Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1080: Zuo Li, I will end your dynasty!

James never dreamed that ten days had passed since the Eastern Conference finals, and he could still be pulled out for criticism. bracelet

Zhan Huang, who had already been burned by angry fans and chaotic teams, was pulled out again because of the Thunder's counterattack.

"The same 20 behind, the difference is the attitude towards the game. The Heat gave up, and James also gave up... But the Thunder did not give up, and neither did Durant, so they counterattacked. 32, the Thunder is the first since the establishment of the team. A Finals so close, they're about to make new history."

The media did not give James face at all. In their eyes, this time the conference finals directly shattered the myth of James. In the past, you could say that James did not have good teammates in the Cavaliers, but now, his teammates are the best in the league, but still Can't break through from the east, so it can't be said that teammates cba.

And James' own statistics are also lackluster, averaging 26.5 points, 8.5 rebounds and 5.7 assists per game, shooting 45% from the field, 31% from the three-point range, and averaging 3 turnovers per game.

Although it looks passable, he is James, and people have higher demands on him.

But this time, he clearly let people down.

More importantly, Durant, a new star in 2007, performed too well. In the first five games, Durant averaged 29.5 points, 7.5 rebounds and 5.3 assists per game. 53.2%, considering the difference between him and James' style of play, this shooting rate is even more terrifying. bracelet

Moreover, Durant on the court was very confident, which is what James lacked in this playoffs.


Why not compare Zuo Li?

Please, although Zuo Li is James' opponent, it is recognized that Zuo Li is already a higher-level player.

In the four games, Zuo Li scored over 30 points in three games, averaging 32.5 points, 14.5 rebounds, 5.8 assists and 5.4 blocks per game. Standing on the court, he conceded only 0.6 points per round. It can be said that the offense and defense have been caught.

The performance on the left side is also impeccable. Whether it is the shocking lore in the third game or the first to open the scoring channel in the fourth game, Zuo Li is worthy of being the first player in the league.

Such a guy is better than James for granted. bracelet

I didn't see that none of the mainstream media said there was a problem with Zuo Li, and ESPN kept advocating how powerful Zuo Li was.

Of course, there is also the taste of the league and the Knicks fueling the flames. In fact, because Zuo Li has strong teammates, plays easily, and has less playing time, his statistics have dropped a lot compared to last season's playoffs. Just one triple-double, and no high-scoring game over 50.

But the fans just think that Zuo Li is stronger, and some people have even begun to think that Zuo Li is the strongest in history.

The reason is that Zuo Li is indeed more powerful, the epee has no front, and the skill does not work, Zuo Li has indeed raised a level, and the second is the role of Zuo Li's layout of the media.

At the end of last year, Zuo Li had low-key invested in ESPN. Not only that, taking advantage of the economic crisis and the new Internet era, Zuo Li invested in established media while establishing a new media base on the Internet. By the way, Zuo Li also established a media company himself. company.

Although these resources are not worth a lot of money, the facts have proved that the layout of the media is definitely a skill, which belongs to spending a small amount of money to do big things.

The reason why Lao Zhan's reputation has been difficult to recover in the past two years has a lot to do with his lack of layout in the media. bracelet

But it is not easy for him to want to enter now, after all, a large part of the market has been eaten by Zuo Li.

However, unlike the later generations of Lao Zhan who played with the media, Zuo Li's requirements for the media have always been as fair as possible, and he should not be blindly touted just because he is the boss.

His main purpose of arranging the media is to prevent Lao Zhan from doing it, not because the dragon-slaying boy will eventually become a dragon.

However, Zuo Li performed so well that his media employees had no burden to play Zuo Li.

Of course, they were not so polite to Lao Zhan, which also made James' life difficult during this period.

Of course, this is not something Zuo Li needs to worry about.


The Spurs ultimately failed to drag the game into the tie-break.

On June 12, in Game 6 of the Western Conference Finals, the Spurs came to the away game for their last stand.

They started proactively, especially Parker. In the first quarter alone, Parker scored 17 points and 5 assists. In the first half, he scored 21 points and 10 assists in one fell swoop, easily achieving a double-double in the half. Under his leadership, the Spurs played well on the offensive end, and they led by 18 points in the first half.

However, physical fitness has become the Achilles heel of the Spurs.

In the second half of the game, due to the decline in physical fitness, the Spurs' shooting percentage dropped significantly, and problems began to appear on the defensive end. Durant scored 14 points in a single quarter in the third quarter, and Westbrook also scored 8 points. A wave of 31 to 14 shock waves overtook the score in one fell swoop.

107 to 99, the Thunder defeated the Spurs, pulled four games in a row after falling behind 02, won the Western Conference Championship trophy for the first time in team history and entered the finals.

Looking at Duncan, who is sitting on the technical stage, many people think that the Spurs should be really old this time... right? bracelet

Look at the Thunder, UU Reading Durant, Westbrook, Harden, Yin Baka, Sefolosha...

Too young!

Four-year quadruple jump, from a non-playoff team to the first round of the playoffs to the conference finals to the Finals…

"The Thunder will rule the West for at least three years!"

Excited Thunder fans have already begun to enjoy the days ahead. Only by watching these people can you know what the real future can look forward to.

"I hope you won't be too sad next year..."

Zuo Li, who was watching the live broadcast at home, thought so while watching the excited Thunder fans. bracelet

Who would have imagined that this was the peak of the Thunder.

Who would have imagined that in the future, the three alliance brothers will never be able to return to the past.

Just as I was thinking about it, the awards ceremony ended on TV. Unlike the usual Knicks generals, the Thunder players were almost flying with excitement. After all, except for the old fisher Fisher who was used to taking the title, and Perkins who once won the Eastern Conference , everyone else is the first time a big girl gets on the sedan chair, so they should be excited.

After going around and around, he still returned to Durant, holding the trophy, and Durant accepted the sideline interview.

Du Xiaoshuai's sideline interviews were notoriously boring, and he was completely different from him on the Internet. He dared to drink the widow sister's bath water on the Internet, but he didn't dare to say hello in real life.

But this time, maybe he was happy. After thanking his teammates, Durant shouted at the camera: "I have dreamed of this day since I entered the league! I have been working hard to enter the highest stage, and now, I finally do. arrive!"


"not enough!"

"I mean, the finals are just a starting point. I know what you're thinking. The Knicks aren't invincible!"

"Left stand!"

"I will... end your dynasty!

! "

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