Barrier of Light

Chapter 869 The Long Night on the Ice Sea

"In your words, is this the return of the prodigal son?"

Not long after Zhao Qi left the building, Chu Ling's voice sounded, interrupting Lu Nanzhi's meditation.

The lady looked up.

She thought of Chu Ling's [Source Code] identity, and thought that Chu Ling should be in control of everything that happened in the entire building... Maybe the alarm at the door was sent to her by Chu Ling.

"Maybe so."

Lu Nanzhi smiled and said with emotion: "Zhao Qi's changes in the past few years are indeed unexpected. I thought he came to Huazhi to return to Dadu. Putting aside these things, how is your experiment over there?"

In Madam's life, Zhao Qi was just an unimportant person from beginning to end.

In this meeting, Zhao Qi came for the "Xinyang Fortress" and this problem would be solved, so it was not worth her time to think about it.

"It's going well so far. It will take time to advance the experiment."

Chu Ling sat down and said slowly: "As for the future results, no one knows."

The lady nodded slightly, and then asked cautiously: "That baby...what's going on?"

Previously, she met Chu Ling in the spiritual network and learned about the divine infant.

Chu Ling showed up in the hope that Huazhi would provide technical support and financial help to the neutrals.

With the help of [Source Code], Lu Nanzhi confirmed the identity of Qi Mo Zhuang Su, and funds and technology were no longer a problem.

It's just that she has never seen such a monster as the "God Infant".

Chu Ling was silent for a moment. She thought for a long time about how to explain this "thing" to her wife.

"Many years ago, Huazhi conducted research on the 'Gene Act'. You must have read those documents from that year, right?"

Chu Ling looked into his wife's eyes, and after getting a look of affirmation, he slowly said: "I think the divine baby may be the end point that the genetic bill can reach... This is a truly perfect, flawless embryo. If this world If there is really a container that can carry the 'god', then it is him. Because he is born immortal, time cannot leave any trace on him."

Rumor has it that the most powerful ancient forbidden spell is the spell of immortality. Countless people have gone crazy for the word immortality, and the divine infant... has all these since he was born.


Lu Nanzhi realized the importance of the divine infant.

Her expression became solemn and she said, "According to what you just described, if the existence of the Divine Infant is exposed, the Seven Gods might take action?"


Chu Ling nodded: "The Seven Gods are certainly powerful, but they are not omniscient. At least the existence of this baby... they are not aware of it yet."

The eyes of the Tower of Origin were all focused on Gu Xiaoman. They were already satisfied that they had found the future Master of Wine.

As for Guangming City and Church of Storms, they have their own purposes in Sangzhou Cave.

Because the mountain ash blocked [authority], this extremely important baby was successfully sent to Dadu.

"In this case, the safest place for the divine baby should be Nagano."

Lu Nanzhi rubbed her brows and felt a burst of pressure: "After all, there is no divine throne stationed in the Dadu District... If the existence of this little guy is really exposed..."

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no news will be leaked."

Chu Ling said calmly: "This is also the reason why the 'neutral' was transferred to the negative tenth floor underground. I will ensure the absolute information security of this baby."

She raised her palm again, and countless golden threads spread out from her fingertips.

"This is truly... a miracle."

Lu Nanzhi looked at this scene and murmured with emotion: "I'm afraid no one could have imagined that the [source code] left by Mr. Turing would one day come to earth."

"There are no perfect miracles in this world. My life is limited, only a few days...and every new life may be the last one."

Chu Ling withdrew the golden thread and said in a self-deprecating tone: "Maybe this will be the last time we meet."


Lu Nanzhi smiled bitterly. After an in-depth exchange with Chu Ling, she realized that the woman in front of her was completely different from what she had imagined.

This woman in a red and white goddess costume does not look like an AI.

Every gesture and every word has become one with human beings.

She could sense Chu Ling's emotions.

And more subtle emotions, whether self-deprecating or helpless, can be clearly felt... No matter who looks at it, this is a truly "alive" person.

Lu Nanzhi said: "Miss Chu, what are your future plans?"

Chu Ling lowered his eyes: "At the last moment... I want to go to Nanzhou to see the disappeared island. I heard that an investigation team has been set up in Nagano and will go to the ice sea to investigate. I should join them."

The trivial matters in this world have almost been taken care of.

Going to the Binghai, this is Chu Ling's final arrangement.

She hopes that the end of her life this time will be her death in the ice sea.

Chu Ling did not wait too long. The Nagano investigation team soon arrived in Dadu District.

The list of members of this investigation team is very simple: there are currently only three people, the team leader is Bai Xiaochi, and the team members are Shen Li and Gong Zi.

Most of them came here to invite Chen Mo to go south with them.

Bai Xiu did not join the investigation team. After leaving the cemetery, he left the Snow Forbidden City alone.

No one knows where he is going... As an S-class genius with a lot of resources, it is actually quite bad behavior to leave without saying hello, but no one dares to gossip, because in the Presbyterian Church, except for There is no one at the title level who can be Baixiu's opponent.

So even if a few elders were dissatisfied, they could only swallow it silently.

Fortunately, with Baixiu's current level of cultivation, not many people in Wuzhou can pose a threat to him.

The process of joining the investigation team was smooth.

With Chu Ling's status as a "mausoleum keeper" in the real world and as a "heir of divination", there was no way Bai Xiaochi could refuse.

It's just that she is not interested in the investigation of Gu Shen's death, and she only joins the investigation team to get a free ride.

Nagano's "investigation mission" received support from Hoizhou, and Central City presented a small source energy boat.

In the end, the investigation team determined that the five people took the energy boat and went south.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they landed, the Church of Storms sent a saint to greet them.

Looking at this battle, they had obviously guessed what Nagano was going to do. The investigation team's subsequent operations went very smoothly, and the Church of Storms opened its doors to the investigation team.

It is not difficult to guess what kind of behavior is being done: on the one hand, the Sangzhou Cave has disappeared, and there is no evidence left to search for. Regardless of whether the Holy City cooperates or not, the work of the investigation team will be very difficult to carry out. This investigation has been going on since the beginning. It was destined to be a futile end from the beginning.

On the other hand.

The Holy City was indeed innocent of Gu Shen's death!

Since Nagano suspects that there is a conspiracy behind this case, the Church of Storms naturally supports it fully. They hope that the investigation team can really find out some conspiracy... If this matter involves the Tower of Source or the City of Light, then there will be something good to do. Saw it.

As the weakest party among the five continents, the saints of the Church of Storms hope from the bottom of their hearts that the world can be more peaceful before the return of the throne of God, or that conflicts may arise in the other four continents and tit-for-tat turmoil may arise.

This way their stress will be much less.

The cloud of dust that Lu Zhe picked up on Tan Yao Mountain Ridge was the only clue for the investigation team.

Bai Xiaochi's [Illumination] ability can separate blood and decipher extraordinary factors, but there are too many blood samples in the dust, from dozens of sources.

[Zhao Ming]'s analytical ability is powerful enough, but [Tan Yao] has too many sources of blood on the mountain... There are beast spirits running on the ground, and birds falling from high altitudes. It is difficult to obtain the blood of these beasts after awakening. It can be seen that since it is not in the [Deep Sea] database, the first task of the investigation team is to search for related species in the ice sea area to find the surviving beast spirits after awakening.

They can only use the elimination method.

Now that Chu Ling has joined the investigation team, she naturally has to integrate into this group... Although she has reached the end of this investigation problem and knows that Gu Shen is not dead, she is also curious about the truth behind the Sangzhou Cave incident.

In fact, she couldn't understand it either.

After disconnecting the link, what happened that caused Gu Shen to be "buried" in the explosion of [Tan Yao].

The Holy City's cooperation greatly improved the efficiency of the investigation team's operations.

However, the analysis of these blood samples cannot be completed overnight. After two weeks, the investigation team screened out several blood samples with investigative value.

The source of the blood recorded in one of the databases has been identified...

It is the blood of the Suzaku Divine Envoy.

In other words, the Suzaku Divine Envoy once appeared in the [Tan Yao] ridge area.

According to this result, Suzaku has a high probability... that he is dead.

When the Nagano investigation team announced the results of the blood sample, it caused a ridiculous chain reaction: the Tower of Source could no longer hide it. They immediately announced the news that the Suzaku Divine Envoy was dead, and immediately made the selection public. The next divine envoy... Shangcheng doesn't care about Suzaku's life or death at all, because they have found the perfect "Lord of Wine".

There will always be four divine messengers.

And there is only one Tinder owner who is a perfect fit.

Another source of the remaining blood was confirmed to be Adam, a famous scholar from the upper city... The reason why Gu Shen lost contact was to escort Adam to the core area for investigation.

The results of this sample confirmed that Adam was also dead.

However, from these blood samples, Bai Xiaochi also extracted a familiar extraordinary factor, which was the extraordinary power of the "S-class criminal" Owl who had appeared in the metropolitan area.

Bloody flames.

Although there is only a very faint wisp.

But this means... the power of blood and fire once appeared in the core area of ​​[Tan Yao].

Based on a vague extraordinary factor of blood and fire, it is actually impossible to draw more conclusions.

The final guess of the investigation team is that when Gu Shen and Ya were exploring the core area, they encountered the "Owl" hiding here, and eventually started a difficult battle, and both of them died here.

But it is worth mentioning that among these blood samples, [Zhao Ming] did not reveal Gu Shen's blood or the extraordinary factors of blazing fire.

This is weird.

This probably means... Gu Shen didn't bleed?

But if this battle is not difficult, then why can't Gu Shen escape?

Bai Xiaochi couldn't understand this, but grabbing the clues of "Blood Fire", the investigation team began to hold Nanzhou Holy City accountable. They questioned the real reason why the church did not clear up the high-risk existence of "Blood Fire" in time... If There is a connection and cover between the Holy City and "Blood Fire", so this may be a targeted conspiracy!

Since Sangzhou Cave has been destroyed, no one knows what happened on that day, and no one can prove it.

The church was unable to refute for a while.

Those saints never expected that after checking around, the investigation team would be the first to target them!

Chunli's response was decisive.

Compensation and apology... whatever Nagano wants, they will give it.

He knew very well that with this small amount of "blood fire" extraordinary factor, the investigation team could not explain the truth of Gu Shen's death... This could not be the truth.

Since the "guests" are here, they always have to give something.

After bowing their heads in the Holy City, the southbound mission of Bai Xiaochi's investigation team came to an ineffectual end in the Holy City... This seemed to be the best ending after everyone's best efforts.

They touched the truth.

But only a little.

The murderer who really "killed" Gu Shen didn't shed a drop of blood at all.

The investigation team's mission is over, and Chu Ling's life is coming to an end.

The few black flowers she brought from the temple had burned out the last source of essence. This detail was not discovered by anyone.

She knew that she had very little time left, and she might not even be able to make it back to Dongzhou.

So instead of returning on the investigation team's energy boat, she chose to leave alone.

Little Iron Man was not at ease and asked to accompany him, but was rejected.

Chu Ling had no way to explain to Shen Li that his "life" was cyclical, short and long. He was going to die this time, so he could only refuse.

At the end of this life, she hopes to "die" alone in the ice sea.

In a quiet late night, Chu Ling came to the northern edge of the ice sea alone. She picked up the hem of the ancient clothes that were not stained by dust, and slowly stepped into the sea water.

She had seen this sea in Gu Shen's "vision".

There used to be an island here, but now it is empty. Because winter is approaching, the sea surface is also covered with a thin layer of ice, making the view look particularly empty and desolate.

Chu Ling couldn't see anything.

So she began to rely on the power of fate.

Chu Ling put down her clothes and let the waves engulf her knees. Her fingertips began to break and turned into countless fluorescent lights. The extending golden thread of divination rolled towards the end of the sea level. Divination could not predict fire, so she could not predict her fate. to find Gu Shen's location... The last solution she could think of was to try to search the sea area in this stupid way.

This is of course fruitless.

Chu Ling stood in the cold sea water, and her body became illusory and transparent.

The golden thread of fate tries to run through the ice sea, but the longer it stretches, the smaller it becomes.

This time, the golden thread did not connect the two.

Before Chu Ling died, he saw nothing.

The goddess disappeared in the long night.

The golden thread sank in the dead water.

At the same time, the ice sea is far, far away.

A withered figure sitting in front of the stone wall seemed to have woken up from a deep sleep. He trembled slightly and spit out a few scattered bubbles.


Gu Shen opened his eyes.

I don't know why, but he suddenly couldn't get into concentration, and he felt a very sour feeling...

He wanted to open his eyes to take a look, but after opening his eyes, he saw nothing.

All he could see was darkness.

In the depths of the ice sea, there is no light, only eternal night.

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