Barrier of Light

Chapter 761 Butterfly and Storm (Third update! Please vote for me!)

Li Qingci's funeral was held in Qingzhong Cemetery.

Not many people attended.

Many people just know that Li has a protector...but they don't know who the protector is, let alone what the protector does.

As the most mysterious clan among the five major clans.

The Li family silently guarded the "shrine", and each generation had a protector who died in the disaster area.

Only the top brass in Nagano knew about this matter.

Celadon's tombstone is in a relatively remote part of the cemetery. This is the location carefully chosen by Gu Shen... The array patterns here are dense and the source is abundant, making it a geomantic treasure. It was the beginning of winter, and heavy snow fell in Nagano. Li Qingsui put on her big coat, put aside all her affairs, and stood silently in front of the tombstone all day long. Uncle Gao wanted to hold an umbrella for her, but was stopped.

"Miss, she probably won't go to the shrine again for a long time."

Gao Tian and Gu Shen stood together.

He said softly: "This matter has hurt her a lot. I'm afraid it will take a long time for her to understand your 'difficulties'... I hope you don't mind."

Gu Shen just shook his head.

Two years ago.

Li Qihu passed away.

Li Qingsui cried very sadly and became a tearful person.

And today.

She didn't shed a tear.

"Uncle gone."

After standing in silence for a long time, Li Qingsui came out of the heavy snow. She didn't even look at Gu Shen and walked straight over.

Uncle Gao cast an apologetic look at Gu Shen.

Just passed by.

"Mr. Xiao Gu, I'm sorry."

In the dream of the temple, an apologetic voice sounded.

Under the hanging tree.

Chu Ling gently pressed Li Qingci's shoulder, and the scene of her and Gu Shen's mental connection was reflected under the hanging tree. Gu Shen was watching the scene in the cemetery where the tomb had just been cleared, and so was Li Qingci.

"Nothing to be sorry for."

Gu Shen said: "Look at it a few more times, and you won't be able to see it anymore."

The body dies, but the spirit remains.

He used his own hellfire to summon Li Qingci's soul into the pure land.

This is the first time that he has actually used "Underworld Fire" to save someone.

Tie Wu was given by Gu Changzhi, and Hong Zhong was obtained from the pendant trade. As for the snow-caged criminals who had their will deprived by him, they can be ignored... Li Qingci was the first person he saved by his own strength. Li Qingci preserved all consciousness and memory.

At the moment of death.

Li Qingci got a new life.

And the unbroken secret between the two people was completely revealed at this moment.

Pluto, the Ancient Literary Society, the Pure Land, the Old World... From now on, these are no longer secrets to the Celadon Girl, because she will almost never have the opportunity to interact with the "real world" again.

The woman under the hanging tree shook her head.

This is the first time she has seen the outside world so truly...

But she didn't look much further.

"Actually, the world isn't that pretty either."

Li Qingci smiled softly.

She asked: "Mr. Xiao Gu, can I... see Qingsui again?"

Gu Shen said: "What kind of sight are you referring to?"

"The least likely, most difficult one."

Li Qingci laughed at herself and said: "If possible, I would like to say a few words to her at that time."

It was beyond her expectation.

After a brief silence, Gu Shen replied: "It's possible."

The woman under the tree was startled.

"What could be more difficult than coming back to life after death?" Gu Shen walked towards the outside of the cemetery.

The golden divine light of the third divine realm was flickering in the distance, and Mr. Bai Shu had a panoramic view of it all.

"You personally witnessed the first miracle."

"In the future... there will be a second one, a third one..."

Gu Shen said calmly: "One day, you and Qingsui will meet each other. At that time, you can say whatever you want to her. You can touch the sunshine of the outside world and feel the snow in Nagano in winter."

The woman under the hanging tree laughed hoarsely: "Is this... a promise from the throne of God?"

"It doesn't count for the time being, because I haven't truly become a god yet."

Gu Shen looked back at the golden light surrounding the mountains and said, "This is probably just an agreement between old friends. It depends on whether you want to believe it or not."


Li Qingci took a deep breath and said firmly: "I have never doubted it."

There are no more guardians on the Temple Mountain.

Lee didn't shut it down.

Because the goddess would come from time to time and the black flowers here had not yet been cleaned up, Chairman Zhou Wei of the Safety Committee personally determined the stability of the disaster situation. With the permission of the cemetery man, he respected Li's choice.

Today is no longer the era when Gu Changzhi was sleeping twenty years ago.

Mr. Bai Shu is here.

Even if there is an accident in the Shenci Mountain Disaster Situation, it will not become a particularly serious disaster.

Gu Shen returned here.

This time, the entire temple was truly quiet.

The celadon girl was "reborn" in the Pure Land world. The only pity is that her wishing technique can no longer be used, but this may not be another kind of luck. After losing her last bargaining chip, she no longer has to deal with fate.

Li Qingci is of great significance to his pure land.

She once saw her "Dacheng Pure Land" appearance in her dream of praying!

There are now a total of one hundred and thirty-two souls in this divine domain. Leaving aside Tie Wu and Hong Zhong, the remaining one hundred and thirty snow-caged dead souls are the original productivity of the wilderness.

They need a real "leader".

Tie Wu was diligent enough, and Hong Zhong worked hard without any brains, but these were not enough——

When clearing the tomb, a construction drawing was needed.

You also need your own pure land.

And the celadon girl is the most perfect "blueprint". Everything obtained from the wishing transaction will not be forgotten. The pure land world she has seen will become an important clue to guide her forward in the future.

Under the guidance of Li Qingci, these more than a hundred dead souls have begun construction in a real sense.

They dug up the frozen soil and replanted the seeds.

Ancient houses are built with the branches of hanging trees.

Pluto's divine domain is the most deserted and lonely place in the world...but if there is life, it can no longer be dead.

After Li Qingci joined, Pure Land had new hope.

Perhaps there is no need to wait until the day when Gu Shen's practice reaches "midsummer", and the soil can be rejuvenated.

And judging from the current progress of the breathing method——

Very likely.

Li Qingci is the key figure in his future "from death to life"!

When the Pure Land enters summer, he is reincarnated. Gu Shen does not know which one is before and after.

However, after Celadon entered the Pure Land, the consumption of source material began to accelerate.

The "construction" of the Pure Land was carried out smoothly. The coldness in this cold world was stronger than ever before, while the fighting spirit of Tie Wu and Hong Zhong was unprecedentedly strong. The two of them have always had nowhere to use their energy. Now Lord God has sent this extremely smart girl. The strength of these two people has finally been put to use. Li Qingci started arranging from the surroundings of the Xuanxuan wood, and arranged for those snow cages. The dead souls made a simple arrangement and numbering, letting Tie Wu and Hong Zhong each lead a part. After a careful division of labor, the appearance of the ice and snow began to change drastically.

However, the construction of every ancient house, the reclamation of every wilderness, and the growth of every seedling require the consumption of source matter.

Gu Shen practiced selflessly in the temple mountain.

He accelerated the speed of absorbing the essence to satisfy the evolution of the "Pure Land".

Time passes like this little by little——

Mr. Bai Shu once said that the days of peace will not last long.

But now.

Nagano, Dongzhou, and even the entire Wuzhou... seem to have returned to tranquility, but those who are truly in high positions know that this tranquility is false and may be broken at any time.


All it takes is a distant ocean butterfly to flick its wings.

"Zi la!"

The electricity exploded!

In the dark night, blazing light and fire burst out.

A moth was burned to death by the electric grid. It struggled to flap its wings, but its body was already ignited with light. It eventually turned into ashes in the fire and disappeared...

"Jipta, the detector detected an abnormality in the extraordinary aura in the F19 area. Please report what's going on here quickly."

The outer end of the grid.

A man tightly wrapped in a red and silver combat uniform raised his communicator. He looked across the dense grass and looked at the burning moths on the other side of the power grid. After making sure it was correct, he reported: "Captain Vyas, There’s nothing strange here…I just saw a moth being burned to death.”


Vyas's voice was a little confused: "Are you sure? It's just a moth?"


Jeepta took out his own portable detector.

This kind of detector has an "antenna" made of strong logic material. It uses the principle of strong logic material to resist the source matter, and can detect the "source matter" within a certain range.

It's just that Nanzhou's technical methods are slightly behind.

I heard that those extraordinary people in other continents can detect extraordinary fluctuations within a radius of 300 meters. The detectors of the Beizhou Survey Corps are more sensitive... The detectors in their hands currently have an effective range of 150 meters, which is only half.'s enough.

Who would use a detector to detect "trapped animals" in cages?

The Jeep Tower retreated and he stood on a small slope. The terrain in the F19 area was bumpy. Sometimes he needed to climb higher to complete his daily "inspection". In fact, this was not a necessary step at all.

In an era of comprehensive [deep sea] connectivity, what is the point of manual inspection?

It's just that the big shots in the "Holy City" require them to conduct routine inspections three times a day.

No matter how lazy they are, they dare not disobey orders.

The man took out a lens and placed it in front of his eyes. The moment he let go, the lens floated on its own, maintaining a certain distance. He began to "record" the image of the F19 area. Looking from the high point of the small slope, in front of him was Thousands of meters of high-voltage power grid.

There are ten floors in total, inside and outside.

Like one cage after another——

In fact, where he is standing now is also in a huge "cage", but he has "staff" permissions and can enter and leave through the safe passage at any time.

"Area F19, Awakening Experiment Report Log, Year 641 of the New Calendar..."

He whispered the same beginning of the report.

At the same time, I cursed in my heart.

If we have to do some kind of manual inspection, isn’t it actually using [Deep Sea] for recording?

What is the difference between looking at it yourself and looking at [Deep Sea]?


There was a soft sound in the dark night in the distance. Jipta was startled. He frowned and looked to the far end of the night. It was pitch black. He tried hard to see the ten layers of power grid clearly. Several miles later, scene, but saw nothing.

The noise just now seemed to be just an accident.

"Is it my imagination?"

Jipta became nervous in his heart, and he quickly whispered into the communicator: "Captain... something seems wrong here..."

Zhila, zhila.

The communicator's voice was intermittent.

In the "cage", such a situation would occasionally occur. This was not the first time that Jeepta encountered it. He patted the communicator hard, but this time the situation of the communicator did not improve immediately.


Jeepta cursed, feeling helpless.

To be cautious, he began to retreat, and at the same time he turned on his backup flashlight, keeping recording while illuminating the desolate grassland in the distance. But this photo... Kipta's scalp felt numb.

In the dark night, there was a huge shadow, "not far away" from me... This guy actually broke through the fourth and fifth layers of the power grid silently. The sound just now was made by it, which was nearly a million volts. The UHV power grid was just rolled over, entangled like a fishnet. When the light shone through, Jeep Tower could clearly see what "it" looked like.

A... super huge butterfly, fifty meters long?

His whole body was not well.

Damn it!

How does this kind of thing grow... Why does it only make such a slight sound when it encounters a power grid? How about electricity, fire, or light?

The entire F area was quiet in the dark night.

Jipta suddenly froze, light...wait, light?

If I remember correctly, the staff manual clearly states that in the Sangzhou Cave area, most of the arthropods in the order Lepidoptera, including butterflies and moths, are phototactic...

If encountered in the dark night.

Do not polish.

"Buzz buzz!!"

Jipta's mind went blank. He threw the light source suddenly, but it was too late. He saw the big guy flying "silently" in the darkness, turning its compound eyes. It is said that the compound eyes of this thing are made of fifteen thousand people. It is composed of only small eyes, but the normal type is too small, even an extraordinary person cannot see clearly.

But zoom in to fifty meters later.

"It's" eyes are already bigger than a human's.

Jipta looked into the eyes of fifteen thousand densely packed eyes. At this moment, his spiritual sea suffered a violent impact, and he fell to the ground in an instant...

The butterfly caught the light, and wrapped in several high-voltage power grids, it flashed its wings and rushed towards the "destination", with fire and lightning along the way, and a raging wind.

Soon, area F19 returned to silence——

A communicator that fell into the thick grass was still vibrating.

"Jip Tower, the system was temporarily upgraded and communications were forced to be disconnected. Now the 'upgrade' has been completed. What's going on here?"

"The Sky Eye in Area F has been destroyed. Are you okay here?"

"Jipta, please answer if you hear me."

"Please answer if you hear me."

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