Barrier of Light

Chapter 937: Smelting Hell Fire (First update! Please vote for me!)

"Of course, these are things in the past."

Bai Zhu smiled.

At this moment, when he talked about this past event that he didn't want to mention, there was still a touch of sadness in his tone, but he was no longer sad for himself.

He stayed incognito for twenty years.

If Zhou Jiren hadn't appeared at the darkest time, perhaps he would still be staying in the underground tavern at this moment, far away from the turmoil and noise of this world. As for the "fighting fire", it would never have anything to do with him.

Some things cannot be picked up until they are put down.

"Is hope the most useless thing?"

He looked at Gu Shen. He didn't need to answer at this moment, he already had the answer.

Bai Shu reached out and moved towards the zenith of the wilderness. A gap was torn open in the sky above the divine realm. A black fire slowly emerged from the zenith gap, like a vertical pupil, constantly overflowing with darkness. Ominous atmosphere.

The inner mausoleum of Qingzhong Cemetery is undergoing changes.

With the appearance of this vertical pupil, the golden glow of the entire cemetery was coated with a faint layer of black.

Those extraordinary people walking in the outer tomb may not feel it.

But at this moment, Gu Xiaoman, Song Ci, and Chu Ling, who were waiting outside the mountain mausoleum, all noticed this strangeness.

"A dark and evil aura appeared..."

Gu Xiaoman tightened his sleeves and murmured: "This aura is more disturbing than the 'Dou Zhan Tinder'."

"Pluto's fire..."

Looking at the dark vertical pupil emerging from the ceiling, Gu Shen looked solemn.

He took a deep breath.

What is the purpose of this hard training?

Just to smelt fire...

Now that he finally saw the "Pluto Fire", the feeling was different from the last time he met. At that time, he felt that the power contained in the Pluto Fire was too powerful, and it was extremely difficult to even look at each other.

At that time, compared with the fire, I was like a small boat in the rolling waves.

Wanting to smelt fire is even more idiotic.

But now, it's different.

He felt the guidance of the "dark fire" in the lake of his heart, and felt the cleansing of the pure land. Although this majestic power was terrifying, he had long been recognized by the "fire".

Maybe it's not impossible to try to control it?

"Among the seven gods of fire, the most difficult to control is the 'Pluto Fire'. This fire not only contains the power of life and death, but also swallows up most of the disasters and ominousness in the Gospel Box... Inheriting the 'Pluto' Although the throne of God can control the life and death of living beings, it will be plagued by disasters throughout its life."

Bai Shu looked at the ownerless fire and said to Gu Shen: "In the eyes of the world, this fire means 'despair', but in fact... it is also a kind of hope."

He was willing to walk out of the underground back then because he saw the last glimmer of hope.

If this young man named Gu Shen could control the "underworld fire" and reorganize the order of life and death.


Li Rou, who is mentally out of control, has a chance to return to normal.

Bai Shu stood beside Gu Shen, looking up at the dark sky torn by the hell fire, and asked softly.

"Do you want to give it a try?"

Gu Shen looked directly at Ming Huo.

He did not give an answer immediately, but asked slowly: "What kind of person can successfully smelt fire?"

This is a question that countless people across the five continents are curious about.

But there is no answer to this question.

According to the common understanding of the world, the prerequisite for smelting fire is that the extraordinary person must be strong enough.

But some extremely strong people, smelting fire and going through countless hardships, may not have good results.

The Red Emperor, who was the most talented in Beizhou back then, spent a lifetime but was not recognized by the "Tinder". However, Lin Lei, who was still young, completed the smelting of the Tinder in less than a month.

The Red Emperor is also of royal blood, and has unparalleled talents among millions of people.

He is not inferior to Lin Lei.

It's just that he failed, but Lin Lei succeeded easily.

Those extraordinary beings who chase fire and divine status need to go through the trial of the fire dream and then show their devotion to the power of fire...

But these countless rules do not exist in front of some "chosen ones".

Gu Shen was directly chosen by Pluto's Fire Seed.

Gu Xiaoman had already reserved a seat at the "Lord of Wine" at the moment he woke up.

"Everything else is easy to talk about."

Bai Shu said slowly: "But fire smelting... In my opinion, luck is greater than hard work. Some geniuses work hard all their lives, but they are destined to fail to become the 'Lord of Fire'. Such geniuses include me."

If it weren't for Gu Changzhi's early death, Douzhan Huozhong would not have changed hands.

"So, I think the element that determines whether the fire can be successfully smelted...maybe it is fate."

"Something will occur if it belongs to your life, if not, do not push it."

Bai Zhu said this sentence meaningfully.

Although he wanted to comfort Gu Shen, his own experience was really unconvincing.

"The factor that determines whether fire can be smelted is...fate..."

Gu Shen looked at the dark vertical pupils and was in a trance.

"You seem to be worried that your smelting will fail?"


Gu Shen smiled and said: "On the contrary, I am worried that I will succeed in smelting directly."

"What's wrong with directly smelting it successfully?"

Bai Shu smiled and said: "We are in urgent need of the third throne. If you become Pluto, the five continents can change the sky."

“During this period, I have a deeper understanding of ‘Underworld Fire’.”

Gu Shen sighed softly, "This fire contains much stronger ominousness and disaster than other fires. Not everyone can withstand this thing..."

At this point, Bai Zhu understood.

"The last Pluto died mysteriously, so you are worried that there is a lot of disaster accumulated in this fire, waiting for the new owner to come and liquidate it all..."


Gu Shen said: "I'm worried that this 'fire' is not pure. There is nothing good in Pluto's lineage. I have been plotted several times."

He narrowed his eyes and stared at the vertical pupils at the top of the sky.

Minghuo also narrowed his "eyes" and looked at Gu Shen——

Some things, even if you know there is trouble, you still have to bite the bullet.

Gu Shen swept away all the distracting thoughts. He hung up in the air and came to this dark and gloomy fire. He held his breath and said in a deep voice: "I am going to touch the 'Underworld Fire', and I also ask senior to protect my path!"

Bai Zhu nodded solemnly.

His body swayed and turned into three...

[Reverse God Realm] wrapped up all the inner tombs, and countless golden divine clouds surrounded Gu Shen and Minghuo.

Not to mention that Gu Shen hasn't refined the fire yet, even if Gu Shen has already refined the fire, he still has absolute control in this divine realm!

Bai Shu only sent out four words.

"Feel free to take action."

These four words made Gu Shen feel extremely at ease... He knew very well what the [Reverse Divine Realm] meant. There was no more powerful protective realm than this Divine Realm, and there was no protector more suitable for him at this moment than Mr. Bai Shu.

He stretched out his five fingers and pressed them directly into the underworld fire!

"Since you have already chosen me as your 'master'... then it's time to show some sincerity now!"

Gu Shen was not polite to Ming Huo. He let out a low roar, and with five fingers like hooks, he grabbed hard at the fire body that exuded a dark aura!

At the same time, the two Dacheng Domains on his body came out at the same time and crushed him away!

【Pure Land】The reflection of the hanging tree emerges!

The aura of disaster emitted by Pluto's fire is suspended in the air like an ocean. This aura is a realm of its own. Even if you don't recognize the owner, it is definitely not something ordinary mortals can touch.

At this moment, Gu Shen wants to drag "Underworld Fire" directly into his spiritual world!

There, he is the supreme master!


The two realms collided into the dark sea.

This was Gu Shen's first failure. He tried to forcibly smelt the fire in this way, but failed. The Hell Fire hovered at the top of the Golden God Realm without moving at all.

If you want to shake the two great realms, there is no chance!

But Gu Shen did not gain everything...

His blow could be regarded as prying open a corner of the Hellfire, and a wisp of dark aura swept out of the fire.

"My 'power of authority' has increased. Is this considered a successful smelting?"

Gu Shen clearly felt that his weak aura of authority increased violently!

A black flame ignited between his brows.

Compared with when he gave Mu Wanqiu his authority, it has increased dozens of times!

At that time, the power of authority was too weak, as small as a strand of hair... but now it has condensed into a bright flame.

Immediately afterwards, a strong sense of ominousness came over!


Smelting this "underworld fire" is far from simple as imagined.

Gu Shen quickly sat down cross-legged and started breathing. After a few seconds, his whole body was enveloped in majestic scarlet mist.

The ominous situation that had just erupted when the ice sea broke through came again this time, and its ferocity was no less fierce than last time——

Bai Shu said in a deep voice: "Do you need [reverse flow]?"

"No... no need!"

Gu Shen spoke quickly. He took out the [Finger Ring] and held it in his palm. At the same time, he started to fight against the ominous disaster with the mental operation method of triple flow.

When disaster strikes, the spiritual sea of ​​extraordinary people often suffers a huge blow.

Once the resistance fails.

It will directly lose control!

But Gu Shen's spiritual sea is extremely powerful. He sits under the hanging tree in the pure land, and the visions of the three seasons are constantly changing in one person...

The red mist that enveloped Gu Shen continued to shatter and be reborn.

There were a lot of disasters, trying to take advantage of Gu Shen's unpreparedness and invade the Pure Land, but the moment the power of these disasters squeezed into Gu Shen's mind, they were absorbed by [Finger Pull]!

Bai Shu in the Golden God Realm watched this scene quietly.

Gu Shen pulled out a weak wisp of underworld fire... This should be regarded as the first successful step in smelting?

It's just that the scene in front of me is completely different from when I was smelting Dou Zhan Tinder!

The weirdness, madness, and darkness of Hellfire really make people feel uncomfortable...

If Gu Shen hadn't spoken, he would have activated [Reverse God Realm] just now to force everything back to before the contact.

Bai Shu was worried that Gu Shen would not be able to resist such a large amount of ominousness.

But the good thing is...

This young man is stronger than he thought, much stronger!

A large amount of red mist continued to grow, almost filling the ceiling of the entire inner mausoleum. Gu Shen did not ask for help, so Baizhu pressed [Reverse Divine Realm] and waited patiently. His expression was quite solemn.

Just taking out a ray of authority will lead to such a large number of ominous attacks?

Gu Shen's skin was eroded, and the black hair that had managed to grow a strand of life turned white. In just a few seconds, his whole person became dark and sneaky under the shroud of ominous disaster.

This is the price to pay for becoming "Pluto".


This is just the first step.

"Smelting Pluto's you really need to pay such a price..."

Gu Shen opened his eyes and stared at the dark flames in front of him. In the endless darkness, the dark fire danced like an indifferent vertical pupil.

This look was familiar to Gu Shen.

The aura exuding from this fire at this moment is too familiar.

The Pure Land, the Doru River, the labyrinth of the old world.

Although Gu Shen has not met his predecessor Pluto, in a sense, he has actually met him many times.


"Is this actually a trap you left for the next successor?"

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