Barrier of Light

Chapter 404 The Realm of God (please vote for me!)

Zhu Wang asked himself, having been in Nagano for twenty years, he had experienced thousands of extraordinary events, large and small.

Nothing could make him panic.

But at this moment...

His mood was indeed a little uneasy.

Take a deep breath.

"I can't seem to refuse..."

Zhu Wang looked at the Dionysian throne in the darkness and spoke softly.

No one can reject God.

He knew very well that what he said just now left no room for him to refuse.

The young man just looked at Zhu Wang calmly.

Dionysian had no intention of answering the conversation.

Zhu Wang's next words used a lot of effort.

"It's just that Nagano is a place that pays great attention to rules..."

"As a Grand Adjudicator, there must be a reason for everything you do, not only for the outside world, but also for yourself."

"So, I want to hear the reason for accepting a disciple."

Bai Zesheng, who had been bowing and remaining silent, looked surprised at this moment. He looked at this "old friend" whom he had known for decades in bewilderment.

At this moment, he felt that Zhu Wang was the real madman who dared to act like this in front of the Dionysus.

Is this asking Dionysus to give him an answer?

There was a brief moment of silence in the darkness.

Immediately afterwards, the chuckle of Dionysian came.

"I admire people like you."

Dionysus did not get angry, but said leisurely: "Every place needs rules and order...otherwise, wouldn't it become a garbage dump like Nanzhou?"

"Look up and take a look."

In the narrow wooden house, fine black ashes floated, which was the spiritual powder after the hypnotic seeds of [Tian Tong] were crushed.

it is more than words.

When Bai Zesheng came to visit, he had already made the meaning of his words very obvious.

Help Han Dang remove the seeds of hypnosis.

Take Xu Yan as your disciple.

This is a deal.

And Dionysus completed the first half of the transaction... Zhu Wang had to complete the second half.

It's just that Zhu Wang agreed too readily, because in his opinion, there was nothing unacceptable in this transaction... But he didn't consider that the other party was the throne of the "Tower of Source".

If this deal is agreed to, then a lot of things will happen next, a lot of things...

It was like a tsunami.

It is often just a wave rolled up by a water splash, followed by one flower after another, one wave after another, and finally overwhelming and no one can stop it.

Zhu Wang gritted his teeth.

For a person like him, his extraordinary strength has already reached the "peak" of his life. Except when he faced Gu Changzhi, he had never felt such huge mental pressure like today.

Dionysian did not use any power.

He just sat there.

It makes people want to obey.

After Zhu Wang received the recognition of Dionysus, he did not go down the steps, but continued to speak.

He spent a lot of effort to resist the constant thoughts of kneeling and surrendering in his heart, and said with difficulty: "With all due respect... your coming to the Snow Forbidden City does not seem to be in compliance with the rules."

Bai Zesheng quickly reached out and tugged on Zhu Wang's sleeve.

Zhu Wang rolled his sleeves.

He stared straight at the boy in the darkness and did not regret what he had said.

"Rules...are made by people."

Dionysus said softly: "It's just that the rules made by people are different from the rules I made."

That's the best answer.

Mortals, don’t interfere with the gods!

Zhu Wang had already expended a lot of mental energy just by raising his first question. Now that he had received a clear answer, even if he wanted to say something more, the willpower in his heart was not enough to continue supporting him.

He looked pale and gave up questioning.

In fact, there was another question in his mind.

You dare to come to the Snow Forbidden City... Aren't you afraid of Gu Changzhi?

Or maybe, this question didn't require him to ask.

The Bacchus sitting here right now is the answer.

"I want you to accept Xu Yan as your disciple...and convene a review team to conduct a capability rating test." Dionysus spoke softly, "He will get an 'S-level' rating."

There was silence in the wooden house.

Zhu Wang looked at the young man beside him who was smiling respectfully.

S level...

The first time he saw Xu Yan, he vaguely sensed his "extraordinary talent", but no matter how powerful he was, there should be a gap between him and the rumored "S-level", right?


There is no need to question what God said.

Dionysus said that Xu Yan can win the "S-level", so Xu Yan can definitely win the "S-level".

"I have heard about the proposal you submitted to the Eastern Continent Council."

Dionysus said softly: "In last year's rookie battle, you did not hesitate to use your authority to improve the spiritual realm of your disciples, just to win the championship... The hidden dangers of this matter have not been completely eliminated, right?"

Zhu Wang's expression changed.

Last year's rookie battle, Lian Zhou's incident caused an uproar. After the competition, the Safety Committee immediately set up a task force to investigate... The subsequent investigation results showed that Lian Zhou was indeed not a "routine promotion", but used "special means" ”, related to the powerful authority in the deep water area.

At this point in the investigation, the direction is already obvious.

However, Lian Zhou insisted that this was his personal behavior and had nothing to do with the teacher's sect, so he forcibly cut off the clues, which made it impossible for the safety committee's follow-up investigation to proceed.

But Zhu Wang knew in his heart that even now, Zhou Wei, chairman of the Federal Security Council, is still staring at him.

Some people hope to become the real "Grand Judge".

Some people hope that they will fall down quickly.

There are countless "allies" he has attracted beside him, and similarly, there are countless enemies standing on the opposite side.

The higher you go, the harder it is to walk on thin ice, and one wrong step may cause huge backlash.

"You have all the authority of the Dongzhou Judgment Office... You are considered a giant within the link range of the Deep Water Zone. The evidence that Lian Zhou transferred authority and was promoted to the seventh level of the Deep Water Zone should be well hidden." Dionysus He said softly: "It's a pity that the authority I have covers the entire five continents, which is far beyond your imagination. If you don't want to complete the subsequent transactions... I will ask someone to personally submit the evidence that the Security Committee is most interested in to Zhou Wei’s hand.”

When he said this, he "looked" at Bai Zesheng.

The boy with his eyes closed cannot look away, but the "looked at" can still feel the transmission of his spiritual will.

Bai Zesheng looked ugly. It seemed that Dionysus had already thought everything through. If that time ever came... he would have to do all the dirty and tiring work himself.

On the other side, Zhu Wang's face was filled with disbelief.

He couldn't imagine that this would be said by a god?

What's more, I can't accept that the mistake I made in the first place... turned out to be a fatal threat that I couldn't refuse.

"If you agree to this deal... you will gain an S-level disciple, and your influence will be further enhanced. The Tower of Source will support many of your actions in East Continent, and the attitude of the Central Council will change in the handling of many things. Obvious changes." Dionysian said slowly: "For example... the Security Committee will cancel the investigation against you, in all senses."

This is not a deal.

But two free gifts...

He didn't give anything, he just got.

But "getting" without doing anything makes people struggle internally, because the moment he "gets", he will also "lose" something.

He lost the bottom line he had set for himself when he became the Grand Inquisitor.

This is collusion with foreign countries.

In other words... this is a kind of betrayal.

"I know that you want to become the new Grand Adjudicator of Dongzhou. This is a long road with countless thorns, setbacks, and prejudices... I also know that you are ready to face it all, but you Have you ever thought that the biggest opportunity is right in front of you right now?"

Dionysus smiled and spoke.

He said softly: "Just reach out your hand...grab it...and you will have everything..."

Zhu Wang didn't realize it.

The "people" around me have disappeared.

In the entire wooden house, he and the boy were the only two people left alone.

This is a complete and quiet spiritual realm.

At this moment, Zhu Wang was having a fierce battle in his heart.

He was too eager for the beautiful future outlined by the Dionysian Seat. It was only today that he realized that the power of ordinary people was so small. Even if he became the "Grand Adjudicator", there were still many things he could not do.

He could not remove the hypnotic seed for his beloved disciple Han Dang.

Nor can it really influence the situation in Parliament.

It is always one step away from the "desire" that I have always dreamed of.

And that step is likely to be a natural chasm.

"I just need to accept Xu Yan as my disciple..." Zhu Wang said with difficulty, "That's all, right?"

"What do you think?"

There was no laughter in Dionysian's voice.

He said lightly: "I want you to accept this disciple sincerely and cultivate him as your successor. The Tower of Source has provided you with support, and of course you need to repay him."

Zhu Wang took a deep breath.

He finally made up his mind, gritted his teeth and asked, "So, what else do I need to do?"

"Let Xu Yan... become the most famous person in the Snow Forbidden City, no one else."

Dionysus said calmly: "Squeeze Gu Shen and Bai Xiu out."

Zhu Wang stared blankly at the young man in front of him.

He realized... that he was making a deal with the devil.

Once you agree, there will be no turning back for everything that follows.

Zhu Wang noticed the changes in the surrounding scene.

I don’t know when I came to this spiritual realm.

And the voices in his heart were amplified invisibly... It was only at this moment that he woke up.

"I... don't understand..."

"I really don't understand..."

Zhu Wang slowly sat down.

He looked at the throne in the distance and said tiredly: "If you are already here, why do you need to do such a thing... If you have a greater purpose, just do it, wouldn't it be better?"

This place is less than 100 kilometers away from Qingzhong.

Why go to all this trouble...

He couldn't see the boy's face, he could only see the thin figure shrouded in darkness at the end of the wooden house.

He couldn't even see that Dionysus had his eyes closed at the moment. After hearing these words, his expression suddenly became as gloomy as water.

The pressure in the spiritual realm suddenly increased.

Zhu Wang knew that he had asked a question he shouldn't have asked...and immediately fell silent.

He is just a common man.

He thinks of "God" as too great and too lofty.

So of course he couldn't understand...the true thoughts of God.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that God is also afraid.

Fear is a very strange thing.

The biggest force that makes a person give up and retreat is "fear".

The biggest force that motivates a person to take action and fight desperately is also "fear".

Except for the Sky God, no one will know...why the "Bacchus" came to the Snow Forbidden City in person half a year ago.

One of the most fundamental driving forces is "fear".

He was too afraid of Gu Changzhi.

If he were not constrained by the oath of "not being able to open his eyes", perhaps he could just be like those divine thrones in other continents, just indifferent and quietly wait for the final result.

And now, he came to Dongzhou and the Snow Forbidden City.

It was the touch of a certain opportunity that made him want to face the deepest "fear" in his heart.

"Qingzuka...of course I will go."

Dionysus said coldly, "It's just, not now."

After completing the spiritual connection between Chu Ling and Shenci Mountain, Gu Shen did not feel truly relaxed.

This should be a happy event worth celebrating.

But the opposite.

A big stone fell in his heart, but he didn't really feel the feeling of "relief".

This feeling is like...a wave falls, and then another wave rises.

Gu Shen trusted his intuition.

If his intuition told him that something bad was going to happen, it could only be worse than imagined.

He stayed up all night at Chunyu Temple, always feeling that something bad was going to happen.

The "spectator" mentality that had been maintained for a year seemed to have been completely broken by the death of the head of the Li family. No matter how hard he practiced, he could not get it back.

Gu Shen also knows that such a state of mind is something that can only be encountered but cannot be sought. It is like a mirror. Once it is broken, it is difficult to put it back together.

So, what is going to happen?

He went to the Qing Tomb again.

This was the first time that Gu Shen saw that Master Qianye was no longer staying in the inner cemetery wilderness, but left the wilderness and came to the cemetery.

The moment you step into the inner tomb.

Gu Shen saw the figure in long robes fluttering on the hill.

The tomb keeper was standing on a hill inside the Qing Tomb, her robes fluttering in the strong wind, and her expressionless tabby cat mask looking down to the south.

In the sleeves of the robe, there is a pair of dry palms with only bones left, wrapped with strands of golden thread, as if they are calculating something.


Gu Shen was a little surprised.

He knew that the reason why the guardians of the tomb sat upside down in the center of the tomb formation was because these inverted formations needed someone to master them.

And once she leaves... Qingzuka's great formation, she will be in chaos.

Look up.

There are indeed some signs of "disorder" in the flowing clouds on the dome. The thick rain clouds are like lead, and they are dense and dense, making people breathless. The majestic extraordinary source matter is slowly flowing in the Qingzhong Cemetery. There are tens of millions of people here. The silent whispers of the dead souls. Once the order is out of balance, no one knows what this "miracle place" will become.

Put aside special existences like Shenci Mountain.

Nagano has not seen a new black spot in twenty years.

Of course the tomb keeper saw Gu Shen.

She pointed to the center of the tomb in the distance and then to Gu Shen.

Not a word was spoken.

But the meaning is already very obvious.

You... go and sit over there.

After practicing formation patterns for a year, Gu Shen has mastered most of the rules of formation operation in Qing Tomb. In the world of the inner tomb in his eyes, there is only a faint mist... When outsiders step into the inner tomb, they can only see a vast expanse. There was fog, but he could see a light.

In other words, Gu Shen also possessed the qualities of a "mausoleum keeper" without even realizing it.

Gu Shen came to the Four Seasons Wilderness.

When he stretched out his palm to touch the ancient tree, countless formation patterns seemed to appear in front of his eyes. Most of them... he knew, but there were still some that he had not mastered.

A moment.

The whole world seemed to be turned upside down.

Gu Shen became the "Mausoleum Keeper". He seemed to have given birth to thousands of pairs of eyes, and could see every corner of the huge cemetery. The formation patterns that he had comprehended began to move slowly, and the lead clouds pressing down on the dome began to move slowly. Little by little, those crowded groups of extraordinary sources of matter were dispersed, and "order" was restored immediately. The chaotic scene did not last long, but was very short-lived.

the reason is simple.

His arrival was expected by the tombkeepers.

It should only take about ten minutes for the entire formation to lose control.

This was the first time that Gu Shen tried to "control" Qingzhong. He could clearly feel that... the formation construction over the past year was effective. Those formations that he had renovated were obviously more efficient.

As for those formation patterns that have not been mastered, it is already somewhat impossible to control the flow of "transcendent source matter".

Not long after.

Master Qianye came back from outside.

She stood in front of Gu Shen, and the two of them were still looking at each other upside down... except this time, Gu Shen was on top of the tree, and she was under the tree.

"How do you feel?" Master Qianye asked calmly.

Gu Shen said slowly: "It feels... like it has become the sky. You only need to lower your head to see a huge world."

"Really? You have seen a big world..." the tomb guard asked: "How big is it?"

Gu Shen was slightly startled.

The formations he has mastered have already wrapped around the edges of Qingzhong...

So he replied: "You can have a panoramic view of the entire Qing Tomb."

The tombkeeper continued: "Take another look... Just where you can see, there is a bigger world."

Gu Shen immersed himself in it.

His spiritual power swept through every corner of Qingzhong.

Wherever the formation patterns spread... almost every place was caught by his eyes...

The bigger world?

Gu Shen suddenly noticed... there seemed to be a small ball of light in the Four Seasons Wilderness of the Inner Tomb. Compared with the entire huge Qing Tomb, it was too small, only the size of a palm.

However, the ball of light was slowly propped up, ignoring its own formation patterns, and absorbing the extraordinary source of energy in the clear tomb.

He released a ray of spiritual power, wanting to see the world inside the ray of light.

But the moment it came out, it was swallowed up in an instant.

"Is this?" Gu Shen vaguely felt something was wrong.

"You saw it."

The tombkeeper smiled: "For so many years... I have been waiting for 'it' to appear."

She said softly: "This is Gu Changzhi's [God's Domain]. If you guessed it right, it contains [Fire]. For so many years, [Fire] has always existed on the other side of the wilderness that cannot be reached. I don't know when it appeared. Here, but it is now absorbing the extraordinary source of Qingzhong, which shows..."

"It's growing."

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