Barrier of Light

Chapter 366 Frozen Snow

"Mr. Xiao Gu?"

There was wind blowing on the mountain road of Shenci Mountain.

The three people who went down the mountain arrived halfway up the mountain.

Li Qingci looked at Gu Shen who stopped, feeling a little confused.

Gu Shen knelt down.

The last time I came to Shenci Mountain, the crack in the mountain where the "little white flowers" grew was now only a deserted area, and the white flowers had withered.

He stretched out his fingers and gently twisted them through the cracks in the rocks.

A strand of dried flower roots was twisted out.

Li Qingsui was a little confused and didn't know what happened.

"That flower...has withered." Gu Shen's eyes flickered slightly with regret.

"It lived for three days, which is a long time." Li Qingci smiled, pointed at another place, and said, "But... look at that."

Gu Shen and Li Qingsui both raised their heads.

A new flower bloomed in the crack of the stone wall not far away.

"Mr. Xiao Gu, things are always like this."

"No matter how dark the night is, white flowers can bloom, and there is light in the eternal darkness."

"Just send it here."

Gu Shen came to the temple mountain and said goodbye to Li Qingci.

Li Qingsui stood beside Gu Shen. Although this little girl usually did a lot of teasing, she actually cared about Gu Shen in her heart... After learning that Gu Shen paid the price for the wishing technique, she Always by your side, ready to support you.

Because she knows.

The prayer technique... is generally only used by guardians.

No one knows how much life is left in my sister's life, but using the prayer technique again and again, the price paid adds up... Even if it is only a short "thirty days", it is still a very precious time.

Gu Shen is willing to share the cost, which deserves her gratitude.

"The same goes for you, there's no need to keep sending me away." Gu Shen saw what Li Qingsui was thinking, and he smiled and said, "Besides, I'm not some frail scholar who can't help but be frail. Why do I need you to accompany me so carefully?"

"Tch..." Li Qingsui curled her lips, knowing that her good intentions would be treated as if she were a donkey. She returned to her previous rude tone and asked curiously, "Gu, what are you praying for? Can you reveal it?"

"Children, don't ask too much about things," Gu Shen pretended to be mysterious and said calmly, "You will have nightmares."


Li Qingsui's expression changed slightly and she said harshly: "I'm fifteen years old! I'm not afraid of that kind of thing!"

"Really?" Gu Shen smiled sinisterly, showed a satisfied look, and said slowly: "Then I will say..."

Li Qingsui's head was spinning very fast.

She instantly thought of what Gu Shen had said before, that it was something that could make her cry. So she quickly covered her ears and shook her head like a rattle: "I won't listen, I won't listen, I won't listen."

Gu Shen: "..."

Uncle Gao patted the little girl on the shoulder, put her into the car, closed the door and looked at Gu Shen helplessly.

Say a thousand words and ten thousand words.

Li Qingsui is still a child after all.

Uncle Gao asked with concern: "I guess... you are leaving Nagano?"

"Yeah." Gu Shen nodded and said with a smile, "Let's go to the tundra. It's not that far... I'll be back in a few days."

In the last prayer, he not only found the true location of the snowfield.

Moreover, in the dream of wishing, I saw a sad and crying face.

If the guidance given by the wishing technique is correct... then this snowy field is most likely related to the "Lamp of Sorrow" among the four bronze lanterns.


Uncle Gao narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "That place is not a good choice for 'tourism'. Large chunks of tundra are included in the uninhabited area. Due to technical restrictions, the Deep Sea Sky Eye is currently It is not possible to fully link them yet. The five families have all hidden unknown 'secret weapons' in the tundra. In addition, there are many forces mixed together, lurking in the no-man's land of the tundra."

He didn't ask Gu Shen why he wanted to go to that place.

There was just a slight pause.

"If you feel that the danger is too much to handle..." Uncle Gao asked seriously, "Do you need me to send you off?"

Gu Shen was startled, a little flattered.

This is a top powerhouse with a twelve-level title... No, Uncle Gao is not an ordinary title. His strength is probably one level stronger than most titles!

With him by your side, wouldn't this trip be like killing gods and gods and Buddhas and killing Buddhas?

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Shen still declined with a wry smile.

"I can handle this matter... so there's no need to trouble Uncle Gao."

Gu Shen had a premonition in his heart.

Behind the guidance of the wishing technique... there may be a greater secret.

And he wanted to discover this secret alone.

Two days later.


No man's land.

A biting cold wind drifted over the mountains.

"[Sky Eye] has lost its link and cannot capture precise coordinates..."

Chu Ling's voice echoed in Gu Shen's mind.

Looking down from the map of Dongzhou, the tundra is a large area adjacent to Nagano, but in fact this barren area in Jiangbei is very vast, with an area three times that of the Nagano area. It is covered with large tracts of snowfields and frozen soil. , the snow-capped mountains stand upright in the strong wind, and the floating white snow particles are like dust in the desert, making it difficult to open your eyes.

Gu Shen stood on the top of a mountain, looking out from the highest point, trying to find the "snowfield" in his dream memory.

The wishing technique guided a coordinate... According to Chu Ling's real-time navigation, he finally came here. The [Sky Eye] lost the link here and could not continue to capture deeper and more useful information.

A blazing fire ignited between his brows. This blazing fire buzzed, but it was not conspicuous. Under the blowing of the cold wind, it almost turned into the same pale color as the snow-capped mountains.

"Is the 'Lamp of Sorrow' buried in a place like this..."

Gu Shen frowned and fell into thinking.

too big!

This snowfield is really huge, and the snow has been covered for countless years. Looking for a bronze lamp the size of an arm in a place like this is like looking for a needle in a haystack!

Although the environment here is harsh, fortunately... the spiritual link can still be established.

"There are 'people' here."

Chu Ling's voice sounded again.

At the same time, a picture came into Gu Shen's field of vision.

That's a thermal imaging sensor map.

Two figures... appeared in the snowy distance. In the heat induction, their figures showed vague outlines.

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes.

Those who can reach the tundra are most likely not normal people.

This place has crossed the "safety line" warned by the federal government. Ordinary travelers cannot go deep into the no-man's land with such a harsh environment, let alone... walk as fast as flying in the heavy snow.

The two figures walked very smoothly and quickly.

He is an extraordinary person!

Gu Shen instantly suppressed the blazing fire between his brows, crouched down and lay down... Although his mental power was very sharp, he still didn't know the details of the other party. If he rushed out hastily, he might attract attention.

He was perched in the howling wind and snow.

The two figures walked to a snow mountain and slowly stopped.

distance is too far.

And there were thick rocks... Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and was thinking about something.

"The ambient sound is too noisy...the target sound cannot be captured." Chu Ling said: "It is impossible to know the content of their conversation."

"It doesn't matter."

Gu Shen completed his final considerations.

He held his breath and flew down from the snow-capped mountains, like a huge falling stone!


He took out the ruler of truth.

The next moment, majestic wind and snow passed through the air and gathered on both sides of his back.

Gu Shen's iron-like body became lighter, as if he had transformed into a kite, and his sleeves were instantly dyed with the frosty white color of wind and snow.

Accompanied by a hissing and trembling sound, the strong mountain wind lifted him up from his fall and lifted him almost straight up. Finally, he was entrenched in the air like a snow eagle, because separated by extremely tight mountain rocks, the two The "extraordinary ones" who stopped did not notice Gu Shen's existence at all.

It was precisely because the two thermally imaged figures behind the rock showed no strange reaction or movement.

Gu Shen boldly released his "blazing fire" to explore the situation outside.

A wisp of flame, wrapped in the silver arc of the Ruler of Truth, shot out and flew back instantly.

Less than a second.

Chihuo saw clearly the "virtual reality" of the two extraordinary beings...

"These are two second-level extraordinary beings."

Gu Shen sent this data back to Ling Ling Yao.

"They didn't capture your 'trace'. Theoretically, it can't be higher than the fifth level." Because the Blazing Data was transmitted back in time, Chu Ling immediately interrupted the information deduction between the two people, "But this doesn't seem to be the case. Good thing."


Gu Shen did not feel relaxed. On the contrary, he hovered in the heavy snow, his expression becoming more solemn.

With such strength, it is difficult to survive alone in this environment.

Behind these two guys... there must be a stronger transcendent.

The blazing fire swayed in the wind and snow, flickering hiddenly, like the eyes of an eagle, staring at the two "extraordinary beings"... Where the two people were standing, at the foot of the mountain, there was snow mist sliding down.

An alloy password door, perfectly covered by heavy snow, was revealed bit by bit at this moment.

They're doing identification!

There was a "di" sound.

The alloy door opens.

The two extraordinary beings disappeared from sight. After the password door was closed, the thermal imaging sensor map instantly dissipated...

"The craftsmanship of this door is very special. It is probably made of strong logic material. What is going on inside the door... I cannot check until I have linked their database."

Chu Ling's voice was solemn.

Compared with this, Gu Shen was more worried that... he seemed to be late.

Someone is one step ahead of me!

And... there's more than one person!

He landed on the top of the mountain again and thought silently.

Are these people also here for the "Lamp of Sorrow"?

"The Dongzhou government has not deployed Sky Eyes in the uninhabited areas of the tundra, and the link conditions are quite poor, so the 'monitoring' capability here is very weak." Chu Ling said: "I tried to retrieve information from adjacent areas and conduct data retrieval. , but the amount of information is too small...the search effect is very poor.”

This sentence awakened Gu Shen.

"Not quite right."

Gu Shen murmured: "According to my judgment... after the bronze lamp is stripped of its spirit, it should be an ordinary common object. Is such an item worthy of being targeted?"

If the copper lamp is a material carrier, it also has incredible abilities.

So in the past six hundred years, Li Shi has probably heard about it, and has become suspicious of the four lamps on Shenci Mountain... With Li Shi's ability, it is impossible for him to know nothing about the existence of "spiritual projection".

So...are these people not here for the Tongren Lantern?

"Maybe... they have been here a long time ago?"

Such a possibility appeared in Gu Shen's mind.

He sat on the top of the mountain and silently observed the alloy password door... It was obvious that there was a secret base hidden in the belly of the mountain. It was not an easy task to build such a base.

There were probably a lot of guys who arrived before me.

What is this going to do?

Not long after.

Another person walked out of the door, carrying a heavy sack... Gu Shen stood up quietly and slid down from the top of the mountain, falling smoothly.

He followed the other party, slowly approaching in the heavy snow.

"What a strange costume..."

Gu Shen frowned.

The wind and snow rolled up the man's coarse linen robe, which was engraved with obscure and strange words. This was not Dongzhou's dressing style at all.

"This is a scripture from a church in Nanzhou..."

Chu Ling's voice was also filled with surprise.


Gu Shen never expected that the guy hiding in the tundra snow would actually come from Nanzhou?

There are many churches in that place, with diverse beliefs and constant turmoil... In some extreme areas, stowaways often flee.

But no matter how smuggled he is, he won't end up in the tundra of the far north, right? The environment of this place is not much better than that of Nanzhou...

The next moment, Gu Shen released his mental power.

As a result...the guy who left alone was unaware of it.

This is not an extraordinary person, just an ordinary person!

Gu Shen stepped forward quickly, stretched out his palm, and patted the other party's shoulder.

The ghost-like contact startled the man, and the moment he turned around, he saw a ray of fire hitting his eyebrows.

Gu Shen didn't even interrogate.

After clarifying the identity of the other party... he directly used his mental power to enter his mind and quickly read the information he wanted.

He frowned.

A large amount of disordered and chaotic information rushed into his mind along the way.

What comes into view is blood and fire!

The simple courtyard wall was pushed down, the giant elephant fell heavily, blood was sprayed on the ground, and gunfire was spitting out... These are all locked things in this man's memory bank. This is a war.

There was a shining silver foil lying in the pool of blood. The man stretched out his hand to hold the silver foil, and a silver "trident" was engraved on it... The memory was broken, and it was obviously processed by a powerful force.

As the camera turned, countless voices shouted obscure languages.

Gu Shen couldn't understand, but he saw one silver foil after another.

They all depict the "trident"...

Is this a landmark object of a certain church?

Gu Shen frowned.

After that...only the cold frozen snow was left.

This man was sent here.

(PS: I forgot to send my blessing yesterday. I wish all readers who are taking the college entrance examination to perform exceptionally well and get admitted to the university of their choice~ But judging from the time, by the time you see it, the exam should have been completed?)

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