Barrier of Light

Chapter 60 Blazing Fire

There was a ball of light in front of him.

Gu Shen was like a fish floating in the deep sea.

This is an unprecedented feeling...the ideology is stripped away and exists completely independently in another space.

It is difficult to use the word "technology" to describe it.

It's more like a... miracle.

This was a great miracle that only God could accomplish, but it was completed by a computer. Gu Shen stretched out his hands, feeling that he was "alive" on another level.

Is this... a super link?

Ordinary residents of the five continents live in the real material world. They have no idea that the deep sea also provides a deeper transcendent link... This place is more like a dream controlled by subjective consciousness.

And the light in front of the deep sea?

Gu Shen stretched out his hand to touch the light, but it was nothing.

The moment the fingertips touch it, the light dissipates, like fireflies gathering in the middle of the night, dissipating at the touch... Countless fluorescent lights flow backwards and turn into blurred human shapes, tall, short, fat and thin, all in the flow of data. Switch quickly.

Is this the deep sea choosing an image?

Eventually the ball of light became the outline of a child.

The child bowed slowly to Gu Shen: "Serial number Z340011250001, you are welcome to enter the 'deep water area'. With the authority of the current serial number... only the test of the extraordinary trial and the first level of the deep sea are provided."

After saying this, the child's image blurred for an instant, turning into countless turbulence, and finally condensed into a "door" that was not wide in the floating dream.

Gu Shen looked around intently.

Except for the door... there is no other exit. This place is not the same as the deep sea I imagined. It seems that each person who carries out the extraordinary link exists as an independent individual? At least that's what I've figured out so far.

So as the only connected host, it is "Deep Sea".

He once again lamented that the greatness of Alan Turing, the real transcendence should be in the "deep sea". While handling countless tasks, he can also connect to billions of living beings...

"When I enter this door, I should be able to sense my 'extraordinary power'."

Gu Shen held his breath, carefully touched and pushed away.

Warmth wraps itself up.

The world melted again... vision disappeared, and the whole world became very dim.

Gu Shen felt that he was turning his head...but it was still dark. He opened his eyes, closed them again, and blinked again, confirming that he could control the five senses under ideology.

This feeling is like entering the darkest night, or being truly blind.

"Wait a minute...has the extraordinary trial on the first level of the deep sea begun?"

Gu Shen's heart suddenly calmed down, and he recalled Senior Sister Luo's words.

The deep sea provides a link to every extraordinary person... As the trial progresses, one will become more proficient in controlling extraordinary power.

So the first level should be the most basic perception.

Chu Ling said that the review team's assessment of his ability was not accurate... tearing should be replaced by creation, and there is not much difference in terms of blazing... The world in front of him is so dark because his extraordinary power is still Too weak.


Gu Shen let out a long breath.

He smiled, and heard himself laugh.

Now he had the feeling that he had truly arrived in the Ghost Cage... He was facing his most real extraordinary power. This power was not as powerful as in the world of evil thoughts, but as weak as trembling fire.

It breaks at the touch of a touch.

He stretched out a hand and touched the dark world in front of him with difficulty.

His fingertips seemed to be tearing something apart... It was much harder than tearing apart the Ghost Cage... He was destroying the disorder in this space, thereby establishing his own "order".

This kind of tearing is actually creation.

Then a wisp of flame slowly lit up in the darkness.

This wisp of flame was too weak, like a swaying hair or withered grass, hovering on Gu Shen's fingertips, as if half of it would be extinguished when the wind blew, while the remaining part was swaying wildly.

But unfortunately, there is only a wisp left, which will never be annihilated.

"I... am I so weak..."

Gu Shen grinned.

He felt a boundless sense of satisfaction in his heart. Although his mental power was being consumed at a rapid rate, he could truly see his "extraordinary power". It was a ray of light of order in the darkness, but it was as weak as a breath. It will be accidentally blown out.

Yes, that's enough.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

He tried his best to keep the flame burning...but as his mental power was consumed, there seemed to be a lot of wind coming out of nowhere in the first level of trial space, and there was power blowing out the fire from all directions.

A ray of light illuminates the paleness of Gu Shen's cheeks.

This fire is so beautiful.

He couldn't bear to look away, let alone let him go out.

"Don't be too aggressive, you'll hurt yourself."

Chu Ling's voice sounded softly in the first-level trial space, "Your power has a very strong growth potential. It is not easy to summon it in the first trial. To maintain stability, it may be difficult to summon it." It will take a while.”

"You're's really not easy..."

Gu Shen's voice was very low, and it could be heard that it was a little weak, but it was more filled with uncontrollable joy: "Is this light and fire... my power?"

He quietly stared at a ray of fire and said with emotion: "It's so beautiful. I want to keep looking at it like this."

Chu Ling was silent for a while.

She did not interrupt the young man's stubborn persistence, but stayed with him quietly, staring at the fire burning with difficulty in the darkness.

This wisp of fire is too weak and will go out in less than two seconds.

Two seconds, three seconds.

Not extinguished.

A minute passed...

The fire is still burning.

In the first-level trial space, the wind gradually became stronger. The wisp of fire was no longer tremblingly suspended in Gu Shen's fingertips, but was carefully held in his palm and half-closed to protect it.

Gu Shen's ideology began to tremble uncontrollably... The essence of the extraordinary link is that the deep sea provides computing power and the host provides mental power. However, his mental power was almost exhausted, so he persisted with willpower.

The stability of this space has been difficult to maintain, and strong winds are sweeping across it, as if they are about to blow away human bones.

Three minutes...five minutes...

If no one interrupts, he will continue to do so with willpower.

"Gu Shen..."

Chu Ling spoke with some worry.

The moment the sound appeared——

The fire went out.

The wind also stopped.

The stability of this space has returned to normal.

Gu Shen smiled palely. He slowly opened his palms toward the direction where Chu Ling's voice came from. This action also had a hint of showing off.

In the palm of his hand, there was a slender flame.

Beating slowly.

Very stable.


Although his tone was tired, it was more of joy and pride: "Is this considered maintaining a stable state?"

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