Barrier of Light

Chapter 762 The Holy City’s request for help (first update! Please vote for me!)

The temple mountain is covered with black flowers.

A sea of ​​fire was burning slowly between the mountains and fields. This sea of ​​fire did not set the mountains on fire, nor did it exude a sense of destruction... On the contrary, the black flowers wrapped in flames gradually lost their silence and coldness. breath.

After a long time.

The "air of destruction" was removed from the petals of the black flower.

Viewed from a high altitude, this land surrounded by flames is already full of life.

"In the past two months of practice... my amount of 'fire of vitality' has tripled from before, but it's still not enough."

Gu Shen stretched out his palm.

A ball of strong blazing flames rolled in the palm of my hand.

In the past, the blazing fire was just a wisp, gradually turning into a wisp. Now it finally has a certain scale and looks quite impressive.

But Gu Shen knew better.

If you want to advance to the ninth level of the deep sea... these blazing fires are not enough.

As for the fourth level.

After the ninth level, his spiritual sea will expand again.

“The more realms you transcend, the stronger you break through the realms.”

Gu Shen whispered to himself: "It is several times more difficult for me to advance to the fourth level than other extraordinary beings, but once I break through... my combat power is several times that of theirs!"

He put out the blazing fire with his backhand.

The spiritual thoughts are immersed in the pure land, and the mighty wind and snow are coming.

Gu Shen stood on the main trunk of the hanging tree. He did not inform anyone of his "arrival". During this period of meditation, he would occasionally distract himself to see the "construction status" of the Pure Land.

Li Qingci is directing Tie Wu and Hong Zhong to make a unified plan for the south of Suxuanmu. Currently, the seeds that have been sown are divided into zones.

Because of many years of practicing the art of praying in Shenci Mountain.

Her mental strength is extremely strong.

Those souls whose consciousness had been erased by themselves could "understand" simple instructions, but these instructions required mental power to issue... Gu Shen looked at it for a moment, and saw that these people seemed to be building flower gardens.

Near Suxuanmu, Li Qingci built several wooden houses, some distance away from the ground, with clean foundations. The appearance and quality of these houses were the same as those of the shrines.

In addition, she also built a simple "residence" for the dead souls. The weather in the Pure Land world is changeable. As the god of this new world, Gu Shen's grasp of "weather" is not accurate enough... especially during the Great Cold. During the season, it snows all year round and is extremely cold day and night.

The soul actually feels "cold" as well.

Moreover, all consumption in this world is maintained by Gu Shen.

Rain, snow, wind, fog.

The sun rises, sets, the moon rises, the stars move.

If every soul here wants to survive in the "Pure Land", they need Gu Shen to burn the source material for them... Originally there were only Tie Wu and Hong Zhong. They felt cold, so they built a thatch on the spot. It was a little better to hide in the house at night, and I survived for a while, but now there are more than a hundred souls.

The "coldness" of these people requires extra care and attention.

Celadon built these houses to protect them from the wind and cold, so that the dead souls who were used as coolies would not shiver from the cold... Because of these wooden houses, the overall energy consumption of Gu Shen's Pure Land was reduced by 20%.

The Pure Land is a unique creation in the world.

This is a complete and independent world... It is wonderful to be the god of this world, but it is not a beautiful thing to bear all the expenses of the entire world.

What is needed here is a manager who is "careful about calculations" and "can pinch and cut off".

Gu Shen didn't have the time or ability to do this.

Li Qingci has seen the future Pure Land and knows all the details. It is most suitable for her to handle this errand.

"Now the amount of source material required for the 'Pure Land' has been streamlined."

Gu Shen sighed: "But it's still not enough."

If you have always been in Shenci Mountain, there is no need to worry.

Black flowers cover the mountains here, and the entire disaster realm has accumulated six hundred years of disordered essence, enough for Gu Shen to take at will.

It’s just that there’s always a time to leave—

The "source matter" that Blazing Fire can swallow is always limited. Part of it must be used to transform the fire of vitality, and the other part must be used to maintain the operation of the "Pure Land"... Over time, it will be difficult to complete both.

Do we still have to immerse ourselves in the shrine and retreat?


He took a step forward, staggered slightly, and fell from the hanging tree in just an instant.

"Lord God."

"Mr. Xiao Gu."

The wind roared, and Tie Wu was the first to realize that someone was coming. Li Qingci was busy "ordering troops" and was very anxious for a while. She just looked back in a hurry and said hello briefly.

"Don't pay attention to me."

Gu Shen gave Tie Wu a "keep busy" look. He looked at the newly reclaimed soil and the shrinking souls, obviously afraid of himself.

Gu Shen did not disturb Celadon. He walked alone in this "new garden".

This was previously a wasteland.

After Tiewu came, he sowed the seeds and seedlings grew, but these seedlings were crooked and not very pretty.

Gu Shen didn't care much about this.

Now Li Qingci is here, turning over the old soil and rerooting the seedlings.

The rules of operation of this entire world are defined by Gu Shen. To move seedlings, cut down trees, and re-grow, all you need to do is consume the "source essence". He gave Li Qingci extremely high authority. After all, to be a hands-off shopkeeper, you need to have hands-off skills. The shopkeeper’s consciousness.

Such miracles as "calling the wind and rain" and "calling the sun from month to month".

Li Qingci can implement it on your behalf.

However, she didn't use it very much. She just used part of the "power of divine decree" to plow the wasteland that Tie Wu had previously cultivated. After proper and dense planting, the area of ​​dozens of acres looked much cleaner and fresher.

This is a big project, because the Pure Land is so big that it covers dozens of acres.

Not long after, Li Qingci's voice sounded from behind.

"Mr. Xiao Gu, in my memory... this is a 'golden spike flower garden'. Perhaps because of the cold season, these seedlings have not sprouted yet and are growing slowly."

"Slowly?" Gu Shen asked with a smile, "Are you sure it's not impossible to grow?"

"...It's really not."

Li Qingci hesitated for a moment, then she took out a frozen ear flower covered with ice slag from her sleeve.

"This is one that just grew up not long ago...a flower, well, although it is very small, it still grew."

Gu Shen took the small, stubborn spike flower.

In today's pure land, you can actually see golden spikes of flowers fluttering in the wind.

But those are all due to the "season of continuous spring rain".

He thought.

In winter, everything is dead.

These plants will no longer be able to grow.


Gu Shen's pupils shrank slightly. He looked at the spike flower and his eyes became surprised.


Seeing this, Li Qingci asked curiously: "Is there anything special about this Suihua?"

Gu Shen rubbed it gently with his fingertips.

The golden fringe flowers were crushed by him, the ice slag melted, and after the wind blew, the scattered golden shavings flew and fell.

"Although this fringe flower is small... it contains source essence."

A look of surprise appeared on Gu Shen's face, and he murmured: "So in the four seasons of the Pure Land, although it is windy and rainy and consumes the essence, as long as it is carefully cultivated and waits until it blooms and bears fruit, it will be fed back."

Li Qingci was stunned for a moment, but soon understood what Gu Shen meant.

She now holds the "divine edict" in her hand and can command wind and rain in the pure land, but she has never used it because she knows that every "divine edict" requires the consumption of source matter as a price.

Gu Shen is in seclusion at the shrine, so there is no need to worry about the essence for the time being.

But the temple is not inexhaustible.

The reason why the prayer technique pointed his future to Gu Shen back then was probably because... at the growth rate of the "Pure Land", the temple mountain would soon be hollowed out.

Li's six-hundred-year curse is indeed huge.

But if it is used to support such an infinite world, it becomes insignificant.

"So... you just need to make a sufficient number of golden spikes bloom, and you can be 'self-sufficient'?"

Li Qingci suddenly realized.

"As long as there are no accidents, that's it."

Gu Shen's eyes were complicated.

No wonder Pluto is eager for the "Pure Land". Such a perfect world of cause and effect is more real than any of the seven gods.

The more you pay, the greater the gain.

Once the "Pure Land" is completed and has achieved initial operation.

Then its owner will receive a steady stream of extraordinary sources!

Use these source materials to expand the undead army.

If some of the undead are thrown into the Pure Land... the snowball will get bigger and bigger.

The premise is that the Pure Land needs not only a soul commander who can control the situation, but also a shrewd planting planner. There are only more than a hundred souls today. If there are more, no matter how many... I am afraid it will not be the same as the current situation. Same.

"This flower garden will take about ten days to be initially completed."

Li Qingci used the divine command to float in the air, reaching a height of about a hundred meters above the ground, while Gu Shen stood shoulder to shoulder with her.

Celadon stretched out her fingers and moved them slowly.

This entire flowerbed is in a square shape.

"If you want to wait until the first batch of golden spike flowers sprout, it will take about a month, plus the consumption of one round of 'reserve essence'." She said seriously: "But after that, the consumption of the essence of these one hundred and thirty-four souls will , it can basically be reduced by half, and it will take about two months to be completely 'self-sufficient'."

That's how it started.

There are few people, little land, few flowers, and little source of essence.

But later on, the consumption of source material will become larger and larger, and the output will also become larger and larger.

"I understand... If I leave the temple, the 'source essence' I have stored will first ensure the consumption of the Pure Land."

Gu Shen nodded, and after a full meal, he could still settle the debt. When the Pure Land became self-sufficient, he would then expand, and the source of energy obtained would be a reward for himself.

At that time, he alone was a moving "disaster"!

Blazing Fire will never go hungry again.

You can take as much source material as you need from the Pure Land, and the Pure Land will become a "shrine" you can carry with you!

I have just exited the pure land world and have not yet returned to reality.

Gu Shen's spirit was pulled into the Ling Ling Yao under the deep water area.

He sat on the carriage seat, and Chu Ling projected one scene after another in front of him.

"Something happened over there in Nanzhou."

Chu Ling's tone was calm: "Look at the picture first."

Gu Shen frowned.

The picture shows a butterfly with its wings seems to be wrapped with layers of electrical grid. It is obvious that this is a pattern captured by the [Sky Eye]. It is late at night, and the brightness of the picture has been reduced to the extreme. Very dim.

"What is this dark thing? A moth?"

"Its scientific name is the Queen's Birdwing Butterfly...if you insist on calling it a moth, that's fine." Chu Ling was silent for a second and said: "This is a picture taken on the north bank of the Sangzhou Cave last night. I provide it. Let’s compare it with the real thing.”


Chu Ling zoomed in.

[Sky Eye] After raising it several times, you can see the undulating hills. Although they are not big, the body of the Queen Birdwing Butterfly almost covers a hill...

Only then did Gu Shen realize something was wrong: "How big is this thing?"

"Wingspan fifty-nine meters."


Gu Shen looked a little stunned. His first reaction was, this thing couldn't have been created by Pluto, right?

The golden ear flower is only a hundred meters in size.

How did this moth grow so big?

"Three years ago, the Supreme Court approved the experimental application for the Awakening Act, and chose the Sangzhou Cave as the experimental site..." Chu Ling said slowly: "The day the application was approved, the Sangzhou Cave was completely closed. "

She called up the map of Nanzhou.

On the south coast of Nanzhou, surrounded by the ice sea, Sangzhou Cave is an isolated island on the southernmost coast. Just like the Gubao Fortress on the edge of Beizhou, Sangzhou Cave is probably the bottom of the Five Continents.

Further south, there is the extremely high-risk Sea of ​​Destruction marked on the Extraordinary Map.

"Sangzhou Cave..."

Gu Shen's expression suddenly became serious.

He remembered what Mr. Bai Zhu said to him...

Ruins appeared deep in the ice sea.

After a year of investigation, the seven apostles returned without success, and finally the Storm God Seat went south in person.

"The Sangzhou Cave has been completely sealed for three years. It has not been announced to the outside world to what extent the awakening experiment has progressed... In accordance with the provisions of the bill, the Holy City researchers have absolutely 'sealed' the Sangzhou Cave, and the [Deep Sea] is responsible for monitoring and regularly reporting to the Five Continents Council in the form of a log.”

Chu Ling said calmly: "But just last night, the Holy City Research Institute applied for help from the Five Continents Council."


Gu Shen frowned: "What is the content of the Holy City Research Institute's request for help?"

"Area F has been broken through, and they need reinforcements... Extraordinary beings have broken through the 'cage'." Chu Ling said: "It is worth mentioning that the Queen Birdwing Butterfly just now was covered with a million-volt power grid. According to My prediction is that the 'extraordinary power' awakened by it is [Light Chaser], and the high heat emitted by the voltage is instantly absorbed by it. The person who witnessed all this is called Jeepta, a D-class containment staff of the institute, and is currently missing. , visually estimated to be dead.”

Gu Shen said angrily: "How could the Sangzhou Cave experiment be so crude, using a power grid as a 'cage'? How could this possibly trap extraordinary beings who have awakened their abilities?"

"Maybe they didn't expect that the awakening experiment would actually breed such a monster..."

Chu Ling said lightly: "However, the Sangzhou Cave experiment is not rough. These ten layers of power grid are not a real 'cage'. There are two layers of 'world barriers' made of strong logic materials outside the island. The research institute has carried out quite thorough research." They are preparing to wrap this isolated island into an independent ecological circle...but the reason why they asked for help this time is very simple, that is, the 'barrier' of Sangzhou Cave seems to have been broken through."


Gu Shen had a headache. Why did he think those guys in Nanzhou were so unreliable?

"Last night was the eleventh upgrade of [Deep Sea]. The Sangzhou Cave base was disconnected for a minute. When the barrier suffered heavy damage, the institute's source of supply was interrupted, and the high-level transcendent did not notice it in time... In short, many coincidences They overlapped and this accident happened."

After a pause, Chu Ling said meaningfully: "I think the most fundamental reason why these accidents occurred is that... the god that the Holy City relies on has left for the ice sea and is no longer in Nanzhou."

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