Barrier of Light

Chapter 61 Touching You

Mental power is exhausted.

The deep sea water wrapped around him and floated upward. At this moment, Gu Shen felt as light as cotton all over his body.

There is no tingling sensation of using the "footprint of truth".

Because everything here is done under the protection of the deep sea... No wonder so many extraordinary people conduct trials in the deep water area...

"Is it over?"

Gu Shen's last conscious voice murmured: "Have I... completed the first level of the trial?"

"Still early."

wake up.

Gu Shen broke into a cold sweat. Instead of returning to the apartment, he sat on a speeding train.

There was an electric arc splashing outside the window, and the friction of the wheel hub was heavy. It all seemed like a dream.

He is back where he started.

On the opposite side, sat the girl he had longed for. Under the holy light, she was extremely beautiful. Her white dress swayed, revealing her dazzlingly white calves and ankles.

"here it is……?"

Gu Shen stared blankly at the girl opposite. The light rail was speeding through the void of electricity and light. Thousands of firelights splashed and dissipated outside the window. The words "zero and one" were surprisingly dazzling.

"This is my home. You can also understand it as...a certain unknown secret area in the deep water area."

Chu Ling explained lightly.

Then she closed the page in her hand, stood up, and said with a hint of anger in her voice: "You show off in the extraordinary trial just to hold on a little longer? Do you know that without the protection of the rules of the deep sea, your spirit The power will be damaged!"

I am still in the deep water area, in the extraordinary link!

Gu Shen was a little surprised. Seeing Chu Ling's rare angry expression, he quickly smiled and said cautiously: "I was wrong, I was wrong... isn't this... are you here?"

If he hadn't heard Chu Ling's voice, he wouldn't have taken such a risk.

But I don't know why... With her around, I feel like a different person. No matter what crazy idea I have, I feel like I can give it a try.

Chu Ling fell silent for a moment.

She couldn't bear to say anything else, so she just sighed and asked softly: "You haven't thought about...what if I miss it?"

Gu Shen smiled and shook his head, "That's all my fault. I will never blame you."

"Okay, this trial is over! I promise you, I will do my best in the future!" Gu Shen raised his palms and swore loudly, and then asked in a low voice: "Um... just now... did I count... Maintained the steady state of ability?"

"Fine, but what's the use?"

Chu Ling was helpless, "You should have felt it. Your current extraordinary power is really weak. The scene in the deep sea trial is completely different from that in the Ghost Cage."

Gu Shen remained silent.

Indeed, those are two completely different scenes... No wonder I can't use this extraordinary power in real life.

Because it is too weak.

"You are more powerful than I thought. The first level of extraordinary trials is actually about the understanding of 'steady state'. Most people will spend dozens of links to explore the characteristics of their abilities. Most extraordinary people, You can complete the first level of the trial, it is not difficult." Chu Ling said angrily: "You are really cruel, you just gritted your teeth and managed to maintain the steady state in one breath... If I hadn't lifted the protective measures in the deep sea, let By defying resistance with impunity, you have been forced out of the deep end and disconnected.”

"By the way... I'm still in the link." Gu Shen scratched his head, "Is this also part of the deep water area?"

"Deepwater is much bigger than you think."

Chu Ling said slowly: "The strength of an extraordinary person determines his or her authority. Of course, this is a rule written in the rules... There are exceptions."

For example, herself.

"Deep Sea monitors everyone in the deep water area... and Ling Ling Yao cannot be seen within the rules. Therefore, it is absolutely safe here." Chu Ling smiled softly, "Or... So far, Linglingyao is absolutely safe.”

Gu Shen was lost in thought.

He tried hard to digest a lot of information in Chu Ling's few sentences.

Who would call the residence of the spiritual space their home... Every link is so timely...

A man who can ignore the rules of the deep sea.

A man who had no fear of being traced.

"So, our first meeting..."

Gu Shen slowly exhaled and said, "Is it here? Like now?"

" unexpected spiritual connection happened so suddenly without any warning."

Chu Ling lowered her eyes, her crystal eyelashes and hair swaying in the blazing light. She sighed in a very soft voice: "Actually, no one else can enter this train, but you have become an exception. Specifically, I don’t know the reason yet. Maybe it’s a coincidence, maybe it’s... destiny.”

She thought about it.

She had more to say, but after thinking deeply... she decided to keep it for now.

"This place... is so real."

Gu Shen stretched out his hand, touched the railing, and then touched the long window in front of him... All the feedback was so real, the cold and hard iron, the vents blowing warm air, and the arcs splashing outside the window.

"So, my encounter with Ling Ling it real?"

This was a question he didn't dare to ask, but had to ask.

Meeting Chu Ling was like a dream.

And he hoped that this was not a dream.


Chu Ling did not answer the question, but sighed: "I can't give you the answer. Because I am also looking for the answer to all this... Do you still remember the question I asked you?"

Gu Shen was startled.

When they met for the first time, Chu Ling asked herself a very important question.

Is there π between the 3rd and 4th marks of the ruler?

The deep water area created by the deep sea is a space that exists in the spiritual realm...between reality and illusion, just like the "π" in this question.

does it exist?

Nobody knows.

"Tonight's link is actually to let you feel your own 'extraordinary power'. Gu Shen... your extraordinary power is very special, symbolizing the establishment of 'order'. Although it is currently weak, it has high growth potential." Chu Ling's eyes lit up and he said solemnly: "If you want to make your 'blazing fire' stronger, you need to find the extraordinary source..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly frowned.

The arcing sound of the entire train became more rapid, and the incandescent lights began to flash.

what happened?

Gu Shen was startled.

"Extraordinary sealed objects...extraordinary beings...are all 'extraordinary source matter' floating outside..."

Chu Ling's image suddenly fluctuated in front of Gu Shen. As the train bumped, she was no longer a real person, but turned into a ball of broken and reorganized garbled characters.

"What's going on?" Gu Shen stood up anxiously and looked around. The whole car made a low roar, and the speed began to increase. All the sounds became lower and disappeared, and the arc outside the window also gradually increased. Eliminate, as if sailing into the endless night.

"Tonight, the deep sea system...will undergo a round of upgrades..."

Chu Ling's voice was intermittent.

"They...have been...looking for me..."

She looked at Gu Shen, the smile in her eyes was full of apology: "During this period... you have to take care of yourself... I'm afraid... I have to disconnect for a while..."

"I'm waiting for you!"

Gu Shen's voice interrupted Chu Ling.

Chu Ling was stunned.

She saw Gu Shen's clear and bright eyes, as well as the hand firmly stretched out in mid-air. On the face that was constantly covered by garbled numbers, there was a hint of confusion at first, and then a little at a loss.

She smiled, and the clean smile on her face was wiped away by countless beating characters.

In the chaotic time and space, the two people kept missing each other and never came into contact in the true sense.

And this time.

The train shuddered.

Although, only for a moment.

But the fingertips of the young girl touched each other.

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