, it seems you still don't understand."

Bai Lu sighed and said with a smile: "If you are so polite to me because I was rescued last time, then there is no need...because saving you is the intention of my brother and the teacher and has nothing to do with me. I would rather see you imprisoned in the committee prison for a few more days, because because of your existence, Gu Shenke has been saved from a lot of trouble."

Shen Li's face turned livid instantly.

This crazy woman...

Do you want to stir up trouble?

He has never been used to this kind of guy!

Just fight, no matter who you are afraid of!

Shen Li made a "swish" sound, grabbed the big iron door, and was about to take action.

Bai Lu, on the other hand, smiled even more, watching this scene with interest, while silently turning her wrist, ready to use the "Dream of Thorns" at any time.

next moment.

An iron hand pressed on Shen Li's shoulder.

The iron hand is buzzing!

[Iron Eater] can melt all iron objects, but Shen Li was surprised to find that a huge force pressed on him, and he was unable to move forward... That iron hand resisted [Iron Eater] 】The power of digestion!

"You two were having a good chat, why do you suddenly want to take action?"

Luo Yu still had a smile on his face and acted as a peacemaker.

"This is the Gujiashu's better to put peace first."

At the same time, he sent a message to Shen Li from his heart: "Are you a fool... I can't see that she is deliberately irritating you. Are you really going to fight this lunatic?"

Veins bulged on Shen Li's forehead.

He ignored Luo Yu, but spoke directly and coldly, "It's just a fight... just fight, why do you need so much consideration?"

This opening.

This is tantamount to exposing Luo Yu's inner voice.

Bai Lu said with a smile: "Brother Luo, if you want to be a peacemaker on behalf of the Gu family, you have to have a bowl of water on your hands... but you can't secretly speak ill of people behind their backs. Besides, in the Gujiashu District, I can fight with others. Can’t we fight?”

Luo Yu secretly scolded Shen Li for being an idiot.

At the same time, he sighed, "Of course we can fight, but if we really fight, the Federal Security Council will do it again... I'm afraid this won't be good, right?"

This sentence is a very obvious reminder.

Federal Security Council!

Only then did Shen Li realize that something was not right... He silently stopped his hand, threw the iron gate aside casually, and then looked coldly at the Bai family witch in front of him, and he probably understood the cause and effect.

This woman simply didn't want to see Gu Shen live a leisurely life!

In the past few days, everyone who came to Chunyuguan to ask for a fight was defeated by him.

If you send yourself into the hands of the "Federal Security Council" again.

Then Gu Shen will have a headache for a while...

In fact, Shen Li also knew that he would not be able to take advantage in a real fight.

But...why did I have such a strong emotional impulse just now that made me want to fight this guy?

Thinking of this, Shen Li suddenly felt a little scary.

The action of pulling out the iron door to open the door seemed to have occurred without thinking... Was this woman exerting a "psychological suggestion" on herself?

Bai Lu still had a smile on her face, put one hand behind her back, and asked, "Little Iron Man, do you really want to stop fighting? Sister, I can give you one hand."

Don't wait for Shen Li to react.

A "whoosh" sound!

Bai Lian turned pale instantly.

A ray of snow-white light flashed in front of me!

A wooden sword flew out from the wind not far away. It shot through the air instantly, like thunder, and finally flew back again.

So fast.

Shen Li didn't see it clearly at all!

Even Luo Yu... only saw a shadow!

"This is……"

Fatty Luo suddenly realized that there was a Miss Lu who was practicing silently living next door.

Bai Lu looked ugly.

She is a psychic psychic...very keen on catching abnormalities around her.

A strand of hair slowly fell in the air.

The knife just now was extremely close to his face, but before he could use any defensive means, the blade had already cut away... and cut off a strand of his hair!

This is a warning.

It's a stark warning.

Gu Nanfeng wasn't here...but there was Lu Nanjin. Bai Lu had only vaguely heard of this name before, but she didn't take it too seriously.

Mrs. Huazhi Lu's sister.

The background is really great.

But that's a matter in the metropolitan area...what does it have to do with me?

"You dare to take action against me?"

Bai Lu gritted her teeth and looked at Feng Laiguan, and asked coldly.

The only thing that responded to her was the wooden knife that was hung high again.

It was just a plain wooden knife... not a sealed object, and it didn't seem to contain any extraordinary aura.

But the scary thing is.

It just hangs like this, but it gives people a full sense of oppression.

"Why don't you dare?"

A woman's calm response came from Feng Lai Guan.

"My surname is Bai!" Bai Lu said in a deep voice.

"so what?"

Lu Nanjin seemed to have heard a very funny joke.

"Your surname is Bai, what does it have to do with me?"

This question.

Bai Lu choked instead.

She suddenly realized that... from Lu Nanjin's perspective, her Bai family's background was nothing worth caring about.

"If you make noises to disturb my Qing Xiu again, the next blow will be more than just a haircut!"

The wooden knife spun around in the air.

The wind howled.

Spread out slowly.

The breath in Feng Laiguan fell again and slowly converged.

Bai Lu is not someone who wants to save face and suffer... more often than not, she just wants to "toss" something. This "tossing" is limited to tossing the other party. If the situation is unfavorable, she will stop immediately.

Able to bend and stretch.

Such people...are the most troublesome.

Seeing the wooden sword unsheathed, and after weighing it in her mind, Bai Lu chose to keep her mouth shut.

Shen Li, on the other hand, looked at the wooden knife flying in the air and fell into a brief daze.

He kept recalling the knife attack just now in his mind...

Too fast.

So stunning.

I didn't see the specific trajectory at all, I only remembered a fleeting arc.

In the past few days, he had been fighting for Gu Shen. He only knew that a red-haired woman lived in "Feng Laiguan", but he did not know that the other party's sword skills were so superb.

Wu Chi's hands are itchy by nature.

But Shen Li knew clearly that with his current strength, if he really wanted to challenge her, he would probably be knocked down by that woman in two or three strokes!

the most important is.

That woman could actually make Bai Lu "retreat from difficulties"!

Shen Li is straight-tempered, but he is not stupid... Bai Lu is a famous mad woman in Nagano. She does not violate the rules, is unreasonable, and is overbearing and aggressive. But such a person would actually be killed by that wooden knife. Give in!

If the one who sacrificed the wooden sword today was Gu Nanfeng.

Bai Lu has nothing to be afraid of.

Because the Gu family has deep roots in Nagano and has had hundreds of years of friendship with the Bai family.

The young master of the Gu family threatened him because of an outsider... Once this matter gets serious, it will be difficult to end it. Both the old and new factions are watching Gu Nanfeng's actions.

But it was Lu Nanjin.

Rooted in Dadu.

And the background is hard enough.

The most important thing is... this woman seems to be a "madman" and doesn't care about the rules at all.

He provoked Shen Li today because he was the one who caused the trouble. If Lu Nanjin insisted on giving him a "lesson"... Bai Lu could only swallow it and did not dare to speak out.

Than knocking out your teeth and swallowing it.

She prefers to choose active silence.

"Wonderful, wonderful."

Outside the gate of the villa area, there were a few crisp clapping sounds.

"It's a once-in-a-lifetime scene to see the eldest lady of the Bai family suffer."

The Bai family witch was startled.

She didn't realize at all... when there was someone behind her.


It's time to unsheath the "wooden sword"!

All my mental energy was attracted by that knife!

Gu Shen was covered in dust and came to the door. His clothes were a little sloppy and his expression was a little tired, but the smile in his eyes was very clear.

"I heard all those words just now..."

Gu Shen ignored Bai Lu and came to Shen Li. He smiled and said, "Brother Shen... you must not be fooled by this crazy woman. She doesn't want to fight. She clearly wants to send you to a prison cell." So bad."

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