Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1069: fly to miami with victory

The east is weak and the west is strong, and the west is dying of internal friction.

Since Jordan retired, there is no doubt that the overall strength of the West is stronger than that of the East.

In the first few years of the century, there was even a situation where whoever qualified from the West would win the championship.

This situation was finally broken when the Pistons smashed the Lakers hard in 2004.

From 2000 to 2010, in the ten years, the East only won the championship in 2004, 06, and 08. This is also the truest portrayal of the East being weak and the West strong.

Even now, the Knicks have won two championships, but this pattern has not changed.

Some people may ask, why is this so, isn't the Knicks not strong enough?

of course not.

The strength of the Knicks is beyond doubt. Every team that has reached the finals for many years is definitely the strongest team at that time.

But the strength of the Knicks is not enough to change the overall weakness of the East, and the overall strength of the West is still stronger.

As for why the stronger West has not been able to win the championship in the past two years, even many people in history thought that the top players in the East were more outstanding. Zuo Li believes that, in the final analysis, the strength of the West is too average.

Take this season as an example, the last Bobcats in the East have only 7 wins, while in the West, the last place has 24 wins.

This gap of up to three times is already very illustrative.

Because there are more games between the same half, the intensity of the West is higher than that of the East. There are more requirements for a higher record, and the playoffs are more intense.

The more intense the game, the better it looks, but for each team, each player starts to consume more.

Think about the closest Lakers dynasty to the present. They lost half of their lives breaking through the West. Even so, the Eastern Conference champions are like chickens and dogs.

In the past few years, the strength of the West has definitely regressed compared to the beginning of the century, but it has become more introverted. Every team that breaks through the West has shed a layer of skin in the Finals, and a strong team like the Knicks is aloof in the East. , They have natural advantages in terms of physical strength and mentality, as well as the degree to which the team has suffered injuries.

This is why Anthony ran to the East to hold a group.

Western, too curly!

Moreover, he also understood the essence of Baotuan in the east, this is simply the road to victory!

But today, Anthony suddenly realized...

The most comfortable in the Eastern Conference is definitely not the strong teams in front, but teams with average strength, such as the 76ers, because they can make it to the playoffs.

But their team, which is determined to win the championship, is equally uncomfortable, because in front of them is blocking the behemoth led by Zuo Li!

New York Knicks!

At this moment, Anthony somewhat understood the feelings of the Eastern Conference teams in the Jordan era.

"It's okay, it's just the first game!"

Anthony, who walked out of the court, cheered himself up and couldn't be coaxed. How could a season of betting on his reputation end like this!

If Anthony heard the words of the TNT guys at this moment, he would probably go crazy, wondering if he would rush out and stage a traffic jam 2.0.

After the game, Kenny Smith quickly talked about the statistics while the reporters surrounded the Knicks players.

Four Knicks scored in double figures tonight. Except for Zuo Li, Randolph scored a double-double of 21 points and 11 rebounds for a long time. David Lee even played bravely with 17 points, 9 rebounds and 4 blocks. In addition, Only Curry, who scored four three-pointers from the outside, scored 16 points and 7 assists.

But this statistic has left countless people speechless. With the Knicks' tactics tilted outwards, the stats of Randolph and David Lee have decreased. , They are still the most powerful inside combination.

As for Curry's three-pointer, it is even more murderous, which means that the Heat dare not let it double-team.

The Heat also scored in double figures with Wade 27 points, James 24 points, Anthony 22 points, Bosh 14 points and 2 rebounds.

It can be seen that in terms of head data, the Heat are not behind, and the giants are still giants. However, in terms of substitute players, they are far behind.

Of course, Barkley's angle is very strange. He thinks that Anthony's lack of performance is the key to the Heat's loss!

"Melo was sweet in the first half, but in the second half he didn't play well, which made them have problems chasing points."

And O'Neill also said: "Melon still doesn't seem to be integrated enough, and his assault ability is average."

Hearing this, Melon will probably be **** off, who has the ball in the second half, don't you have any clues!

Can I get the ball?


Anthony, who came back to the hotel, was absolutely sincere in his swear words. He said it well before he came to the Heat. He is the core, but when he hit him, he found that he became the third child...

Forget it, he endured it for the championship, but he did the dirty work, so he can't take the blame anymore.

So Anthony went straight to Spoelstra's room...

He wants to fight for his rights!

If Zuo Li knew it, he would definitely smile. One goal is not enough, not enough at all. Now it is not after 2017. At this time, Anthony is a super giant with the top attack power. He is not a veteran that no one wants in the future. I want him to An Xin Fu Zuo…

How can it be!

But Zuo Li didn't expect that the effect would explode like this.

At this time, Zuo Li, who came home, was enjoying the massage service of Aomei. Although the masseur had fully relaxed Zuo Li, Aomei would do it herself every time at home, and she would accompany Zuo Li to watch the replay of the game. . UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

Zuo Li didn't watch the news, and he wouldn't open his social network before entering the finals, because he knew too well what the media would say.

Although he also said after today's game that it was an easy game, he just listened to some words, and Zuo Li would not deceive himself into it.

For the sake of the championship, he will do every detail well, that is the real Big Four.

But the next day, he was confused in the g2 game.

May 30, Madison Square Garden.

This game is logically a key battle for the Heat, and it is not fun to be 20 behind.

At the beginning of this game, Anthony scored 7 points from inside and outside, which made the Knicks believe that the Heat came with desperate ideas.

But then, when Anthony felt the best, the ball actually went to Lao Zhan, and the latter also scored 6 points in a row.

Now the Knicks didn't dare to be careless. Zuo Li kept reminding his teammates on the court that they must defend well and not give the Heat other opportunities. It would be too dangerous for the Big Four to open up.

The Knicks' state is directly full, and the defense is more cautious.

But Zuo Li thought too much.

The next game became a two-person game between Anthony and James, and the ball could hardly go to other players, including Wade, and Bosh didn't mention it.

One for you, one for me, one for you, one for me...

Zuo Li: "I'm waiting for Errenzhuan..."

Throughout the game, Anthony scored 31 points on 12 of 24 shots, and James scored 33 points on 10 of 23 shots.

03 The duo combined to score 64 points.

It stands to reason that this performance is not bad, but they are too alone, Wade only took 7 shots in the whole game...

11089, the Knicks won another game and flew to Miami with the victory.

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