Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 181: Draft

In a hotel in Charlotte.

"Dazhi, look at it, it's up again, and it's sixth."

Li Nan threw a new newspaper to Wang Dazhi.

After all, Li Nan couldn't worry about his children and followed.

When Wang Dazhi saw ESPN's draft prediction rankings in the newspaper, he was really ranked 6th!

"Xiao Li, I heard you are right. I hit those guys hard and my ranking went up."

Wang Dazhi's face was full of excitement.

Li Nan smiled, and muttered in his heart: silly son, where is it so easy? Do you know that Dad spent millions of oceans for you, not even my daughter-in-law and my parents.

In fact, Wang Dazhi's draft ranking is largely due to the publicity of Li Nanhe's team behind him, and of course, there is also the help of agent tycoon Falk.

Americans actually like this set. Whoever is famous, who is famous, whose draft picks go up chuckingly.

It was like when Falk helped Iverson.

Of course, Wang Dazhi's own strength is also the most important guarantee.

Wang Dazhi's physical talent is actually not bad, and his skills are even better, better than the "Da Yao" who just entered the NBA.

Li Nan, of course, wants to contribute to his good brother.

"By the way, Dazhi, do you have a team you like?"

Wang Dazhi was still looking at the newspaper in his hand, "I don't like it, but I decided to go to the Celtics. After all, the coach said that they need me."

"I need you to be their Larry Bird, right? How many times have you said it?" Li Nan rolled his eyes.

Wang Dazhi was also proud, "Hehehe~ I am happy, can you control it?"


On June 25th, Charlotte.

Tens of thousands of people squeezed into the Time Warner Center arena, the scene was exceptionally lively, and the draft meeting was like a grand banquet.

In the small green house, one by one dressed in suits, sitting around a round table with relatives and friends.

Tim Duncan, Keith Van Horn and Billups were placed in the most prominent position.

Although the scene was lively, these rookies didn't have much to say. They are all a little nervous, a little expectant, and they will glance at the stage from time to time.

In the seat in the middle of the little green room, Li Nan and Wang Dazhi are both in handsome suits. At the same table, there are several people from CCTV's Sun Zhengping.

Wang Dazhi was able to participate in this draft, and he predicted that the ranking would be so high, which caused quite a stir in China.

China has gone out with Li Nan, and now Wang Dazhi has appeared again. Don't mention how happy the fans all over the country are.

Teacher Sun Zhengping always had a smile on his face. He was really happy looking at the two young men whispering around him.

It’s just a pity that those Liu Yudong, who are a little older, don’t really want to go abroad, otherwise...

However, Mr. Sun believes that with these two people as role models, there will be more Chinese players in the NBA in the future.


After waiting for a long time, the light on the scene suddenly dimmed, and the spotlight was directed at the stage. An old man with white hair and black suit appeared in the aperture and slowly entered the scene.

This person is David Stern, the president of the NBA.

Stern stood still in front of the main stage, and the applause, whistles, and cheers rang out.




David Stern faced everyone and kept his kind smile.

"Goodevening, welcome everyone to the 1997 NBA Draft, to the Charlotte Time Warner Center arena.

Tonight, thank you fans from all over the United States and Canada for witnessing this NBA event with us on TNT TV. Thousands of fans also came to the scene. Thank you for coming. Your presence has made this draft more exciting.

So, let's start today's world-famous draft. "

There should be applause here, but the audience seems to be asleep, not giving face.

David Stern didn't mind at all, he had encountered anything more embarrassing than this.

With a smile on his face, Stern also announced:

"The Dallas Mavericks with the first overall pick will have 5 minutes to make a choice."

Speaking of this, the scene finally became hot.


It's like the students are sending away the annoying dean of Stern.

The 5-minute selection time is up, which is really long. This is 5 minutes of suffering.

When the day lilies that everyone was waiting for were cold, the old man David Stern finally came out.

Stern stood in front of the main stage, and at this time, the voice of the scene rose again.


Stern always had a smile on his face, and after the voice of the scene fell slightly, he also spoke.

"The first pick from the Dallas Mavericks in the first round is,"

David Stern lowered his head, glanced at the card in his hand, and paused.

When the old man paused like this, many fans' hearts were about to mention their throats, and some people began to scold their mothers.

"Stern, you **** old man."

"What are you selling? Do I really want to die to death?"

"Didn't the Mavericks choose Tim? Impossible?"

At this moment, David Stern smiled and scanned the rookies in front of him.

Billups' eyes suddenly burned.

"Has the situation changed?"

Tim Duncan frowned, "Impossible, Don Nelson has talked about it."

At this moment, David Stern suddenly blurted out, "Tim Duncan."


Duncan let out a long sigh, his face full of excitement and excitement, and then hugged his relatives and friends one by one.

Spurs without Duncan, Bubwich without Duncan, Duncan without Spurs. Who has accomplished who? Li Nan is also looking forward to it.

In the back bunker, watching Duncan take over the Mavericks hat, Bubvić also sighed helplessly.

After a while, David Stern also announced, "...The Spurs' second overall pick is Keith Van Horn!"

"... The Celtics' third overall pick is Chauncey Billups."

"Fourth overall pick, the Grizzlies chose Antonio Daniels."

Everything went smoothly. It was based on ESPN's predictions, and it didn't surprise everyone.

Soon reached the fifth overall pick, and it was the Denver Nuggets' turn to pick.

David Stern slowly walked into the field again and looked at the cards in his hand. David Stern smiled slightly, very kind.

"The Denver Nuggets chose Wang Dazhi with the fifth overall pick from China!"


There was applause and cheers at the scene.

Teachers Li Nan and Sun Zhengping both got up "Yeah", but Wang Dazhi himself was stunned.

I didn't go to the Nuggets to try out? How did they choose me?

Li Nan on the court pushed him with a smile.

"Hurry up, the old man is still waiting."

Seeing Wang Dazhi put on the Nuggets hat and shook hands friendly with Stern on the stage, Li Nan also smiled, really happy for Dazhi.

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