Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1079: what's the difference

The Big Four went home with the Heat. beam

On the night of June 3, this was even hotter news than the Knicks' four-year four-east championship.

People are used to the Knicks' victories. There are too many opponents who have fallen at the Knicks' feet in the past four years. Even Bird, who has always refused to admit defeat, told reporters after the Pacers were out: "Basketball is like this." , ten men chasing the goal, but the Knicks got the winning campaign."

Anyone who is knowledgeable knows that this is the famous English football legend Leinkel's famous quote about Germany.

Of course, compared to Germany, the Knicks' dominance is still a bit worse, but just looking at these four years, the Knicks have indeed achieved dominance over the East.

Victory always runs through, and the Knicks even have a large number of people who have never left the championship stage since their rookie season, which also makes them accustomed to victory.

Four times in four years, they couldn't even come up with a new posture to hold the trophy after the game, and it was still on the road, so the Knicks just hurriedly completed the ceremony, attended the press conference, and took the trophy and took the plane out of Miami.

The outside world said that this was the simplest championship ceremony in the Eastern Conference in several years. Except for the envious kiss of Zuo Li and Ao Mei at the New York airport, everything was flat. beam

Oh no, Zuo Li's name is still at the top of the hot list. After winning the Eastern Conference championship trophy, he is getting closer and closer to his first dynasty in his career.

Except for Zuo Li, basketball news is basically dominated by these names.

James, Wade, Anthony, Bosh, Spoelstra, Larry...

Yes, despite the mental preparations before the game, being eliminated in a sweeping manner still surprised countless people.

This is an unprecedented Big Four. It's okay for the four superstars in their prime to stop in the Eastern Conference Finals. If they don't win a game, it's considered history.

Disappointed Heat fans put them on the trending searches together with Spoelstra and Larry directly after the game, especially James, who was basically sprayed with tens of thousands of posts in a second, and the comment area was closed because it was too dirty …

However, this is also understandable. After all, the bold words of old Zhan when he first came to the Heat are still vivid in his mind, not one or two but seven or eight... Liang

But two seasons have passed, there is one more giant, and the number of champions is still zero. Forget it, they have never made it to the finals!

This huge psychological gap will cause everyone to collapse.

So the honest man Spoel also said to reporters after the game: "We should scold, our performance is too bad, we have disappointed all the fans who supported us, but please give us a longer time, we will come back."

And Wade also tried his best to appease the injured fans, and he also took the initiative to take the blame, blaming himself for the main reason for the Heat's elimination.

I have to say that I will vote for Wade to touch the top ten figures in the United States.

It's a pity that the conflict between the Heat will eventually erupt.

Just seven or eight hours later, Haslem stood up and sprayed Anthony and James for destroying the atmosphere in the team. beam

"We would have had a chance, but somebody messed it up, somebody disrupted the harmony in the dressing room, they made it all go bad."

Haslem did not name names, but directly made the iconic actions of James and Anthony, and the meaning could not be more obvious.

This also directly ignited the conflict in the Heat's locker room. Everyone was curious about what happened to the Heat. Now, the media and the shark that smelled blood began to bite the Heat.

People who didn't know the truth even chased after Anthony's **** and scolded him, and some people threw rotten tomatoes at Anthony's house...

Forced Anthony to stand up and directly respond to Haslem, directly he is a cancer, a super **** who is not strong enough to mix in the team based on his relationship, and even directly complained that he is not as good as ncaa...

That's how the fight started...

The change in just one night made Zuo Li, who was full of energy after sleeping with his little wife in his arms, dumbfounded, secretly dumbfounded: "It's not that my brother is slow, the world is changing fast..." Liang

Who would have imagined that in less than 24 hours after being out of the game, infighting 2.0 would start again.

And this time is unprecedentedly intense, almost all important personnel of the Heat are involved.

"Let's watch and cherish it. This season is probably... oh no, it must be the swan song of the Big Four."

"The alliance is probably overgrown now." Zuo Li shook his head. It's amazing how the Big Four ended up like this.

"Will they leave?" Aomei, who was nestled in Zuo Li's arms, raised her red lips and asked.

"It's highly probable, how can they play together after they're all like this, and to be honest, they really don't fit. If it's still the Big Three, and find two more capable players, the Heat won't be so weak this year." Zuo Li said.

This failure will probably also serve as a reminder to other superstars in the league who want to sign up for a group. No matter where or how many people sign up for a group, suitability is the first element. Forcibly forming a team will end in nothing. beam

I just don't know if this will delay the arrival of the league's big newspaper group era. If it can, it can be regarded as the Heat's contribution.

Zuo Li thought to himself.

But Zuo Li thought too much, and there was no turning back when he opened the bow. Since Pandora's magic box has been opened, there is no reason to close it.

No, the Big Four of the Heat suddenly became the target of other teams to attack and fight for. This season is not over yet, and the undercurrent is already surging.

This summer is destined to be crazy.

However, the Thunder and the Spurs must be the most affected at the moment. After all, they have all reached Tianwang Mountain, and their attention is not as high as Haslem. UU Reading This is too uncomfortable!

But there is no way, who let Haslem have material in his mouth! beam

However, the quality of the Western Conference finals is really exciting, and the old and new confrontation is more intense than people imagined.

Who is the big devil in the West this year, it must be the Spurs.

The No. 1 Spurs in the West and the Knicks in the East have the same promotion trajectory. In the first two rounds, the Spurs were hard to find a defeat. Two 40 swept their opponents and entered the Western Conference Finals.

"The Spurs are back!"

This was a hot topic at the time. After winning the championship in 2007, GDP finally returned to the familiar division finals.

Who could have imagined this.

A few years ago, it was said that the Spurs were old, but they were old, and they were the most capable players in the West. I have to say that this combination may not be the strongest in history, but it must be the most durable trio in history. beam

What's more amazing is that in the first two games of the Western Conference finals, they also completed a pass against the Thunder at home, 20. At that time, everyone predicted that the Knicks and Spurs would be in the finals.

However, starting from Game 3 of the Western Conference Finals, when the Thunder won hard at home, the Spurs' rhythm began to go wrong.

22. The game has entered Tianwang Mountain!

In fact, the Thunder didn't change much, and Dewey's second young master and Harden didn't fluctuate much, but the Spurs just couldn't handle it!

In a word, the Spurs are out of stamina...

This was especially evident in Game 5. Ginobili and Parker both scored 54 points together, but they still couldn't stand up to Westbrook's full attack and Adu's killer instinct.

Boxing is afraid of the young. beam

After losing Tianwangshan, the Spurs may have a particularly thorough understanding of this sentence.

In 2007, Adu was sought after by the off-ball commentary and fans after leading the team to let the second chase the third. Especially against the backdrop of the Heat next door, the Thunder is particularly rare.

Many people even use one sentence to describe it, that is: "Let the judgment be judged!"

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