Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1068: Such a loss, a bit desperate

The Heat originally hoped to use the small lineup, as well as the assault ability of James, Wade and Anthony, to seize opportunities for defensive counterattacks, and to catch the Knicks by surprise with the ability of the Big Four.

This is already the strongest tactic of the Big Four during the Heat period, and it can be said to maximize their strengths and avoid weaknesses.

Not only can it solve the problem that the inside line is not high enough and the confrontation is not strong enough, but it can also solve the problem of no shooter. By the way, it can be said that the ability of James and Wei to the extreme can be said to serve multiple purposes.

However, the reality is that their speed can't be played at all, or that the Knicks didn't give them any chance to run.

Melee, position, brutal strangulation.

Suddenly, people can see the shadow of the 05 Spurs vs. Pistons.

Yes, it's too similar, aside from the offensive end, the Knicks are really a bit like the peak Spurs.

The dense defense and suffocating rhythm make it impossible for the Pistons, which is also a historically strong defensive team, to escape.

How could the Spurs win in 2005? Under the defense between the brothers, the Spurs have a better sense of rhythm?

To control the rhythm is to control everything.

Just like the Knicks did in the first half, the Heat had to follow the Knicks into the strangle rhythm of the positional battle.

In other words, regardless of the small difference in points, the Heat want to catch up, but it is not so easy.

Heat locker room.

The big stupid Haslem was walking around excitedly, shouting as he walked: "Well done, we did well, we have a chance, in the second half, we must rush, we must win, kill them my dear guys!

! "


After speaking, he howled for a while.

Si Bo slapped himself on the head, looking at his confidant, for the first time, he felt that sometimes innocence is also a kind of happiness.


Where is the innocence?


Didn't you see that everyone else was silent except him? Doesn't this guy know how to read the atmosphere!

"Yes, we have a chance! Don't give up, only eight points!"

Fortunately, Wade still gave his good brother a lot of face, but what he said was a bit lacking in confidence, and he didn't have the slightest passion to jump on the technical platform.

Especially when it comes to point difference, it's more like convincing myself.

James agreed. Although his expression was dignified, he managed to carry it anyway, and his mentality did not explode. Although his performance was mediocre, it was also an important combat power.

Anthony was silent. He actually regretted coming to the Heat a bit, because he found that the four superstars were not very easy to play.

Think back to the time when he led the team to play in the Western Conference Finals. Even though he lost, he had a hearty fight with Kobe. But look at this, although he scored a lot, he was always playing uncomfortable. After all, for James, he Also changed a lot of habits of play.

Forget it, he can bear it for the sake of the championship, this is the purpose of his coming here, otherwise why would he go through this muddy water.

But now he finds that the Knicks are a bit outrageous, and the four superstars can't beat them! ?

Is this so reasonable? !

I didn't come, the Heat were abused, I came, if the Heat were still abused, then I didn't come for nothing!

But regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, the reality is that he didn't feel like he could win this game. The Knicks on the opposite side gave him the feeling like the sea.


But he wasn't going to give up, at least he had to fight. After all, it was the Eastern Conference finals, one step away from the finals. If he gave up at this time, he would be sorry for the 1.8 million salary he gave up.

The only one among the Big Four who doesn't want to play is Bosh. He is a 4th position. Who can understand the pain of hand-to-hand combat with Zuo Li, Randolph, and David Lee...

At this time, Bosh's head was bubbling, constantly showing negative emotions +1+1+1...

But unfortunately, Bosh's nightmare continues, and more cruel.

In the third quarter, the Knicks first replaced the big lineup, David Lee and Randolph played at the same time after a long absence, and the Knicks three insiders launched the ultimate torture on Bosh.

Insider, I can't hold it...

Supplementary defense, can't control...

The Knicks crazily handed the ball to the inside. Randolph, David Lee, and Zuo Li took turns to play singles. The time for a single round reached 22 seconds per round.

Bosh doesn't want to play anymore...

Can't play anymore!

So hard to beat Bosh quickly four fouls, Spoelstra had to replace Haslem.

Bosh, who was sitting on the bench, looked solemn, but he was relieved.

I can finally get my blood back...

But Bosh was beaten down, and the Heat's inside line was even more finished. Haslem was either bullied by Zuo Li, or was switched out to defend against the small.

By the middle of the third quarter, the inside score of this game has reached an astonishing 40-21...

But the point difference is still 8 points. Fortunately, the Heat feel good tonight. Wade, Anthony, and even Lao Zhan all threw three-pointers.

7870, after three quarters, the point difference is still 8 points.

But at this time, some people have already recalled that this game is not right... Although I feel that the Knicks played mediocre, but this Heat is really unstoppable!

Of course, the Knicks' tactical ability is absolutely leveraged and very advanced. The tactics of this game were formulated by the German coach and Cole.

They analyzed the Heat's style of play, and finally decided to drag the Heat to death with positional warfare.

This season, the Knicks have been encouraging and speeding up, but UU Reading has not forgotten their housekeeping skills.

They started out fighting positional warfare.

In the fourth quarter, the Heat's physical fitness declined seriously. Their road to the playoffs was not as easy as the Knicks', and they could play too little. They were all played by seven players in rotation, and they played with the Knicks. A ball has been hard for three quarters, no matter how hard it is, it should be soft.

The Heat's defensive strength could not be maintained, and Zuo Li took the lead in rushing to kill the Heat's positions. In the fourth quarter, when Zuo Li scored the 34th point of the night with a serpentine dance, the entire Madison Square Garden stood up and cheered for him again: "Mvp—!

! "

"Zuo Li killed the suspense of the game. With 1 minute left, the point difference widened to 10 points. It's over, let's go home!" Barkley stood up and howled dryly.

10090, the Knicks brought the score to 100 points at the last moment, which completely declared that the Heat had no hope of chasing points.

The desperate Heat began to throw three-pointers at a faster speed, but their anxious attitude made them make mistakes one by one...

Rebound + 1 + 1 and then + 1...

In the last minute, Zuo Li even collected 4 rebounds in a row, bringing his data to 34 points and 20 rebounds in one fell swoop.

"Good guy..." Zuo Li put his hips on his hips. He hasn't gotten 30+20 for a long time.

In the end, at 10,292, the Knicks defeated the Heat to get off to a good start in the Eastern Conference Finals and achieved 9 consecutive victories in the playoffs.

The Heat players put their hips on their hips and refused to leave. Such a loss made them a little desperate.

Anthony looked at the ceiling and began to doubt his life. Why did he run to the East in the first place?

It is said that the west is strong and the east is weak. This is true, and it is easy to win records in the east.

But no one told him that there is such a terrifying big devil in the east!

Looking at the celebratory opponent, Anthony regretted...

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