For the first time, Lili felt old.

Iron-blooded, indifferent, ruthless, cruel, cunning, good at grasping players' psychology, magic operator...

These are the labels that Laili has left to others for so many years.

It is precisely because of these that Laili has become the coach with the fourth most wins in NBA history. Whether he is in the Lakers, Knicks or Heat, he has achieved success.

He is most talked about by fans, and what is also hated by fans most is his ruthlessness, cunning and selfishness.

To put it simply, with him, no matter how big a star you are, no matter what achievements you have made, you have to follow his requirements, or you will be kicked out.

Moreover, he will always be waiting to cheat you, no matter who you are.

Look at what he's been doing all these years.

In the 1989 finals, many people were very optimistic about the Lakers who had completed two consecutive championships and established a triple crown dynasty. The Lakers themselves also had a record of 11 wins and 0 losses in the playoffs, and entered the finals with a sweeping momentum. It is in excellent condition, but Lai Li led the team to Santa Barbara for a week of closed training before the start of the finals. As we all know, the high intensity and high confrontation of nba games, especially in the 80s and 90s In the era of advocating defense, and after a season of the regular season, the player's own physical reserve has reached a critical point, and at the same time there is a lot of potential injury, coupled with the more intense and confrontational playoffs, Let the players be like a tight string, and Lili's closed training caused the string to be completely broken. Magic Johnson and Byron Scott were injured. The Pistons easily defeated the Lakers 40 to win. won the championship.

In 1996, Lai Li, who coached the Heat, acquired Mourning through a transaction. This transaction was the beginning of Mourning's peak and the starting point of going to hell. The main reason why Mourning, who was strong at the time, suffered from kidney failure , It was caused by Mourning's excessive use of painkillers, and these are inseparable from Pat Lily's cruel training and the concept of not leaving the line of fire for minor injuries.

Shark O'Neal, who played for the Heat for several seasons, almost squeezed out the little energy left by O'Neal, coupled with the threat of fines and suspensions and almost daily reprimands, even the naturally optimistic, retired Sharks are all right. Lee was filled with resentment.

After leaving the Lakers, Lai Li has coached two teams, the Knicks and the Heat. Do you know how Lai Li joined the Heat?

This was not a normal joining, because at that time, Laili still had a one-year contract with the Knicks, but faced with the higher annual salary and greater rights of the Heat, Laili did not hesitate to join the Knicks. The Knicks and the Heat chose the latter, leaving the mess of the Knicks to his disciple Van Gundy Jr., and this behavior completely angered the Knicks. After making up for the cash and draft picks, we can only give up, which has become a main reason for the incompatibility between the Knicks and the Heat.

During the Heat period, the shrewd Laili also cheated Van Gundy, who was also his disciple. To be honest, in the season before winning the championship in 2006, Van Gundy did a good job as the head coach. The lineup was formed by patchwork, and most of them are veterans. The tactics and system need to be adjusted slowly, but Laili picked the peaches of his disciples after the adjustment was completed. As O'Neal said in his autobiography, Larry has always regarded Van Gundy as his own puppet. In modern terms, Van Gundy is Larry's backer. He won the championship because Laili built the team properly. It is Van Gundy's disadvantage in coaching.

It can be said that Laili is the master of modern basketball management. Otherwise, Mayfair Jackson would not be able to get the general manager who has been thinking about it for so many years, but Laili can get it easily and can do whatever he wants.

This is the difference in rank!

Take a look, whether you are a superstar or a well-known coach, which one is not being subdued by Laili.

This is also the biggest reason why Laili dared to form the Big Four. After all, super giants are difficult to manage. Many coaches can't control one, let alone four, but Laili has this confidence.

To be honest, he has done a good job. He has slowly developed his combat effectiveness for two consecutive seasons, and no major conflicts have erupted yet.

But now, he found that he was wrong.

When the real conflict broke out, he didn't have any effective means. After all, the contract period of the two is very short, there is no shortage of money, and they are still playing in the right years. There are many fans, so it is not easy to make decisions.

Even if the two of them didn't give him face, he had no choice but to try his best to appease him.

For now, he can only rely on Wade.

So in the middle of the night, Wade, Laili and Spoel had an hour-long conversation at Laili's home.

The content of the conversation is not important. The end result is that Wade is responsible for mediating the conflict between Anthony and James.

In fact, the most difficult thing here is sandwiched between his two brothers, in a dilemma, in fact, more than that, he also knows that Bosh is upset, this time Bosh did not participate at all, but like The average player watching with cold eyes also made Wade understand something.

This is also the first time that Wade gave birth to the idea of ​​whether it was wrong to report to the group.

But whether it was a mistake or not, it's too late to say these things now. Even if Laili doesn't look for him, according to his personality and love for the Heat, he must take care of it.

So Wade started to act. The night before the start of g3, Wade specially organized all the players and held a party in his mansion.

It is said to be a party, but in fact there is no wine or drinks. After all, the situation of the Heat is not optimistic, and no one is in the mood to drink and celebrate.

Those who came here also knew well that this was a party held to ease the relationship within the team.

During the dinner, James and Anthony were naturally the focus of attention, but it seemed that the two did not seem to be relaxing.

So Wade made a move.

He called the two of them into a separate room, and he expressed his strength with affection and reason, and played his emotional card: "We have been brothers for more than ten years, especially the two of you, but you are dead. friendship!"

These words still have some effect, and James and Anthony's emotions have also eased, so the Heat players waiting outside finally waited for good news after an hour.

The three walked out with their shoulders crossed, and James also performed a wave of chalk.

This scene also made many Heat players feel relieved. It this a reconciliation?

That would be great!

It seems that they will not lose without a fight.

However, under this seemingly harmonious scene, there is still a crisis hidden.

In order to win, of course they can clear up their past suspicions, but what if the victory doesn't come...

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