Barrier of Light

Chapter 365 The Lamp of Mourning (Big Chapter! Please vote for me!)


I can’t hide it from Master Qianye.

Gu Shen shook his head and said, "This is indeed not my dream...but it is very important to me."

"Xiao Gu, you have to know." The tombkeeper said softly: "Divination is indeed very powerful, but it is not omnipotent."

Divination can provide insight into most things in the world...but there are always exceptions, such as the divine throne, such as fire, or the unspoken thoughts in a person's mind.

In a sense, divination is indeed a magical method of predicting the future.

But its "cause and effect" is not inverted.

In other words, something does not happen just because divination says it "happens."

" can't see where this snowfield is?" Gu Shen was a little disappointed.


The tombkeeper neither nodded nor shook his head.

She gave meaningful advice: "Go to Shenci Mountain. Maybe there is something you want there."

"elder sister……"

"elder sister!"

The top of the Temple Mountain.

Li Qingsui carried the [Lantern] and exclaimed when she arrived at the ancient house.

As usual, she would come to the Shenci Mountain for visits every once in a while... But today's visit, she never got a response. It wasn't until she reached the top of the mountain that she discovered that her sister had fallen on the ground of the Shenci Mountain and fell into a coma, as if It was as if he was seriously ill, and his breathing was extremely weak.

"Sister, please wake up..."

The little girl quickly put down the [Lantern], came to the front of the wooden collapse, and gently picked up her sister. There were big beads of sweat on her forehead, and she was so anxious that she could do nothing.

She could do nothing but call her sister's name...other than that.

Li Qingsui was anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

Is this the reason for using the "Prayer Technique"?

She knew that using the prayer technique would cost a lot... Seeing her sister so weak, she subconsciously connected this appearance with the "prayer technique".

Fortunately, after two calls... Li Qingci slowly woke up.

Li Qingsui was so anxious that she almost burst into tears. When she saw her sister waking up, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Silly girl, it's okay."

Li Qingci rubbed her forehead with difficulty, and wiped away the tears on Li Qingsui's cheeks with the back of her hand. Her lips were withered and white, and she said in a difficult voice: "Be good...don't cry..."

"Is it a wish spell?"

Li Qingsui gritted her teeth, "Did sister use the 'wishing technique' again?"

Li Qingci was startled.

She shook her head and chuckled: "It has nothing to do with the wishing technique, I just... had a nightmare..."

The little girl whom Li Qingci called a silly girl was actually not silly.

She looked at her sister stubbornly. Although she didn't say anything... the meaning in her eyes was obvious.

She didn't believe it.

Li Qingsui felt very distressed. This was what he saw with his own eyes during his visit.

If it were at other times... my sister would often be like this, and she would not be able to see it.

Li Qingsui hugged her sister hard.

She didn't want her sister... to work so hard anymore.

"Little fool... I'm really fine..."

After soothing the little girl's emotions, Li Qingci gradually recovered.

She raised her eyes and saw the four bronze lanterns in the ancient house, and suddenly remembered something very important, and said quickly: "You came just in time... help me contact Mr. Xiao Gu, I want to see him..."

"You want to see Gu Shen?" Li Qingsui was slightly startled.


Li Qingci looked solemn and said: "The content of this dream is very important... maybe it has something to do with the Bronze Man Lamp, maybe it has something to do with the Divine Fetus."

The words just fell.

There was a knocking sound outside the door.

Not long after.

The temple returned to its former peace.

Li Qingci took a sip of water, and some color returned to her pale-as-paper face.

Opposite her, Gu Shen also looked solemn.

Both of them wanted to see each other... so this coincidental meeting happened.

Outside the ancient house, a little girl was sitting in the black garden. Li Qingsui couldn't worry about her sister. She put off all the trivial family matters today and just waited on the top of the mountain, not leaving, waiting for the end of this conversation.

"I had a dream last night..."

"I have a dream..."

Two voices sounded simultaneously in the narrow environment of the ancient house.

Both of them were stunned.

Gu Shen and Li Qingci stopped talking at the same time, signaling the other to speak first, and the small room fell into silence again.

"I'll do it first..." Li Qingci smiled bitterly: "This is a nightmare."

Gu Shen looked solemn and assumed a posture of listening attentively.

"Just yesterday, I used the wishing technique to seek the future of the 'divine fetus'... The four bronze lanterns suddenly produced extremely abnormal reactions." Li Qingci still had lingering fear and looked at the lanterns placed in the four corners of the ancient house. Four bronze lamps.

In the swaying light and shadow.

The four ancients who "bowed to the end" looked a bit eerie and terrifying.

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes.

"Usual prayers... they will give some 'help' in the dark. You can understand that there is a scale in the ethereal space. The more formal and grand the prayer ceremony is, the more difficult it is to summon the scale. The existence of these four bronze lanterns can greatly increase the success rate of the prayer technique."

Although Gu Shen has never practiced this technique.

But he probably understood.

This is probably the "auxiliary tool".

"I have conducted the 'divine fetus' deduction many times, and I tried to see what the 'divine fetus' looks like..."

Li Qingci smiled weakly and said: "It doesn't matter even if I can't see clearly. Even if I just see a blurry face, I can be sure... that the divine fetus exists."

This is indeed a smart and fearless woman.

He actually used the prayer technique to confirm the information about the "divine fetus".

It's just that... the price is a bit too high. If the deduction is successful, how many lives will it cost?

"It's just that all the previous deductions failed... the scales didn't accept my feed." Li Qingci said in a low voice: "So I added weights little by little. Just yesterday, something strange happened in the deduction."

"Succeeded?" Gu Shen was shocked.

"No... Judging from the results, this time the prayer technique should still have failed, because my feed was not collected." Li Qingci shook her head and said: "But... in a sense, It seemed like another success. Because I saw what I wanted to see."

Gu Shen was a little confused.

"The four bronze lamps suddenly shook violently after the prayer was activated!"

"The entire temple was in chaos... At that moment, I had the illusion that the entire temple mountain was about to collapse!"

Li Qingci looked serious and said: "In the chaos, I saw the four bronze lanterns, and their original expressions appeared on their faces, which were... joy, anger, sadness, and joy."

As expected.

These four bronze lamps have their own emotions.

"Then...I saw a vague figure standing outside the ancient house..."

Li Qingci rubbed the center of her brows and said painfully: "That seems to be the divine fetus...'He' was standing by the well, just wrapped in a mass of mist. I finally got my wish and saw the existence of 'him', but what information could I even get?" I didn’t get any, it was just a standing human-shaped mist. When I woke up again, I became what I am now.”

Did you wake up and find out it was all just a dream?

This is indeed a nightmare, but is the trembling copper lamp a dream, and the chaos in the Temple Mountain is also a dream?

"No, it's not like I've found nothing." Gu Shen comforted him in a calm voice: "At least you can be sure... that the divine fetus exists."

Li Qingci covered her head and hissed: "Mr. Xiao Gu, I don't understand...why I wasn't charged for this 'prayer'? Is this a reminder of some kind of gift?"

Gu Shen silently came to the corner of the ancient house.

Same as last time.

He forced himself to "stare" at the bronze lamp in the corner, watching the faceless man fold his sleeves and bow to him... Staring for tens of seconds, the resisting thoughts in his heart became deeper and deeper.

The blazing fire between Gu Shen's brows was stimulated and flew out on its own.


There was even a distinct burning sound inside the ancient house.

"Did you...see anything?"

Li Qingci held her breath and did not dare to disturb her. After a minute, Gu Shen looked away and she spoke cautiously.

"I think...there's something strange."

Gu Shen closed his eyes, the fire between his brows still lingering.

Because he stared at the [Bronze Man Lamp], two lines of tears flowed uncontrollably from the corners of his eyes...

Gu Shen asked slowly: "Miss Celadon, protector of the past generations, will you clean the ancient house of the temple?"

Li Qingci was startled, "Of course..."

Gu Shen asked again: "So, where are these four bronze lanterns?"

Li Qingci shook her head and said: "The rules left by our ancestors, these four lamps are the things that stabilize the mountain."

The Bronze Man Lamp is the most precious sealed object of the temple. It has a powerful "deterrence and distance" artistic conception, which makes people want to look away after looking at it twice!

So over the years, no guardian would touch the lamp at all.

If you are not careful, the temple will collapse, and no one will take this risk to play with this ancient artifact.

But over the years... not even a trace of dust has fallen from this bronze lamp.

It's so clean.

A very ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in Gu Shen's mind.

He suddenly stretched out his hand.


Li Qingci's pupils shrank, and she subconsciously wanted to stop him.

But Gu Shen's attack speed was very fast. The moment he raised his hand, the magical realm in the ancient house burst out with the idea of ​​"stopping". After the blazing fire enveloped his eyebrows, Gu Shen forcibly resisted this idea and blocked it. The palm of his hand pressed against the wall of the wooden house in the corner.

The flames did not go out.

The ancient house remains quiet.

Li Qingci looked shocked as she watched one of the four bronze lamps... being completely penetrated by Gu Shen's palm.

The palm passed through the lamp, through the bronze man's sleeves and clothes.

It also passed through the faint burning flame.


"How can this be?!"

For so many years, the guardians have served the "shrine" and these four bronze lamps with great care and without any slightest care.

But this lamp turned out to be just...a shadow?

is fake? !

As the protector of the Li family, Li Qingci could not accept this truth.

Gu Shen, who put his hand through the bronze lamp and touched the wooden wall with his palm, burst into tears.

The tears I shed earlier were because the lights were too dazzling.

And the tears she shed at this moment... were due to the unstoppable "sadness" welling up deep in Gu Shen's heart. It was an emotion that directly affected the spiritual level, surging like the ocean.

He took out his palm and sat on the floor of the ancient house. With tears streaming down his face, he silently looked at his palm. After taking away the bronze lamp, the turbulent emotions slowly dissipated.

Four bronze lamps.

Symbolizes... joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

The one just now should be mourning.

Then, he reached out and touched the second bronze was still a shadow.

Gu Shen couldn't help but touch the second lamp.

His body began to tremble, and his chest seemed to be burning with rage.

Gu Shen quickly pulled out his hand and recited the word "control anger" dozens of times in his mind. Then he looked at the lamps in the other two corners... and at the same time looked at Li Qingci and asked, "If you don't mind, what are the remaining I should try a couple of them..."

Li Qingci had a complicated expression.

In fact, she already had an answer in her heart.

If you pick two at random, and the result is like this... then the remaining two are probably also fake.

After all these years, hasn’t there been a protector who discovered that... the bronze lantern placed on the Shenci Mountain, which is considered a top-level sealed object, is actually just a virtual projection!

Seeing that Li Qingci had no objection, Gu Shen reached out and touched the third lamp. His eyebrows were raised and he said in a light voice: "This lamp... is happiness."

On the other side, Li Qingci also gave it a try.

She turned her back to Gu Shen, forced against the idea of ​​"rejection", stretched out her hand through the bronze lamp, and touched the wall of the wooden house. She suddenly stopped and retracted her hand as if she was electrocuted.

The fourth light... is also a shadow.

Gu Shen was a little surprised by Li Qingci's reaction.

Joy, anger, sorrow and joy... this fourth lamp should be "joy", but Gu Shen doesn't quite understand. If they are four identical emotions, how to distinguish between joy and joy?

The slender jade fingers were electrocuted and returned.

Li Qingci stared at her bare hands and said softly: "Happiness, anger, sadness, fear, love, evil, and desire are all seven that cannot be learned...The 'joy' contained in this fourth lamp is actually 'desire' ' and 'love'."

Gu Shen was startled.

The fourth light... lust and love?

No wonder Li Qingci's reaction to shrinking her hands was so intense after being touched. The emotions in these four lamps were so strong that once they came into contact with the phantom, they couldn't help but resonate in their hearts.

After taking two deep breaths.

Li Qingci regained her composure.

She slowly turned around and looked at Gu Shen, with sadness in her voice: "Mr. Gu... are all these...all fake..."

Over the years, only four lights and shadows have been placed in the shrine.

This... is really a joke.


Gu Shen shook his head, squinted his eyes, looked at the four lights again, and murmured: "I don't think they are fake. On the contrary... I think they are real."

Li Qingci was a little puzzled.

"The fires that lit these four lamps are all normal fires... If the lamps did not exist, or could not carry the flames or support the ancient house, then the guardians of the past generations would have discovered the clues long ago." Gu Shen said slowly: "But their functions are normal. In other words, even if there are only shadows left, they still condense a complete 'small wonderland', allowing the temple to stand among the black flowers for hundreds of years."

"The reason why I have because of the emotions you mentioned."

"Every practitioner, no matter how powerful he is, must ensure the coordination and unity of spirit and matter... This is something that even the 'God Throne' cannot avoid."

Li Qingci nodded slowly while listening.

"Wait a minute!"

She suddenly realized something and murmured: "... Could it be that these four lights are pure... spirits?"

Gu Shen smiled happily: "Yes. These four lights should be pure 'spirit'."

carries matter.

Yet it transcends matter.

"Actually, this also confirms that the warning left by the ancestors of the Li family was correct... Only in a place like 'Wonderland' can the spirit of these four lamps be preserved. Therefore, we were actually doomed from the beginning. , these four lights cannot be taken away.”

Gu Shen shrugged and said, "Who can take away the pure spirit?"

He frowned at this.

No...that's not right.

Li Qingci whispered: "Material and spiritual things should be unified."

Since these four lamps have retained their spirits on the top of Shenci Mountain... then what about their physical entities?

"If there is the true body of the [Bronze Man Lamp] outside the Wonderful Realm... then find the true body and put it back into the house..." The last missing link was completed here, and Gu Shen murmured: "Maybe , this sealed artifact is truly complete.”

Lost spirit.

[Tong Ren Lamp] is just scrap metal.


Li Qingci's expression hadn't completely escaped from the shock just now, but she remembered another thing.

She pursed her extremely dry lips, and her voice was already hoarse: "Have you ever thought about why our ancestors placed these four bronze lamps here?"


These are actually the four most basic human emotions.

And as long as a human being is born, he has the ability to feel joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

of course there are exceptions.

Gu Shen came up with the most likely answer: "Is this for... hatching the divine fetus?"

Li Qingci nodded slowly.

"I'm thinking that the scene I just saw... is probably a reminder left by my ancestors to future generations. The reason why I didn't pay the price is because the price has already been paid by my predecessors." She smiled palely. He smiled and said: "The previous guardians used the prayer technique to send this important reminder to the 'correct era', which is... the era when the divine fetus is hatched."

Countless clues burst out in Gu Shen's mind.

The illusion that Chu Ling and Li Qingsui had met.

Chu Ling gradually awakens to authority...and humanity.

The sacred fetus of the Temple Mountain.

Four bronze lamps are enshrined here to provide emotions.

These clues are like spider threads extending and converging one after another!

Finally... it pointed in an incredible direction.

Gu Shen slowly sat down opposite Li Qingci. He took a deep breath and said, "I dreamed of a snowfield last night... Miss Celadon, this may be an important clue... I hope you can use the prayer technique to help find it." Let’s find out the specific location of this snowfield.”

Li Qingci was stunned. She still didn't understand... what the dream Gu Shen mentioned had to do with the previous [Bronze Man Lamp].

She carefully looked at the snowfield where her spiritual power was displayed.

"Can you find where it is in reality when you only see this picture?"

After waiting quietly for Li Qingci to finish reading, Gu Shen asked carefully.

"It should be... no problem."

Li Qingci narrowed her eyes, "Prayer is the ability to 'believe is where you are'. In the face of this ability, the snowy scene that cannot be distinguished by the naked eye is actually meaningless. As long as Libra's feed is taken away, the guidance given will be absolutely correct." …”

While Gu Shen breathed a sigh of relief, he remembered the price of praying and asked quickly: "Does it cost a lot to find a place like this?"

"Are you worried about me?" Li Qingci smiled and said: "You seem to have always been curious about what kind of existence the wishing technique is... Do you want to try it now... Put your life on the scales taste."

Actually it was just a casual comment.

Unexpectedly, Gu Shen nodded solemnly.

"If possible... I want to experience this. Please let me pay the price for this prayer."

Li Qingsui squatted in front of the flower garden, thinking that she would wait for a long time.

But not more than an hour.

Gu Shen and his sister walked out of the temple together. The former looked a little pale, but he was helped out by his sister...

The little girl was a little angry when she saw this scene. It was obvious that her sister was the sick one.

She stepped forward angrily, and was just about to say something sarcastic when she immediately felt something was wrong... Gu Shen's aura was a little weak, and this kind of weakness was often seen in her sister.

Is this... using the prayer technique?

"You don't need to help me... I can walk." Gu Shen smiled bitterly, squatted down slightly, holding his knees with both hands, "It's just... I need to slow down a bit."

Li Qingci comforted her softly: "The first time, it's always like this... I'll get used to it later."

"Is this a prayer..."

Li Qingsui rarely has a venomous tongue.

She looked at Gu Shen curiously and asked seriously: "Praying...what does it feel like? Is it really that painful?"

"I thought... it was just a matter of making a sacrifice and exchanging the unwanted life span for chips."

Gu Shen shook his head and showed a wry smile.

"Actually... the feeling of praying is like losing a piece of something. The moment you complete your prayer, it's like being cut in the heart with a sickle by the God of Death. This feeling... is very unpleasant."

It is really hard to imagine that for Li Qingci, such pain is a daily occurrence, and she has to experience it every few days.

No wonder this girl is so... haggard.

If it were another person whose willpower is not strong enough, he might not be able to endure a few prayers, and he would be afraid, fearful, and shrink back.

"What exactly...are you praying for?"

Li Qingsui pursed her lips.

"It's very simple... I just found a shabby snowfield." Gu Shen smiled and said, "I lost thirty days of life."

"Thirty days?" Li Qingsui was startled, "Are you crazy?"

"Crazy?" Gu Shen raised his eyebrows, smiled, and said, "Maybe... but I think it's worth it."

The little girl murmured in a low voice: "A piece of tattered snowfield... As for using the prayer spell to find it? What can be found there?"

Gu Shen said meaningfully: "Something that can make you burst into tears."

Li Qingsui's eyes widened, and he immediately covered his forehead and took a step back.

Crying stuff?

Wouldn't that be...

Gu Shen said calmly: "It's okay. It's not like I have a brain breakdown."

(PS: 1 A few days ago, this chapter was said to have been swallowed up by the Internet cleaning activities, and it should be back to normal now. 2 I wrote it until 2:30 in the morning. I completed the big chapter promise and asked for votes. This chapter was posted without checking. If there are any typos, I’ll fix them when I wake up tomorrow morning.)

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