Barrier of Light

Chapter 870 Living towards death

This was the seventy-third day that Gu Shen was conscious.

In the depths of the ice sea, there are no sunrises and moonsets, only tidal waves. Endless darkness engulfs this small immortal stone wall. Perhaps it is because countless animal spirits in Sangzhou Cave were thrown into the volcano in the end. This formation pattern It absorbed a lot of life force and became extremely strong. It not only withstood volcanic eruptions, but also withstood the corrosion of deep ocean currents...

But this doesn't change Gu Shen's predicament.

Time loses its meaning here.

But Gu Shen didn't give up. He started counting from the day he woke up.

He separated a ray of blazing fire and threw it into the pure land world, counting the flow of time every minute and every second.

If "time" is really lost, then there is no difference between "living" and "dead".

"The price we need to pay for crossing the border three times is too high."

Gu Shen came to his own heart lake through meditation. His soul condensed into a small figure. He stood in front of the heart lake and looked into the distance, taking a deep breath.

The scale of this spiritual sea is simply too huge.

The spiritual sea of ​​extraordinary beings on the ninth level of the ordinary deep sea is probably only one-twentieth of that here!

Even among the ranks of fourth-level powerhouses, this spiritual sea is a top-notch existence!

Three transcendences gave Gu Shen the top-level fourth-level mental power on the ninth level of the deep sea, but it became extremely difficult for him to continue to transcend the realm...

The more realms you transcend, the stronger and more difficult it is to break through realms!

"If I don't kill the owl, I need to increase the blazing fire first, and then turn the blazing fire into the 'fire of vitality'..."

Gu Shen stood on the heart lake and sighed softly: "Fortunately, there is blood and fire now, which saves the first step."

Xiao Xiao has been hiding in Sangzhou Cave for many years, and has accumulated a lot of family property in the stone wall with the immortality spell formation. He has become the last oriole, swallowing all his blood and fire!

The soul villain is sitting cross-legged on the heart lake.

A fire of vitality ignited between Gu Shen's eyebrows. This flame, which symbolized "vitality", was continuously absorbing nutrients. A large amount of blood fire was summoned around the soul, flying out and turning into dots of blood-colored light and shadow. Skimming between Gu Shen's eyebrows... This is the necessary homework to advance to the fourth level, and there is no shortcut.

But in fact, swallowing blood and fire is already a shortcut.

Without these blood and fire, Gu Shen really didn't know that he would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey to advance to the fourth level... Because the amount of blazing fire he had was far from enough, this first step might be stuck for a long time.

Now the cross-legged figure on the heart lake is constantly drawing blood and fire.

He can also do two things at once, and at the same time use the source matter to feed back the blazing fire in the pure land.

The state of mind of spectators ensures absolute efficiency.

Time passes like this little by little...

On the 294th day, the blood and fire were completely drained and turned into the "fire of vitality" belonging to Gu Shen. The embryo of the domain could now cover a thin layer of Gu Shen's body surface, but it was four steps away from being promoted. The "field" of the first level is still far from being released, because the inner lake has expanded, so the field of vitality fire still needs more raw materials.

Gu Shen was already prepared, and he began to transform his own part of the "blazing fire".

In the deep sea, it is not without life.

During the two hundred and ninety-four days of intensive practice, he would often see some huge deep-sea fish passing by the Immortal Stone Wall... It may be because the "ancient text formation" acted as a shield. These deep-sea fish They didn't notice Gu Shen's presence, so they didn't launch an attack.

They are really huge.

The eyes of some fishes alone are larger than the entire formation land!

They swam past, and the waves stirred by their tails kept pushing Gu Shen forward to unknown distances.

Gu Shen was unable to resist and was too lazy to resist.

Anyway, he has already lost his way, and he does not rely on the source of energy in the ice sea to survive.

So wandering around in the depths of this ice sea, it doesn’t matter where you go…

During this time, he also discovered that the source of ancient times remained in the ice sea. It was not as completely extinct as Wuzhou imagined.

The reason why these fish survive is because their group genes have changed... Although there is no direct contact, Gu Shen's intuition suggests that those extremely large fish should have completed extraordinary awakening, and several of them even gave Gu Shen It brought a strong sense of oppression!

Their strength is likely to be no less than those of the strong ones standing on top of the pyramid among the human race!

"These deep-sea fish should rely on the unique source of water deep in the ice sea to sustain their lives... so they can never swim to the offshore area."

"But the existence of extraordinary life in such a place means that there are other 'ethnic groups' alive in the deepest part of the ice sea?"

In the past six hundred years, humans have been moving northward.

Because the north is our former home.

But the southern ice sea is rarely explored...

The living environment of the Ice Sea is worse than the [Old World], and it is too large. Once a powerful extraordinary team went south to the sea, went extremely deep, and finally returned empty-handed. This made everyone give up the desire to explore the Ice Sea. After all, every time I go north to the [Old World], I can discover something more or less.

Piece together unknown maps, dig out ancient sealed artifacts, and find lost ancient texts.

These are all things that exploring the northern [Old World] can bring.

And the ice sea.

It's too big and too cold here. If you go to sea, you often won't bring anything back.

There is no point in going to sea without gaining anything.

As a result, fewer and fewer people step into the ice sea.

"Wait a minute... If I just keep drifting with the ocean currents, I won't be sent to the legendary [Ice Sea Ruins], right?"

An unexpected thought flashed through Gu Shen's mind.

Then he shook his head and laughed at himself.

"What are you thinking about? The probability is too small..."

If we want to talk about what human beings have gained from exploring the ice sea for so many years... maybe the only gain is the so-called [ice sea ruins].

This matter has been fermenting for a long time. At first, the apostles went south together and found that they could not handle the ruins. Then the Storm God Seat went to sea in person. However, it may be because it is too far away. Until now, no news from the Storm God Seat has been sent back to the five continents. .

"The ice sea is so big, the ruins are just a small dot..."

Gu Shen smiled faintly and looked at the stone wall fluttering at a turtle's speed in the ocean current. "And even if there is really 'precision guidance', how long will it take to get there? Ten years? One hundred years?"

This rock wall drifts very slowly in the ocean current.


If you encounter some obstacles, you may even stop moving and may be stuck for several days.

"I'd better not think too much and seize the time to practice..."

Gu Shen looked up at the boundless deep sea. Every time his mental power made some breakthrough, he would try to extend it to the outside world.

It is most important to first test and understand where you are.


Currently, his mental strength is not strong enough to see the world above sea level.

Time is like a horse, fleeting.

Day 730.

This is the second year since Gu Shen became conscious.

His blazing fire reserve has finally been converted, but there is still a gap between being promoted to the fourth level... Next is the final "tough battle". He needs to produce more blazing fire himself to transform the fire of vitality and advance to the fourth level... The progress bar for the fourth level is probably 70% complete.

The last 30% is the most time-consuming step.

During these days of seclusion and practice, he once again achieved a breakthrough in his concentration, and his use of spirit has also improved to a higher level.

Due to the extreme silence in the deep sea, he upgraded from multitasking at the beginning to "three tasks at once".

One mind transforms into three, a ray of spirit is blazing in the pure land of practice, and a ray of spirit is transformed into the fire of vitality in the heart lake.

The last ray is to rest under the hanging trees in the pure land, quietly comprehending the pattern of immortality.

No one can endure the extremely ethereal and silent environment under the deep sea.

Even those extraordinary beings who have reached a high level of cultivation find it difficult to endure.

This is really a cruel torture...

Every time the Beizhou Survey Corps leaves the fortress, no matter whether it is a long journey or not, they always perform tasks in small teams. On the one hand, there are many people to take care of each other, and on the other hand, there are many people and it is lively. In that kind of environment where nothing matters, It would be good to hear even a little noise.

The "quiet" state of a normal extraordinary person can be solved at any time.

If you have a mental problem in a quiet room, you can leave the retreat at any time.

But the deep sea is different——

Due to being in a state of "silence" for a long time in the real world, Gu Shen's spirit has become slightly disordered. If it were anyone else, he might have gone crazy during the two years of deep sea retreat.

The reason why Gu Shen is not crazy is because he has a "pure land".

In his own country, he also has Li Qingci, Iron Five...

Those low-level souls cannot communicate, but they can still be regarded as beings with a certain degree of consciousness.

Whenever Gu Shen completed a certain stage of enlightenment, he would go to Li Qingci and teach him the dismantled ancient text on the art of immortality.

Gu Shen did not tell those in the Pure Land what he had encountered in the real world.

But Li Qingci still sensed something was wrong...

On this day, the spiritual teaching of some ancient texts on the longevity technique ended, and Li Qingci asked directly: "Gu Shen, is there something going on in the real world?"

Gu Shen raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why do you ask so suddenly?"

"You have been practicing in the Pure Land for a long time. You would not be like this normally."

Li Qingci's answer was simple: "Don't say you can multi-task...Only when you are in seclusion in the real world can you dare to immerse yourself in the pure land world with confidence. If I guess correctly, you mentioned things in the real world last time , when we were still at Sangzhou Cave.”

Say it.

She pointed to Adam who was directing the cultivation in the pure land garden in the distance.

Adam's soul was shattered on Tan Yao Mountain, and was taken into the Pure Land by Gu Shen... In the past few years, the Pure Land world has more than doubled, and all the flowerbeds surrounding Suxuanmu have returned to their original places, and the amount of source matter output has gradually begun. The growth rate is increasing, and those leaf seedlings that have braved the frost and cold and forced themselves out of the soil are called miracles of the pure land.

It's all thanks to Adam.

What Adam studies is "the origin of sefirot".

After he discovered these green leafy plants that could emit extraordinary essence, he pounced on them like a hungry wolf seeing the food.

These plants directly touched the end of the origin of sefirot. In order to touch the truth of the great truth, Adam once forgot to sleep and eat... although the souls in the pure land do not need to sleep or eat.

In the beginning, Adam often came to Gu Shen, either to pray for rain or to fertilize.

Later, Gu Shen tactfully told Adam that the world needed sefirah to function, and the sefirah in the Pure Land could not support frequent rains.

From that day on, Adam began the long mission of "curving to save seedlings". He decided to take those low-level souls to first plant the flower beds around the Suxuan tree, and then collect the seeds under the frozen soil of the Pure Land world, and carry out the mission one by one. Nurture.

After all, only with sufficient source matter can the "Master of the World" perform miraculous operations such as rainfall and sunshine.

"It has been more than two years since Adam entered the Pure Land world. Even if there is no more trouble after the Sangzhou Cave mission is completed, you will not be in seclusion for so long." Li Qingci said calmly: "The most important thing is... you have been sitting in seclusion for the past two years. He practiced under the hanging tree and didn't tell me any news about Qingsui."

"As expected, I still can't hide it from you."

After hearing this, Gu Shen lowered his eyebrows.

He did not choose to continue to conceal it, but confessed: "Something did happen in the real world. The specific situation is difficult to describe. You only need to know... I am buried deep in the ice sea, maybe several kilometers, maybe ten thousand meters." rice."

"Deep in the Ice Sea?"

Li Qingci was startled.

Although I had already had psychological expectations, this news is still a bit ridiculous.

"Don't worry, I'm the only one buried in the sea of ​​ice."

Gu Shen said calmly: "The [Tan Yao] broke out in Sangzhou Cave, the Church of Storms used its authority to push the island into the ice sea, and finally the island disintegrated... Well, that's probably what happened."


Li Qingci's expression was very exciting. She suddenly remembered something and asked in horror: "Wait, you mean... you have been buried under the sea of ​​ice for two years?"

Gu Shen nodded silently.

"The source of essence born from the pure land is enough for me to maintain basic life activities... As long as there is no problem with my spirit, this state can continue."

Li Qingci looked at Gu Shen in bewilderment and said, "Are you sure you are not dead, and now your spirit after death is staying with us 'dead people'?"


Gu Shen was a little helpless.

He sighed: "To be honest, I have gradually begun to have some mental problems recently. The idea you just mentioned, I have had similar illusions before. But in the real world, my heart can still beat, although My physical functions are beginning to weaken, but I’m probably still alive... right?”

Li Qingci heard it.

The last word means that Gu Shen himself is not sure.

After saying this, Gu Shen's spirit left under the hanging tree felt a little dazed, not tired, but "numb".

"not good……"

Li Qingci had a premonition that something was wrong.

She took a deep breath, squatted down quickly, and shook Gu Shen's shoulders vigorously.

Everything is quiet, everything is silent.

This state... is actually no different from death.

"Gu Shen, can you hear me?"

Looking at Gu Shen in a daze, Li Qingci tried to continue the conversation, but the other party had no response.

"The Pure Land is still in the 'severe winter', and this place is in the state closest to death, just like you at this moment."

She hurriedly spoke, shouting in a low voice, raising her arms, pointing to the frost-covered hanging tree branches, and reminded loudly: "Didn't Mr. Gu Changzhi leave you the Four Seasons Breathing Technique? You have successfully embarked on the path of reverse practice." That's the step...Gu Shen, you have to believe in yourself and you can live towards death!"


In the real world on the 730th day.

The deep ocean currents make a dull sound of bubbles.

The eyelids trembled slightly as he leaned against the withered and skeleton-like figure sitting on the immortal stone wall.

Gu Shen was mentally disturbed. He vaguely remembered Li Qingci's shout and the last four words.

Live towards death.

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