Barrier of Light

Chapter 367 The Big Sniper of Truth (big chapter, please vote for me!)

That's all the memories are, mostly chaotic shocks.

The amount of useful information is... so little.

Gu Shen glanced at the unconscious man.

"Trident Silver Foil..."

He searched the man and found the silver foil pinned on the inside of his clothes. He did not touch it directly... If it was really a symbol of the church, it is very likely that the silver foil contained similar spiritual power. The presence.

Otherwise, how could such an ordinary believer be allowed to be released alone?

Gu Shen used the ruler of truth to twist the silver foil out of thin air.

He looked at it for a while, but didn't see any clues, and then turned his attention to the scattered bag... This bag seemed to be waterproofed. It contained liquid but did not penetrate at all. Moreover, it was still warm, and the mouth of the bag had a faint It exudes heat mist, and judging from the bulging outline, it is filled with round spherical objects.

Women, old people, and even more immature ones...

Gu Shen was silent for a second after opening it.

He crossed two fingers together.

A line of blood splashed out.

The priest's head flew out, landed on the snow, and was immediately ignited by fire. His face remained confused until his death.

"I understand your anger." Chu Ling said softly: "But killing him... is not the wisest choice."

Hypnosis, canceling memory, and waiting may be the safest way.

But Gu Shen didn't choose that.

"Actually, it's not just anger." Gu Shen said slowly: "There are also some other emotions, but aside from these, there is a very important reason..."

"All problems in this world have more than one solution. Sometimes the most efficient solution may not be the optimal solution."

Gu Shen responded calmly, and at the same time lowered his head and snapped his fingers. The sack filled with "balls" also burned. The fire and smoke were obscured by the arc of the Ruler of Truth, and refracted into the cold wind and snow.

"This person was sent out only to deal with 'filth'."

Gu Shen raised his head and said expressionlessly: "Would a church organization that has both 'supernormals' and 'ordinary people' care so much about an ordinary life? I can't see it, so I want to take the 'Lamp of Sorrow' , it’s inevitable to have direct contact. If it weren’t for the fact that I didn’t get the things, I should be thinking about how to detonate the entire snow mountain and let all the people inside go to hell.”

Or perhaps, they are all devils to begin with.

"I should be able to decipher that code door... As long as there is interactive communication on the Internet, they will inevitably use the [deep sea] as an information medium. If I am not wrong, I only need a small silver foil to let me understand The situation inside the entire 'base'."

Gu Shen nodded.

He used the ruler of truth to blow up a huge cloud of snow to cover the "monitoring" in front of the door.

At the same time, he took in the silver foil and used his mental power to float to the location of the password door. Sure enough, he found a card reading slot.

Silver foil insert.

Chu Ling’s links began to spread——

While waiting, Gu Shen leaned against the rock and said softly: "If your method doesn't work, I still have my own method..."

The words have not yet come to fruition.

There was a "di" sound.

The code door has been opened.

Gu Shen's expression was a little subtle.

"It sounds like you are very confident..." Chu Ling smiled and said: "Let me guess what your method is, whether to use 'Blazing Fire' to melt at high temperature, or to use the 'Iron Throne' to launch a frontal attack. ?”

"Your speed is too fast." Gu Shen muttered and put on the priest's Nanzhou robe. Before entering the door, he subconsciously lowered his head and did not dare to look directly at the camera above the door.

"Don't worry, everything that should be blocked has been blocked. These Nanzhou priests are not too vigilant."

Chu Ling said softly: "The entire mountain base is very large. Here is a three-dimensional model diagram."

A three-dimensional map appeared in front of the retina.

Beyond that...there's the familiar red dot.

"There are 46 extraordinary beings in total. All marked with red dots."

"279 ordinary people, marked with yellow dots."

"One third-stage extraordinary person is expected to have reached the seventh level of strength in the deep water area, 11 second-stage extraordinary people, and 34 first-stage extraordinary people... These are all members of the 'Evening Bell Church'."

"Evening Bell Church?"

"This is information obtained from the base database. This database is not synchronized with the central database... The personnel list and base map just now were found from an independent database." Chu Ling said: "By the way, the church in Nanzhou There are many, and no useful information can be found just by looking at the name of 'Evening Bell'."

Gu Shen thought thoughtfully, "Nanzhou... Evening Bell Church..."

He whispered: "Please help me investigate a case..."

"These are ordinary people who have a shared residence."

Taking a closer look at the map, Gu Shen found that the dense yellow dots were all gathered in one place.

He pulled up his loose black robe to cover his cheeks, and then walked silently towards the area with dense yellow dots... He saw several extraordinary beings along the way, and they did not doubt his identity. It seemed that they had made previous guesses No errors.

Extraordinary people don't care about ordinary people at all.

"There is 'mithril' material hidden under this snowfield... This base was established six months ago. The Evening Bell Church only sent less than ten people at the beginning."

Keep going.

Chu Ling linked to the database of the base and said slowly: "After the base was established, Nanzhou began to transport church members bit by bit, and there are these extraordinary people you see... and a few ordinary believers. What I feel Most of the ordinary people who arrived were not entered into the database, which means that the Wanzhong Church does not have their information."

"Or... they don't care..."

Gu Shen already roughly understood the whole story.

He looked coldly not far away, where the priests of the Evening Bell Church were angrily shouting the language of South China and angrily whipping a young man. The latter knelt on the ground and was beaten to pieces.

There are a total of 279 "ordinary people" here. A very small number of them are "Evening Bell Priests" who have crossed over from South Continent, such as the one he just killed... and more are manpower plundered directly from the tundra. .

It is located in a remote area, and although there is a safety line set up by the federal government, there is no guarantee that everyone will not cross the long line.

Once in no man's land.

If you are targeted by the "Evening Bell Church"... you may be sent here.

Mining strong logic materials requires young and capable labor force, and those "plundered" who do not meet the conditions will have a tragic ending after losing their value...

"Nanzhou is a chaotic place, with many churches, confusing beliefs, and wars."

Chu Ling said: "These people are all desperadoes, and they will not have the slightest mercy in their eyes... This is even more true after coming to Dongzhou. Do you need me to inform the Gu family?"

All five families have secret camps in the tundra.

"Don't worry, let's find out the situation here first."

Gu Shen's expression under the black robe was already very gloomy.

If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, he would never have imagined... that the Nanzhou Church could be so rampant and dare to reach out so far!

He has already made preparations to inform Mr. Gu and mobilize nearby troops to carry out the killing——

After he gets the "Lamp of Sorrow", not a single church member here can even think of running away!

He silently followed the map's navigation and arrived at the "common area". He saw the so-called mining site for strong logic materials. Large blocks of rock walls were cut by manpower, and red crystal gravel was pried out. , this is the initial form of red silver.

One "laborer" after another was working hard, and Gu Shen discovered that the chests of these people, like his own, were all covered with silver foil.

"These people... seem to be docile."

He looked solemn.

Is this being tortured to the point of absolute obedience and losing humanity?

Or...experienced powerful mental hypnosis?

"The deepest level of the database here is locked. I still need some time..." Chu Ling said: "Maybe there is a big secret. Only half of the entire terrain of this base seems to be displayed, and there are others. Half, obscured by encryption.”

Gu Shen was just about to respond.

A big hand patted his shoulder.

His body stiffened.

The other party was an extraordinary person from the third level of the deep water area. He tapped Gu Shen on the shoulder, and then spoke a series of obscure words.

"...What is this guy talking about?"

Gu Shen had a headache.

"I want you to go with him..." Chu Ling said calmly: "No need to respond, just go with him."

Gu Shen took a deep breath.

He turned around slowly, gathering all his mental strength, without raising his head or saying a word. From the corner of his eye, he noticed that the extraordinary person who spoke was tapping his shoulders one by one, and people put their hands on the former's shoulders, forming a long dragon. Walking towards the distance...

"This is...going to..."

Gu Shen's eyelids twitched slightly.

He saw at the end of the line, at the front, a lady wearing a green linen robe.

The lady held her collar with one hand, and a long chain of a pocket watch hung down from her palm. The pocket watch automatically made a ticking, ticking sound at an extremely slow pace without any wind.

This posture is all too familiar to Gu Shen...

This is to hypnotize!

No wonder... an ordinary believer can be allowed to leave the base to dispose of the body...

In fact, everyone caught will become a "congregant" of the Church of the Evening Bell after experiencing hypnosis.

Even if you want them to die, you won't hesitate at all, right?

Everyone is in place.

A low singing voice sounded——

It's just that this time it's different from before... everyone speaks out together, singing ancient songs together.

Gu Shen forced himself to sing along. In fact, he couldn't understand a word, let alone pronounce it, so he could only fish in troubled waters. Fortunately, in this grand and solemn atmosphere, every believer was immersed in his own singing. , and no one discovered that there was such a lip-synching fish that slipped through the net.

The solemn chanting covered up the sound of the pocket watch's firing pin.

Accompanied by a "ticking" sound.

A ray of spiritual power spread like ripples of water, covering everyone!

Gu Shen was enveloped and silently sensed it.

The mental strength of this lady in green robe is quite good... probably already at the level of the fourth level of the deep water area.

In other words, she is one of the 11 Stage 2 Transcendents.

It's just...she's not strong enough to hypnotize herself!

After abandoning the "Deep Water Trial Method", Gu Shen didn't know exactly what level he had reached... But by practicing the Breath of Spring day and night, and coupled with the protection of the four-season wilderness, his mental power had far exceeded that of Deep Water. The fourth layer of the zone should have the strength.

He gathered his energy and prepared to pretend.

next moment.

All the light sources in the entire base were extinguished.

Total darkness.

"The power to the control room was cut off."

Chu Ling's voice was unusually calm.

"But... I didn't do it."

When he heard the first half of the sentence, Gu Shen felt slightly relieved, but when he heard the second half, his expression became solemn.

The power supply in the control room was cut off... Who else would do such a thing besides myself?

"The final code has been deciphered, and all maps have been unlocked."

Chu Ling said calmly: "Only half of the map of this snowfield base is shown...The remaining half is blocked by multiple mithril gates, and that's where the real 'secret' lies."

All the maps came into Gu Shen's eyes.

After just one glance, Gu Shen's pupils shrank uncontrollably.

He was a little shocked: "Is this... a tomb?"

"Yes, this is a tomb." Chu Ling said: "It's just that the area has been doubled now. These Nanzhou believers dug into the snow mountain, hollowed out the mountain, and carved a huge gap from the back of the tomb... It seems They want to mine 'strong logic material', but in fact..."

The map of the mausoleum is very simple and weird.

A vertical coffin hangs on a huge wall.

The "strong logic material" mined by these believers grows on the back of the huge wall of the ancient coffin. If the digging continues, the back of the coffin will be broken.

"They couldn't open the coffin from the front, so they tried to 'open the coffin' in this way."

Seeing all the maps of the base, Gu Shen understood... These guys couldn't be randomly discovered by luck, they must have come prepared. This is not only a missionary site, but also a "bone burial place" that has been hidden for many years. Township".

The abnormality in the base's power supply lasted for tens of seconds. The extraordinary people rushed over quickly, and when they arrived at the control room, everything returned to normal.

The extraordinary cultists who control the base are a little confused.

They quickly checked the surveillance everywhere, especially the surveillance at the [Ancient Mausoleum]. There was nothing unusual, and then they breathed a long sigh of relief.

Was the fluctuation just now a mistake?

After checking again and confirming that it was correct, they regarded this as an occasional malfunction of the machine.

But now, since it has been restored and there are no abnormalities, there is no need to waste time.

The singing ceremony was disturbed by the sudden storm, but it was not interrupted. Every ordinary believer was immersed in the atmosphere of singing, and the pocket watch that released the power of hypnosis did not stop shaking.

But no one noticed.

After power is restored.

One person is missing from the singing team.

In the dark tunnel, arcs of electricity appeared faintly.

A figure walked in a hurry.

Wherever this figure passed, the gates opened, allowing him to pass unimpeded, and all permissions were opened to him alone.

Here is the other half of the base——

The absolutely confidential [Ancient Mausoleum] that was ordered to be strictly sealed!

In order to ensure the smooth opening of the tomb, no one can enter here on weekdays. However, today is an exception. The authority of the control room has been completely lost, and all the instrument power has been seconded... As the gates are opened one by one, The man in black robe came to the real tomb.

He stood in front of the ancient coffin.

Silently and quietly admiring this "history" that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

The gates were closed again.

Everything is back to normal.

The real "conquer" is not to destroy it.

It's just a "repair" that pretends nothing is wrong.

The power will be restored soon, and after that... From the perspective of the monitoring room, there is nothing strange about this huge ancient mausoleum. Everything here is deathly silent.

No one will know... someone has entered here quietly.

The man admires his work of art.

He stood in front of the coffin and slowly stretched out his palm. This "ancient coffin" that could not be opened... turned out to be extremely obedient and opened in the direction of his palm.

He held his breath, waiting for what would happen after the vertical coffin was opened.

The wind blows——

Snow-white light flows from the gaps in the vertical coffin.

The man squinted his eyes, and when he saw the scene in the coffin clearly, his expression became surprised and complicated.

There is no "corpse" in this locked "vertical coffin". There is a faint silhouette of a human being lying in the coffin, but it is just a human silhouette... That is the trace left after a certain body has been lying for too long. Dark shadows appear under the light spots.

Other than that, there seemed to be only some messy items left in the coffin... such as useless ancient bronze lamps and rusty iron clothes. These objects were piled up inside the coffin, ancient and soulless.

At the moment the coffin was opened, these objects poured out.

The man's expression became very ugly.

He couldn't believe...the Evening Bell Church spent so much effort on "opening the tomb", just these things.

He slowly walked towards the vertical coffin.

The closer he got, the more attractive the coffin seemed... He saw that there was one thing in the coffin that hadn't fallen out. It was a red rope and white jade necklace, hanging on the shadow's neck.

It seems that the owner of the ancient coffin is still lying in the coffin.

This necklace is always worn around his neck.

Even if the coffin is opened.

The shadow did not dissipate under the light, and the necklace did not fall out of the coffin.

The man looked at the necklace carefully, his eyes fixed on the snow-white "jade", and a series of memories were recalled in his mind... that painful memory of blood splattering on a long night not long ago.

A flash of red appeared in his eyes, and his breathing became rapid.

When he saw this red rope jade necklace, he knew...he had gained something from this trip!

The man held out his hand.

And just when he was about to touch the necklace.

Sudden changes occurred——

A "whoosh" sound!

A thin piece of rust wrapped around the white jade and instantly flew out of the coffin. The white jade flew dozens of meters and landed in the shadow behind the man.

Here, there is a second person!

The next moment, the light in the mausoleum came back on, and the man saw clearly the face of the young man standing on the side of the stone wall in the darkness, playing with the snow-white ancient jade.

His expression became extremely shocked and ugly.

"Why...are you so surprised to see me? Do you know me?"

Gu Shen weighed the white jade expressionlessly.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the unfamiliar faces in front of him.

From the moment the power authority was disconnected... he realized there was a problem. The authority used by this base was independent and closed-loop. Even Chu Ling needed to spend considerable effort to invade.

It shows that these guys pay great attention to permission security!

How could such a low-level mistake as "power disconnection" occur!

There is a second person hiding in this base... and this person came earlier than him. It is very likely that he has been eyeing the "ancient mausoleum". In fact, when Gu Shen saw the Evening Bell Church, the trident When I was giving the token, a mysterious intuitive guidance emerged in my heart for no apparent reason.

He thought of the night he had experienced at the Metropolitan Free Church.

A crazy fanatic who established a "believer organization" in Dadu was shot to death thousands of miles away in "South China"... The Intercontinental Federal Government Investigation Agency was responsible for subpoenaing the results of the case to Mr. Shu, and Mr. Shu returned. Pass it on to yourself.

The chain of evidence is conclusive.

The "monster" was shot to death in a church in Nanzhou, and the priest and nun witnessed it all in person.

At that time, Gu Shen thought everything was over.

But when he saw the face of the man in front of him... Gu Shen knew that all this was still going on.

He let out a long sigh and rubbed the "jade" that was as white as snow with his fingers.

Destiny is really a wonderful thing... there are some things that you thought you would never see again.

I didn't expect that the reunion would come so quickly.

This is not only true for people, but also for things.

He pulled off the red rope, held "White Jade" in his hands, and his voice became deeper: "Think carefully, have we met before?"

"I do not understand what you are saying."

The man wearing the black robe of the Evening Bell Church just narrowed his eyes and gave an indifferent response: "Friends, we all know what each other is doing. Those guys outside are not easy to mess with. If they cause trouble, Oh no."

Gu Shen didn't pay any attention to this statement.

"Since your memory is not very good, let me help you recall..."

He spoke calmly and reminded, "Last November."

The priest fell completely silent.

"Okay... you don't seem to recognize me, so do you recognize this bullet?"

The arc of the Ruler of Truth shook the entire mausoleum like daylight.

Gu Shen raised the truth sniper.

"Bengxue" is loaded.

This familiar scene played out once before at Liberty Auditorium last November.

A majestic sense of crisis has arrived.

Being hit on the head by a sniper at close range, the man looked very ugly.

A ray of blood appeared between his eyebrows, and soon the scarlet color surged into a sea.

"Recall the feeling of being shot to pieces by me?"

Gu Shen looked at the man in front of him and asked expressionlessly: "How should I call you... Zhou Yu... Ye Ningqiu... Xiao..."

"Or maybe it's some disgusting thing that can't be killed."

(Because this plot is relatively important, I have been sorting it out for a long time. I started sorting out the details at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Unknowingly, I wrote it until about 3 o'clock in the morning. I will revise it again tomorrow.)

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