Barrier of Light

Chapter 936 Chasing the Sun (Third update! Please vote for me!)

The ultimate goal of the two gods is [the deep sea].

But how to start a war with [Deep Sea]?

How can we defeat [Deep Sea]?

Mr. Bai Shu did not answer these questions... He finally left Gu Shen alone.

The empty inner mausoleum was covered by the golden glow, and the divine realm descended. Gu Shen came to the Four Seasons Wilderness, and he saw the secret coffin lying in the wilderness.

"In the year 628 of the New Calendar, Turing fled north."

"This was originally a silent escape, but [Deep Sea] obtained the exact route to escape north and laid out a careful interception plan."

Bai Shu stood in front of the secret coffin. He said slowly: "That night, the Guwenhui team escorting Turing to escape north was intercepted at Xinyang Fortress on the northwest border, and a fierce battle broke out."

This is a past that no one knows about.

Gu Shen listened quietly.

He wanted to know what was the reason that made Nagano's number one genius, second only to Gu Changzhi, unable to recover.

This past was buried in the ground, and now it has finally come to light.

"I wasn't in that fight."

Bai Shu smiled softly and said: "Because I have never been a member of the Ancient Literature Society. Before the Ancient Literature Society was wanted by the whole world, I only knew about the existence of this organization... Li Rou invited me more than once. But I chickened out.”

" helps people."

Bai Shu said leisurely: "Zhou Jiren hadn't received the 'title' at that time, and he was not the so-called 'towering tree'. This old guy was an idle guy who did not do his job properly, but he was able to do some good things. The adjudication office was able to be established so smoothly because of his strong recommendation. At that time, Gu Changzhi was in his prime and decided to change the structure of Dongzhou. Under the lobbying of Zhou Jiren, he mobilized Nagano's efforts to establish Three Institutes, and in the name of 'fighting', the Three Institutes system was forced to spread across the nine major regions of Dongzhou."

"The original Grand Adjudicator was Zhou Jiren, the Grand Commander was Gu Qilin, and the Grand Judge was Jing Shanyan."

Bai Shu smiled and said: "You should know these three, they are all our own, right?"

Zhou Jiren is the "031" of the Ancient Literature Society.

Jing Shanyan is a spy of Gu Wen Hui Zhe Qian.

Not to mention Mr. Gu Qilin, he is older than everyone here, so he has known everything for a long time and is aloof from it all.

"I don't understand. Is there any necessary connection between this and your not adding ancient texts?" Gu Shen was confused.

"The original position of 'Grand Adjudicator' is mine."

Bai Shu said calmly: "Gu Changzhi invited me more than once. He believes that with my strength, sitting as the Grand Adjudicator can best convince the public. As long as I am here, I can suppress all chaos in the three institutions."

Gu Shen understood instantly.

Back then, Baizhu... indeed had the ability to serve as the Grand Adjudicator.

If he takes action, who dares to disobey?

"I was too young at that time, and I was still obsessed with whether to stay or leave the Dou Zhan Huozhi. I also stubbornly believed that I had hope to surpass Gu Changzhi in the second half of the road..."

Bai Shu laughed at himself: "How can a firefly who is unwilling to be extinguished in the light of the sun be willing to be the Grand Adjudicator? What's more, this is a position that belongs to Zhou Jiren."

Gu Shen was silent.

He could probably understand Bai Zhu's pain.

This is a genius who transcends all eras in the true sense. No matter which era he is placed in, he is worthy of the word "fighting".

But he happened to meet Gu Changzhi.

Seeing Gu Changzhi smelting fire and still not giving up, how much confidence does this have?

But it's a pity.

The gap between the two will only grow wider.

Gu Shen murmured: "You don't want to take away the position that belongs to the teacher... so you gave up the 'Grand Adjudicator?'"

Bai Shu said calmly: "Maybe these are just excuses... At that time, I was not interested in anything other than surpassing Gu Changzhi. The only thing in my heart was to defeat him and regain the recognition of Fire."

"At that time, I was carrying the hopes of the entire Bai family. If I lost to Gu Changzhi and Huozhong, my life would be dark."

"I see no light."

"Only Gu Changzhi, this suffocating sun, is clearly in front of me, just a little bit away... but always out of reach."

To be able to make a god-seat say such words.

How desperate is this?

Gu Shen cleared his mind, but he still didn't understand... what all this had to do with the woman in the coffin.

"The Bai Clan has a rule. The top three geniuses of each generation will have an exclusive 'protector'."

Bai Shu looked at the woman in the coffin and his voice became softer: "Li Rou's father is my 'protector'. He lives with his daughter in the ancestral hall and protects me, so Li Rou and I We grew up together, studying, literate, practicing and competing, and we were inseparable. It’s just that I entered the country too quickly, and soon I no longer needed the ‘protector’... After the protector left the ancestral hall, she still stayed with me. .”

"My family has sacrificed a lot for me."

"At first, I just thought that Li Rou and my childhood sweetheart were childhood sweethearts."

"Later I found out... It turns out that a genius like me must not have any accidents. The family has arranged a lot of 'sacrifice', some guarding me in the dark, and some integrating into my life."

Gu Shen stared blankly at the woman in the coffin and already guessed: "So... Li Rou is actually the person Bai arranged for you to sacrifice her life?"


Bai Shu said softly: "I once ordered her to abandon her identity as a 'life-sacrifice' and not stay with me. She obeyed on the surface, but later I learned that the head of the Bai family used to control the 'life-sacrifice' The method is very cold-blooded. The 'hypnotic seeds' planted in the depths of the spiritual sea force them to follow their mission. As long as the Bai family needs it, these people will sacrifice their lives for the superiors to take at any time. Many people who sacrifice their lives feel this way. Desperate, but unable to resist."

"Li Rou and I grew up together and practiced in Nagano. She likes to study ancient Chinese literature, and she and Zhou Ji are considered colleagues. I see all of this."

"If I didn't have the burden of my family, I should be able to live a more free and easy life."

"There are some regrets that I won't have time to say out loud until we say goodbye forever."


"These... are all things for later."

Bai Zhu stretched out his hand and gently hovered over the face of the woman in the coffin.

He spoke slowly and for a long time.

"In order to defeat Gu Changzhi, I visited Beizhou and challenged famous generals. During the Red War, the fortresses in various continents were in chaos. I didn't care about the situation of the war. I only cared about whether I could become stronger... In order to chase Gu Changzhi, I Beizhou ran around, defeating powerful enemies one after another."

"I was immersed in the illusion of chasing the sun and forgot everything."

"Until one day, the general of the First Legion, Jin Yuan, challenged me. Jin Yuan is my dream opponent. He is very powerful and is known as the most powerful extraordinary person closest to the gods."

"The location of the battle between the Golden Apes is not far from Xin Yang Fortress."

There is quite a lot of information in this passage.

Gu Shen stroked his hand silently.

The only place Turing must pass to escape north happens to be the "Xinyang Fortress", and the so-called First Legion is obviously the back-up force arranged by [Deep Sea].

There is another very important message...

The name of General Golden Ape has been removed from the [Deep Sea] database.

After the Red War, the Queen ascended the throne, and the Lin family granted Beizhou amnesty. At the same time, they consecrated three powerful extraordinary beings who had made outstanding contributions, giving them unique control over the legion, as well as Beizhou's "general" who was superior to tens of thousands of people. title.

Three generals.

White lizard, silver fox, rusty bone.

They led the second, third and fourth legions respectively.

The First Legion that remained from the Red Emperor's era was not abolished by the Lin family.

It's just that among the so-called three generals, there is no leader of the First Legion.

"The First Army Corps did not change its name later's just that there is no so-called 'general' anymore."

Gu Shen felt nervous inexplicably.

He looked at Mr. Bai Shu, and suddenly felt a little sad under the shroud of the Golden God Realm.

He actually already knew the outcome, but he still couldn't help but ask: "How about that battle?"

"I won."

Bai Shu's expression was a little numb, "The Golden Ape is indeed very strong, but he is not my opponent... If we really want to say that there is any extraordinary person in the world who is closest to the gods, then it must be me, not him."

There was no joy on his face when he said these words.

"But I lost too."

Bai Shu lowered his eyebrows and said softly: "If I lose, I will lose. I am only slightly stronger than the Golden Ape. There is no way to crush him. This is the tragedy behind."

"I didn't know until a long time later that the showdown at Xin Yang Fortress was just a game, and I was just a pawn. Jin Yuan deliberately released this news to attract the arrival of the Ancient Literature Society..."

Atractylodes can create chaos when it comes to challenge.

With such a factor in mind, the Ancient Literature Society decided to take risks.


"I never imagined that Golden Ape would arrange a massive siege. He should have faced me openly..."

Bai Shu clenched his fist silently.

That day, artillery fire was flying from Xinyang Fortress, and the elites of the First Legion came out. What Jin Yuan cared about was not the duel with Baizhu, but how to complete the killing mission.

Gu Wenhui, who wanted to take the opportunity to flee north, was led into an urn and slaughtered.

It was a brutal battle.

Needless to say, Gu Shen could guess what happened next.

Li Rou, who grew up with Bai Shu in the Bai clan's ancestral hall, is one of the persons in charge of this escape mission to the north.

Li Rou sacrificed all her energy to the [Ruler of Truth] in exchange for a turnaround for Xin Yang Fortress...

The price was that she completely lost control.

Li Rou became A-009.

"It was only after Li Rou's death that I realized what I had missed."

"Those who chase the sun will only burn themselves up in the end, leaving nothing behind."

Bai Shu looked at the woman sleeping quietly in the coffin and said softly: "It is not sad to live in the same era as Gu Changzhi. The only sad person in this era is actually me. There is always a little hope. This is the most desperate thing in the world. "

"After the battle with the Golden Ape, I have to admit that Gu Changzhi is a more suitable person for the 'Fighting Fire Seed' than me. If he comes to Xinyang Fortress, everything will be different."

"I am willing to bear all the insults the Bai family casts upon me, hide underground, and let the name Bai Shu die completely in the eyes of the world."

"From that day on, I no longer wanted to chase the sun."

(The third update is completed. The plot has been difficult to write recently and the update time cannot be fixed. I can only say that the three updates every day will not change. Try to have one chapter during the day and two chapters at night. All chapters will be released before one o'clock in the morning. Then please ask for a monthly ticket !)

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