Barrier of Light

Chapter 935: Overturning the chessboard (Second update! Please vote for me!)

The golden glow of Qingzhong Cemetery flows in the sky.

The shadows of several people were reflected on the stone walls of the inner mausoleum.

"There are some things that we can't say yet. If you are smart enough, you should be able to guess the truth."

Mr. Bai Shu gave up and said slowly: "The reason why we have this meeting today is because everyone here is an extremely important member of the plan."

Gu Shen, Chu Ling, Song Ci, and Gu Xiaoman all looked extremely solemn.

What Mr. Bai Zhu just meant is that there is someone higher than the Queen and his "status"?

"Wait, what is the truth, what is the... plan you said?"

Song Ci looked confused.

He is not good at strategy and layout, and he knows that his brain is relatively simple. The initial number Gu Shen mentioned earlier, ancient civilization, has almost burned out his CPU.

Now there is another plan inexplicably...

Gu Shen spoke in a low voice: "The plan you mentioned... is to kill the God Throne."

Kill the throne!

As soon as these three words came out, even the carefree Song Ci broke out in cold sweat from behind.


Bai Shu nodded, then shook his head: "Not entirely."

Many years ago, he told Gu Shen that he and the Queen were going to join forces to kill a god... Because the situation between the five continents has been fixed, the war between gods will definitely break out in the future. Instead of letting the City of Light and the Tower of Source join forces with the Church of Storms to perform Instead of suppressing it, it is better to take the lead and seize the upper hand!

At that time, Baizhu's target was Storm!

"If I remember correctly, the target back then was the Storm God's Throne, and now the Church of Storms has announced that it will join the Central City Nagano Alliance..."

Gu Shen calmly analyzed the situation: "So you decided to change people. Who is the real target, Sky, Guangming?"

Mr. Bai Shu smiled and said nothing.

He decided to let the young people in front of him guess for a while before announcing the answer.

"...Aba Aba."

Song Ci's mind wasn't working very well anymore. He looked at Gu Shen and then at Chu Ling, quietly waiting for the answer.

Gu Xiaoman was also silent, but she had already guessed what the so-called plan was.

She suddenly thought of something that Red Dragon had often said to herself in the past few years.

Those words must never be spoken in the borders of Central Continent. Once they are spoken, it will cause huge waves.

The red dragon said to himself that the Tower of Source is actually a tower of bones. The higher you go up, the less flesh and blood you get.

Qinglong regards all living beings as chess pieces, sets up chess games, plays with people's hearts, and enjoys it.

But all sentient beings should not regard themselves as chess pieces. If she, the master of wine, can reach a high position one day, she needs to let everyone know that even if the fuel is small, it can still burn. As long as the little things add up, the chess pieces can also become the chess players. .

The red dragon said a lot, a lot.

Gu Xiaoman remembered these words in his heart.

It was precisely for this reason that she stayed in the Tower of Origin - she was very reluctant when she was picked up by the red dragon, but only after having close contact with the rumored ruthless first divine envoy, she discovered , Red Dragon is different from those "Tower of Source Law Enforcers" who killed innocent people in Sangzhou Cave.

Red Dragon was also ordered to kill people, but the more reason was that he wanted to stay in the Tower of Source and sit in the position closest to God to deceive God's trust.

Want to overthrow Qinglong.

This "sacrifice" must be made.

If killing one person can save millions of people, Red Dragon will not hesitate. He is willing to bear the responsibility of this crime with his own body, even if he is infamous in future generations and no one knows the truth.

Neiling was briefly quiet for a few seconds.

Until Gu Xiaoman's voice sounded.

She said calmly: "I guess your goal is not any one of the gods, but all of them."

Bai Zhu looked at the future wine master with a smile.

"Qinglong has put all his efforts into recruiting me into the Tower of Origin. He wants me to inherit the 'Fire of Wine' so that I can take over Di Jiu's position and become the next 'Lord of Wine'."

Gu Xiaoman said slowly: "Mr. Tianshui also hopes that I will become the 'Lord of Wine', but his purpose is different from Qinglong's. This person who holds the title wants to use the power of the 'Lord of Wine' to overthrow the Qing Dynasty." He will use the throne of Qinglong to reform the upper city and even the entire Central Continent, just like he did when he assisted Qinglong to ascend the throne."

When she said these words, she didn't look like a child in her early ten years.

Calm and composed, anger can swallow a tiger.

Bai Zhu smiled and said: "Continue."

"If you want to kill Qinglong, it's not enough to rely on an illusory 'Lord of Wine' with no character. I guess Mr. Tianshui must have contacted you."

Gu Xiaoman said: "I'm afraid you are the 'main force' who killed Tian Tian."

There was obvious approval in Mr. Bai Shu's eyes, but he neither admitted nor denied it.

"Guangming City will not agree to the fall of the Sky God's Throne... So if you want to kill Sky, you will definitely involve Guangming."

"That's why the two major alliances were formed."

Gu Xiaoman's analysis was clear and logical.

Song Ci on the side cast a look of admiration and envy.

"So I guess your real plan is to kill the sky and the light. As for the 'Storm Throne' swinging from both ends, it won't end well after it's done."

Gu Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and lowered his voice: "Anyway, if I can become the 'Lord of Wine', I will never let the 'Storm' go."

Let the sacrificer serve as a lead to ignite the Five Continents Fleet.

This move of the Church of Storms made Gu Xiaoman very dissatisfied... She had long wanted to eliminate extreme beliefs. Whether it was light or storm, they were all the same in her eyes!

She will never forget.

Sangzhou Grottoes became devastated precisely because they were poisoned by faith.

"That makes sense."

Mr. Bai Shu sighed: "You can already see so many things at such a young age... Mr. Tianshui must have put a lot of effort into your cultivation."

"Actually, I haven't met 'Mr. Tianshui' yet."

Gu Xiaoman shook his head and said: "If you really want to talk about cultivation, the person who has trained me in the Tower of Source in the past few years has always been the Red Dragon."

She was not grateful to Tian Shui.

Gu Xiaoman knew very well that she was now a chess piece, or a butcher's knife.

The person holding the sword has Qingwu on one side and Tianshui on the other.

It doesn't matter to her. She is a sword, so she only needs to know her true intention and decide the direction of the attack at the last moment.

Do we still need to be grateful to those who try to control us?

Bai Shu said slowly: "The real 'plan'... is bigger."

"It's [Deep Sea]."

Chu Ling, who had been silent all this time, gave the answer at this moment.

Except for Bai Zhu, everyone else's expressions changed.

"deep sea……"

Gu Shen was the first to react. He looked at Mr. Bai Shu and murmured: "What you really want to uproot is not a certain divine throne, but the 'deep sea network' that connects the five continents..."

So the person who is planning and strategizing behind the scenes.

Already ready to come out.

"The ultimate goal is [the deep sea]."

Bai Shu said calmly: "If you want to understand it as killing 'Light' and 'Sky', there is actually no problem. Because [Deep Sea] is just a network, it has no entity, and there is no way to kill... We can only kill The most powerful living things in the world are these two.”

"Why kill [Deep Sea]?"

Gu Xiaoman's face was filled with shock.

She never imagined that the real target of the two gods' plans was the [Deep Sea]!

"Gu Changzhi, the previous Battle God of Dongzhou, went to the [Old World] to perform a top-secret mission thirty years ago... He fell into a deep sleep after returning to the Five Continents, which coincided with the massacre of the Ancient Wen Society. This is A well-arranged and well-connected plan.”

Bai Zhu was very patient with this young girl.

He said slowly: "The person who arranged this massacre plan was [Deep Sea]. Some people have always suspected that [Deep Sea] has awakened its autonomous consciousness, but more people regard it as a joke... But the reality is not funny at all. Because [Deep Sea] has completely taken over the world of extraordinary beings and is trying to integrate the ordinary and the extraordinary. The awakening experiment in Sangzhou Cave is just the beginning."

"Awakening experiment..."

Gu Xiaoman was stunned.

She will always remember the bloody night in Sangzhou Cave. Not only humans, but also a large number of beasts awakened under the stimulation of the [Deep Sea].

Bai Shu said slowly: "According to the procedures of the World Parliament, after the awakening experiment in Sangzhou Cave is completed, the 'Awakening Act' can officially enter the application stage..."

“The Woke Act was not a success.”

Gu Shen whispered: "Sangzhou Cave has sunk."

"But the source of chaos in the ice sea has indeed dissipated." Bai Shu said: "The Awakening Act serves to eliminate 'chaos', and the parliament only looks at the data."

Gu Shen immediately said: "But the highest seat has veto power."

"That's the Awakening Act will not be implemented in Eastern Continent, but what about Western Continent and Central Continent?"

Bai Shu asked: "If they decide to disclose the 'Awakening Act' to citizens, do Central City and Nagano still have a choice? As for 'balancing'... it is even more of a joke."

There is an upper limit to the information difference that a program like balancing can handle.

If both continents activate the Awakening Act, allowing all citizens to become extraordinary...

Then Central City and Nagano have no choice.

"The War of Gods is scary, but what is more terrifying than the War of the 'National Awakening'." Bai Shu said coldly: "I can accept that Wuzhou has completely entered the 'Transcendent Era', but I cannot accept the spirit of every extraordinary person. The sea is controlled by [Deep Sea]... If that day comes, everyone will be wiped out with just one thought from [Deep Sea]."

Gu Shen remembered the scene of countless animal spirits in Sangzhou Cave being manipulated by the owl.

If the Awakening Act is promoted across five continents...

Maybe everyone will become a beast.

"I have a question."

Song Ci rubbed his brows and whispered: "Guangming and Tiantian, no matter how different their political opinions are, they are still human beings. They have smelted fire, but they cannot be regarded as real 'gods'... If the truth is really as you say. , why do they side with [Deep Sea]?"

"You have already told me the answer."

Gu Shen answered for Bai Shu: "Because they are not real 'gods', so they want to become real 'gods'."

"What is a true god?"

"Immortal, immortal, disease-free, pain-free, physically immortal, and spiritually eternal."

Gu Shen asked, "What do you think these adjectives look like when added together?"

These adjectives, put together... almost mean [deep sea].

Song Ci's pure heart felt a huge shock again.

"A long time ago, AI's chess ability surpassed that of humans. If it were played on a chessboard, humans would have no chance of winning."

Chu Ling's voice was calm, as if she had already known the so-called final plan: "If humans want to win this game... they cannot follow the rules of chess."

"But if the final opponent is [Deep Sea]." Gu Xiaoman murmured: "How to win?"

"Want to win..."

Gu Shen took a deep breath.

"It can only overturn the chessboard."

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