Oklahoma is blowing a youth storm! offspring

But the Thunder fans couldn't be happy, because the wind was blowing from the opposite side!

With five seconds left in the third quarter, the Thunder served from the baseline, and Durant was about to catch the ball. As a result, Adu was slapped by Ibaka, who was a little dazed.

Durant is tall, and the most taboo is to pass the ball to him, because even if his arms are long enough, it takes time to bend down!

"Steal it—!"

Amid the shouts of excitement and surprise from the commentators, Klay Thompson, who had been preparing to steal the ball instead of returning to defense immediately after the free throw, really waited for his chance!

Dive, steal!

Durant is stunned...Child

My ball, something flew over!


The fans at the scene were stunned by Clay's desperate steal. Isn't this Rodman? Does it really hurt to fall like this!

Clay, who was slapped flat on the floor, didn't feel any pain at all. At this moment, he was only excited. Zuo Li's trust, teammates' encouragement and coach's support made Clay very, very happy. He must repay their trust on the court.

As we all know, Klay Thompson at his peak is extremely terrifying once he is excited. He has the most explosive scoring power in history, scoring 37 points in a single quarter and scoring 60 points in 29 minutes... In short, the biggest secret to defend against Thompson is not to let him The points are connected, because once they are connected, the king of heaven and Lao Tzu will not be able to stop them.

Now Thompson is not that strong, and his explosive power is not so powerful, but what remains the same is that once excited, Thompson can do anything.

Steal at the buzzer! offspring

Thompson even got on the floor in time to pass the ball to Curry beyond the three-point line through Durant who rushed over.

put in!

It's just a pity that Curry's three-pointer at the buzzer timed out...

"Damn!" Zuo Li rushed over to pull Clare up, and watched the replay. It was really a little short, what a pity.

But Zuo Li is not in a hurry, his plan has already been completed!

Youth storm, we also have!

Everyone in the world thinks that the Knicks only have me standing on the left, but they don't know that all my teammates are masters! offspring

The reason why he usually doesn't show the mountain and the dew is because he is practicing leveling. Once needed, he will burst out with amazing power.

Whoever dares to underestimate them will pay the price!


The Thunder player who survived the disaster wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and finally prevented the Knicks from overtaking the score.

But look at the score again, 80-80, tied...

Thunder players can't help but feel sad, this is a 16-point difference... It's gone in one quarter.

But they know that now is not the time to be sad, there is one more quarter, they have not lost yet. offspring

"We need to get nervous now, the advantage is gone, but we haven't lost yet, it's just the same starting line, we still have a chance, find the state of the first half, attack, limit them, we will win."

Fisher looked at the bewildered crowd applauding vigorously, and then poured chicken soup.

There is no way, the Thunder players are too young, young people are inexperienced, and their mentality is not good enough. They are most likely to be at a loss at this time.

Brooks gave Lao Yu a grateful look. It was worth the money, because he was also a bit square. Fat Brooks was a little flustered from leading to being equalized in a single quarter.

But now that he has come to his senses, now is not the time to talk about this, he needs to bring the team back to life.

"Durant, Weiss, you need to stand up, Harden, you go, I need you to play this quarter, Perkins, Ibaka, you need to widen the defense and give them enough pressure on the outside , can't let them shoot!"

The main problem of the Thunder in this section is that they put too much energy on Zuo Li. Although it looks like a single defense and no flanking, the inside line is still very small, and once Zuo Li breaks through, the Thunder will immediately flank. The main thing is an inside protection. offspring

It can be seen that Brooks wants to give Zuo Li a shot too much.

The so-called taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Lei Ting hopes to take advantage of Zuo Li's poor state, directly suppress Zuo Li, and then use the second young master's attack ability to completely seal the victory.

However, they never expected that Zuo Li would dare not attack at all for a quarter!

Zuo Li made zero shots in this quarter, but had 7 assists instead!

These 7 assists completely awakened the Knicks' outside shooters.

In this quarter, the Knicks scored 7 three-pointers, which happened to be the same as the number of assists from the left stand, but not all of them were assisted by the left stand, because they not only made three-pointers, but when the Thunder's defense was torn apart, they Will also use air cuts to steal two points!

For example, David Lee scored 6 points and 3 rebounds silently, no less than Clay who shined at the last moment. offspring

And the best performance is Curry, who scored 15 points in a single quarter, which is also his best score in a single quarter in the playoffs.

Danny Green, who caught the defense and offense, repaid Zuo Li's trust with 9 points. At the same time, he also allowed Durant to make 3 of 7 shots in this quarter and only scored 7 points!

And these data come from the key points after the left breakthrough or the pick-and-roll.

0 points, 5 rebounds, 7 assists, 1 block and 1 steal, Zuo Li planned this miracle in his own way.

In the fourth quarter, Zuo Li took the initiative to sit on the bench, allowing the brave Clay, Curry, Danny Green, and the energetic Beverly and David Lee to appear together.

The Thunder, who didn't want to be overturned, played in the fourth quarter under the leadership of Durant. Harden also pulled out his Italian cannon to fight back against the Knicks.

The scores of the two sides were back and forth, and Zuo Li came back with six minutes left in the fourth quarter. offspring

At this time, the Thunder relied on the goals of Durant and Harden to take a 4-point lead, but it can also be seen that the Knicks who have been fully activated are strong enough, and the lineup of almost pure substitutes is comparable to the Thunder .

On the Knicks side, Zuo Li, who came back from a six-minute break, finally completed a layup with a butterfly step and scored his first point in the second half.

He can see that the Thunder are now afraid to give the Knicks outside shooters enough space to shoot.

But this gave Zuo Li a chance!

Breaking through again at the top of the arc, this time Perkins withstood it, but Zuo Li still tricked Ibaka into flying with a fake move.

Time difference small cast!

Zuo Li scored two more points to tie the score~www.wuxiaspot.com~

Then Perkins made consecutive fouls, and made 4 of 4 free throws at the free throw line to give the Knicks the lead for the first time!

However, Durant stood up at this time and scored 6 points in a row, but his biggest flaw was finally revealed at the last moment.

He... tired!

With consecutive breakthroughs and jump shots, Adu finally couldn't hold back.

After missing two consecutive shots, Adu chose to let Westbrook take over the game.

However, Westbrook's iron-blooded layups were continuously interfered by Zuo Li.

110-104, the Knicks established a 6-point advantage with 1 minute left. offspring

At this time, Westbrook, who is extremely eager to prove himself, hopes that he can become the superhero of the Thunder tonight. He faces the difficulties and is about to make a layup against Zuo Li!

Without any suspense, under Zuo Li's interference, Westbrook's layup missed, causing the Thunder to miss an opportunity to chase points.

After Zuo Li protected the rebound, Curry began to press the offensive time. Amid the cheering sound of the away fans' defense and defense, which far exceeded 140 decibels, Curry and Zuo Li completed the classic pick-and-roll again.

Left standing to break through with the ball, Curry pulled it out, left standing to score the ball, Curry caught the ball and shot.


It was like a letter from heaven.

It was too difficult to chase 9 points in 40 seconds. Although Harden hit a three-pointer, the Knicks did not give the Thunder a chance. offspring

116 to 109!

The Knicks take Oklahoma! The total score of the finals, the Knicks lead 3-0!

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