Barrier of Light

Chapter 405 Gu Lushen (please vote for me!)

A very small barrier takes root in the wilderness of the four seasons.

"Slowly" expands.

No one knows what is inside this barrier.

Master Qianye took charge of the formation again, and Gu Shen came to the wilderness. He tried to move towards the "other shore" in the distance, to reach the edge of the "Fire Barrier" he saw... But the wilderness in the inner tomb was too much. It was vast, and he had traveled for a long, long time, but it seemed like there was still a chasm between him and the "point" marked by his spirit.

Gu Shen knew.

The appearance of this fire in that place was definitely not an accident. It should have been done deliberately by Mr. Gu Changzhi.

The reason is that no one can touch it.

Obviously, if you want to truly see the scene inside the "Fire Barrier", you have to wait for it to expand in front of you...

Is this good news?

Gu Shen didn't know.

However, after waiting for twenty years, Gu Changzhi's fire finally appeared, and he consciously absorbed the extraordinary source of Qingzhong. Perhaps the original calculation of Qingzhong ghost was correct.

"Gu Shen..."

The tombkeeper spoke softly, "I don't know why, but I can't feel at peace in my heart."

She had previously left the Four Seasons Wilderness and went to the cemetery for divination.

This is very rare behavior.

For Master Chino, it makes no difference where he sits.

She holds the whole world in her heart.

Even in the inner tomb, one can predict the five continents.

However, this time... there was an unprecedented sign of unrest in her heart. She could not calm down no matter what, so she simply left the wilderness and went to the outside world to restore her tranquility.

And the result of the hexagram... was blurry in the end, and only a small part could be seen clearly.

"I always feel that... Qingzhong is being targeted. The appearance of this [Fire] is probably not a coincidence, but I haven't figured out the specific reason and the next response plan." Master Qianye held his forehead, tired. He said: "The other party is very cautious. They are eyeing Qingzuka, but they are not in a hurry to take action. If there is news, then I am afraid that they are fully prepared."

Gu Shen understood what the tomb guard meant.

He asked carefully: "Did you figure out anything?"

"All this will start from the five families..."

The tombkeeper whispered: "The five great families in Nagano may suffer an unprecedented overthrow."


Gu Shen's heart skipped a beat.

It was precisely because of his restlessness that he came to Qingzhong, trying to find the answer... and Master Qianye's divination seemed to have pointed the way.

Li Qihu's death is the beginning of everything...

After the death of the head of the Li family, the Presbyterian Church, which has been preparing for a long time, has already launched an attack. The storm is about to come. Looking at this posture, it is obvious that they are preparing to reshuffle the cards, remove Li Qingsui from the position of head of the family, and replace the new sky!

And the Li family is just one of the five great families.

Mu Li, who is in charge of the White House, has always adhered to his principles and worked together on external matters over the years... But in fact, no matter how strong the wall is, there will be cracks as time goes by.

The long sleep of the Dongzhou Divine Throne really affects morale.

The fire in the clear tomb is the root cause of all these gaps——

Li's wavering was just a visible shadow, but on the towering mountain tops where the Snow Forbidden City stood, there were many invisible shadows, growing, continuous, and expanding one by one.

"somebody is coming."

The tomb guard frowned and said, "Gu Shen... I don't want to see him. You block him outside the inner tomb fog."

Gu Shen was a little surprised after hearing this.

He thought to himself, is there anyone in Qingzhong that Master Qianye doesn't want to see, but has to see?

When he left the inner mausoleum and stood on the top of the mist-shrouded hill, he understood immediately.

In the inner mausoleum in the distance, there are many people escorting a figure. The figure is not very old. He is a middle-aged man, but he is sitting in a wheelchair...

Today's Gu family is still the largest family in Nagano.

However, the eight-year internal struggle has torn apart the Gu family and formed the so-called old and new factions.

The old sect is the children of the Gu family who follow the oracle and stick to the tomb.

They firmly believe that Mr. Gu Changzhi is still alive... and will come out of the tomb one day.

The extraordinary people of the old sect of the Gu family regard the guardian of the tomb as an oracle. Nine years ago, they experienced a huge blow and sent Gu Nanfeng, the future young master of the Gu family appointed by the oracle, to leave Dongzhou and go to Beizhou Fortress.

The end of that escort battle also marked the end of the civil war.

The new faction is the group of people who oppose the Tomb Clearance Act.

They believe that the Gu family needs to step out and need greater reforms, and they do not believe that... Gu Changzhi is still alive. With the power of God, as long as he is not dead, there will always be a cry, and when the new faction gains an absolute advantage in the struggle, , the throne of God is still silently looking down, which shows that he may not be as great as the world admires and imagines.

What the new sect does... is to explore the "Qing Tomb".

They wanted to see the inner tomb with their own eyes.

I want to personally verify... the whereabouts of Tinder.

During the war that year, the new sect of extraordinary beings tried to "attack" Qingzhong, but they did not cause any waves.

The guardians of the tomb who understood all the formation patterns activated the formation in the inner tomb, directly trapping all the attackers, and forced the new faction to reach a final "peace agreement."

The new sect had to accept this outcome.

No one can enter the core of the tomb while the tomb keeper is there.

As a result, the old and new factions of the Gu family began a long "divided rule." The leader who led the new faction to fight against the old faction of Mr. Gu Qilin was named "Gu Lushen".

At this very moment, the man in the wheelchair.

Gu Lushen was a "genius" born in the same era as Gu Changzhi, but in that era, all geniuses were eclipsed. Even the S-level "Baishu" cultivated and supported by the Bai family with all their efforts, was defeated by Gu Changzhi.

Of course Gu Lushen was no exception.

It wasn't until he started a vigorous civil strife in the Gu family that no one in Nagano remembered his past deeds.

At that time, he was the fastest genius in the Gu family besides Gu Changzhi.

But no one will remember the second one.

Unless...the number one is no longer there.

When the civil strife first broke out, many extraordinary beings in the Snow Forbidden City believed that Gu Lushen's move was tantamount to a clown. It wouldn't be long before these extraordinary beings who started the dispute would be defeated by Gu Qilin with iron-blooded methods. Punishment one by one... However, the next result was unexpected. In the internal fighting of the Gu family, the "new faction" turned out to be dominant, and it was a huge advantage.

The "new staff" assembled by Gu Lushen were extremely united and not afraid of death.

This was a "war" that had been thought about for a long time. Once it broke out, the old school was suppressed without warning. In the end, it was almost impossible to reverse the situation. When Gu Lushen pointed out the core rules of the patriarchal system, he wanted to abolish Gu Lushen. Nanfeng, when a new head of the family is established...the old faction can only resort to the last resort of "sending the young master away".

So the new faction turned to attack Qing Tomb. Unfortunately, this "miracle place" that had consumed countless manpower, with the right time and location, was not afraid of such a level of extraordinary impact.

The final "peace" is actually not even a "tragic victory".

This is just the "compromise" of the new faction, the initiator of the battle.

Gu Shen stood on the mountain.

The Gu family's new sect of extraordinary people stood at the foot of the mountain.

Gu Lushen was sitting in a wheelchair. He raised his hand to signal that others did not need to go any further. He turned the wheel hub alone and slowly arrived at the foot of the mountain in the mist.

Standing on the top of the mountain.

Gu Shen looked at Gu Lu Shen and saw clearly.

And he had a delusion.

The man sitting at the foot of the mountain could see himself clearly through a layer of fog.

"Gu Shen."

Gu Lushen raised his head. He read out the name of the person on the top of the mountain and asked with a smile: "This should be considered the first time we have met, right?"

Not loud.

But it clearly follows the hills and reaches the mist-filled mountain tops.

Last year, Gu Shen became very famous in the Snow Forbidden City, and all of a sudden, the five major families came forward one after another.

And this whole year has passed.

The only force that has not had any contact with Gu Shen, or even had the slightest intersection... is the Gu family's new sect.

"Excuse me."

Gu Shen responded straight to the point without any courtesy: "Master Qianye doesn't want to see you, please go back."

He didn't say much to Gu Lushen.

Gu Shen and Gu Nanfeng were in the same camp, and they had a deep friendship with the old man. No matter how you looked at it, they were all on the old school side... He was very well-educated if he could treat Gu Lushen politely.

Gu Lushen smiled.

"I didn't come to Qingzuka to meet Qianye..." The man shook his head and said, "I want to have a chat with you."

Gu Shen frowned when he heard this.

"As you said...we just met for the first time."

He thought for a moment.

Then he refused directly in front of many of the Gu family's new sect of extraordinary people.

"So, there is nothing to talk about between us."

Gu Lushen was not angry.

This was the answer he expected.

He said gently: "It won't take long, just five minutes."

As he spoke, a wisp of breeze, carrying his spiritual power, slowly swayed through the mist on the top of the mountain.

This sentence is only said to the inner mausoleum of Qing Tomb.

Not only Gu Shen could hear it.

Master Qianye, who is far away in the wilderness, can also hear it.

"I know that the art of divination is unparalleled and can predict the secrets of heaven, but all the causes and effects in this world cannot work on [divine objects]... No matter how much you predict, you can't figure out why that [fire] appears. .”

As soon as this statement came out.

Gu Shen's expression suddenly changed.

I had just learned about the news of [Fire] appearing in Qingzhong... Gu Lushen had already brought someone to the door?

How did he know!

Sure enough... after the sound dissipated, Master Qianye's response also came out.

"What do you want to say?"

Gu Lushen, who was sitting at the foot of the mountain, made his request slowly, "Of course I want to enter the inner tomb, but you won't agree... In this case, let Gu Shen come forward on your behalf and negotiate with me." ”

The tombkeeper was silent for a few seconds.

She sent a message and asked, "Gu Shen...are you willing to come forward?"

Gu Shen was naturally willing, but he was vaguely worried.

In a new style of doing things.

Is there a conspiracy?

"The entire Qing Tomb is under control. Don't worry about Gu Lushen's tricks... I will invite him into the inner tomb, and you will talk about it on the top of the mountain." The tomb guard said softly: "In this case, When you talk, I can hear you."

"Okay." Gu Shen thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

A wisp of breeze carried the voice of the tomb keeper, and sounded outside the tomb.

"Gu Lushen, if you want to talk about it, just go hiking alone."

The extraordinary beings from the new sect all frowned after hearing this, and they wanted to step forward to help.

But Gu Lushen waved his hand.

He turned the wheel hub and slowly moved towards the top of the mountain.

The breeze blows on my face.

He's not very fast.

But it is extremely stable. After so many years... the wheelchair seems to have become his native limb.

Gu Shen looked at this scene and narrowed his eyes.

The technology of bionic prosthetics has become very advanced, and there are also many auxiliary devices... But this man has always used an "old and inconvenient" wheelchair.

Chu Ling once investigated Gu Lushen's information.

His legs couldn't get off the ground.'s not really "disability".

Gu Lushen was once one of Nagano's top martial arts masters, with amazing muscle and bone density. However, after a certain tragic battle, he suffered the current injury. This was a side effect of excessive use of "ability", and the muscles and bones of his lower body were damaged. , is destined to be unable to recover, and most of the time, he needs to rely on this wheelchair to move around.

But the result of Chu Ling's analysis is... If Gu Lushen wants, he can stand up from the wheelchair at any time.

However, there is a certain price to pay.

This wheelchair is a tool he uses to "show weakness".

Some people have three points of power and want to reveal seven points.

Some people have seven points of power but pretend to be three points.

Gu Lushen is the latter.

"It's been a long time since I've been to Neiling..."

The man slowly climbed to the top of the mountain and looked around.

There was only fog in his eyes, but his pupils were still full of smiles.

Gu Lushen smiled and said, "If I remember correctly, the last time I climbed a mountain, I was badly repaired by Master Qianye."

He knew these words, and the guardians far away in the tomb could also hear them.

However, Master Qianye did not reply to him.

The top of the mountain was empty and silent.

Gu Lushen raised his eyes and looked at Gu Shen, and asked softly: "I heard that there is a second inheritor of divination in the Tomb of Qing Dynasty, and she is a woman. I wonder if Gu has the chance to broaden his horizons?"

Gu Shen said calmly: "Mr. Lu Shen came by chance. I'm afraid I won't be able to meet you today."

"It doesn't matter," Gu Lushen's smile continued: "I can come again tomorrow."

Gu Shen said again: "There is still no chance tomorrow."

Gu Lushen let out a soft oh, lowered his eyebrows and smiled, knowingly not continuing.

Gu Shen looked at the new family leader opposite him quietly, wanting to see what tricks the other party could play.

The so-called don't hit someone with a smiling face. This principle is common in most places in Nagano, but unfortunately, it does not apply to Qingzhong.

Neither the mausoleum guardian nor himself would accept this trick.

"It doesn't matter if I don't see you."

Gu Lushen stretched out his hand, pointed to the distance in the mist, and asked with a soft smile: "It's just that I've been thinking, is there really a second descendant of divination in this inner mausoleum?"


Gu Shen's expression remained unchanged.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the man in front of him warily.

Gu Lushen said quietly: "If you think about it carefully, it seems that it is not difficult to fabricate a 'living person'... Just like the so-called divination, as long as people believe it, then 'it' will exist .”

Just one sentence.

Gu Shen already felt that this was a completely dangerous character.

This guy's brain circuit is really incredible.

This year, no one in the Snow Forbidden City has ever doubted the existence of Qingzhong's "second divination successor"... not only because of the news released by Gu Shen, but also because Bai Lu of the Bai family also volunteered to become a witness.

The Bai family witch said that she once saw the rumored "successor of divination" and she was an extremely stunning woman.

In fact, no such evidence is needed.

When the tomb keeper announced that he would accept disciples, no one had any doubt that there was a divination successor practicing behind Master Qianye in the Qing Tomb.

But after Bai Lu's exaggeration, everyone began to wonder, how stunning is this stunning woman?

The only regret is that we all have no chance to meet.

Only Gu Shen can see it!

The biggest impact of this incident is that everyone thought about it and scolded Gu Shen secretly. Everything was really cheap for this brat!

"Don't be nervous. I just said it casually."

Gu Lushen watched Gu Shen's expression.

He didn't get what he wanted from the young man's expression.

"But next, what I want to say... I mean it."

Gu Lushen turned his wheelchair as if he was looking for some direction.

Finally, the wheelchair settled.

Gu Lushen turned his back to the vast cemetery outside the mountain. There were many extraordinary people waiting for him to come down the mountain. He faced the center of the tomb where the [Colossus Ruins] was located. Through the thick and majestic fog, he still accurately found it. The direction of the Four Seasons Wilderness.


"You must be curious...why I can sense the existence of [Fire], right?"

Said it was a conversation with Gu Shen.

But in fact, he still faced Qianye's direction.

Of course there was no response.

Gu Lushen smiled slowly and said: "As I said before, as long as you pay the price, divination can predict most things in this world, but there are always some things that transcend cause and effect... Maybe you haven't noticed something yet. An interesting thing.”

When Gu Shen heard this, he suddenly realized something.

Divination cannot predict people, things and things related to [Fire].

This is something he has known for a long time.

God's affairs cannot be divined.

So... the guardian of the tomb was uneasy because she didn't know what the appearance of [Fire] meant.

Is Gu Changzhi about to wake up?


Divination could not predict this matter, and when Gu Lushen showed up, there was one more thing that divination could not predict -

That is...why did Gu Lushen know about the appearance of [Fire]?

If I remember correctly, the old man once said that Gu Lushen seems to have some confidence. If Gu Changzhi is confirmed to be dead, then he can obtain the recognition of [Fire] and become the next god.

These two threads are tied together...

It seemed that a bizarre answer was born.

Gu Shen looked at Gu Lushen and thought with complicated emotions, this guy who was of the same era as Mr. Gu Changzhi wouldn't have been exposed to the so-called "Tinder", right?

After finishing those words, Gu Lushen turned his head and looked at Gu Shen.

This time, he was very satisfied with the look on Gu Shen's face.

"Boy, you're smarter than I thought."

Gu Lushen laughed softly and said: "Many years ago, I was lucky enough to touch Gu Changzhi's [Fire]... After that time, my body underwent subtle changes."

(It’s the end of the month, please vote for me~~ I hope I can get 3,000 votes~~~)

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