Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1070: popular infighting

One operation is fiercer than a tiger, and the record is 05...

For the first time in this year's playoffs, the two giants scored 30 points at the same time, and their shooting percentages remained above 45%. It can be said that they played bravely.

That's right, it's like this if you don't watch the game and only look at the statistics. After all, the two of you are already 30, so what more can you ask for!

However, those who have watched the game say it is rubbish, because the whole game has become a place where Anthony and James fight. It seems that both of them are playing well, but in fact they are fighting on their own. .

According to statistics, after the whole game, James and Anthony passed an astonishing 2 times...the number of assists was directly linked to 0!

Not only that, under the influence of these two dominating the ball, the total number of assists for the entire Heat is only 7, and even the Knicks have not reached one-third.

Fans who watched the game followed @nextdoor的雷震, and apologized to the Thunder because they found that they spoke a little loudly before.

"In the past, I thought that the second young master Thunder Dewey was playing Errenzhuan, but now I have to apologize, because today I saw the real Errenzhuan."

Someone also said: "Compared to the Thunder, what the Heat played tonight is a pile of shit. No, it's not even as good as shit."

It has been two years, and this is the first time that Heat fans have scolded themselves so harshly.

No way, the whole game, as the team's former big brother Wade, only took 7 shots, hit 4 goals, and barely scored 11 points.

This is too inductive. Those who don't know think it's Wade's fault for losing the game, but they don't know that he can't get the ball at all!

What's even worse is that Bosh, who followed Bosh back and forth for 40 minutes, scored in double figures, and he scored 4 points and 2 rebounds. This level is basically equivalent to the third center of the Knicks, Ewing Jr. .

From now on, Bosh has another nickname, not just Bo Yiban...but...

Wave 4 points!

It's no wonder that Bosh ran away without saying a word after the game. Not only did he not participate in the interview, but some people even reported that he did not follow the team, and maybe he ran back to Miami by himself.

"What a giant, why bother." Zuo Li, who returned home to enjoy the massage service, looked at the news on the 65-inch TV on the wall and shook his head.

Bosh should be very uncomfortable now, after all, he thought that Janeway was here to help him.

but now…

Things are unpredictable.

Considering Bosh's later strange disease, he actually doesn't seem to have a lot of time when he is young. If he can't catch the championship window in the past few years, he may have no championship for life, just like his Raptors predecessors Carter and Tracy McGrady. Same.

It's a pity to think about it. After all, Bosh is a good player anyway, he is low-key, there is no pornographic news, and he doesn't even belong to the Banana Boat Brothers.

But it's a pity, it's a pity, Zuo Li will not soften his heart, there is no such thing as mercy.

In any case, Bosh chose this path, so whether he succeeds or fails, he has to go on.

However, Zuo Li estimates that this road does not need to go for a long time. They have already failed last season. If the Big Four fail again this season, there is a high probability that they will fall apart. Except for Wade, no one has any reason to stay in Miami. .


Brother basketball?

stop talking.

It’s just for the benefit of basketball, the brother is just because the opponent is strong enough to increase the chips to win the championship. Otherwise, why would Wade, who has lost his ability, go to the Cavaliers to join James and be kicked out? In the end, he had to force his own tour. Compare.

According to Zuo Li's conjecture, the probability of the Heat's disbandment this year is increasing infinitely. If his prediction is not bad, it must be because of what happened to Anthony and James tonight, or directly, they are fighting among themselves!

This is not uncommon. There are not too many teams that have had infighting in the league for so many years. Don't think that if the relationship is good, there will be no conflicts. Sometimes conflicts occur because the relationship is too good.

Zuo Li didn't know what happened between the two, and he didn't want to know. He only knew that the Heat, who were still capable of fighting, would be completely defeated due to internal strife!

Stronger than OK is ruined by infighting, not to mention the Heat.

So the next day, Zuo Li organized a meeting for everyone on the chartered flight to Miami. The meeting was very simple, that is, they wanted to return to New York with victory!

After the Knicks successfully won the second game of the Eastern Conference finals, the media are generally optimistic that the Knicks can advance to the finals. Both Laili and Shuai know that the Heat really can't afford to lose now. They have to keep Miami's home court to play.

However, this is not easy. Although it seems that there are many comebacks in 02, they are really just appearances. In fact, only a few of them can come back.

Moreover, in the past few years, the Knicks have never been reversed while leading, which undoubtedly made it more difficult for the Heat to come back.

Of course, the biggest problem is the conflict between Anthony and James.

Yes, they did have conflicts. The main reason was that Anthony was dissatisfied with his tactical status after the first battle. He ran to Spoelstra's room in the middle of the night to protest, demanding to establish his core Of course, Spoelstra did not immediately agree. I didn't dare to directly refuse, so I had to call Laili.

Laili's head was about to explode when he received the call. He had been worried about the discord between James and Anthony throughout the season. Until now, he thought he had finally passed the crisis, but it turned out to be an explosion at this time!

Laili could only ask Sipo to try his best to stabilize, and he took the first flight to deal with it.

However, during the training the next day, the two had an argument.

Eventually it turned into a cold war.

So the whole Heat dropped to freezing point.

Sipo couldn't help it, and he couldn't help it when Lili came. He called the two together and talked for a long time, and finally managed to make the two reconcile.

Of course, only on the surface.

Everyone knows this cannot end easily.

Sure enough, the game completely exploded.

At the beginning, Anthony was strong, but James refused to accept and took the ball away, which caused Anthony's dissatisfaction again.

So this game became like this.

As a result, after the game, the two quarreled again in the locker room.

"You don't know how to win the game!"

"Yes, so, can you win? Your score is not as good as mine!"

The two quarreled furiously, and it was Lai Li who stopped it.

Laili yelled at the two of them angrily: "Are you trying to ruin all of this? Don't you want to be looked down upon by those guys outside!"

Lai Li was really angry. In his team, this was the first time there was internal strife.

In the end, he punished the two for an extra hour of practice before they could leave.

Cough cough, as expected of Lai Li, it is really a punishment with personal characteristics.

It was the two who were angry and left without finishing the practice.

Fortunately, there is no quarrel.

But it just turned the hot war into a cold war again.

Drinking poison to quench thirst.

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