Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 182: what happened?

"Wang, hello, I'm Vince, the general manager of the Nuggets."

"Li, you are welcome, welcome."

When Wang Dazhi and Li Nan walked into the Nuggets box together, the whole box was a little excited.

Wang Dazhi's face was always full of smiles, and the Nuggets gave him a very good first impression.

"Hello everyone, I am Wang Dazhi. I am very happy to be here. I would like to ask you for your advice in the future."

Wang Dazhi was immediately surrounded.

"Wang, I have watched many of your games. Really, you are really amazing."

"I remember in the NCAA game, you taught that Tim a lot."

"Yeah, I also watched that game. In my eyes, Wang definitely deserves the No. 1 pick."

Wang Dazhi scratched his head, "No, no, I'm not that good either..."

But Li Nan was watching from the side, like a loving father...


"what happened?"

In the Celtics box, everyone's faces are not pretty.

Some were surprised, some were panicked, and some were laughing.

The new head coach Rick Pitino's face has become a lot of rifts.


He patted the desk heavily, and Pitino said angrily:

"What's the matter? Why did the Nuggets dig our corner? Did a transaction happen? Who the **** is it?"

Assistant coach Wilson also disagrees, "Rick, isn't it just right? You don't want to sign the king anyway."

"Shut up!" Pitino glared at him harshly.

Pitino really didn't want to sign Wang Dazhi. In fact, the most suitable candidate in his mind is his Kentucky disciple, Ron Mercer.

Although Wang Dazhi killed Kentucky during the NCAA game, Pitino just looked down on the Asian.

However, Wang Dazhi was the person appointed by the old man.

In this situation, Pitino was happy, but also worried.

If the old guy starts a fire, I can't stop it.

"Wilson, go, you go call and tell over there, we choose Mercer."

Pitino was about to go outside.

Wilson behind him also asked, "Coach, where are you going?"

Pitino glared at him again, "Huh? Should I report to you where I am going? I am the coach!"

Seeing Rick Pitino walk away, Wilson also sneered.

"Hen~ no one is selected, the old man will not spare you."

Pitino came outside the Nuggets box.

The box was very lively, as if it was a grand event.

Pitino looked inside. Many people were surrounding Wang Dazhi. On the side, he saw Vince, the general manager of the Nuggets, who was chatting with Vince.

"Lee? Why is he here?"

Li Nan is one of the hottest newcomers in the NBA this year, and Pitino naturally knows him.

"Uh? Pitino, what are you doing?" Vince recognized the uninvited guest at the door.

Pitino also stiffened and walked in.

"Manager Vince, I want to talk to you about something, can I buy you a cup of coffee?"

At this moment, the door behind him was knocked.


Someone is here again.

Vince smiled apologetically.

"No, Mr. Pitino, I have an appointment."

After speaking, Vince passed by.

"Coach Jim, welcome~~

Pitino just turned around and saw a familiar figure.

The visitor smiled, "Rick, long time no see."

Pitino suddenly realized, "Jim, it's you!"

It was Jim Burheim who came here! Pitino's former teacher. It was under the hands of old Jim that Pitino learned an excellent defense. This also makes him very popular in the NBA and NCAA.

Old Jim appeared here, so the question of why the Nuggets chose Wang Dazhi now all made sense.

Seeing old Jim leave himself to talk to Wang Dazhi and Li Nan, they smiled, Pitino also turned and left with "hen~".

"Damn it! This must have been deliberately arranged by Old Jim! They are playing me together! Damn it, really **** it!"

Pitino walked back to the box angrily. As soon as he entered the door, Wilson's disgusting voice came.

"Rick, the boss is looking for you."

Seeing Wilson's gloating appearance, Pitino caught fire and hit the dog in the way with his shoulder.

"You!" Wilson pointed at him, a little angry, but soon turned into a smile. "Hahaha~~"

Did not complete the task assigned by the boss, sooner or later you have to get out of here!

Wilson has already seen the head coach's contract and waved to himself.

Pitino answered the phone with a trembling hand, the OSS on that end was really a bit scary. "Hey, boss, this is Pitino."

Unexpectedly, there was no roar, but a very quiet voice, "Rick, tell me, what do you think?"

"Boss, it's like this..."

This is an opportunity! Pitino also quickly explained.

There is a reason to pick Billups first in the third overall pick. He investigated, the fourth Grizzlies want to choose a guard, and the fifth Nuggets also want to find a guard.

"and so…"

"Well, I got it."

There was still a faint tone over there, neither happy nor sad, but Pitino swallowed.

"Well, then you do well, I'll wait."

"Yes, boss!"

Toot toot...

The phone just hung up, but Pitino’s forehead was sweating...


On the other side of the ocean, after 12 noon, CCTV sports channel, sports news.

"Dear friends, according to the news that this station has just received, in the 1997 NBA Draft in the United States, Chinese player Wang Dazhi was selected by the Denver Nuggets with the fifth overall pick in the first round. He also became the number one in Asia. The top five players who entered the NBA..."

On TV, a short video was broadcast.

At the NBA Draft, a gray-haired old man stood on the stage and slowly said.

"In the 1997 NBA Draft, the Denver Nuggets, with the fifth overall pick, chose,"

"WangDazhi, frChina!"

In China, this sentence immediately spread across the country! The fans were jubilant.

"Yeah! Wang Good job!"

"Wow! We now have Li Nan and Wang Dazhi! It's really great!"

"Chinese basketball, awesome!"

"But, I am struggling now. Will I support Li Nan's 76ers in the future? Or will I support Wang Dazhi's Nuggets?"

It's really a trouble of happiness!


The countries next door are also a little envious.

The South Korean media reported this: "Congratulations to our talented Asian player Wang Dazhi for entering the NBA, fifth overall. He made history! Of course, our Lee Kyu-seop and Kim Sung-che must also work hard. I believe that one day, they will also be like Wang Dazhi entered the NBA as successfully."

The Japanese media said: "The first man in Asia! The Chinese player Wang Dazhi made history! This is the second NBA player from a neighboring country, and where is our own NBA star?"

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